M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
sudden maneuver . Objects near the
airbags can become projectiles and cause
injury, particularly when the s eat is re
cl ined .
- Never place or transport objects on the
front passenger seat. Objects on the
front passenger seat could cause the ca
pacitive senso r in the seat to s ignal to
airbag system that the seat is occupied
by a person whe n it in fact is not, o r that
the person on the sea t is heavier than he
o r she actually is. The change in electric
capacitance beca use of such objects can
cause the passenger front airbag to be
turned on when it sho uld be off, or can
cause the airbag to work in a way that is
different from the way it wou ld have
worked w ithout objects on the seat .
- Always make sure that there is nothing
on the front passenger seat that will
cause the capacitive passenge r detection
system in the seat to s ignal to the A irbag
System that t he seat is occupied by a
pers on when it is not, or to sign al tha t it
is occupied by someone who is heavier
than the pe rson actually sitting on the
seat . The presence of an o bject co uld
cause the passenger front a irbag to be
turned on when it sho uld be off, or co uld
cause the airbag to work in a way that is
different from the way it wou ld have
wor ked w ithout the object on the sea t.
The fine dust created when a irbags dep loy
c an cause b reathing problems for peop le
w ith a his to ry o f asthma o r other brea th
ing condi tion s.
- T o reduce the r is k of brea thing prob lems,
those w it h a sthma or o ther resp iratory
condit ions should ge t fresh a ir right
away by getting out of the vehicle o r
opening windows or doo rs .
- If you are in a coll is ion in which a irbags
deploy, wash yo ur hands and face with
mild soap and water befo re eating.
A irbag system 159
-Be ca reful not to get the d ust into your
eyes, or into any c uts o r scratches .
- If the resi due should get into your eyes,
f lush them w ith water.
Monitoring the
Advanced Airbag
tli Airbag monitoring indicator light
Two seporate indicators monitor the function
of the Advanced Airbag System: the airbag
monitoring indicator light and the
The Advanced Ai rbag System (incl uding the
electronic control unit, sensor circu its and sys
tem wir ing) is mo nitored continuously to
make sure that it is funct io ni ng properly
whenever the ignition is on . Each time you
switch on the ignition, the ai rbag mon itor ing
i ndica to r li ght
fl will come on for a few sec
onds (self diagnos tic s).
The system must be inspected when the
indicator light
- does not come on when the ignition is
sw itched on,
- does not go out a few seconds after you
have sw itched on the ignit io n, or
- comes on whil e dr iv ing .
If an airbag system malfunction is detected,
the indicator lig ht w ill first sta rt flash ing to
catch the driver's attent io n and then stay on
continuously to serve as a co nstant rem inder
to have the system inspected immediately.
If a malfu nction occurs that turns the front
airbag on the passenger s ide off, the
GER AIR BAG OFF light will come on and stay
o n wheneve r th e ignit io n is on.
An ai rbag system t hat is not functioning
p roperly cannot p rovi de sup plemental pro-
tec tion in a frontal c rash . .,..
160 Airbag system
-If the air bag indicator light ¢ page 19
comes when the vehicle is being used,
have the system inspected immediately
by your autho rized Aud i dea ler . It is pos
s ible that the airbag will inflate when it
is not s upposed to, or w ill not inflate
when it should.
F ig. 164 Sect ion from t he in strument pa nel : PASS EN
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light is located
in the cen ter o f the instr ument panel
¢ fig . 164.
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will come
on an d stay on to te ll you when the fron t Ad
v a nce d Airbag on t he passenger side h as been
turned off by the e lectronic control unit . If the
bu lb for the
burns out, the airbag ind icator light
II wi ll
come on to signal a malfunction in the Ad
vanced A irbag System . Although the burned
out bulb will not change the way the front
passenger's frontal airbag works, it w ill no
longer be possib le to use the
light to make sure that the ai rbag
on/off s tat us is correct for the occupant on
the front passenger seat. Have the airba g sys
tem inspected immediate ly by your autho r
ized A udi dealer.
Th e PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will blink
for about 5 se cond s when :
- the ignit ion is switched on and
- the capac itive passenger detect ion system,
wh ich sw itches the front seat passenger 's
fron tal Advanced Airbag on and off, detects a change in the status of the front passen
ger seat.
As soon as the
ligh t stops b linking, a lways make sure tha t
the airbag status (on or off) as shown by the
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light is proper for
the age, size and e lectrica l capacitance of the
person occupy ing the front passenger seat.
Always make sure that the safety belt for the
front passenger seat is properly fastened .
show the status of the front seat passenger 's
frontal Advanced Airbag a fe w seconds after
the ignition i s switched on and the airbag in
dicator light go es off . The PASSENG ER AIR
BAG OFF light :
-will stay on if the front passenger seat is not
- will stay on if the electrical capacitance
measured by the capacitive passenger de
tect ion system for the front passenger seat
equals the combined capacitance of an in
hnt up to abou t one year of age and one of
the rearwa rd- facing or forward-fac ing ch ild
restrai nts listed in Fede ral Motor Vehicle
Safety Standard 208 with which the Ad
vanced Airbag System in your vehicle was certified; For a listing of the child restraints
that we re used to certify your vehicle's com
pliance w ith the U.S . Safety Standard
¢ page 175.
-will go out if the front passenger seat is oc
cupied by an adult as registered by the ca
pacitive passenger detection system .
- The
come on and stay on if the ignition is on
and ...
- a car bed has been installed on the front
passenger seat, or
- a rearward-facing child restraint has been
installed on the front passenger seat, or
- a forward-facing ch ild restra int has been in
stalled on the front passenger sea t,
- and if the electrical capacitance registered
on t he front passenger seat is equal to or
less than the combined capaci tance of a typ-
ical 1 year-o ld i nfant and one of the
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1"1 ,...., 1.1"1 ,....,
rearward-facing or forward-facing chi ld re
straints listed in Federa l Motor Vehicle Safe
ty Standard 208 w ith which the Advanced
Airbag System in your vehicle was certif ied.
I f the front passenger seat is not occupied,
the front airbag will not deploy, and the PAS
SENGER AIR BAG OF F light w ill stay on. Nev
er insta ll a rearward-fac ing ch ild restra int on
the front passenger seat, the safest place for
a child in any kind of child restraint is at o ne
of the seating positions on the rear seat
¢ page 149, Child restraints on the front seat
- some important things to know
¢ page 173, Child Safety.
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG light comes
on ...
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light comes
on when one of the cond itions l isted above is
met, be sure to check the light regularly to
make certain that the PASSENGER AIR BAG
OFF light stays on continuo usly whenever the
ignition is on.
OFF light does not appear on and does not
stay on all the time, stop as soon as it is safe
to do so and
- reactivate the system by turning the ignition
off for more than 4 seconds and then turn ing it on again;
- remove and reinstall the chi ld restraint .
Make sure that the child restraint is properly
installed and that the safety belt for the
front passenger seat has been correctly routed through the child restraint as descri
bed in the chi ld restraint manufactu rer's in
- make sure that the convert ible locking re
t ractor on t he safety be lt for the front pas
senger seat has been act ivate d and that the
sa fety belt has been pulled tight .
- make su re that no electr ica l device (such as
a laptop, CD player, elect ro nic games devi ce,
power inverter or seat heater for chi ld seats)
is p laced or used on the front passenge r
seat if the device is connected to the 12-volt
socket or the c igarette lighter socket;
A irbag system 16 1
- make sure that no seat heater has been ret
rofitted o r otherwise added to the front pas
senge r seat;
- make sure that nothing can interfere with
the safety belt buck les and that they are not
- make sure t hat there are no wet objects
(such as a wet towe l) and no water or other
liquids on the front passenger seat cushion .
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG light still
do es not c ome on ...
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light still
does not come on and does not stay on con
ti nuously (when the ignition is switched on),
- take the child restraint off the front passen -
ger seat and install it proper ly at one of the
rear seat positions. Have the airbag system
inspected by your Audi dealer immed iate ly.
- move the child to a rear seat position and
make sure that the c hild is properly restra in
ed in a ch ild restra int that is appropriate for
its size and age.
Th e PASSENGER AIR BAG light should
NOT come on .. .
The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light should
NOT come on when the ignit io n is on and an
adult is s itting in a proper seating posit ion on
the front passenge r seat. If the PASSENGER
AIR BAG OFF light comes on and stays on o r
fla shes for about S seconds wh ile d riving, un
der these c ircumstances, make sure that:
- the adult on the front passenge r seat is
p rope rly seated on the ce nte r of the sea t
cushion with his or her back u p ag ainst the
backrest and the backrest is not re clined,
- t he adult is not tak ing we ight off the sea t by
holding on to the passenger assis t handle
above the fron t passenger door or s upport
ing their weight on the armrest,
- the sa fe ty belt is being proper ly wo rn and
that the re is not a lot of s lack in the safety
be lt webbing,
- t here are no aftermar ket seat covers o r
cushions or other things (s uch as blankets)
on the front passenger seat that might
cause the capacitive passenger detect ion
162 Airbag sys tem
system to miscalcu late electrical capac i
tance .
Important safety instructions on
monitoring the Advanced Airbag System
-If the s tatus of the Adv a need A irbag Sys
tem has changed while the vehicle is moving, the
light blinks for about 5 seconds to catch
the driver's attent ion. If this happens, al
ways stop as soon as it is safe to do so
and check the steps described above.
- If the
does not go off when an adult who is not
very small is sitting on the front passen ger seat after taking the steps descr ibed
abov e, make sure the adult is properly
sea ted and rest rained at one of the rear
sea ting po sitions. Have the a irbag sys
tem inspected by your authorized Audi
dealer before transporting anyone on the
front passenger seat.
An air bag system that is not funct io ning
properly cannot provide supplemental pro
tect ion in a frontal crash.
- If the airbag indicator light ¢
page 19
comes when the vehicle is be ing used,
have the system inspected immediate ly
by you r aut horized Aud i dea ler. It is pos
sible that the airbag will inflate when it
is not s upposed to, or w ill not i nflate
w hen it should.
If the front airbag inflates, a c hild witho ut
a child restra int, or in a rearw ard-fa cing
child sa fe ty seat, or in a forward- facing
child restrain t that has not been prope rly
installed will be serious ly inj ured and can
be killed.
- Even though your vehi cle is equipped
with an Advanced Airbag System, make certain that a ll children, especially 12 years and younger, always
ride on the
back seat properly restrained for their
age and size.
- Always install forward or rear-facing
child seats on the rear seat -even with
an Advanced A irbag System .
- If you must install a rearward-facing
child seat on the front passenger seat because of exceptional circumstances
and the
does not appear and stay on, immediate ly install the rear-facing child seat in a
rea r seat ing pos ition and h ave the airb ag
sys tem inspec ted by yo ur Audi de aler.
- If , in exceptiona l circumstances, you
m ust ins tall a forw ard -fac ing ch ild re
s t raint on the front passenger seat, al
ways move the seat into its rearmost po
sition in the seat's fore and aft adjust
ment range, as far away from the a irbag
as poss ible. The backrest must be ad just
ed to an upright pos ition. Make sure that
comes on and stays on all the time when
eve r the ignit ion is switched on .
does not go o ut when an a dult is sit ting
on the fron t passenger se at aft er taking
the steps described above, make su re the
a dul t is prope rly seate d and restrained at
one of the rea r seating positions.
- Have the airbag system inspected by
your Audi dea le r before t ransporting
anyone on the front passenger seat.
(D Tips
If the capac itive passenger detec tion sys
tem determ ines that the front passenger
seat is empty, the fronta l airbag on the
passenger side wi ll be t urned off, and the
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF light will stay
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1"1 ,...., 1.1"1 ,....,
Repair, care and disposal of the airbags
Parts of the airbag system are installed at
many different places on your Audi. Installing,
removing, servicing or repairing a part in an
area of the vehicle can damage a part of an
airbag system and prevent that system from
working properly in a collision.
There are some important things you have to know to make sure that the effectiveness of
the system will not be impaired and that dis
carded components do not cause injury or pol lute the environment.
Improper care, servicing and repair proce
dures can increase the risk of personal in
jury and death by preventing an airbag from deploying when needed or deploying
an airbag unexpectedly:
- Never cover, obstruct, or change the
steering wheel horn pad or airbag cover
or the instrument panel or modify them
in any way.
- Never attach any objects such as cup
holders or telephone mountings to the
surfaces covering the airbag units.
- For cleaning the horn pad or instrument
panel, use only a soft, dry cloth or one
moistened with plain water. Solvents or
cleaners could damage the airbag cover
or change the stiffness or strength of the
material so that the airbag cannot de
ploy and protect properly.
- Never repair, adjust, or change any parts
of the airbag system.
- All work on the steering wheel, instru
ment panel, front seats or electrical sys
tem (including the installation of audio
equipment, cellular telephones and CB
radios, etc.) must be performed by a
qualified technician who has the training
and special equipment necessary.
- For any work on the airbag system, we
strongly recommend that you see your
authorized Audi dealer or qualified work
Airbag system 163
-Never modify the front bumper or parts
of the vehicle body.
- Always make sure that the side airbag
can inflate without interference:
- Never install seat covers or replace
ment upholstery over the front seat
backs that have not been specifically
approved by Audi.
- Never use additional seat cushions that
cover the areas where the side airbags inflate.
- Damage to the original seat covers or
to the seam in the area of the side air
bag module must always be repaired
immediately by an authorized Audi
- The airbag system can deploy only once. After an airbag has been deployed, it must be replaced with new replacement
parts designed and approved especially
for your Audi model version. Replace
ment of complete airbag systems or air
bag components must be performed by
qualified workshops only . Make sure that
any airbag service action is entered in
your Audi Warranty
& Maintenance book
let under
- For safety reasons in severe accidents,
the alternator and starter are separated
from the vehicle battery with a pyrotech
nic circuit interrupter.
- Work on the pyrotechnic circuit inter
rupter must only be performed by a
qualified technicians who have the ex
perience, information and special tools
necessary to perform the work safely.
- If the vehicle or the circuit interrupter
is scrapped, all applicable safety pre
cautions must be followed.
@) For the sake of the environment
Undeployed airbag modules and preten
sioners might be classified as Perchlorate
Material - special handling may apply, see
164 Airbag system
www .dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/per
chlorate. When the vehicle or parts of the
restraint system including airbag modules
and safety belts wit h pretens ioners are
scrapped, all applicable laws and regula
tions must be observed. Your authorized
Aud i dea ler is familiar wit h these requ ire
ments and we recommend that you have
your dea le r perfo rm this se rv ice for you.
Other things that can affect Advanced
Airbag performance
Changing the vehicle's suspension system can
change the way that the Advanced Airbag Sys
tem performs in a crash. For example, using
tire-r im combinations not approved by Aud i,
lowering the vehicle, changing the stiffness of
the suspension, including the springs, suspen
sion st ruts, shock absorbers etc. can change
the forces that are measured by the a irbag
sensors and se nt to the electron ic control
un it. Some suspension changes can, for exam
p le, increase the force levels meas ured by the
sensors and make the airbag system deploy in
crashes in which it would not deploy if the
changes had not been made. Other kinds of
changes may reduce the force levels meas ured by the sensors and prevent the a irbag
from deploying when it should.
Changing the vehicle's suspension includ
ing use of unapproved tire -rim combina
tions can change Advan ced A irbag per
formance and increase the risk of serio us
personal in jury in a crash.
- Never install suspension components
that do not have the same performance character istics as the components origi
nally installed on your vehicle.
- Never use tire-rim combinatio ns that
have not been approved by A udi.
Knee airbags
Description of knee airbags
Applies to vehicles: with knee airbags
The knee airbag system can provide supple
mental protection to properly restrained
front seat occupants.
F ig . 1 65 Driver's knee airbag
The driver knee airbag is in the ins trumen t
pane l underneath t he steering wheel
¢ fig. 165, the airbag for the passenger is at
about the same height in the instrument pan
el underneat h the glove compartment.
T he knee airbag offe rs additional p rotection
to the driver 's and passenger's knees and up
per and lower th igh areas and supplements
the protection provided by the safety belts.
If t he front airbags dep loy , the knee ai rbags
also dep loy in frontal coll isions when the de
ployment threshold stored in the contro l unit
is met
¢ page 15 7, More important things to
know about front airbags.
In addition to their norma l safety function,
safety belts help keep the dr iver or front pas
senger in position in a fronta l collision so that
the a irbags can provide supplemental protec
t ion .
The airbag system is not a substit ute for your
safety belt. Rather, it is part of the overa ll oc
cupant restra int system in your vehicle. Al
ways remember that the a irbag system can
o nly help to protect you if you are weari ng
your safety belt and wea ring i t properly. This
is why you should always wear your safety
belt, not just beca use the law requi res you to
do so
r::!;>page 138, General notes . ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Remember too, airbags will deploy only once
and only in certain kinds of accidents -your
safety belts are a lways there to offer protec
tion in those acc idents in which airbags are
not supposed to deploy or when they have al
ready deployed, for example when your vehi
cle str ikes or is struck by another afte r the
fi rst coll is ion.
This is just one of the reasons why an a irbag is
not a substitute for the safety belt . The airbag
system works most effectively when used with
the safety belts . Therefore, always wear your
safety bel ts correctly .
It is important to remember that while the
supplemental knee a irbag system is des igned
to reduce the like lihood of serious injur ies,
o ther in juries, fo r example, swel ling , bruising
and minor abras io ns and frict ion bu rns ca n al
so occur when an airbag inflates.
The knee airbag system basically consists
of :
-The elec tronic control mod ule
- T wo inf latab le airbags (airbag and gas gen-
erato r), one for the driver and one for the
front passenger
- T he airbag ind icator light in the instrument
pane l
The knee airbag system will not deploy:
-when the ign ition is switc hed off
- in frontal collisions w hen the decelerat ion
measured by the control unit is too low
- in s ide collisions
- in rear-end collisions
- in ro llovers
- in the event of a system malfunct io n (wa rn -
i ng/indicator ligh t is on)
r::!>page 19.
- Safety belts and the airbag system can
only p rov ide protection when occ upants
are in the proper seating posit ion
c::>page 157.
-If the airbag indicator light c::> page 19
comes when the vehicle is be ing used,
have the system inspected immediately
A irba g sy stem 165
by your authorized A udi dealer. It is pos
sib le that the airbag will inflate when it
is not supposed to , or will not inflate
when it should .
How knee airbags work
Applies to vehicles: with knee airbags
The risk of injury to the leg area can be re
duced by fully inflated knee airbags.
~ N 0 :..c---0
Fi g. 166 In flated a irbags protect ing in a fronta l coll i·
s ion
The knee airbag system has been designed so
that the airbags for the driver and front pas
senger deploy in certain but not all frontal
If the front airbags dep loy, the knee airbags
also dep loy in fronta l collisions when the de
ployment th resho ld stored in the control unit
is met.
When the system deploys, the ai rbags fill
with a propellant gas, and inflate between the l ower part of the instrument pane l and the
driver and t he lower part of the instrument
panel and the front passenger
c::> page 157,
fig . 163 .
Although they are not a soft pi llow, they can
"cushion" the impact and in th is way they can
help to reduce the risk of injury to the lower
extremit ies .
A ll of th is takes place in the blink o f an eye, so
fast that many people don't even realize that
the a irbags have deployed. The airbags a lso
i nfla te with a g reat dea l of fo rce and i t is im
po rtant for occupant safety t hat nothing
sho uld be in their way whe n they deploy. ..,.
166 Airbag system
Fully inflated airbags in combination with
properly worn safety belts slow down and lim
it the occupant's forward movement and help
to reduce the risk of injury.
Important safety instructions on the
knee airbag system
Appl ies to vehicles: with knee airbags
Airbags are only supplemental restraints. Al
ways wear safety belts correctly and ride in a
proper seating position.
There is a lot that you and your passengers
must know and do to help the safety belts and
a irbags to provide supplemental protection .
An inflating knee airbag can cause serious
injury. Wearing safety belts incorrectly and
improper seating positions increase the
r isk of serious personal injury and death
whenever a vehicle is being used.
- The knee airbag system cannot protect
you properly if you are seated too close
to any of the airbag locations. When ad
justing their seat positions, it is impor tant that both the driver and the front
passenger keep their upper bodies and
knees at the following minimum safe
- at least 10 inches (25 cm) between the
chest and the steering wheel/instru
ment panel.
- at least 4 inches (10 cm) between the
knees and the lower part of the instru
ment panel.
- The risk of personal injury increases if
you lean forward or to the side, or if the
seat is improperly positioned and you are
not wearing your safety belt. The risk in
creases even more should the airbag de
-Always make sure that the knee airbag
can inflate without interference. Objects between you and the airbag can increase
the risk of injury in an accident by inter
fering with the way the airbag deploys or by being pushed
into you as the airbag
- Never let anybody, especially children
o r animals ride in the footwell in front
of the passenger seat. If the airbag de
ploys, this can result in serious or fatal
- Never carry objects of any kind in the
footwell area in front of the driver's or
passenger's seat. Bulky objects (shop
ping bags, for example) can interfere
with or prevent proper deployment of
the airbag. Small objects can be
thrown through the vehicle if the air bag deploys and injure you or your pas
- Make sure there are no cracks, deep
scratches or other damage in the area of
the instrument panel where the knee air
bags are located.
- If children are incorrectly seated, their
risk of injury increases in a collision
~ page 173, Child Safety.
Side airbags
Description of side airbags
The airbag system can provide supplemental
protection to properly restrained occupants.
Fig. 167 S ide a irbag location in the driver's seat
The side airbags are located in the sides of the
front seat backrests¢
fig. 167 and the rear
backrest facing the doors. They are identified
by the word "AIRBAG ".
The side airbags installed for the front seating
positions have been designed and certified to
help reduce the risk of injury that can be .,_