Page 41 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' ....
"' rl
-The following applies to vehicles equip
ped with the Convenience key* feature: if
the remote control key is left in the lug
gage compartment, luggage compart
ment will automatically unlock itself af
ter you lock the vehicle . This prevents
you from un intent ionally locking your
key in the luggage compartment .
- When the vehicle is locked, the rear lid
can be unlocked separately by pressing
the button
las! on the master key. When
the rea r lid is closed aga in, it locks auto
Luggage compartment with movement
activated opening
Applies to vehicles: with conve nience key and sensor-con·
trolled luggage compartment lid
Fig. 28 Rear of ve hicle: foot move ment
Requirements : You must be carrying your ve
h icle key with you . You must be standing at
the center beh ind the luggage compartment
lid. The distance to the rea r of the vehicle
should be approxima tely 8 inches (20 cm).
The ignition must be switched off . Make sure
you have firm footing .
.. Swing your foot for th and back below the
bumper ¢
fig. 28. Do not to uch the bumper.
Once the system recognizes the movement,
the luggage compartment lid will open.
The luggage compartment lid will on ly open if
you make the movement as described . This
prevents the luggage compa rtment lid from
opening due to similar movements s uch as
when you walk between the rear of the vehicle
and your garage door.
Op enin g an d clos ing 39
Gen eral information
In some sit uatio ns, the f unction is limited or
temporarily unavai lable . This may happen if:
- the luggage compartment lid was just
- you park close to a hedge and the bra nches
move back and forth unde r the veh icle for a
long per iod of t ime .
- you clean your veh icle, for examp le with a
pressure washer or in a car wash .
- there is heavy rain .
- the bumper is very dirty, for example after
driving on salted roads .
- there is interference to the radio signal from
the vehicle key, such as from cell phones or
remote cont ro ls .
Rear lid emergency release
The rear lid con be released in on emergency
from the inside .
Fig . 29 Rea r lid inter ior
.. Remove the mechan ica l key ¢ page 32.
.. Remove the cover with the mechanical key
from the rear lid ¢
fig. 29 .
.. Press the leve r in the direction of the arrow
until the rear lid re leases.
Page 42 of 316
40 Opening and clo sing
Child safety lock for
the rear doors
The power child safety lock locks the rear win
dows and prevent the rear doors from being
opened from the inside.
Fig. 30 Section from driver's door: child safety lock
• To activate the child safety lock for the left/
right rear door, press the left/right button[!]
i n the d river's door
q fig. 30. The light in the
button w ill turn on.
• To deactivate the ch ild safety lock for the
l eft/right rear door, press the left/right b ut
III in the driver's door. The light in the
button turns off.
The following features are switched off:
- The interior door handles in the rear doors,
- The power windows in the rear doors .
In order to activate the child safety lock on
the left and the right side, press the two safe
ty buttons[!] in succession.
Power windows
The driver can control all power windows.
Fig . 31 Section of the driver's door: Controls
All power window switches are provided with
a two-po sition function :
Opening the windows
• Press the switc h to the fir st sto p and hold it
until the window re aches the desired posi
• Press the switch briefly to the
second stop
to automatically open the window .
Closing the windows
• Pull the sw itch to the fir st stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired posi
tion .
.. Pull the switch br iefly to the
s e cond stop to
automatically close the window.
Power window switches
@ Drive r's door
® Passenger's door
© Left rear door
@ Right rear door
- When you leave you r vehicle -even if on
ly briefly -always take the ignition key
wit h you . This applies particularly when
children remain in the vehicle. Otherwise
the children could start the engine or op
erate electrical equipment (e.g. power
windows). The power windows are func
tional unt il the drive r's door or passeng
er 's doo r ha s been opened.
- Be careful when clos ing the w indows .
Chec k to see that no o ne is in the way, or
serio us inju ry co uld resu lt!
- When lock ing the vehicle from outside,
the vehicle mu st be u noccupied since the
windows can no longer be opened in an
emergency .
{1) Tips
-When you open the doors, the windows
au tomati cally lower abo ut 10 mm .
- When the window in the driver's or pas
senge r's door is complete ly open, it will
raise app rox ima tely 25 mm when t he
Page 43 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
door is opened . The window will Lower
again when you close the door .
- After the ignition has been switched off,
the windows can still be opened or
closed for about 10 minutes . The power
windows are not switched off until the
driver's door or passenger's door has
been opened.
What to do after a malfunction
The one -touch open and close function must
be reactivated if the battery has been discon
nected .
.. Pull and hold the power window switch until
the window is fully closed.
.. Release the switch and then pull it again for
at least one second .
Valet parking
The valet parking feature protects the lug
gage compartment from unauthorized access from the outside.
Fig. 32 Lugg age compartment: valet parking button
With "valet parking" activated, the rear lid
cannot be opened from the outside .
.. Remove the mechanical key ¢
page 32 .
.. Open the glove compartment and activate
¢fig. 32 the "valet parking" feature by
pressing the
I VALET I button. The indicator
light in the switch illuminates.
.. Close the glove compartment and lock it
with the mechanical key.
.. Leave the master key with the service per
sonnel for parking and keep the mechanical
key with you .
Opening and closing 41
When the "valet parking" feature is activated:
- the unlocking button for the rear lid
c:s in
the driver's door is inact ive
- the button
c:s on the master key is inactive
- the opening handle in the rear lid is inact ive.
The vehicle can be driven and locked and un
locked with the master key. Access to the lug
gage compartment is blocked from the out
s ide .
When the valet parking function is switched
on, the message
Valet parking activated ap
pears in the instrument cluster display when
you switch the ignition on .
Sliding/tilting sunroof
Fig. 33 Sect ion of the headliner: Sliding/t ilting sunroof
@ Tilting and sliding
.. To ti lt the sunroof completely, press the
switch briefly to the second level briefly.
.. To close the sunroof completely, pull the
sw itch briefly to the second level¢_&..
.. To select an intermediate position, press/
pull the switch to the first level until the de
sired position is reached .
@ Opening/sliding (version 1)
.. To move the roof into the reduced wind
noise position, press the button back briefly
to the second level. The roof will open all
the way if you press the button back to the
second Level again.
.. To close the sunroof completely, press the
sw itch forward b riefly to the second level
~A -~
Page 44 of 316
42 Opening and clo sing
• To select an intermediate position, press/
pull the switch forward/back to the first lev
el unti l the des ired pos it ion is reached .
@ Opening/sliding (v ers ion 2 )
• To open the s unroof complete ly, press the
swit ch back to jus t before the second level.
• To close the sunroof completely, press the
switch forward briefly to the second level
cc> & .
• To select an intermediate position, press/
pull the switch forward/back to the first lev
el until the desired pos it ion is reached.
The sun shade can be opened and closed by hand when the sunroof is closed. The solar
protection opens automatically when the sun
roof opens .
You can still close or open the sunroof for up
to ten m inutes after you have sw itched the ig
n ition off . The switch is deactivated once the
driver's or front passenger's door is opened.
Pay careful attention when clos ing the
sliding/ tilting sunroof- otherw ise ser ious
injury cou ld result! A lway s take the key
w ith you when leaving the vehicle.
(D Note
Always close your sliding/tilting sunroof
when leaving yo ur vehicle. Sudden rain can
cause damage to the inte rior equipment of
your veh icle, part icu larly the elec tronic
@ Tips
The slid ing/tilt ing s unroof will only open
at temperatures above -4°F ( -20°().
Emergency closing of the sliding/tilting
If the sunroof detects an object in its path
when it is closing, it will open again automati
cally. In this case, you can close the roof with
the power eme rgency closing function . •
Within five seconds after the sunroo f opens
automatically, pu ll the switc h until the roof
Garage door opener (Homelink)
Appl ies to vehicles: with garage door opener (HomeLink)
F ig. 3 4 Garage door opener: examples of us ing w it h
d ifferent systems
You can activate various systems such as ga
rage doors, secur ity systems and home light
ing from inside your veh icle using the garage
door opener (Home link). There are three but
tons for this in the vehicle headliner that can
be in used in place of up to three hand-held
transmitters .
To operate systems us ing t he garage door
opener, the three buttons in the roof headlin
er must be programmed first.
-M ake sure no people or objects a re in the
i mmedia te v icin ity of the eq uipment w hen
using or p rog ramming the garage door
opener. People can be injured and objects
can be damaged if they are ca ught in the
equipment .
(D Tips
- For se curity re ason s, we recommend th at
you clear the programmed buttons be
fore selling the ve hicle .
- For add it iona l information about Home-
L ink, visit www .homelink .com. .,.
Page 45 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' ,....,
"' rl
-For Declarat ion of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
¢ page 297.
Programming the buttons
Applies to vehicles: with garage door opener (Homeli nk)
Fig. 35 Headline r: contro l un it
You ca n program bo th fixed code and rolling
code systems using th is pro cedure .
Programming or reprogramming buttons
• Swi tch the ign ition on .
• Press and ho ld the button in t he roof he ad
li ner that you would like to prog ram fo r at
l ea st 10 seco nds. Or
• Se lect : Se lect: ICARlf unction but ton>
(Car )*
cont ro l button > Vehicle settings >
Garage door opener > Program garage door
opener .
• Fo llow the instructions in the Infota inme nt
Erasing button programming
The programmed buttons can not be erased
individually . T hey must all be e rased togethe r.
Reprogram the b uttons if necessa ry.
• Se lect: I CAR I fu nct ion but ton >
(Car)* sys
contro l button > Vehicle settings >
Garage door opener > Clear program set ·
tings > Yes.
Displaying the version /status/country
• Se lect: Se lect: ICARI f unction button> (Car) *
cont ro l button > Vehicle settings >
Garage door opener > Vers ion information.
Opening and clo sin g 43
@ Tips
After pr ogramming the garage door ope n
e r, it may be necessary to sy nchr onize t he
motor with the system. Refer to the manu
facturer's instr ucti ons.
Applies to vehicles: with garage door opener (Homelink)
Requi rement: The bu tto ns in the roof head lin
er must be progra mmed ¢
page 43 and the
vehicle must be w it hi n ra nge of the system,
such as the ga rage doo r op ener.
• Press the button to open t he garage door .
The LED @ ~
page 43, fig . 35 blinks or
tur ns on .
• Press the b utton ag ain to close the garage
door .
{t) Tips
To op en o r clos e the ga rage d oor, p ress the
bu tton, but do not hold i t fo r l onger th an
1 0 se con ds or the g ara ge door ope ne r
mo dule w ill sw itch to p ro gr amm in g m ode .
Page 46 of 316
44 Clear vis ion
Clear vision
Switching the headlights on and off
Fig . 36 Instr ument pane l: lig ht sw itc h w it h all -weath
er lig hts
The headlights only wo rk when the ignition is
sw itched on. Wh ile start ing the eng ine or
when switching off the ig nition, the head
lights will go off and on ly the s ide marker
lights w ill be on .
I f the sys tem is not operating properly, a
warn ing symbol in the dr iver inform ation dis
p lay is dis played
<=> page 22 .
Light switch -~ -
Turn the switch <=> fig. 36 to the co rrespond ing
position . When the lights a re switched o n, the
:o o: symbo l turns on .
0 -The lights are off or the dayt ime run ning
lights are on:
- USA models: The daytime running lig hts
will come on automatically when the igni
t ion is on and the light switch<=>
fig. 36 is in
O pos it ion or the AUTO position (only in
daylight cond itions) . T he
Daytime running
lights function can be tu rned on and off in
the MMI
<=> page 45, <=> .& .
-Canada model s: T he daytime running lig hts
will come on au tom atically when t he igni
t ion is on and the light switch<=>
fig. 36 is in
O posit io n, the :oo~ position or the AUTO
posit ion (on ly in daylight conditions)<=>.& .
AUTO -Automatic headlights swi tch on an d
off depend ing o n brightness , fo r example in
tw ilight, during rain or in tunnels<=>.& .
:oo~ -Side marker lights
io -Low beam head lights
~ -All-weather lig hts
@!l -Rear fog lights *. When the rear fog lights
are on , the symbol
0$ on the sw itch will i llu
minate .
All-weather light s
In vehicles with all -weather lights, the front
lights are ad justed automatically so that you
are less like ly to see glare from your own
headlig hts, for example when driving on a wet
road .
Automatic headlight range cont rol*
T he headlights do not blind oncoming traffic
if the veh icle load changes . The head light
range also ad justs automatica lly when brak
ing and accelerating .
Light functions
The following light funct ions are availab le de
pending on vehicle equipment and o nly func
tion when the lig ht switch is i n the AUTO posi
t ion. You can deactivate these functions in the
MMI under
Audi adapt ive light *<=> page 45.
Vehicles w ith St atic corneri ng light* : the cor
nering light switches on a utomatica lly when
the steering whee l is turned at a ce rta in angle
at speeds up to app rox imately 44 mph
(70 km/h) and when the tur n signal is activa t
ed at speeds up to app rox imately 25 mph
(40 km/h) . Th e ar ea to the side of th e vehicle
is illum inated better when turn ing .
Vehicles with
Dynamic cu rve light* : the curve
light only functions at speeds betwee n ap
proximate ly 6 mph (10 km/h) and 68 mph
(110 km/ h) and adapts itse lf to the cu rves in
the road.
- Automatic headlights are o nly inte nded
t o assist the driver. They do not relieve
the dr iver of his respons ibility to check
the head lights and to turn them on ma n-
ually accord ing to the current light and ,..
Page 47 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
visibility conditions. For example, fog cannot be detected by the light sensors.
So always switch on the headlights 1§.D under these weather conditions and
when driving in the dark.
- Crashes can happen when you cannot see
the road ahead and when you cannot be
seen by other motorists . Always turn on
the headlights so that you can see ahead
and so that others can see your car from
the back.
- Please observe legal regulations when
using the light ing systems descr ibed .
(D Note
The rear fog lights should only be turned
on in accordance with traffic regulation, as
the lights are bright for following traffic.
@ Tips
- The light sensor* for automatic head light range control* is located in the rear
view mirror mount. You should therefore not apply any stickers to the windshield
in this area in order to prevent malfunc
tions or failures.
- In the event of a light sensor malfunc
tion, the driver is notified in the instru
ment cluster display ¢
page 23 .
-You will hear a warning tone if you open
the driver door when the exterior lights
are switched on .
- In cool or damp weather, the inside of
the headlights, turn signals and tail
lights can fog over due to the tempera
ture difference between the inside and
outside. They will clear shortly after
switching them on. This does not affect
the service life of the lighting .
Clear vision 45
Emergency flasher
The emergency flasher makes other motorists
aware that you or your vehicle are in an emer
gency situation .
Fig. 37 Ce nt er co nsol e: em erge ncy flash er sw itc h
.,. Press the switch &..¢ fig. 37 to turn the
emergency flashers on or off.
When the emergency flasher is on, all four
turn signals blink at the same time . The turn
signal indicator lights
B DI in the instru
ment cluster, as well as the light in the emer
gency flasher switch &.. blink likewise. The
emergency flashers also work when the igni
tion is turned off.
The emergency flashers will turn on automati
cally if you are in an accident where the airbag has deployed.
@ Tips
You should turn on the emergency flashers
- you a re the last vehicle standing in a traf
fic jam so that any other vehicles coming
can see you, or when
- your vehicle has broken down or you are
in an emergency situation, or when
- your vehicle is being towed by a tow
truck or if you are towing another vehicle
behind you.
Adjusting the exterior lighting
The settings are adjusted in the MMI.
.,. Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
tem s
control button > Vehicle settings > Ex-
terior lighting. ..,.
Page 48 of 316
46 Clear vision
Automatic headlights
You can adjust the following settings in the
Automatic headlights menu:
Headlights a ctivation time -You can adjust if
the head lights switch on Early, Med. or Late
according to the sensitivity of the light sensor.
Audi adaptive light* -You can sw itch adaptive
light On and Off.
Daytime running lights
USA models : You can switc h the dayt ime run
ning lights on and off.
Canada models: The function cannot be
turned off . It is activated automatica lly each
time the ign ition is switched on. This menu
item is shown "greyed out".
Coming home, Leaving home
The coming home function illuminates the
area outside the vehicle when yo u switch the
ignition off and open the driver's door. To turn
the function on, select Lights when leaving
car> On .
The leaving home function illuminates the
area outside the vehicle when you un lock the
vehicle. To turn the funct ion on, select Lights
when unlocking car > On .
The coming home and leaving home functions
only operate when it is dark and the light
switch is in the AUTO position. Turn signals and high beam lever
The lever on the left side of the steering col
umn is used to operate the turn signals and
the high beam as well as the headlight flash
Fig. 38 Turn signal and high beam lever
The turn signa l and hig h beam lever has the
following functions:
Turn signals ¢
9 (D@
.. Push the lever up as far as it can go to turn
on the right turn signal or down to turn on
t he left turn signal ¢
fig. 38.
N 0 ... 'i' :r
.. Move the lever briefly until you meet res ist
ance and re lease it to flash three times.
.. Move the lever (up or down) until you meet
resistance and hold it there to determine
the flashing time for the turn signals.
High beam
[D @
.. Push the lever forward to switch on the high
.. Pull the lever back towards you to switch off
the high beam.
Headlight flasher
[D ©
.. Pull the lever toward the steering whee l to
use the headlight flasher.
Notes on these features
- The
turn signals only work w ith the ignition
switched on. The indicato r lights
B or B
in th e instrument cluster ¢ page 12 also
- After you have turned a corner, the turn sig
na l switches off automatically.
- The
high beam works only when the head-
lights are on. The indicator light
El in the ..,.