2015 AUDI S7 Owners Manual

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" .... 
" rl 
-The following  applies  to  vehicles  equip ­
ped  with  the  Convenience  key* feature:  if 
the  remote  control  key  is left  in the  lug­
gage  compartme

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual 40  Opening and  clo sing 
Child  safety  lock  for 
the  rear  doors 
The power  child safety  lock locks  the rear  win­
dows  and  prevent  the  rear  doors  from  being 
opened  from  the  inside

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
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" rl 
door is opened . The window  will  Lower 
again  when  you  close  the  door . 
- After  the  ignition has  been  switched  off, 
the  windows  can  still  be  ope

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual 42  Opening and  clo sing 
•  To select  an  intermediate  position,  press/ 
pull  the  switch  forward/back  to  the  first  lev­
el unti l the  des ired  pos it ion  is  reached . 
@ Opening/sli

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" ,...., 
" rl 
-For  Declarat ion  of  Compliance  to  United 
States  FCC and  Industry  Canada  regula­
¢ page 297. 
Programming  the  buttons 
Applies to  vehicle

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual 44  Clear vis ion 
Clear  vision 
Switching  the  headlights  on  and  off 
Fig . 36 Instr ument  pane l:  lig ht  sw itc h w it h all -weath­
er  lig hts 
The headlights  only wo rk when the

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" rl 
" rl 
visibility  conditions.  For example,  fog cannot  be  detected  by the  light  sensors. 
So  always  switch  on  the  headlights  1§.D  under  these  weather  co

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AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual 46  Clear vision 
Automatic  headlights 
You  can adjust  the  following  settings  in the 
Automatic  headlights  menu: 
Headlights  a ctivation  time  -You  can adjust  if 
the  head lights switch