250 Tires and wheels
Model/ Tire designation Tire pressure
Engine normal load condition
full load condition
fronta> reara>
front rear
A7: 235/55 Rl 7 99Y
32 220 29 200 35 240
38 260 3.0 liter High Performance
255/45 R18 99H
All Season
32 220 29 200 35 240 38 260
255/45 Rl8 99Y 32 220 29 200
35 240
38 260
High Performance
255/40 R19 lOOH XL
35 240 32 220 38 260 280 All Season 41
255/40 Rl9 lOOY
36 250 32 220 38 260 41 280 High Performance
265/35 R20 99H XL
35 240
32 220 38 260 41
280 All Season
265/35 R20 99Y XL
36 250 32 220 38 260 41
280 High Performance
57: 255/40 R19 lOOY XL
39 270
33 230
42 290 42 290 4.0 liter High Performance
a-cylinder 265/35 R20 99Y XL
High Performance
41 280 35 240 44 300 44 300
XL= reinforced or extra load tire. It may also appear as xl, EXTRA LOAD, or RF on the tire side-
a) normal load
condition¢ page 247.
The correct tire pressure for the
spare wheel is located on a la
bel on the driver's side B-pillar.
Because technical changes may
be made to vehicle equipment
during the model year, always
compare the tire size designa
tion on the tire pressure label
on your vehicle with the tires on
your vehicle. Make sure that the
tire size information on the ve
hicle label is the same as the
size of the tires on the vehicle. This is especially important if
the vehicle belongs to someone
else or you bought the vehicle
with different rims/tires or you bought the vehicle as a previ
ously owned vehicle.
Remember, your safety and
that of your passengers also de
pends on making sure that load
limits are not exceeded. Vehicle
load includes everybody and ev
erything in and on the vehicle.
These load limits are
Tires and wheels 253
pressures. Check all of the tires It is important to check the tire •
and be sure not to forget the pressure when the tires are • '
spare tire. If the pressure in any cold.
tire is too high when the tire is -Read the required tire pres-
"cold," let air out of the tire sure from the tire pressure la-
slowly with the edge of the tire bel. The tire pressure label is
gauge and keep checking the located on the driver's side B-
pressure until you reach the pillar.
pressure that is correct for the -Turn the valve stem cap coun-
load (passengers and luggage) ter-clockwise to remove it
and kind of driving you plan to from the tire valve.
do. -Place the air pressure gauge
If the pressure in any tire is too on the valve.
low, note the difference be- -The tire pressures should only
tween the pressure in the cold be checked and adjusted when
tire and the pressure you need the tires are cold. The slightly
and add the air that you need to
raised pressures of warm tires
reach the correct pressure for must not be reduced.
the vehicle load (passengers -Adjust the tire pressure to the
and luggage) for the tires on load you are carrying.
your vehicle as listed on the on -Reinstall the valve stem cap
your vehicle and in this manual on the valve.
and the kind of driving you plan
When should I check the tire
to do.
Never exceed the maximum in-
The correct tire pressure is es-
flation pressure listed on the
pecially important at high
tire sidewall for any reason.
speeds. The pressure should
Remember that the vehicle therefore be checked at least
manufacturer, not the tire man- once a month and always be-
ufacturer, determines the cor- fore starting a journey. Do not
rect tire pressure for the tires <( (.J
on your vehicle . .... \!) 1.1'1
.... 1.1'1 ....
254 Tires and wheels
forget to check the tire pres-
ure, including a blowout
sure for the spare wheel
and sudden deflation, caus-
¢page 274. ing loss of vehicle control.
When should I adjust the -The driver is responsible for
tire pressures? the correct tire pressures for
Adjust the tire pressure to the all tires on the vehicle. The
applicable pressure values
load you are carrying. After
are located on a sticker on
changing a wheel
or replacing
the driver's side B-pillar.
wheels you have to adjust the
-Only when all tires on the
tire pressures on all wheels. In
vehicle are filled to the car-
addition, you must then store
rect pressure, the tire pres-
the new tire pressures in the
sure monitoring system can
tire pressure monitoring sys-
work correctly.
¢ page 270.
-The use of incorrect tire
-pressure values can lead to
Incorrect tire pressures and/
accidents or other damage.
or underinflation can lead Therefore it is essential that
sudden tire failure, loss of the driver observe the speci-
control, collision, serious per- fied tire pressure values for
sonal injury or even death. the tires and the correct
-When the warning symbol pressures for the function of
[IJ appears in the instru-
the tire pressure monitoring
ment cluster, stop and in-
spect the tires. -Always inflate tires to the
-Incorrect tire pressure and/ recommended and correct
or underinflation can cause tire pressure before driving
increased tire wear and can off.
affect the handling of the -Driving with underinflated
vehicle and stopping ability. tires bend more, letting
-Incorrect tire pressures them get too hot resulting
and/or underinflation can in tread separation, sudden
also lead to sudden tire fail-
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
No. Description
® Load index and speed rat-
0 U.S. DOT tire identifica-
tion number
® Audi Original tire
® Sever snow conditions
@ Tire ply composition and materials used
@ Maximum load rating
@ Treadwear, traction and
temperature grades
@ Maximum permissible in-
flation pressure
The tires and rims are essential parts of the vehicle's design.
The tires and rims approved by
Audi are specially matched to
the characteristics of the vehi cle and can make a major con
tribution to good road holding and safe handling when in good
condition and properly inflated
¢ &.
We recommend that all work
on tires and wheels be per
formed by an authorized Audi dealer. They are familiar with
recommended procedures and
have the necessary special tools
and spare parts as well as the
Tires and wheels
proper facilities for disposing of
the old tires.
Authorized Audi dealers have
the necessary information about technical requirements
for installing or changing tires and rims.
Replacing tires and wheels
Tires should be replaced at least in pairs and not individu
ally (for example both front
tires or both rear tires togeth er).
Be sure to read and heed the in
formation to the tire pressure
monitoring system
¢ page 270 .
Always buy replacement radial
tires that have the same specifi
cations as the tires approved
for your vehicle by Audi. Re placement tires must always
have the same load rating spec
ification as the original equip
ment or approved optional tires
listed in the table
¢ page 247.
Audi-approved specification
tires are specially matched to
your vehicle and its load limits, and can contribute to the important roadholding , driving
Tires and wheels 265
sure of their "previous histo-and sudden deflation and •
ry." Old used tires may have loss of control. • '
been damaged even though -Temperature grades apply
the damage cannot be seen to tires that are properly in-
that can lead to sudden tire flated and not over or un-
failure and loss of vehicle derinflated.
control. -For technical reasons it is
-All four wheels must be fit- not always possible to use
ted with radial tires of the wheels from other vehicles -
same type , size (rolling cir-
in some cases not even
cumference) and the same wheels from the same vehi-
tread pattern. Driving with cle model.
different tires reduces vehi- -If you install wheel trim
cle handling and can lead to discs on the vehicle wheels,
a loss of control. make sure that the air flow
-If the spare tire is not the to the brakes is not blocked.
same as the tires that are Reduced airflow to the
mounted on the vehicle - for brakes can them to over-
example with winter tires - heat, increasing stopping
only use the spare tire for a distances and causing a col-
short period of time and lision.
drive with extra ca re. Refit -Run flat tires may only be
the normal road wheel as used on vehicles that were
soon as safely possible. equipped with them at the
-Never drive faster than the factory. The vehicle must
maximum speed for which have a chassis designed for
the tires on your vehicle are run flat tires. Incorrect use
rated because tires that are of run flat tires can lead to
driven faster than their rat- vehicle damage or acci-
ed speed can fail suddenly. dents. Check with an au-
M -Overloading tires cause heat thorized Audi dealer or tire N <(
build-up, sudden tire fail- specialist to see if your vehi-(.J
'SI: ,....,
ure, including a blowout cle can be equipped with ... \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
266 Tire s and wheel s
run flat tires. If run flat tire s
are u sed , they mu st be in
stalled on all four wheel s.
Mixing tire types is not per
@) Note
-For technical reasons, it is
not generally possible to
use the wheel rims from
other vehicles. This can hold
true for wheels of the same
vehicle type.
- If the spare tire is different
from the tires that you have mounted on your vehicle
(for example winter tires or
wide prof ile tires), then use
the spare tire for a short pe
riod of time only and drive
with extra care. Replace the
flat tire with the tire match ing the others on your vehi
cle as soon as possible.
- Never drive without the
valve stem cap . The valves
could get damaged.
@) For the sake of the environment
Dispose of old tires in accord
ance w ith the local require
Uniform tire quality grading
- Tread wea r
- Traction AA A B C
- Temperature ABC
Quality g rades can be foun d where applicab le
on the t ire s ide wall between t read sho ulder
and maximum section width
¢ page 260,
fig . 204 .
For example: Tread wear 200 , Traction AA,
Temperature A.
All passenger car t ires must con fo rm to Feder
al Safety Req uirements in ad dition to these
Tread wear
T he tread we ar g rade is a c omp arative r ati ng
based on the wea r ra te of the t ire when tes ted
u nder con tro lled cond itions o n a specifie d
government test course .
F or example, a tire gr aded 1S 0 wo uld wear
o n e and one h alf ( 11/ 2) times as well on the
government course as a ti re g raded 100.
T he re lative per formance of tires depends
u pon the actu al conditions of their use, how
ever, and m ay depart s ignificantly from the
no rm due to va ria tions i n driving hab its, se rv
ice p ractices and differences in road character
ist ics and cl imate.
T he trac tio n gr ad es, fro m highest to lowest,
are AA, A, Ban d
C. Those grades represent t he
ti re 's ability to stop on wet pavement as
measured under cont rolled conditions on
specified government test surfaces of aspha lt
and concrete. A t ire mar ked C may have poor
traction performance
¢ A .
The temperature grades are A (the highest),
B, and C, represe nting the tire's resistance to
the generation of heat and its ab ility to dissi
pate heat when tested unde r controlled condi
t ions on a specif ied ind oor laborato ry test
whee l.
2 70 T ire s and wheel s
through or over such obstacles can damage
your tires. Impact with a curb may also
cause damage to your tires.
- After any impact, immediately inspect your
tires or have them inspected by the nearest
authorized Audi dealer. Rep lace a damaged
t ire as soon as possible.
- Inspect your t ires every 2,000 miles (3,000
km) for damage and wear . Damage is not al
ways easy to see. Damage can lead to loss of air and underinflation, wh ich could eventu
ally cause t ire failu re. If you bel ieve that a
t ire may have been damaged, replace the
t ire as soon as possible.
- These tires may wear more quickly than oth
- Please also remember that, while these t ires
deliver respons ive handling, they may ride
less comfortably and make mo re no ise than
othe r cho ices .
Reduced performance in winter /co ld
season condition s
All tires are des igned for certain pu rposes.
The low aspect ratio, ultra high pe rformance
tires orig inally installed on your veh icle are in
tended for maximum dry and wet road per
formance and handling. They are not suitable for cold, snowy or icy weather conditions. If
you dr ive under those circumstances, you
should equip your vehicle with all-season or
winter tires, which offer better traction under
those cond it ions. We suggest you use the rec
ommended snow or a ll-season tires specified
for your vehi cle, or their equ ivalent.
Refer to¢
page 267 for more deta iled infor
mat ion regarding winter tires.
Tire pressure
monitoring system
U) General notes
Each t ire, includ ing the spare (if provided),
should be checked monthly when cold and in
flated to the inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacture r on the vehicle
p lacard or tire inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of a diffe
rent size than the
size indicated on the vehicle placard or tire in
flat ion pressure labe l, you shou ld determ ine
the proper t ire inflation pressure for those
t ires).
As an added safety feature, your ve hicle has
been equipped with a tire pressure monitoring
system (TPMS) that illum inates a low tire
pressure telltale when one or more of your
t ires is significantly under-inflated. According
ly, when the low tire pressure telltale illumi
nates, you shou ld stop and check you r tires as
soon as possib le, and inflate them to the
proper p ressu re. Driving on a sig nifican tly u n
der- inflated t ire causes the tire to overheat
and can lead to tire fai lure . Under-inflation al
so reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life,
and may affect the vehicle 's hand ling and
stopp ing ability.
Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute
for proper tire maintenance, and it is the driv er's respons ibility to maintain correct tire
pressure, even if under-inflation has not
reached the level to trigger illumination of the
TPMS low tire pressure telltale .
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a
TPMS malfunction indicator to ind icate when
the system is not operating properly. The
TPMS ma lfunction indicator is combined w ith
the low tire pressure telltale . When the sys
tem detects a malfunction, the telltale will
flash fo r approxima te ly one m inute and then
rema in continuously illum ina ted. This se
quence will continue upon subsequent vehicle
start-ups as long as the malfunction exists.
When the malfunction indica to r is illum inat
ed, the system m ay not be ab le to detect or
signal low tire pressure as intended . TPMS
malfunctions may occur for a var iety of rea
sons, incl uding the insta llation of replace
ment or alternate tires or wheels on the vehi
cle that prevent the TPMS from functioning
properly. Always check the TPMS malfunction
telltale after replacing one or more tires or
whee ls on you r vehicle to ensu re that the re
placement o r alternate ti res and wheels a llow
the TPM S to cont inue to func tion p roperly.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Tire pressure indicator appears
The tire pressure indicator in the instrument
cluster informs you if the tire pressure is too
low or if there is a system malfunction.
Fig. 205 Display: underinflation warning
Fig. 206 Display: System malfunction
Using the ABS sensors, the tire pressure moni
toring system compares the tire tread circum ference and vibration characteristics of the in
dividual tires. If the pressure decreases in one
or more tires, this is indicated in the instru
ment cluster with a warning symbol
rD] and a
c:> fig . 205.
The tire pressure monitoring system must be
reset via MMI each time the pressures are ad
justed (e.g. when switching between partial
and fu ll load pressure) or after changing or re
placing a tire on your vehicle
c:> page272 . The
TPMS indicator only monitors the tire pres
sure that you have previously stored. You can
find the recommended tire pressures for your
vehicle on the label on driver's side 8-pillar
Tire tread circumference and vibration charac
teristics can change and cause a tire pressure
warning if:
- the tire pressure in one or more tires is too
Tires and wheels 2 71
- the tire has structural damage,
- the tire pressure was changed, wheels rotat-
ed or replaced but the TPMS was not reset
- the spare tire* is mounted .
Warning symbols
[I] Loss of pressure in at least one tire¢.& .
Check the tire or tires and replace or repair if
necessary. The indicator light
rD] in the instru
ment cluster also illuminates <=:>
page 12.
Check/correct the pressures of all four tires
and resetTPMS via MMI.
l!I (Tire Pressure Mon itoring System) Tire
pressure! System malfunction .
Ifljl appears
after switching the ignition on or while driving
fig. 206 and the indicator light rD] in the in
strument cluster blinks for approximately one
minute and then stays on, there is a system
malfunction. Attempt to store the correct tire
c:> page 272. If the indicator light
does not turn off or if it turns on shortly
thereafter, immediately drive your vehicle to
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized repair
facility to have the malfunction corrected.
- If the tire pressure indicator appears in
the instrument cluster display, one or
more of your tires is significantly under
inflated. Reduce your speed immediately
and avoid any hard steering or braking
maneuvers. Stop as soon as possible and
check the tires and their pressures. In
flate the tire pressure to the proper pres
sure as indicated on the vehicle's tire
pressure label<=:>
page 247 . Driving on a
significantly under-inflated tire causes
the tire to overheat and can lead to tire
failure. Under-inflation also is likely to
impair the vehicle's handling and stop
ping ability.
- The driver is responsible for maintaining
the correct tire pressures. You must check the tire pressures regularly.