2015 AUDI S7 jack points

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Page 280 of 316

AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual 278  What  do  I  do  now? 
flat  on the  ground. The base @ must  be ver­
tical under  the  lifting point @. 
•  Wind the  jack up further  until  the  flat  tire 
off the  ground <=>,& .

Page 291 of 316

AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
@ Tips 
Check carefully  to  make  sure  the  hook-up 
is secure  before  moving  the  car  up  the  flat­
bed  truck  ramp . 
Vehicle  transport 
Whenever you  hov e your

Page 292 of 316

AUDI S7 2015  Owners Manual 2 90  Emergency  situations 
heavy components  such as the  engine 
b lock or  transmiss io n  are removed. 
- W he n removing  heavy components  like 
these,  ancho r vehicle  to  ho ist  o r add  co