M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
caused by airbags when they inflate, particu
l arly when the occupant sitting next to it is
not seated properly. The s ide a irbag for the
front passenger seat can be used with proper
ly installed chi ld res traints. Please be sure to
read the important information and warnings
whenever us ing a child restraint in a veh icle :
Safety belts
c::;, page 138, A irbag system
c::;, page 147, Child safety ~ page 173.
The side airbag system basically con sists of:
- the e lectronic control module and external
s ide impact sensors
- the two airbags located in the sides of the
front backrests and the two airbags* located
in the rear backrest
- the airbag warning light in the instrument
The airbag system is monito red elect ron ica lly
to make certain that it is functioning properly
at all times. Each time you switch on the igni
tion, the airbag system indicator light will
come on for a few seconds (self diagnostics) .
T he side airbag system supplements the safe
ty belts and can help to reduce the risk of in
jury to the driver's, front and rear passenger's upper torso on t he side of the vehicle that is
struck in a side collision . The airbag deploys
only in s ide impac ts and on ly when the veh icle
acceleration registered by the control u nit is
hi gh enough . If this rate is below the refer
e nce va lue progr ammed i nto the con trol un it,
the side airbags will not be triggered, even
though the ca r may be badly damaged as a re
sult of the collision . It is not possible to de
f ine an a irbag trigger ing range that will cover
eve ry possible angle of impact, since the cir
cumstances will vary considerably between
one co llision and another . Important facto rs
in clude, for examp le, the natu re (hard o r soft)
of the impacting objec t, the ang le of impact ,
ve hicl e speed, etc. ~
page 1 68, Impor tan t
safety instructions on the side airbag system.
Aside from the ir no rmal safety function, safe
ty belts wor k to he lp keep the d river or front
passenger in posi tion in the event of a side
Airbag system 167
collision so that the side airbags can provide
T he airbag system is
not a substi tute fo r your
s af ety belt . Ra ther, it is part o f the over all oc
cupant restra int system in you r vehicle . A l
ways remember that the side airbag system
can on ly help to protect yo u if you are wearing
your safety be lt and wearing it proper ly. This
is another reason why you should always wear
your safety be lts, not just because the law re
quires you to do so c::;,
page 138, General
It is important to remember that wh ile the
suppleme nta l side airbag system is desig ned
to r educe the likelihood of ser ious injuries,
othe r injur ies, for exampl e, swelling, bru is ing ,
friction bur ns and m ino r abrasions can a lso be
associ ated w ith dep loye d side airbags. Re
member too, si de a irbags w ill dep loy o nly
once an d only in ce rtain kinds of accidents -
yo ur safety be lts a re a lways there to offer p ro
tection .
Vehicle damage, repair costs o r even the lack
of ve hicle damage are not necessarily a n indi
cation of over-sensitive or failed airbag activa
tion. In some coll is ions, both front and side
a irbags may inflate. Remember too, that air
bags will deploy only once a nd only in cer tain
ki nds of col lisions -you r safety belts a re a l
ways t he re to offe r protection in those acc i
dents i n which a irbags are not supposed to
deploy or when they have a lready deployed .
The side airbag system will not deploy:
-when the ignit io n is switched off
- in side co llisions whe n the acceleration
meas ured by t he sensor is too low
- in front-end collisions
- in rear -end co llisions
- in rollove rs .
In some types of accidents the front airbags,
s ide cu rtain airbags and s ide a irbags may be
t rigge red together. .,,. •
168 Airbag system
-Safety belts and the airbag system will
only provide protection when occupants
are in the proper seating position
<=>page 168.
- If the airbag indicator light c::> page 19
comes when the vehicle is being used,
have the system inspected immediately
by your authorized Audi dealer. It is pos
sible that the airbag will inflate when it
is not supposed to, or will not inflate
when it should.
How supplemental side airbags work
Side airbags deploy instantly and can help re duce the risk of upper torso injuries for occu
pants who are properly restrained.
Fig. 168 Inflated side airbags o n left side of ve hicle,
rea r side a irbag
When the system is triggered, the airbag is
filled with propellant gas and breaks through
a seam in the seat surface area marked "AIR
BAG". It expands between the side tr im panel
and the passenger . In order to help provide
this additional protection, the side airbag must inflate within a fraction of a second at
very high speed and with great force . The sup
plemental side airbag could injure you if your
seating position is not proper or upright or if
items are located in the area where the sup
plemental side airbag expands. This applies
especially to children
c::> page 173, Child Safe
Supplemental side airbags inflate be
tween the occupant and the door panel on the
side of the vehicle that is struck in certain side
c::> fig. 168 .
Although they are not a soft pillow, they can
"cushion" the impact and in this way they can
help to reduce the risk of injury to the upper
part of the body.
A fine dust may develop when the airbag de ploys. This is normal and does not mean there
is a fire in the vehicle.
Important safety instructions on the
side airbag system
Airbags ore only supplemental restraints . Al
ways properly wear safety bel ts and ride in a
proper seating position .
There is a lot that you and your passengers
must know and act accordingly to help the
safety belts and airbags do their job to pro
vide supplemental protection .
-An inflating side airbag can cause serious
or fatal injury. Improperly wearing safety
belts and improper seating positions in
crease the risk of serious personal injury
and death whenever a vehicle is being
- In order to reduce the risk of injury when
the supplemental side airbag inflates:
- Always sit in an upright position and
never lean against the area where the
supplemental side airbag is located .
- Never let a child or anyone else rest
their head against the side trim panel in the area where the supplemental
side airbag inflates.
-Always make sure that safety belts are
worn correctly,
- Do not let anyone sitting in the front
seat put their hand or any other parts
of their body out of the window .
- Always make sure that the side airbag
can inflate without interference.
- Never install seat covers or replace
ment upholstery over the front seat
backs that have not been specifically
approved by Audi.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
-Never use additional seat cushions that
cover the areas where the side airbags
- Damage to the original seat covers or
to the seam in the area of the side air
bag module must always be repaired
immediately by an authorized Audi
dealer .
- Objects between you and the airbag can
increase the risk of injury in an accident
by interfering with the way the airbag
unfolds or by being pushed into you as
the airbag inflates.
- Never place or attach accessories or
other objects (such as cup holders., tel
ephone brackets, or even large, bulky
objects) on the doors, over or near the
area marked "AIRBAG" on the seat
backrests .
- Such objects and accessories can be come dangerous projectiles and cause
injury when the supplemental side air
bag deploys.
- Never carry any objects or pets in the
deployment space between them and
the airbags or allow children or other
passengers to travel in this position.
- Always use the built-in coat hooks only
for lightweight clothing. Never leave any
heavy or sharp-edged objects in the
pockets that may interfere with side air
bag deployment and can cause personal
injury in an accident.
- Always prevent the side airbags from be
ing damaged by heavy objects knocking
against or hitting the sides of the seat
- The airbag system can only be triggered
once. If the airbag has been triggered,
the system must be replaced by an au
thorized Audi dealership.
- Damage (cracks, deep scratches etc.) to
the original seat covers or to the seam in
the area of the side airbag module must
always be repaired immediately by an au
thorized Audi dealer.
Airbag system 169
-If children are seated improperly, their
risk of inju ry increases in the case of an
Q page 173, Child Safety.
- Never attempt to modify any compo
nents of the airbag system in any way .
- In a side collision, side airbags will not
function properly if sensors cannot cor
rectly measure increasing air pressure in
side the doors when air escapes through
larger, unclosed openings in the door
- Never drive with interior door trim pan els removed.
- Never drive when parts have been re
moved from the inside door panel and
the openings they leave have not been
properly closed.
- Never drive when loudspeakers in the
doors have been removed unless the
speaker holes have been properly
- Always make certain that openings are
covered or filled if additional speakers
or other equipment is installed in the
inside door panels.
- Always have work on the doors done by
an authorized Audi dealer or qualified
Side curtain airbags
Description of side curtain a irbags
The side curtain airbag system can provide
supplemental protection to properly restrain
ed occupants.
Fig. 169 Side curta in air bags, driver's side: side curtain
airbag locat ion ....
1 70 Airbag system
The side curtain airbags are located on both
sides of th e interior above the front and rear
side windows ~
fig. 169. They are ident ified
by the word "AIRBAG" on the windshield
frame and the center roof pillar.
The side curtain airbag system supplements
the safety belts and can help to reduce the risk of injury for occupants' heads and uppe r
torso on the side of the vehicle that is struck
in a side collision . The side curtain airbag in
flates in side impacts and only when the vehi
cle acceleration registered by the control unit is high enough. If this rate is below the refer
ence value programmed into the control unit,
the side curtain airbag will not be triggered,
even though the car may be badly damaged as
a result of the collision. It is not possible to
define an airbag triggering range that will
cover every possible angle of impact, since the
circumstances will vary considerably between
one collision and another. Important factors
include, for example, the nature (hard or soft)
of the impacting object, the angle of impact,
vehicle speed, etc.~
page 171, How side cur
tain airbags work.
Aside from their normal safety function, safe
ty belts work to help keep the driver or front
passenger in position in the event of a colli
sion so that the side curtain airbags can pro
vide protection.
The airbag system is not a substitute for your
safety belt. Rather, it is part of the overall oc
cupant restraint system in your vehicle. Al
ways remember that the airbag system can
only help to protect you if you are wearing
your safety belt and wearing it properly. This
is another reason why you should always wear
your safety belts, not just because the law re
quires you to do so
Q page 138, General
It is important to remember that while the
side curtain airbag system is designed to help
reduce the likelihood of serious injuries, other
injuries, for example, swelling, bruising, fric
tion burns and minor abrasions can also be as
sociated with these airbags upon deployment. Remember too, these airbags will deploy only once and only in certain kinds of accidents
your safety belts are always there to offer pro
The side curtain airbag system basically
consists of:
- The electronic control module and external
side impact sensors
- The side curtain airbags above the front and
rear side windows
- The airbag indicator light in the instrument
The airbag system is monitored electronically
to make certain it is functioning properly at all
times. Each time you switch on the ignition,
the airbag system indicator light will come on
for a few seconds (self diagnostics).
The side curtain airbag is not activated:
- if the ignition is switched off,
- in side collisions when the acceleration
measured by the sensor is too low,
- in rear-end collisions.
- Safety belts and the airbag system will
only provide protection when occupants
are in the proper seating position
¢page 53, General recommendations.
- If the airbag indicator light Q page 19
comes when the vehicle is being used,
have the system inspected immediately
by your authorized Audi dealer. It is pos
sible that the airbag will inflate when it
is not supposed to, or will not inflate
when it should.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
How side curtain airbags work
Side curtain airbags can work together with
side airbags to help reduce the risk of head
and upper torso injuries for occupants who
are properly restrained.
Fig. 170 Illustrat ion of p rinc iple: Infla ted side cur ta in
airbags on the left side
The side curtain airbags inflate between the
occupant and the windows on the side of the
vehicle that is struck in a side collision
¢fig. 170.
When the system is triggered, the side curtain
airbag is filled with propellant gas and breaks
through a seam above the front and rear side windows identified by the AIRBAG label. In or
der to help provide this additional protection,
the side curtain airbag must inflate within the
blink of an eye at very high speed and with
great force. The side curtain airbag could in
jure you if your seating position is not proper
or upright or if items are located in the area
where the supplementa l side curtain airbag
inf lates . This applies especially to children
¢page 173.
Although they are not a soft pillow, side cur
tain airbags can ''cushion" the impact and in
this way they can help to reduce the risk of in
jury to the head and the upper part of the
A fine dust may develop when the airbag de
ploys. This is quite normal and does not mean
there is a fire in the vehicle .
Airbag system 1 71
Important safety instructions on the
side curtain airbag system
Airbags are only supplemental restraints. Al
ways properly wear safety belts and ride in a
proper seating position.
There is a lot that you and your passengers
must know and do to help the safety belts and
airbags do their job to provide supplemental
Improperly wearing safety belts and im
proper seating positions increase the risk
of serious personal injury and death when
ever a vehicle is being used.
- Never let occupants place any parts of
their bodies in the area from which the side curtain airbag inflate.
- Always make sure that the side curtain
airbags can inflate without interfere nce.
- Use the bui lt-in coat hooks only for light
weight clothing. Never leave any heavy or sharp-edged objects in the pockets that
may interfere with airbag deployment
and can cause personal injury in a colli
- Never use hangers to hang clothes on the hooks .
- Only use factory-installed sun shades or,
if shades installed after the vehicle
leaves the factory, use only genuine Aud i
sun shades .
- Never swing the sun visors over to the
side windows if things such as pens, ga rage door openers, hands-free speakers,
etc. are attached to the sun visors. They
could come loose and cause serious in
jury if the side curtain airbag inflates.
-A deploying airbag inflates in a fraction
of a second and with great force .
- Never attach objects to the cover or in
the deployment zone of a side curtain airbag.
- The airbag deployment zones must be
kept clear at all times . Make sure there
are no objects, pets, or other persons in
172 Airbag sys te m
the space between any vehicle occupant
and any airbag at any time.
- Do not attach any accessories to the
doors .
- The airbag system can deploy only once.
If the airbag has been triggered, the sys
tem must be replaced by an author ized
Audi dealer or qualified workshop .
- Always have work involving the side cur
tain airbag system, removal and installa
tion of the a irbag components, o r other
repa irs perfo rmed by a qualified dealer
ship. Othe rwise the airbag system may
not wo rk cor rectly .
- Never a ttempt to modify any compo
nents of the airbag sys tem in any way.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1"1 ,...., 1.1"1 ,....,
Child Safety
Important things to know
The rear seat is generally the safest place in a
collision .
The physical principles of what happens when
your veh icle is in a crash app ly also to chi ldren
~ page 139, What happens to occupants not
wearing safety belts? .
But unlike adults and
teenagers, their muscles and bones are not
fu lly developed. In many respects children are
at greater risk of serious injury in crashes than
adu lts.
Because children's bodies are not fully deve l
oped, they require restraint systems especial ly designed for their size, weight, and body
structure. Many countries and all states of the
United States and provinces of Canada have
laws requiring the use of approved child re
straint systems for infants and small children .
In a fronta l crash at a speed of 20 -35 mph
(30-56 km/h) the forces acting on a 13-pound
(6 kg) infant w ill be more than 20 t imes the
weight of the child . This means the weight of
the child would suddenly be more than
260 pounds (120 kg). Under these conditions,
on ly an appropriate chi ld restraint properly
used can reduce the risk of ser ious injury .
Child restra ints, like adult safety belts, must
be used properly to be effective. Used improp
erly, they can increase the risk of serious in
jury in an accident.
Consult the child safety seat manufacturer's
instructions in order to be sure the seat is
right for your chi ld's size ~
page 177, Impor
tant safety instructions for using child safety
Please be sure to read and heed all of
the important information and WARNINGS
about ch ild safety, Advanced A irbags, and the
installation of child restraints in this chapter.
There is a lot you need to know about the Ad
vanced Airbags in your vehicle and how they work when infants and children in child re-
Child Sa fet y 173
straints are on the front passenger seat . Be
cause of the large amount of important infor
mation, we cannot repeat it a ll here . We urge
you to read the detailed information in this owner's manual about airbags and the Ad
vanced Airbag System in your vehicle and the
very important information about transport
ing children on the front passenger seat .
Please be sure to heed the WARNINGS -they
are extremely important for your safety and
the safety of your passengers, especially in
fants and small chi ldren .
-Accident statistics have shown that chil
dren are generally safer in the rear seat
area than in the front seating position.
Always restrain any child age 12 and un der in the rear.
- All vehicle occupants and especially chil
dren must be restrained properly when
ever riding in a vehicle . An unrestrained
or improperly restrained chi ld could be
injured by str ikin g the interior or by be
ing ejected from the vehicle during a
sudden maneuver or impact. An un re
strained or improper ly restrained chi ld is
also at greater risk of injury or death
through contact with an inflating airbag.
- A suitable chi ld restraint properly instal
led and used at one of the rear seating
positions provides the highest degree of
protection for infants and small children
in most accident situations.
Children on the front seat of any car even
with Advanced Airbags can be ser iously in
jured or even killed when an a irbag in
flates. A child in a rearward-facing child
safety seat installed on the front passen
ger seat will be ser iously injured and can
be killed if the front airbag inflates .
- The inflating airbag will h it the child
safety seat or infant carrier with great
force and will smash the child safety seat
and child against the backrest, center
armrest, or door.
174 Child Safety
-Always install rear-facing child safety
seats on the rear seat.
- If you must install a rearward facing
child safety seat on the front passenger
seat in exceptional circumstances and
not come on and stay on, immediately
install the rear-facing child safety seat in
a rear seating position and have the air
bag system inspected immediately by
your Audi dealer.
- Forward-facing child seats installed on
the front passenger seat may interfere
with the deployment of the airbag and
cause serious personal injury to the
- If exceptional circumstances require the
use of a forward-facing child restraint on
the front passenger 's seat, the child's
safety and well-being require the follow ing special precautions to be taken:
- Always make sure that the forward-fac
ing seat has been designed and certi
fied by its manufacturer for use on a
front passenger seat with a front and
side airbag.
- Always carefully follow the manufac
turer's instructions provided with the
child seat or infant carrier.
- Never install a child restraint without a
properly attached top tether strap if
the child restraint manufacturer's in
structions require the top tether strap
to be used.
- Never put the forward-facing child re
straint up against or very near the in
strument panel.
- Always set the safety belt upper an
chorage to the adjustment position
that permits proper installation in ac
cordance with the child restraint manu
facturer's instructions.
-Always move the passenger seat into
its rearmost position in the seat's fore
and aft adjustment range, as far away
from the airbag as possible before in
stalling the child restraint. The back
rest must be adjusted to an upright po
sition .
- Always make sure that nothing pre
vents the front passenger's seat from
being moved to the rearmost position
in its fore and aft adjustment range.
- Never place objects on the seat (such
as a laptop, CD player, electronic
games device, power inverter or seat
heater for child seats) . These may in
fluence the electrical capacitance
measured by the capacitive passenger
detection system and can also fly
around in an accident and cause serious
personal injury.
- Never place or use any electrical device
(such as a laptop, CD player, electronic
games device, power inverter or seat
heater for child seats) on the front pas
senger seat if the device is connected
to the 12 -volt socket or the cigarette
lighter socket.
- If a seat heater has been retrofitted or
otherwise added to the front passen
ger seat, never install any child re
straint system on this seat.
- Make sure that there are no wet objects
(such as a wet towel) and no water or
other liquids on the front passenger
seat cushion .
- Always make sure that the
light comes on and stays
on all the time whenever the ignition is
switched on.
does not come on and stay on, immedi
ately install the forward-facing child seat in a rear seating position and have
the airbag system inspected by your
authori zed Audi dealer.
- Always buckle the child seat firmly in
place even if a child is not sitting in it.
A loose child seat can fly around during
a sudden stop or in a collision.