Page 97 of 316
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Audi active Lane assist
Active Lane assist
Applies to vehicles: with active lane assist
Active lane assist helps you keep your vehicle
in your lane.
Active lane assist detects lane marker lines
within the limits of the system using a camera in the windshield . If you are approaching a de
tected lane marker line and it appears likely
that you w ill leave the lane, the system will
warn you by means of corrective steer ing . T he
driver can over ride the cor re ct ive steer ing at
any time. If the veh icle crosses a line, the d riv
er is also warned by a light
vibration in the
steering whee l. The vibration warning must
be switched on in the MMI for this to happen.
Active lane ass ist is operable when the line
marking the lane is detected on at least one
side of the vehicle .
If the system is in active standby mode and
the turn signa l is activated before driving over
the lane marker line, the warning does not oc
cur since the system allows for intentional lane changes .
The system is designed for driv ing on free
ways and expanded highways and thus works
only at speeds of 40 mph (65 km/h) or more .
If the vehicle is also equipped with Audi adap
tive cruise control*, the corrective steering
will be more specif ic in regard to the driving
situation . In addition to the lane marker lines,
the system can a lso take into acco unt other
objects such as guard rails. If they are detect
ed i n close proximity to the veh icle, Audi a c
tive lane ass ist helps prevent the vehi cle from
driving too close to them . The re is also pass
ing assistance. The system does not provide
any corrective steering if it detects that you
are passing another vehicle.
- The system warns the driver that the ve
hicle is leaving the lane us ing corrective
Audi acti ve lane a ssis t 95
steer ing. The driver is always responsible
for keeping the vehicle within the lane.
- The system can assist the driver in keep
ing the vehicle in the lane, but it does
not steer by itself. A lways keep your
hands on the steering wheel.
- Corrective steering may not occur in cer tain sit uat ions, such as dur ing heavy
brak ing.
- The camera does not recognize all lane
marker lines. Corrective steer ing can only
take p lace on the side of the vehicle
where lane marker lines are detected .
- Other road structures or objects cou ld
possibly be identified un intent ionally as
lane ma rker lines. As a result, cor rect ive
steer ing may be unexpected or may not
oc cur .
- The camera view can be restricted, for
examp le by vehicles driving ahead o r by
r ai n, snow, heavy spray or light s hining
into the camera. This can result in a ctive
lane assist not detecting the lane marke r
lines or detect ing them inco rrectly .
- Unde r ce rtain condi tions such as ruts in
the road, a banked roadway or cross
winds, the corrective stee ring alone may
not be enough to keep the vehicle in the
- For safety reasons, active lane ass ist
must not be used when there are poor
road and/or weather condit ions such as
slippery roads, fog, gravel, heavy rai n,
snow and the potent ial for hydroplaning .
Using act ive lane assist under thes e con
ditions may increase the risk of a crash.
Page 98 of 316
96 Audi active lane assist
Activating and deactivating
App lies to vehicles: with active lane assist
Fig. 100 Turn signal lever: Act ive lan e ass ist button
Fig. 101 Windshield: Active lane assist camera viewin g
win dow
~ Press the ¢ fig. 100 button to activate or
deactivate the system . The indicator light
• or. in the instrument cluster will illu
minate or go out.
Instrument cluster indicator light
• Ready: The indicator light shows that the
system is ready to use . The system can now
warn you if you are about to cross a known
lane marker line .
• Not ready: The ind icator light shows that
the system is turned on but unable to send a
warning . This can be due to the following :
- There is no lane marker line .
- The relevant lane marker lines are not de-
tected (for example, markings in a construc
tion zone or because they are obstructed by
snow, dirt, water or backlight ing).
- The vehicle' s speed is below the speed need
ed to activate it, which is about 40 mph (65
km/h) .
- The lane is narrower than about 8 ft . (2 .5 m)
or wider than 15 ft (4 .5 m).
- The curve is too sharp . - The driver's hands are not on the steering
(D Tips
Make sure the camera's field of view
fig. 101 is not obstructed by stickers,
deposits or anything else. For information
on cleaning, refer to ¢
page 212.
Active lane assist display in the
instrument cluster
Applies to vehicles: wit h active lane assist
Fig. 102 D isp lay : Act iv e lane ass ist is swi tc h ed on a nd
is wa rnin g
Fig. 103 Instrumen t cl uster: Active lane as sis t is
s witch ed o n but not re ad y to provid e wa rnin gs
You can call up the active lane assist display
using the buttons in the multifunction steer
ing wheel ¢
pag e 24.
An additional indicator appears in the Head
up Display*.
When active lane assist is switched on, the
system indicates which lines are detected by
displaying solid lines on the left and/or right
side of your vehicle: .,..
Page 99 of 316
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
White Active l ane assist is sw itched on
line(s) and ready to p rov ide warnings
on the side that is ind icated
¢ fig. 102 .
Red line Act ive lane assist is warning you
(left or that you are about to leave your
right) lane
¢ fig . 102 . In addition, the
steeri ng wheel vibrates s light ly.
Gray Act ive l ane assist is switched on
line(s) but is not ready to provide warn-
¢ fig . 103 .
Mes sages in the instrument clu ster
When the active lane ass ist turns off automat
ically, the i nstrument cluster ind icator goes
out and one of the fo llow ing messages ap
pears on the display :
Audi active lane a ssist : Curr ently un availa
bl e. No camera view
This message appears if the camera is no lon
ger funct ional after the system has cont inous
ly failed to detect the lane markings . This
could happen if :
- The camera field of view¢
page 96, fig. 101
is d irty or covered in ice. Clean the area on
the windshie ld.
- The camera field of view is fogged over. Wait
until the fog has cleared before switching
active lane assist on .
- The system has been unable to detect the
lanes for an extended period of time due to
road cond it ions . Switch active lane ass ist
back on when the lines are more visible .
Audi active lane a ssist : Currently un available
A temporary ma lf u nction is preventing lane
assist from operating. Try sw itching active
lane assist on again later.
Audi acti ve lane a ssist : S ys tem fault!
Drive to you r autho rized Aud i dea le r soon to
h ave the ma lfunction co rrected.
Audi active lane a ssis t: Pl ea se take over
s te ering
Audi acti ve lane a ssis t 97
This message appears if yo u do not s teer the
vehicle yourself . If this is the case, active lane
ass ist does not switch off, b ut it does sw itch
to the "not ready" stat us. The system can help
you keep the vehicle in the lane. However it is
your own responsibility to steer and control
t h e ve hicle .
Setting the steering wheel vibration
Applies to veh icles: w ith active la n e assist
11> Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car )* sys
tem s
control button > Driver a ssis t > Aud i
a ctive lan e as sis t.
You can switch the vibrat ing warn ing in t he
stee ring wheel
o n or off .
(D Tips
Your setting is a utomat ically stored and
assigned to the remote control key being
Page 100 of 316
98 Audi side assist
Audi side assist
Lane Change Assistant
App lies to vehicles: wit h side ass ist
Fig . 104 Sensor detection range
Fig. 105 Display on the exterio r mirror
Side assist helps you monitor your blind spot
and traffic behind your vehicle. Within the
limits of the system, it warns you about
vehicles that are coming closer or that are
traveling with you within sensor range
c:> fig . 104: if a lane change is class ified as crit
ical, the display @ in the exterior mirror
¢ fig.105turnson.
The display in the left exterior mirror provides
assistance when mak ing a lane change to the
left, while the display in the right exterior mir·
ror provides assistance when making a lane
change to the right.
Information stage
As long as you do not activate the turn signal,
side assist
informs you about vehicles that are
detected and class ified as critical. The display
in the respective mirror turns on, but is dim. The
display remains dim intentionally in the
information stage so that your view toward
the front is not disturbed.
Warning stage
If you activate the turn signal, side assist
warns you about vehicles that are detected
and classified as critical. The display in the re
spective mirror blinks brightly. If this hap
pens, check traffic by glancing in the rearview
mirror and over your shoulder c:>
.&. in General
information on page 99.
(D Tips
- You can adjust the brightness of the dis
play @c:>
page 100.
-Please refer to the instructions for tow·
ing a trailer located in ¢
page 99.
Page 101 of 316
M N <( I.J -
"' rl
"' rl
General information
Applies to vehicles: with side ass ist
Fig . 106 Dr iving situations
Fig. 107 Rear of t he ve hicle: positio n of t he se nsors
"' a, 0 0
" a,
Side assist functions at speeds above approx i
mately 19 mph (30 km/h).
@ Vehicl es th at ar e approaching
In certain cases, a vehicle will be classified as
cr itical for a lane change even if it is still
somewhat far away. The fas ter a vehicle ap
p roaches, the sooner the display in the exteri
or m irror will t urn on.
@ Vehicles traveling with you
Vehicles traveling w ith you are indicated in the
exterior m irror if they are classified as cr itical
for a lane change. All vehicles detec ted by
side assist are indicated by the time they en
ter your "blind spot", at the latest.
Audi side assist 99
@ Veh icle s left behind
If you s low ly pass a vehi cle that s ide assist has
detected (the difference in speed between the
vehicle and you r vehicle is less than 9 mph or
15 km/h), the display in the exterio r mir ror
turns on as soon as the vehicle enters your blind spot.
T he disp lay will not t urn on if you quickly pass
a vehicle that side assist has detected (the dif
ference in speed between the veh icle and your
vehicle is greater than 9 mph or 15 km/h).
Functi onal limitations
The radar sensors are designed to detect the
left and right adjacent lanes when the road
lanes are the normal width. In certain situa
tions, the d isp lay in the exterior mirror may
turn on even though there is no veh icle locat
ed in the area that is cr itical for a lane change.
For example:
- if the lanes are narrow or if your are dr iving
on the edge of your lane.
If this is the case,
the system may have detected the vehicle in
another lane that is
not adjacent to your
current lane .
- if you a re driving through a curve. Side assist
may react to a vehicle that is one lane ove r
from the adjacent lane.
- if side assist reacts to other objects (such as
high or d isp laced guard rails) .
- In poor weather conditions. The side assist
functions are l imited .
Do not cover the radar sensors
c> fig. 10 7 with
stickers, depos its, bicycle wheels or other ob
jects, because this will affect the funct ion. Do
not use s ide ass ist when towing a trailer. For
i nformation on cleaning, refer to
c> page 212 .
-Always pay attention to traffic and to t he
area a round your ve hicl e. S ide assist can
not replace a driver's attention. T he driv
er a lone is always responsible for lane
changes and similar driving mane uvers.
Page 102 of 316
100 Audi side assist
-Improper reliance on the side assist sys
tem can cause collisions and serious
personal injury:
- Never rely only on side assist when
changing lanes.
- Always check rear view mirrors to make
sure that it is safe to change lanes.
- Side assist cannot detect all vehicles un
der all conditions- danger of accident!
- Please note that side assist indicates
there are approaching vehicles, or
vehicles in your blind spot, only after
your vehicle has reached a driving speed of at least 19 mph (30 km/h).
- In certain situations, the system may not
function or its function may be limited.
For example:
- if veh icles are approaching or being left
behind very quickly . The display may
not turn on in time.
- in poor weather conditions such as
heavy rain, snow or heavy mist .
- on very wide lanes, in tight curves or if
there is a rise in the road surface.
Vehicles in the adjacent lane may not
be detected because they are outside
of the sensor range.
(D Note
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or
damage to the bumper, wheel housing and
underbody. This can affect the system.
Have your authorized Audi dealer or au
thorized Audi Service Facility check their
@ Tips
- If the window glass in the driver's door
or front passenger's door has been tint ed, the display in the exterior mirror may
be misinterpreted.
- For Declaration of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
page 297.
Activating and deactivating
Applies to vehicles: rnit s ide ass ist
Fig. 108 Driver's door: Side ass ist butto n
.. Press the button c> A in General informa
tion on page 99
to switch the system on/off.
The LED in the button turns on when side
assist is switched on.
Adjusting the display brightness
Applies to vehicles: wit h side assist
The brightness setting can be adjusted via the
.. Select: !CAR I function button> (Car)* sys
tems control button > Driver assist > Audi
side assist .
The display brightness adjusts automatically
to the brightness of the surroundings, both in
the information and in the warning stage. In
very dark or very bright surroundings, the dis
play is already set to the minimum or maxi
mum level by the automatic adjustment . In
such cases, you may notice no change when
adjusting the brightness, or the change may
only be noticeable once the surroundings
Adjust the brightness to a level where the dis
play in the informa tion stage will not disrupt
yo ur view forward. If you change the bright
ness, the display in the exterior mirror will
briefly show the brightness leve l in the infor
mation stage. The brightness of the warning
stage is linked to the brightness in the infor
mation stage and is adjusted along with the
information stage adjustment .
Page 103 of 316
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1"1 ,...., 1.1"1 ,....,
@ Tips
-Side assist is not active while you are
making the adjustment.
- Your settings are automatically stored
and assigned to the remote control key
being used.
Driver messages
App lies to vehicles: with side assist
If side assist switches off by itself, the LED in
the button turns off and a message will ap
pear in the instrument cluster display:
Audi side assist: Currently unavailable. No
sensor vision
The radar sensors' vision is affected. Do not
cover the area in front of the sensors with bike
wheels, stickers, dirt or other objects. Clean
the area in front of the sensors, if necessary
c> page 99, fig . 107.
Audi side assist: Currently unavailable
Side assist cannot be switched on temporarily
because there is a malfunction (for example,
the battery charge level may be too low).
Audi side assist: System fault!
The system cannot guarantee that it will de
tect vehicles correctly and it is switched off .
The sensors have been displaced or are faulty.
Have the system checked by an authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility
Audi side assist: Unavailable when towing.
Side assist switches off automatically when a
factory-installed trailer hitch is connected to
the electrical connector on the trailer. There is
no guarantee the system will switch off when
using a retrofitted trailer hitch. Do not use
side assist when towing a trailer.
Audi side assist 101
Page 104 of 316
102 Audi drive select
Audi drive select
Driving settings
Aud i d rive select mak es it possible to expe ri
ence diffe ren t types of vehi cle se ttin gs i n o ne
ve hicl e. The dr ive r can se lect th ree
Comfort ,
Auto and Dynamic modes in the M MI to
switch between a sporty and a comforta ble
driving mo de.
You c an a lso a djust the setti ng according to
your p re ferences in the
Individual mode . F o r
examp le, you ca n combine settings such as a
sporty en gine t uning with comfortab le steer
Improper use of the A udi drive select can
cause collisions, ot her acc idents and se ri
ous personal injury.
The follow ing systems a re affected by dr ive
se lect:
Engine and transmission
Depending on the mode, the engine and the
tra nsmission respond quicker or in a more bal
a nced manner to acce lerator pedal move
men ts. I n the sporty dynamic mode, the
tra nsmission sh ifts at highe r RPMs.
Air suspension*
The adaptive air suspension/adaptive air sus
pe nsion sport*
(A ir suspension in the MMI) is
an e lec tronically con tro lled air suspens ion and
d ampi ng sys tem. Th ey are adjusted depe nd
ing on the se lected driving mode, the dr ive r's
steer ing, br aki ng and acceler ation inpu t and
the road s urface, ve hicle speed an d load . A
sporty se tting is generally use d in vehicl es
with a daptive ai r suspension s port* .
The vehicle clea rance v aries depe nd ing on the
se lec ted mode and the speed . T
he hig hway setting is act ivated automat ically
whe n you drive above 7 5 mph (120 km/ h) for
m ore than
30 seconds in the Auto or Dynamic
mode. The g ro und clearance is increased a uto
matically if the speed drops below
44 mph
(70 km/h) for more than 120 seconds .
The steering adapts in terms of steering effort
and steering ratios. Indirect steering that
moves easily, like the steer ing in comfort
m ode, is best suited to lo ng drives o n a hig h
way. In contrast, dynamic mode provides spo rty, direct steer ing .
The following applies to veh icles with dynamic
steering* : the steer ing rat io changes based on
vehicle speed in orde r to ma inta in optimum
stee ring effort for the dr ive r at all times . This
sets the stee ring to be less sens itive at h igher
speeds in order to provide improved vehicle
co ntrol. At reduced spee ds, howeve r, s teer ing
is mo re d ire ct in order to keep the stee ring ef
fort as minima l as poss ible when the drive r is
mane uve rin g the vehicle. At low and average
speeds, dynamic steering addit iona lly pro
vides more responsive steeri ng performance.
Sport differential*
As a component o f the all whee l dr ive system
(quatt ro)
¢ page 200, the Sport differential *
dist ributes t he d riving power to the rear ax le
depend ing on the sit uat ion . The distrib ution
of power var ies depending on the selected
mode, from balanced (comfo rt) to agile (dy
nam ic) . The goal is a h igh level of ag ility and
abili ty to acce lera te on curves . Th e veh icle is
very respons ive to stee ring.
Curve light*
The curve light adapts to driving on curves.
The pivoting act io n and the lighting are also
adapt ed to the mode.
Adaptive cruise control*
The behav ior when accelerating can be adjust
ed from comfortab le to sporty, depending on
the drive select mode . Adaptive cru ise contro l
also responds to the driv ing behavior o f the