238 Check ing and filling
cracked an d weake ned when the battery
- Charge the battery in a we ll ventilated
area. Keep away from open flame or elec
trical spark. Do not smoke. Hydrogen gas
generated by the battery is explosive.
- To reduce the danger of explosion, never
connect or disconnect charger cables
wh ile the charger is operating.
- Fast charg ing a battery is dangerous and
should only be attempted by a compe
tent technician w ith the proper equip
- Battery acid that may spill during charg
ing should be washed off w ith a solution
of warm water and baki ng soda to neu
t rali ze the acid.
~ Note
Never use a fast charger as a booster to
start the engine. This will seriously dam
age sensitive el ect ronic components, such
as co ntrol units, relays, rad io, etc., as we ll
as th e batte ry charge r.
Battery replacement
The new battery must have the same specifi
cations and dimensions as the original equip
ment battery.
I ntell igent energy management in your vehi
cle is respo nsible for d ist ributing the electr i
cal energy throughou t you r vehi cle
~ page 201. The inte lligen t energy manage
ment system w ill keep the engine battery
charged better than vehicles without t his sys
tem . To make sure the additional electrical en
ergy is available once again after you have
changed the battery, we recommend that you
install batteries of the same type and manu
facture only (the same as those installed at
the t ime your vehicle was delivered). Specifi
cations a re listed on the battery hous ing. You r
author ized de aler m ust code the battery in
the energy management system to enable yo u
to use the energy managemen t fu nctions co r
rectly after replacing the battery. T
he new battery must have the same capacity,
vo ltage ( 12-volts), amperage, construction
and plug sealing.
When ins tall ing t he battery, make su re the ig
nition and a ll elect rical consume rs are switch
ed off.
(D Note
Make sure the ven tilat ion hose on the side
of the ba ttery is connecte d, otherwise
fumes or batte ry acid can lea k out .
- Ve hicles with the Start-S top-System * are
equip ped with a spec ial cycle-proof AGM
battery . Install ing a d iffe rent type of
battery can cause problems in the vehi
cle e lectr ica l system. Whe n replac ing the
vehicle battery, always install one w ith
t he same specifications as the o rigi na l
@) For the sake of the environment
Because of the prob lem of proper disposal
of a battery, we recomme nd your author
i zed Audi dealer change the battery fo r
you. Batteri es contain sulfur ic acid and
l ead and must a lways be di spo sed o f prop
erly in comp liance wi th all envi ronmental
regulations. Disposing of vehi cle batter ies
imprope rly is very dange rous to the envi
r onment.
washer container
F ig . 1 99 Engine compartment: cover on the windshield
a n d headl ight * was her fl ui d reservo ir
29 2 Techni cal data
designated seating position) and luggage
weight¢ .&,.
Gross Axle W eight Rating
The Gross Axle Weight Rating is the maximum
l oad that can be applied at each axle of the
vehicle ¢Lr!, .
Vehicle cap acit y weight
The vehicle capac ity we ight (max. load) is list
ed either on the dr iver's side B-pilla r or inside
the fuel filler flap.
- T he actual Gross Axle Weight Rat ing at
the front and rear axles shou ld not ex
ceed the permissible weights, and their
combination must not exceed the Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating.
Width (across mirrors) Height (unloaded)al
-Exceeding permissible weight ratings can
result in vehicle damage, accidents and
personal injury.
(D Note
- The vehicle capacity weight figures apply
when the load is distributed evenly in the
vehicle (passengers and luggage). When
transport ing a heavy load in the luggage
compartment, carry the load as near to
the rear axle as poss ible so that the vehi
cle's handling is not impaired.
- Do not exceed the maximum permissible axle loads or the maximum gross veh icle
we ight. Always remember that the vehi
cle's handling w il l be affected by the ex
tra load. Therefo re, adj ust your speed ac
- Always observe local regulat ions.
in (mm)
195.6 (4969)
i n (mm) 75.2 (1911)
in (mm)
84.2 (2139)
in (mm) 55.9 (1420)
al The he ight of the veh icle depen ds on the t ires and the suspension.
When driving up steep ramps, on rough roads,
over curbs, etc . it is important to remember
that some parts of your vehicle, such as spoil-
Fuel tank: total capacity
-gasoline engine
- d iesel engine
Windsh ield fluid container
Windsh ield and headlight washer fluid containeir* ers
or exhaust system components, may be
close to the ground . Be carefu l not to damage
gal ( liters)
approx. 19.8 (75.0)
gal ( liters) approx. 19.3 (73.0)
quarts (liters) approx. 3.7 (3.5)
quarts (liters) approx. 5.2 (4 .9)