Page 81 of 316

M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
.. Press the !S TAR T ENGINE STOP I button. The
engine will start.
.. Drive to your author ized Audi dealer imme
diately to have the malfunction corrected .
@ Tips
You can view the message again by press ing the
parking brake
The electromechanical parking brake replaces
the hand brake.
Fig. 83 Center console: Park ing brake
.. Pull on the switch<®> c> fig. 83 to apply the
parking brake. The indicator lights in the
switch and. (USA models)/ . (Cana -
da models) in the instrument cluster illumi
nate .
.. With the ignit ion sw itched on, step on the
brake pedal or the accelerator pedal and
press the sw itch<®> at the same time to re
lease the parking brake. The indicator lights
in the switch and. (USA models) . (Can
ada models) in the instrument cluster go
out .
Your vehicle is equipped with an electrome
chanica l parking brake. The parking brake is
designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling unintentionally and replaces the hand brake .
In addition to the norma l functions of a tradi
tional hand brake, the electromechanical parking brake provides various convenience
and safety functions.
On the road 79
When starting from rest
- The integral start ing assist helps you when
driving by automatically re leasing the park
ing brake c>
page 80, Starting from rest.
-When start ing on inclines, the starting as
sist p revents the vehicle from unintentiona l
ly rolling back. The braking force of the
parking brake is not re leased until sufficient
driving force has been built up at the
Emergency brake function
An emergency brake ensures that the vehicle
can be slowed down even if the
normal brakes
c:;, page 80, Emergency braking.
Do not press the accelerator pedal inadver
tently if the veh icle is stationary but the
engine is running and a gear is selected .
Otherwise th e vehicle w ill start to move
immediately and could result in a crash.
@ Tips
- If the parking brake is applied with the
ignition switched
off, the indicator lights
in the switch and. (USA models)/ •
(Canada models) in the instrument clus
t er w ill go out after a certain period of
- Occasional noises when the parking
brake is applied and released are normal
and are not a cause for concern.
- When the vehicle is pa rked, the parking
brake goes through a self-test cycle at
regu lar intervals. Any associated noises
are normal.
.. Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle.
.. Pull the switch(®) to set the parking brake.
.. Move the selector lever to P .
.. Tu rn the engine offc>
.,. When on inclines or decl ines, turn the steer
ing wheel so that your veh icle wi ll roll into
the curb if it begins to move. ""
Page 82 of 316

80 On the road
-When you leave your vehi cle -even if on
ly brief ly -always take the ignition key
with yo u. This applies par ticu larly when
children remain in the veh icle. Otherw ise
the ch ildren could start the engine, re
lease the parking brake or operate elec
trical equipment (e.g. power windows) .
There is the risk of an accident.
- When the vehicle is locked, no one -par
t icularly not children should remain in
the vehicle. Loc ked doors make it more
difficult for emergency wor kers to get in
to the vehicle - putt ing lives at risk.
Starting from rest
The starting assist function ensures that the
parking brake is released automatically upon starting.
Stopping and applying parking brake
" Pull the switch ID to apply the park ing
St arting and automa tically relea sing the
parking brake
.. When you start to drive as usua l, the park
ing brake is automatically released and you r
vehicle begins to move.
When stopp ing at a traff ic signa l or stopp ing
in city traffic, the parking brake can be ap
plied . The veh icle does not have to be held
with the footbrake. The par king brake elimi
nates the tendency to c reep with a drive range
engaged. As soon as you dr ive
off as usua l,
the park ing brake is released automatically
and the vehicle starts to move.
Starting on slopes
When sta rt ing on in cl ines, the starting ass ist
p revents the veh icle from uninten tionally ro ll
ing bac k. The braking force o f the parking
brake is not released un til sufficient dr iving
force has been b uilt up at the whee ls.
(D Tips
For safety reasons, the parking bra ke is re
l eased automatically only when the driv
er's safety belt is engaged in the buckle.
Starting off with a trailer
To prevent rolling back unintentionally on an
incline, do the following:
.. Keep the sw itch(®) pulled and depress the
accelerator. The pa rking bra ke stays applied
and prevents the vehicle from roll ing back
" You can release the switch© once you are
sure that you are developing enough for
wa rd momentum at the wheels as you de
press the acce lerator.
Depend ing on the we ight of the rig (vehicle
and trailer) and the severity of the incline, you
may roll backwards as you start. You can p re
vent rolling backwa rds by holdi ng the par king
brake switch (®) pulled o ut and ac celera ting -
j u st as you wou ld w hen s tarti ng on a hill wi th
a conventiona l hand brake.
Emergency braking
In the event that the conven tional brake sys
tem fails or locks.
"I n an emergency, pull the switch(®) and
cont inue to pull it to slow your ve hicl e down
w ith the par king b rake.
" As soon as you re lease the swi tch (®) or ac -
celerate, the braking process stops.
If you p ull the swi tc h (®) a nd hold it above a
speed of about 5 mph (8 km/h), the emergen
cy braking f unction is initiated. The ve hicle is
braked at all four whee ls by activating the hy
draulic brake system. The brake performance
is similar to making an emergency stop¢&..
In order not to activate the emergency brak-
ing by mistake, an audib le warning tone (buz
zer) sounds when the switch(®) is pulled. As ..,.
Page 83 of 316

soon as the switch(®) is released, or the accel
erator pedal is depressed, emergency braking
Emergency braking should only be used in
an emergency, when the normal foot brake
has failed or the brake pedal is obstructed .
Using the parking brake to perform emer
gency braking will slow your vehicle down
as if you had made a full brake applicat ion.
The laws of physics cannot be suspended
even with ESC and its associated compo
nents (ABS, ASR, EDL). In corners and
when road or weather conditions are bad
a full brake application can cause the vehi-
cle to skid or the rear end to break away -
r isking an accident.
Appl ies to vehicles : wit h Start-Stop-System
The Start-Stop-System can help increase fuel
economy and reduce CO
2 emissions.
I n the Start-Stop-mode, the engine shuts off
automatically when the vehicle is stopped,
such as at a traffic light. The ignit io n remains
sw itched on dur ing th is stop phase. The en
gine will be automatically restarted when
The last Start-Stop-System setting (on/off us
ing the button
ignition is turned on . The LED in the
l --1 but
ton turns on when the Start-Stop-System is
switched off manually.
Basic requirements for the Start-Stop
- The driver's door is closed .
- The driver' seat belt is latched.
- The hood is closed.
- T he veh icle must have been driven faster
~ than 2.5 mph (4 km/h) since the last stop.
~ -A tra iler is not hitched to the veh icle.
rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
On the road 81
-Never let the vehicle roll with the engine
sw itched off . You could lose control over
the vehicle. This can lead to a collision
and serious injuries.
- The brake booster and the steering sup
port do not work while the eng ine is
sw itched off. More force is required to
stop and to steer the vehicle.
- To reduce the risk of injuries, make sure
that the Start-Stop-System is turned off
when working in the eng ine compart
¢ page 83.
(D Note
Always switch off the Start-Stop-System
when driving through water¢
page 83.
Starting/stopping the engine
Applies to vehicles: w ith Start -Stop-System
Fig. 84 Instrument cluste r: engine sw itched off (stop
p hase)
.,. Slow the vehicle to a stop using the brake
and keep pressing the brake pedal. The en
gine will switch off. The
tlJ indicator light
appears in the information line in the instru
ment cluster display.
.. When you take your foot off the brake ped
al, the engine restarts. The indicator light
turns off.
Additional information
The eng ine will switch off in the P, D, N and S
positions as well as in manual mode. In the P
position, the engine will also remain off if you
take your foot off the brake pedal. The engine
starts aga in when you select another selector ..,_
Page 84 of 316

82 On the road
lever position and take your foot off the brake
If you select the R position during a Stop
phase, the eng ine will start aga in.
Shift from
D to P quickly to prevent the engine
from starting unintentionally when shifting
You can determ ine for yourself if the eng ine
will stop or not by reduc ing or increasing the
amount of force you use to press the brake
pedal. For example , if you only lightly press
on the brake pedal in stop-and and-go traff ic
or when turning, the engine will not switch off
when the vehicle is stationary . As soon as you
press the brake down harder, the eng ine will
switch off.
General information
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop-System
The standard Start-Stop-mode can be cancel
led for different system-related reasons .
Fig. 85 Instrum ent cluster: engine -Stop tempo ra ril y
u navailab le
Engine will not switch off
Before each stop phase, the system checks i f
certain cond it ions have been met. For exam ·
p le, the engine will
not be switched off in the
following situations:
- T he eng ine has not reached the minimum
required temperature for Start-Stop-mode .
- The inter ior temperature selected by the A/C
system has not been reached .
- T he outside temperature is extremely high/
low .
- T he w indshield is being defrosted
¢page 71, ¢ page 73.
- The parking system* is switched on.
- The battery charge level is too low.
- The steering wheel is sharply turned or
there is a steering movement.
- After engaging the reverse gear .
- On sharp inclines.
fjJ indicator light appears in the informa
tion line in the instrument cluster display
¢fig . 85.
Engine automatically restarts
The stop phase is interrupted in the following
situations, for example. The engine restarts
without any action by the driver .
- The interior temperature varies from the
temperature selected in the A/C system .
- The windshie ld is being defrosted
<:!;>page 71, ¢page 73.
-The brake pedal is pressed several times in a
row .
- The battery charge level becomes too low.
- High power consumption.
Switching the ignition off automatically
To prevent the battery from drain ing, the igni
tion w ill switch off
automatically when all of
the following conditions have been met :
- The vehicle has already been driven.
- The engine has been turned off by the Start-
Stop -System*.
- The driver's door is opened.
- The driver's seat belt is removed .
- The brake pedal is not pressed down.
- The vehicle is stationary .
In this case, the activated low beam will be re
placed by the side marker lights. The side
marker lights will switch off afte r approxi
30 minutes o r when you lock the veh i
If the Start-Stop System has
not turned off
the engine or if you have sw itched the Start
Stop system off manually, the ignition will
be automat ically switched off and the eng ine
will continue to ru n
c:!;> ,& . ...,
Page 85 of 316

M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Never allow the engine to run in confined
spaces - danger of asphyxiation.
@ Tips
If you shift into the 0, N or S positions af
ter shift ing into reverse, the vehicle must
be driven faster than 6 mph (10 km/h) in
order for the engine to switch off again .
Switching the Start-Stop-System on/off
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop-System
If you do not wish to use the system, you can
switch it off manually .
Fig. 86 Center console : Sta rt-Stop -System button
.., To sw itch the Start-Stop-System off/on
manua lly, press the
16'> .. I button . T he LED in
the button turns on when the system is
switched off.
{t) Tips
If you switch the system off during a stop
phase, the engine will start again auto
Messages in the instrument cluster
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop -System
Start-Stop system deactivated: Please re
start engine manually
This message appears when specific condi
tions are not met during a stop phase and the Start-Stop-System will
not be able to restart
the engine. If the D or R selector lever posi
tions were engaged, P will be selected auto-
On the road 83
matically. The engine must be started with
Start-Stop system: System fault! Function
There is a malfunction in the Start-Stop-Sys
tem . Drive the vehicle to an author ized repa ir
facility for servicing as soon as possible to cor
rect the malfunction.
Speed warning system
The speed warning system helps you to stay
under a specified maximum speed.
The speed warning system warns you if you
are exce edin g the maximum speed that you
have set. You will hear a warning tone when
your speed exceeds the stored value by ap
proximately 3 mph (3 km/h). An indicator
light. (USA models)/ . (Canada models) in
the instrument cluster display also turns on at
the same time. The indicator light./.
turns off when the speed decreases be low the
stored maxim um speed.
Setting a threshold is recommended if you
would like to be reminded when you reach a
certain maximum speed. Situations where you
may want to do so incl ude driving in a co untry
with a general speed limit or if there is a
specified maximum speed for winter tires.
@ Tips
Even though your vehicle is equipp ed w ith
a speed warning system, you sho uld still
watch the speedometer to make sure you
are not driv ing faster than the speed limit.
Setting the threshold
You can set, change and delete the threshold
in the MMI.
.., Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Driver assist > Speed
Page 86 of 316

84 On the road
You can set any threshold between 20 mph
(30 km/h) and 150 mph (240 km/h). Settings
can each be adjusted in increments of 6 mph
(10 km/h).
Cruise control
Switching on
Ap plies to vehicles: with c ruise con tro l
The cruise control system makes it possible to
drive at a constant speed starting at 20 mph
(30 km/h).
Fig. 87 Con tro l lever w it h set bu tton
Fig. 88 Display : Selected speed
• Pull the lever to position (D c:> fig. 87 to
switch the system on.
• Drive at the speed you wish to set.
• Press button @to set that speed.
The stored speed and the indicator light
II (US models) ;ii (Canadian models) ap
pear in the instrument cluster display
cc> fig. 88. The display may vary, depending on
the type of d isplay in your vehicle .
This information is also shown briefly in the
Head-up Display*.
The speed is kept constant v ia an engine out
put adjustment or active brake intervention .
--Always pay attent ion to traffic even when
the cruise control is switched on. You are always responsible for your speed and
the distance between your vehicle and
other vehicles.
- For safety reasons, the cruise contro l
should not be used in the city, in stop
and-go traffic, on twisting roads and
when road conditions are poor (such as
ice, fog, gravel, heavy rain and hydro
p lan ing) -risk of accident .
- Turn off the cruise control temporarily
when entering turn lanes, highway exit
lanes or in constr uction zones .
- Please note that inadve rtently "resting"
your foot on the accelerator pedal causes the cruise control not to brake. This is
because the cruise control is overridden
by the driver's acceleration.
- If a brake system malfunction such as
overheating occurs when the cruise con
trol system is switched on, the braking
function in the system may be sw itched
off. The other cruise control functions re
main active as long as the indicator light
II (US models)/ ... (Canadian models)
is on.
(D Tips
The brake lights illuminate as soon as the
brakes decelerate automatically .
Changing speed
Applies to vehicles: with cruise control
• To increase/decrease the speed in incre
ments, tap the lever in the
0 10 direction
c:> page 84, fig. 87
• To increase/decrease the speed quick ly, hold
the lever in the
010 d irect ion until the de
sired speed is displayed .
You can also press the accelerator pedal down
to increase your speed, e.g . if you want to
pass someone. The speed you saved earlier
will resume as soon as you release the acceler- ator pedal. ..,.
Page 87 of 316

M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
If, however, you exceed your saved speed by
6 mph (10 km/h) for longer than 5 minutes ,
the cruise contro l will turn off temporarily.
The green symbol
Ill (US models) t lil (Cana
d ian models) in the display will go out but the
saved speed remains the same .
Presetting your speed
Applies to vehicles: with cr uise contro l
You con preset your desired speed while the
vehicle is not moving.
~ Switch on the ignition.
~ Pull lever into pos ition @ c:> page 84,
fig. 87.
~ Press the lever in the 0 or 0 direction to
increase or decrease yo ur speed .
~ Release the lever to save that speed .
T his funct ion makes i t possible, for example,
to save the speed you want before driving on
the highway . Once on the hig hway, activate
the cruise cont ro l by pull ing t he lever towa rd
@ .
Switching the system off
Appl ies to vehicles: with cruise con trol
Temporary deactivation
~ Press the bra ke peda l, or
~ Press the lever into pos ition @ (not clicked
into place)
c:> page 84, fig . 87, or
~ Drive for longer than 5 minutes at more
than 5 mph (10 km/h) above the stored speed .
Switching off compl etely
~ Press lever into posi tion @(clic ked into
place), or
~ Switch the ignition off.
The system reta ins the saved speed i f yo u de
activa te t he cr uise con trol temporarily. To re
sume the saved speed, release the brake ped
al and pull the lever to position@.
Sw itching the ign ition off erases the saved
speed .
On th e ro ad 85
You shou ld only return to the saved speed
if it is not too fast for the current traffic
conditions - r isk of an accident!
Page 88 of 316

86 Audi adapti ve cruise control and bra king gu ard
Audi adaptive cruise
control and braking
App lies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise co ntrol
The adaptive cruise control system assists the
driver by regu lat ing vehicle speed and helping
to maintain a set distance to the vehicle
ahead, within the limits of the system.
If the
system detects a moving vehicle up ahead,
adaptive cruise control can brake and then ac
celerate your vehicle. This helps to make driv
ing more comfortable both on long highway
stretches and in stop-and-go traffic.
The braking guard system can warn you about
an impending collision and initiate braking
c:::> page 92.
Adaptive cruise control and braking guard
have technical limitations that you must
know, so please read this section carefully, un
derstand how the system works and use them
properly at all times.
General information
General information
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control
Fig. 89 Front of th e veh icle: senso rs and video camera
The areas that conta in the radar and ultrason
ic sensors and the v ideo camera
c:::> fig. 89
must neve r be cove red by stic kers or other ob
jects or obstructed w ith dirt, insects, snow or
i ce that will interfere with the adaptive cruise
control system and braking guard. For infor
mation on cleaning, refer to
c:::> page 212. The same applies for any modifications made in
the front area.
T he function of the adaptive cru ise contro l
system and braking guard is limited under
some cond itions:
- Objects can only be de tected when they are
w ith in sensor range
c:::>page 88, fig. 92.
- The system has a limited ability to detect
objects that are a short d istance ahead, off
to the side of your vehi cle or mov ing into
your lane.
- Some kinds of ve hicles are hard to detect;
for examp le motorcycles, veh icles with high
ground clearance or overhanging loads may
be detected when it is too late or they may
not be detected at all.
-When driving through curves
c!,>page 87 .
-Stat ionary objec ts c:::> page 87.
A lways pay attention to traffic when adap
tive cruise contro l is switched on and brak
ing g uard is active. As the dr iver, you are
still respons ible for starting and for main
taining speed and distance to other ob
jects. Braking guard is used to assist you .
The dr iver must a lways take action to avo id
a collis ion . The driver is a lways respons ible
fo r braking a t the co rrec t time.
- Imp roper use of adaptive cru ise control
can cause collisions, other acc idents and
serious pe rsonal in jury.
- Never let the comfort and convenience
that adaptive cruise control and braking gua rd offer d istract you from the need to
be alert to traffic condit ions and the
need to rema in in fu ll control of your ve
h icle at a ll times,
- Always remember that the adaptive
cruise control and braking guard have
limits -they will not s low the vehicle
down or maintain the set distance when
you drive towards an obstacle or some
thing on or near the road that is not
mov ing, such as vehicles stopped in a
traffic jam, a stalled o r disabled vehicle.
I f registered by the radar sensors,