M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
.. You can now adjust the front passenger seat
using the buttons on the driver 's seat
e::> page 54, fig. 48.
M atching th e positi on of the driver' s seat
.. To adj ust the front passenger sea t to match
the driver 's seat settings, select the
function button > (C ar) * sys te m s control
> Vehicle setting s > Seats> Front
p ass enge r seat > Sym met ry to d riv e r s eat .
.. Press and hold the control knob until the ad
justment process is complete.
(D Tips
When matching seat settings, the settings
for the lumbar support and seating sur
face will not transfer to the front passeng
er 's seat.
Applies to vehicles: with ashtray
Fig . 55 Center conso le: front ashtray•
Fig. 56 Rear as htr ay
Opening /closing
.. To open the front ashtray, slide the cover up .
.. To close the front ashtray, press down on
the cover.
.. To open the rear ashtray, tap the cover on
the rim.
Sea ts a nd s to rage 59
.. To empty the front ashtray, pull it upwa rd
and out .
.. To empty the rear ashtray, press the rear
side of the cover down when it is open
¢ fig. 56. The ashtray will lift up out of its
.. To insert the ashtray again, press it down in
to the mount unt il it locks into place.
Neve r put waste paper in the ashtray. Hot
ashes or other ho t objects in the ashtray
could set waste pape r on fi re.
Cigarette lighter
Applies to vehicles: with cigarette lighter
Fig . 5 7 Center console: cigarette lighter
.. Push the knob on the cigarette lighter in .
.. Remove the cigarette lighter when it pops
The cigarette lighter only works when the
ignition is switched on . Incorrect usage
can lead to ser ious inju ries or bu rns. For
this reason, children sho uld never be left
unatte nded in the veh icle because this in
creases the risk of inj ury.
60 Seats and st o rage
12-volt sockets
Appl ies to vehicles: wit h 12-volt sockets
Fig. 58 Sect ion of the trim panel o f th e luggage com ·
par tm ent: 12-vol t so cket
Fig. 5 9 Rear cente r co nso le: 12-vo lt socke t
,. To reach the 12-volt socket in the luggage
compartment, press the net down or re
move the bracket from the mounts
¢ fig . 58.
There is an additional 12-vo lt socket in the
front and rear center console~
fig. 59.
0 5 0 6
The 12-volt sockets may be used for 12-volt
appliances with maximum consumption of up
to 120 watts.
Before you purchase any accessories, always
read and fo llow the information in
¢ page 296, Additional accessories and parts
replacement .
The sockets and the electrical accessories connected to them operate only when the
ignition is switched on. Incorrect usage
can lead to serious injuries or burns. To re·
duce the risk of injuries, never leave chil
dren unattended in the vehicle with the ve
hicle key.
(D Note
To avoid damaging the socket, only use plugs that fit properly.
- Never connect equipment that generates
electrical current, such as a solar pane l
or battery charger, to the 12-vo lt socket.
This could damage the vehicle's electri cal system.
- The 12-volt socket should only be used for a short period of ti me as a power
source for electrical equ ipment . Please
use the electrical sockets in the vehicle
when connecting equ ipment for longer
- To avoid damaging the socket , only use
plugs that fit properly.
(0 Tips
When the engine is off and accessories are
still plugged in and are on , the vehicle bat
tery can still be drained.
F ig. 60 Cen ter co ns ole: c upholde r
Fig. 61 Rear ce nter a rmrest : cupho ld er* extend ed
62 Seats and storage
-Compartments* on the back of the front
seat backrests
- Garment hooks on the sides of the pillars in
the rear of the vehicle and in the rear grab
- Compartment in the rear center armrest
- Storage in the trim panels in the luggage
- Always remove objects from the instru
ment panel. Any items not stored could
slide around inside the vehicle while driv
ing or when accelerating or when apply
ing the brakes or when driving around a
- When you are driving make sure that
anything you may have placed in the cen
ter console or other storage locations
cannot fall out into the footwells. In case
of sudden braking you would not be able
to brake or accelerate.
-Always keep the lid of the compartment
for (sun)glasses* closed while driving to
reduce the risk of injury during a sudden
braking maneuver or in the event of an
- Any articles of clothing that you have
hung up must not interfere with the driv
er's view. The coat hooks are designed
only for lightweight clothing. Never hang
any clothing with hard, pointed or heavy
objects in the pockets on the coat hooks.
During sudden braking or in an accident -
If the airbag is deployed -
these objects could injure any passen
gers inside the vehicle.
- To reduce the risk of personal injury in an
accident or sudden stop, always keep the
glove compartment closed while driving.
- Read and follow all WARNINGS
~ page 168, Important safety instruc
tions on the side airbag system.
-Hang clothes in such a way that they do
not impair the driver's vision.
- The coat hooks must only be used for
lightweight clothing. Do not leave any
heavy or sharp edged objects in the pock- ets which may interfere with the side cur
tain airbag deployment and can cause
injury in a crash.
- Do not use coat hangers for hanging
clothing on the coat hooks as this can in
terfere with proper deployment of the side curtain airbags in an accident.
- Do not hang heavy objects on the coat
hooks, as they could cause personal in
jury in a sudden stop.
(D Note
Objects located on the rear shelf that rub
against the rear window could damage the heating wires for the rear window defog-
ger .
Roof rack
Description and mounting locations
Additional cargo can be carried with a roof
luggage rack.
Fig. 63 Roof rack attachment po ints
... Always read and follow the instructions pro
vided by the roof rack manufacturer when installing the roof rack system.
If luggage or cargo is to be carried on the
roof, you must observe the following:
- Only use roof racks approved for your vehi
cle. These approved roof racks are the basis
for a complete roof rack system. Additional
attachments or carrier systems are needed
to transport luggage and sports equipment.
We recommend using roof racks from the
Audi original accessories program . .,..
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
ed or cleared of condensation as quickly as
possib le. The maximum amount of air flows
mainly from the vents be low the windshield.
Recirculation mode switches off. The tempera
ture should be set to approximately 72 °F (22
°() .
The IAUTOI button switches the defroster off.
IQil REAR I Switching rear window heater
The rear window heater only operates when
the engine is running.
It switches off auto
matica lly after a few minutes, depending on
the outside temperature.
To prevent the rear window heater from
switch ing off automatica lly, press and hold
!llill REARI button for more than 2 seconds.
This remains stored until the ignition is
sw itched off.
QJ Adjusting seat heating
Pressing the button switches the seat heating
on at the highest setting ( leve l 3) . The LEDs
indicate the temperature level. To reduce the
temperature, press the button again. To
switch the seat heating off, press the button repeatedly until the LE D turns off .
After 10 minutes, the seat heating automati
cally switches from leve l 3 to level 2.
The seat heating for both outer rear seats * is
adj usted using the buttons in the center con
Warm and cold 71
Air vents
You can open or close the center and outer
vents in the cockpit and the vents in the rear
center console using the ridged thumbwheels.
The levers adjust the direction of the airflow
from the vents.
T he air temperature in the rear can be adjust
ed so that it is warmer or co lder by turning
the knob to the red or blue area.
- Do not use the recirc ulation for extended
periods of time. The windows could fog
up since no fresh a ir can enter the vehi
cle. If the windows fog up, press the air
recirc ulat ion button again immed iately
to switch off the air recirculation func
tion or select defrost.
- Individuals with reduced sensitivity to
pa in or temperature could develop burns
when using the seat heating function . To
red uce the risk of injury, these individu
a ls shou ld not use seat heating.
(D Note
To avoid damage to the heating elements
in the seats, do not kneel on the seats or
place heavy loads on a small area of the
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
IAUTO I Switching automatic mode on
Automatic mode maintains a constant tem
perature inside the vehicle. Air temperature,
airflow and air distribution are controlled au
Adjusting the temperature
Temperatu res between 60 °F (+16 °C) and
84 °F ( +28 °C) can be set. O uts ide of this
lo or hi wi ll appear in the climate con
trol system disp lay. At both of these settings,
the climate control system runs continuously
at maximum cooling or heating power. There
is no temperature regu lation.
~ Adjusting the airflow
You can adjust the airf low manually to suit
your needs . To have the airf low regulated au
tomatically, press the
I AUTO j button.
li!J Adjusting the air distribution
You can manually se lect the vents where the
air will flow. To have the air distribution regu
lated automatically, press the
IAUTOI button .
~I~ * Adjusting seat heating/
Pressing the button switches the seat heat
ing/ventilation on at the highest setting ( level
3). The LEDs indicate the heating/ventilation
level. To reduce the heating/venti lation, press
the button again. To switch the seat heating/
ventilation off, press the button repeatedly
until the LED turns off.
After 10 minutes, the seat heating automati
cally switches from level 3 to level 2.
ed or cleared of condensation as quickly as
possible. The maximum amount of air flows
mainly from the vents below the windshield.
Recircula tion mode switches off. The tempera
ture should be set to approximately 72 °F (22
°() .
The IAUTO I button switches the defroster off.
Warm and cold 73
liiii REAR! Switching rear window heater
The rear window heater only operates when
the engine is running. It switches off auto matically after 10 to 20 minutes, depending
o n the outside temperature.
To prevent the rear window heater from
switching off automatically, press and ho ld
l liiil REARI button for more than 2 seconds.
This remains stored until the ign ition is
switched off .
I SYNC I Synchronization*
When synchronization is switched on, the
same settings are applied to both the driver
and front passenger, except for the seat heat
ing/ventilation*. The rear zone is also
synchronized. Synchronization switches off
when the settings for the front passenger s ide
o r rear are adjusted.
You can also switch synchronization on by pressing and holding a dial. For example, if
you press and hold the dial on the front pas
senger side, the settings for that s ide are
transferred to the driver side. The same ap
plies to the rear.
Air vents
You can open or close the center and outer
vents in the cockpit and the vents in the rear
cente r console and door pillars using the
ridged thumbwheels. The levers adjust the di
rection of the airflow from the vents.
-Do not use the recirc ulation for extended
periods of time . The windows could fog
up since no fresh air can enter the vehi
cle. If the windows fog up, press the air recirculation butto n aga in immediately
to switch off the air recirculation func
tion or se lect defrost.
- Individuals w ith reduced sensitivity to
pa in or temperature could deve lop burns
when using the seat heating function . To
red uce the risk of injur y, these individu-
als should not use seat heating . ..,.
76 On the road
column will continue moving as long as you
are pressing the switch.
There must be at least 10 inc hes (25 cm) be
tween you r chest and the center of the steer
ing whee l.
If you cannot sit more than 10 in
ches (25 cm) from the steering whee l, see if
adapt ive equipment is available to help you
reach the pedals and increase the distance
from the steer ing wheel.
F or detai led information on how to adjust the
driver's seat, see
<::> page 54 .
In vehicles with the memory f unction* , the
steering column settings are stored together
with the seat position.
Improper use of steering wheel adjust
ment and improper seating position can
cause se rious personal injury.
- Adjust the steer ing whee l column on ly
when the vehicle is not moving to pre
vent loss of veh icle cont rol.
- Adjust the driver's seat or steering wheel
so that the re is a min imum of 10 inches
(25 cm) between your chest and the
steering wheel ¢
page 129, fig. 148. If
you can not maintain this min imum dis
tan ce, the airbag system cannot protect
yo u properly.
- If p hys ica l limi tations prevent y ou from
sitting 10 in ches (25 cm) o r more from
the steering wheel, check with yo ur au
tho rized Aud i dealer to see if adaptive
equipment is availab le .
- If the steerin g wheel is aligned wi th you r
face, the supp lemental drive r's airbag
cannot prov ide as much protect ion in an
acc ident. A lways make sure that the
steering wheel is aligned with your
- Always hold the steering wheel with your
hands at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock posi
t ions to reduce the risk of pe rsonal injury
if the d river 's airbag deploys.
- Never hold the steer ing whee l at the 12
o'clock posit ion or w it h your hands i nside the steering wheel rim or on the steering
wheel hub. Hold
ing the steer ing wheel
the wrong way can cause serious injuries
to the hands, arms and head if the driv
er 's airbag deploys.
Easy entry feature
Applies to vehicles: with electrically adjustable steering
The easy entry feature makes it easier to en
ter and exit the vehicle by automatically ad
justing the steering wheel.
.. Select in the MM I: ICAR I fu nction button>
(Car )* sys tem s control b utton > V ehicle set
ting s
> Seat s > Driver 's seat > Easy entry >
On .
When the easy ent ry feature is turned on, the
steering wheel moves up to the park position
when you switch
off the ignition. After you en
ter the veh icle, the steering wheel moves to
the stored position as soon as you sw itch on
the ignit ion.
Starting and stopping
the engine
Starting the engine
This button switches on the ignition and
starts the engine.
Fig . 81 Ce nter console: S TART ENGINE S TOP b utto n
Switching the ign ition on /off
• To switch the ign ition on/off, press the
I STAR T ENGINE ST OPI button . Do not p ress
the brake pedal while doing this . Diesel
veh icles are preheated while the ignit ion is
sw itched on . ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
.. Press the !S TAR T ENGINE STOP I button. The
engine will start.
.. Drive to your author ized Audi dealer imme
diately to have the malfunction corrected .
@ Tips
You can view the message again by press ing the
parking brake
The electromechanical parking brake replaces
the hand brake.
Fig. 83 Center console: Park ing brake
.. Pull on the switch<®> c> fig. 83 to apply the
parking brake. The indicator lights in the
switch and. (USA models)/ . (Cana -
da models) in the instrument cluster illumi
nate .
.. With the ignit ion sw itched on, step on the
brake pedal or the accelerator pedal and
press the sw itch<®> at the same time to re
lease the parking brake. The indicator lights
in the switch and. (USA models) . (Can
ada models) in the instrument cluster go
out .
Your vehicle is equipped with an electrome
chanica l parking brake. The parking brake is
designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling unintentionally and replaces the hand brake .
In addition to the norma l functions of a tradi
tional hand brake, the electromechanical parking brake provides various convenience
and safety functions.
On the road 79
When starting from rest
- The integral start ing assist helps you when
driving by automatically re leasing the park
ing brake c>
page 80, Starting from rest.
-When start ing on inclines, the starting as
sist p revents the vehicle from unintentiona l
ly rolling back. The braking force of the
parking brake is not re leased until sufficient
driving force has been built up at the
Emergency brake function
An emergency brake ensures that the vehicle
can be slowed down even if the
normal brakes
c:;, page 80, Emergency braking.
Do not press the accelerator pedal inadver
tently if the veh icle is stationary but the
engine is running and a gear is selected .
Otherwise th e vehicle w ill start to move
immediately and could result in a crash.
@ Tips
- If the parking brake is applied with the
ignition switched
off, the indicator lights
in the switch and. (USA models)/ •
(Canada models) in the instrument clus
t er w ill go out after a certain period of
- Occasional noises when the parking
brake is applied and released are normal
and are not a cause for concern.
- When the vehicle is pa rked, the parking
brake goes through a self-test cycle at
regu lar intervals. Any associated noises
are normal.
.. Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle.
.. Pull the switch(®) to set the parking brake.
.. Move the selector lever to P .
.. Tu rn the engine offc>
.,. When on inclines or decl ines, turn the steer
ing wheel so that your veh icle wi ll roll into
the curb if it begins to move. ""
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Never allow the engine to run in confined
spaces - danger of asphyxiation.
@ Tips
If you shift into the 0, N or S positions af
ter shift ing into reverse, the vehicle must
be driven faster than 6 mph (10 km/h) in
order for the engine to switch off again .
Switching the Start-Stop-System on/off
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop-System
If you do not wish to use the system, you can
switch it off manually .
Fig. 86 Center console : Sta rt-Stop -System button
.., To sw itch the Start-Stop-System off/on
manua lly, press the
16'> .. I button . T he LED in
the button turns on when the system is
switched off.
{t) Tips
If you switch the system off during a stop
phase, the engine will start again auto
Messages in the instrument cluster
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop -System
Start-Stop system deactivated: Please re
start engine manually
This message appears when specific condi
tions are not met during a stop phase and the Start-Stop-System will
not be able to restart
the engine. If the D or R selector lever posi
tions were engaged, P will be selected auto-
On the road 83
matically. The engine must be started with
Start-Stop system: System fault! Function
There is a malfunction in the Start-Stop-Sys
tem . Drive the vehicle to an author ized repa ir
facility for servicing as soon as possible to cor
rect the malfunction.
Speed warning system
The speed warning system helps you to stay
under a specified maximum speed.
The speed warning system warns you if you
are exce edin g the maximum speed that you
have set. You will hear a warning tone when
your speed exceeds the stored value by ap
proximately 3 mph (3 km/h). An indicator
light. (USA models)/ . (Canada models) in
the instrument cluster display also turns on at
the same time. The indicator light./.
turns off when the speed decreases be low the
stored maxim um speed.
Setting a threshold is recommended if you
would like to be reminded when you reach a
certain maximum speed. Situations where you
may want to do so incl ude driving in a co untry
with a general speed limit or if there is a
specified maximum speed for winter tires.
@ Tips
Even though your vehicle is equipp ed w ith
a speed warning system, you sho uld still
watch the speedometer to make sure you
are not driv ing faster than the speed limit.
Setting the threshold
You can set, change and delete the threshold
in the MMI.
.., Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Driver assist > Speed