Page 49 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
instrument cluster illuminates when the
high beams are on.
- The
headlight flasher works only as long as
yo u hold the lever -even if there are no
l ights turned on . The indicator light
II in
the instrument cluster illuminates when you
use the headlight flasher.
Do not use the high beam or headlight
flasher if you know that these could blind
oncoming traffic.
Interior lights
Front and rear interior lighting
Fig. 39 Headl iner: Front inter ior l ights
F ig. 40 Rear headl iner: Reading lig ht
Press the appropriate button ¢ fig. 39:
§1 -Interior lighting on/off
1!1-Door contact switch on/off. The inte rior
lighting is controlled automatically .
51-Reading lights on/off
~- Switch ing the rear reading lights on/off
from the cockp it.
1-.. REAR !* -Switch ing the rear reading lights
on/off from the cockp it.
Clear vi sion 4 7
Ambience lighting
Applies to veh icles : w ith amb ience lig hting
You can adjust the brightness for the ambi
ence ligh ting.
.,. Select in the MMI: ICARlfunction button>
(Car)* systems control button > Vehicle set
> Interior lighting > Brightne ss.
.,. To increase or reduce the brightness, turn
t he knob and press it.
The ambience lighting turns on when yo u turn
the headlights on while the ign ition is switch
ed on.
(D Tips
The setting is automatically stored and as
signed to the remote control key that is in
u se.
Instrument illumination
You can adjust the brightness of the instru
ment and display illumination as well as the
Head -up Display*.
Fig. 4 1 Instrument illumination
... Press the knob to release it .
... Turn the knob toward"-" or"+" to reduce or
increase the brightness.
.,. Press the knob aga in to return it to its origi
nal posit ion .
(D Tips
The instrument illumination (for dials and
needles) lights on when the ignition is
switched on and the vehicle lights are
turned off. As the daylight fades, the illu
mination of the dials likewise dims
Page 50 of 316
48 Clear vis ion
automatically and will go o ut comp letely
when the outside light is very low. This
feature is meant to remind you to switch on the headlights when outs ide light con
ditions become poor.
Sun visors
( )
Fig. 42 Sun viso r
The sun visors for the dr iver and passenge r
can be released from the ir brackets and
turned toward the doors
9 fig. 42@.
The mirror light switches on whe n the cover
over the vanity mirror @opens .
Sun shade
Applies to vehicles: with s un shade
The sun shade is located on the luggage com
partment shelf.
Fi g. 4 3 Sun s hade in lowered position
When the sun shade is in the lowe red posi
tion, it is secured in the retaine r@ .
~ To ra ise ® the su n shade, remove it from
the reta iner .
-Do not use t he sun shade to secure cargo.
The luggage compartme nt cover is not a
surface for storing objects. Objects p laced
on th e cove r could enda nger all vehi cle oc
cup ants dur ing s udden braki ng maneuvers
or i n a crash.
Wiper and washer
Switching the windshield wipers on
Fig. 44 W indshield wiper leve r
Move the windshie ld wiper lever to the corre
sponding position:
@ -Windshield wipers off
(D-Rain sensor mode . The windsh ie ld wipers
swi tch on once the veh icle speed exceeds ap
proximate ly 2 mph ( 4 km/h) and it is ra ining.
T he higher t he rain sensor sensit ivity is set
(switch @to the right), the earlier the wind
shield wipers react to moisture on the w ind
shield. You can deactivate rain sensor mode in
the MMI, which will then activate interm ittent
mode. Select:
I CAR ! funct ion button > (Car )*
cont ro l butto n > Driver as sist > Rain
sensor > Off .
In inte rm ittent mode, yo u can
adjust the interval time using the sw itch @.
@ -Slow w iping
® -Fast wiping
@ -Single wipe. If you ho ld the lever in this
position longer, the wipe rs switch from s low
wiping to fast w iping.
® -Clean the w indshie ld. The wipe rs wipe
one time after severa l seconds of driving to
Page 51 of 316
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
remove water droplets . You can switch this
function off by moving the lever to position ®
within 10 seconds after the afterw ipe. The af
terw ipe funct ion is react ivated the next time
you switch the ignit ion on .
C lea ning the headlights *. The headlight wash
er system * operates on ly when the headlights
are on. If you move the lever to pos ition ®,
the headlights and the night vision assistant
camera* are washed in intervals .
-The ra in sensor is only des igned to assist
and support the drive r.
It remains entire
ly the dr iver's respons ibility to monitor
o utside wea ther conditions and to man
ually activate the wipers as soon as rain
or drizzle reduces visibility through the
w indshield.
- The w indshie ld m ust not be treated with
water -repe llent materials. They can in
c rease glare under poor visibi lity condi
tions such as wetness, darkness, or when
the sun is low on the horizon. I n addi
tion, they can cause the windshield wip
ers to chatte r.
- Properly functioning windshie ld w iper
blades are required for a clear view and
safe dr iv ing ¢
page 49, Replacing
windshield wiper blades .
(D Note
-In the case of frost, check whether the
windsh ield wiper b lades a re frozen to
t h e windshie ld. Switching on the wind
s h ield wipers can damage the wiper
- Prior to using a car wash, the win dsh ield
wipe r system must be switched off (lever
i n position @). This helps to prevent un
i ntent ional sw itch ing on and damage to
the windshie ld w iper sys tem .
- Do no t use the wipe rs to cle ar a frosted
window. Using the wipers as a conven
i ent ice sc raper will destroy t he wiper
b lades .
Clear vis ion 49
(D Tips
- The windshie ld wipers are switched off
when the ign it ion is off. Activate the
w indshield wipers after the ignition is
switched back on by moving the w ind
shield wiper lever to any position .
- Worn or d irty windshield wiper blades
result in streaking. This ca n affect the
rai n sensor function. Check your wind
shield wiper blades regularly.
- The washer fluid nozz les of the wind
shield washe r system a re heated at low
tempe ratu res whe n the ignition is on.
- When stopping temporarily, e .g. at a
t raffic light, the set spe ed of the wind
shield wipers is automatically reduced by
one speed.
Cleaning windshield wiper blades
Clean the w indsh ie ld w iper blades when t hey
begin to leave st reaks. Use a soft clo th and
glass cleaner to clean the wi ndshield wipe r
.,. Place t he windsh ie ld w iper arms in the serv
ice pos ition . Re fer to ¢
page 50 .
.,. Lift the wiper arm away from the front win
Dirty windsh ield wiper b lades can impair
your view. This can lead to accidents .
Replacing windshield wiper blades
Fig. 45 Removing windshie ld wiper blades
Page 52 of 316
50 Clear vis ion
Wiper servi ce po sition /blade rep lacem ent
po sit ion
• Switch the ignition off and move the wind
shield wiper lever to position @¢
page 48,
fig. 44. The windshield wipers move into the
service position.
• To bring the wipers back into the original
pos ition, switch the ignition on and press
the windshie ld wiper lever.
You can also turn the service position on or
in the MMI:
• Switch the w indshield wipers off (posit ion
@ ¢page 48, fig. 44).
• Se lect: I CAR I funct ion button> (C ar)* sys·
tern s
control button > Servicing & ch eck s >
Wip er serv ice po sition > O n/ Off .
R em oving the wip er blade
• Lift the w indshield wiper arm up from the
wi ndshield.
• Press the locking knob
(D ~ fig. 45 on the
wiper blade. Hold t he wiper blade firm ly.
• Remove the wiper blade in the direction of
the arrow .
Attaching th e wiper blade
• Install the new wipe r blade in the retaine r
on the w iper arm @until you hear it cl ick in
to place on the wiper arm.
• Place the wiper arm back on the windshie ld .
• Turn the service pos ition
off .
For your safety, yo u should replace the
wiper blades once or tw ice a year. See your
authorized Audi dealer for rep lacement
(D Note
- The windshield wiper blades must on ly
be folded away when in the service posi
tion! Otherwise, you risk damaging the paint on the hood or the w indshield wip·
er moto r.
- You should not
move your vehicle or
press the w indshield w iper lever when
the wip er arms are folded away from the w
indshield. The windshield wipers wou ld
move back into their original position
and co uld damage the hood and wind
- To help prevent damage to the wiper sys
tem, always loosen blades wh ich are fro
zen to the windshield before operating
w ipers.
- To help prevent damage to wiper blades,
do not use gasoline, kerosene, paint
thinner, or other solvents on o r near the
w iper blades.
- To help prevent damage to the wiper
arms or other components, do not at
tempt to move the wipe rs by hand.
¢j) Tips
- Commercial hot waxes applied by auto·
matic car washes affect the cleanability
of the windshie ld.
- You can also use the se rvice position, for
example, if you want to protect the
w indshield from icing by using a cover.
- You can not activate the service position
when the hood is open .
Adjusting the exterior mirrors
Fig. 46 Fo rward section of driver 's arm rest: power mir·
ror controls
Turn the knob to the desired posit ion :
Q/P -In this pos ition, yo u can adjust the
driver's and front passenger's exterior mirrors
by turning the knob in the desired direction.
4iil -The m irrors are heated depend ing on the
outside tempera ture. .,._
Page 53 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
8 - The exterior mirrors fold in. In the MMI,
you can select if the mirrors fold in automati
cally when you lock the vehicle ~
page 34.
Tilt function for the passenger's mirror
To help you see the curb when backing into a
parking space, the surface of the mirror tilts
slightly. The knob must be in the P position
for this to happen.
You can adjust the tilted mirror surface by
turning the knob in the desired direction.
When you move out of reverse and into anoth
er gear, the new mirror position is stored and
assigned to the key you are using.
The mirror goes back into its original position
once you drive forward faster than 9 mph (15
km/h) or switch the ignition off.
- Curved (i.e. convex) mirror surfaces in
crease your field of view. Remember that
vehicles or other objects will appear
smaller and farther away than when seen in a flat mirror.
If you use this mirror to
estimate distances of following vehicles
when changing lanes, you could estimate
incorrectly and cause an accident.
(D Note
-If the mirror housing is moved uninten
tionally (for example, while parking your
vehicle), then you must first fold the mi r
ror electrically. Do not readjust the mir
ror housing manually. You could damage
the motor which controls the mirror.
- If you wash the vehicle in an automatic
car wash, you must fold the exterior mir
rors in to reduce the risk of damage to
the mirrors. Never fold power folding ex
terior mirrors* by hand. Only fold them in and out using the power controls.
@ Tips
-The exterior mirror settings are stored
with the memory function*
~ page S 7.
- If there is a malfunction in the electrical
system, you can still adjust the exterior
Clear vision S 1
mirrors by pressing the edge of the mir
Dimming the mirrors
Fig. 47 Automatic dimming rea rview mirro r•
Manual anti-glare adjustment
"' Move the small lever (located on the bottom
edge of the mirror) to the rear.
Automatically dimming mirrors*
"'To dim the rearview mirror and both exterior
mirrors, press the@button. The diode @
turns on. The rearview and exterior mirrors
dim automatically when light shines on
them, for example from headlights on ave
hicle to the rear.
= Electrolyte fluid can leak from automatic
dimming mirrors if the glass is broken.
Electrolyte fluid can irritate skin, eyes and
respiratory system.
- Repeated or prolonged exposure to elec
trolyte can cause irritation to the respira
tory system, especially among people
with asthma or other respiratory condi
tions. Get fresh air immediately by leav
ing the vehicle or, if that is not possible,
open windows and doors all the way.
- If electrolyte gets into the eyes, flush
them thoroughly with large amounts of
clean water for at least 15 minutes·
medical attention is recommended.
- If electrolyte contacts skin, flush affect
ed area with clean water for at least 15 minutes and then wash affected area
with soap and water; medical attention
.___ ______ _:_ ____ _:_.::..:.:..__J ....
Page 54 of 316
52 Clear vis ion
is recommended. Thoroughly wash af
fected clothing and shoes before reuse .
- If swallowed and person is conscious,
rinse mouth with water for at least 15
minutes . Do not induce vom iting unless
instructed to do so by medical professio
nal. Get medical attention immediately .
(D Note
Liquid electro lyte leaking from broken mir
ror glass will damage any plastic surfaces
it comes in contact with. Clean up spilled
electrolyte immediately with clean water
and a sponge .
{i) Tips
-Switching off the dimming function of
the inside rear view mirror also deact i
vates the automatic dimming f unction of
the exte rior m irrors .
- The automatic d imm ing mirrors do not
dim when the interio r lighting is turned
on or the reverse gear is se lected .
- Automat ic dimmi ng for the m irror only
ope rates p roperly if the light st riking the
i nside mirror is not hinde red in any way.
Page 55 of 316
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Seats and storage
General recommen
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
The safety belts and the airbag system can
only provide maximum protection if the front
seats are correctly adjusted.
There are various ways of adjusting the front
seats to provide safe and comfortable support
for the driver and the front passenger. Adjust
your seat properly so that :
- you can easily and quick ly reach all the
switches and controls in the instrument
- your body is properly supported thus reduc ing physical stress and fatigue
- the safety belts and airbag system can offe r
maximum protection ¢
page 147.
In the following sections, you will see exactly
how you can best adjust your seats .
There are special regulations and instructions
for installing a child seat on the front pas
senger's seat. Always fo llow the information
regarding chi ld safety provided in
¢ page 173, Child Safety .
Incorrect seating position of the driver and
all other passengers can result in serious
personal injury.
- Always keep your feet on the f loor when
the vehicle is in motion -never put your
feet on top of the instrument panel, out
of the window or on top of the seat cush
ion. Th is applies especially to the passen
gers . If your seating position is incorrect,
you increase the r isk of injury in the case
of sudden braking or an acc ident. If the
airbag inflates and the seating position
is incorrect, this could result in persona l
injury or even death.
- It is important for both the driver and
front passenger to keep a distance of a t
Seat s an d sto rage 53
least 10 inches (25 cm) between them
selves and the steering wheel and/or in
strument panel. If you're s itting any
closer than th is, the airbag system can
not protect you properly. In addition, the
front seats and head restraints must be
adjusted to your body height so that they
can give you maximum protect ion.
- Always try to keep as much distance as
possible between yourself and the s teer
ing wheel o r instrument pane l.
- Do not adjust the driver's or front pas
senger's seat whi le the vehicle is moving.
Your sea t may move unexpected ly, caus
ing sudden loss of vehicle cont rol and
personal injury . If you adjust yo ur seat
while the veh icle is moving, yo u are out
of posit ion.
Driver's seat
The correct seat position is important for safe
and relaxed driving.
We recommend that you adjus t the dr iver's
seat in the fo llowing manner:
.,. Adjust the seat in fore and aft direction so
that you can easily push the peda ls to the
floor wh ile keeping your knees s lightly bent
i:::> A in Why is your seat adjustment so im
portant? on page 53.
.,. Adjust the backrest so that when you sit
w ith your back against the backrest, you can
still grasp the top of the steering wheel.
.,. For adjustable head restra ints: adjust the
head restra int so the upper edge is as even
as poss ible with the top of your head . If that
is not poss ible, try to adjust the head re
straint so that it is as close to this position
as possible ¢
page 56. Move the head re
straint so that it is as close to the back of
the head as possib le .
-Never place any objects in the dr iver's foot-
well. An object could get into the pedal
area and interfere with pedal funct ion . In
Page 56 of 316
54 Seat s and storage
case of sudden braking or an accident, you
would not be ab le to brake or acce lerate.
Front passenger's seat
Always move the front passenger seat into
the rearmost position.
To avo id contact with the airbag wh ile i t is de
p loying, do not sit a ny closer to the inst ru
ment panel than necessary and always wear
the three-point safety belt provided adjusted
correctly. We recommend that you adjust the
passenger's seat in the following manner:
"' Bring the backrest up to an (almost) upright
position . Do not ride with the seat reclined.
"' For adjustable head restraints: adjust the
head restraint so the upper edge is as
as possible w ith the top of your head . If that
is not possible, try to adjust the head re
stra int so that it is as close to th is position
as possible ¢
page 56. Move t he head re
stra int so that it is as close to the back of
the head as possible.
"' Place your feet on the floor in front of the
passenger's seat .
Front seats
Moving the seat forward or bock and adjust
ing the height, backrest angle and seat an
F ig. 4 8 Front seat: adjusting t he seat
@ -Moving the seat forward/back: press the
button fo rward/back
c:> .&. .
@ -Mov ing the seat up/down: press the but
ton up/down~ _&.. To ad just the fron t sec tion of the seat, press the front button up/down
.&. .To adjust the rear sectio n of the seat
press the rear button up/down ¢ &..
®-Turn the massage function * on/off. You
can select the type of massage using the mul
tif unction button ¢
page 55 .
© -Backrest fo rward/back: p ress the bu tton
f orward/back
c:> &. .
corresponding position
c:> &. or multifunction
c:> &. , c:> page 55 .
-Never adjust the driver's or front pas -
senger's seat whi le the vehicle is moving .
If you do th is while the veh icle is moving,
you will be out of position. A lways adjust
the driver's or front passenger's seat
when the ve hicle is not mov ing.
- Be careful when adj usting the seat
he ight. Check to see that no one is in t he
way, or ser ious injury cou ld result!
- Because the seats can be e lectrically ad
justed with the ignition off,
never leave
children unattended in the veh icle. Unsu
pe rv ised use of the electric seat adjust
ments may cause serious injury .
- To reduce the risk of injury in the case of sudden b raking or accident, front pas
sengers mus t never r ide in a moving
h icle with the ba ck res t reclined. Safety
be lts and the airbag system o nly offer
maxim um protection when the backrest
is upr ight and the safety belts are prop
erly positioned on the body . The more
the backrest is reclined, the greater the risk of persona l injury from an incorrect
seating position and improperly pos i
tioned safety belts.