278 What do I do now?
flat on the ground. The base @ must be ver
tical under the lifting point @.
• Wind the jack up further until the flat tire
off the ground <=>,& .
Position the vehicle jack
only under the desig
nated lifting points on the sill~
fig. 213.
There is exactly one location for each wheel.
The jack must not be positioned at any other
location <=> .&. <=>CD .
unstable surface under the jack can cause
the vehicle to slip
off the jack. Always provide
a firm base for the jack on the ground. If nec
essary place a sturdy board or similar support
under the jack. On
hard, slippery surfaces
(such as tiles) use a rubber mat or similar to
prevent the jack from slipping~,&. .
-You or your passengers could be injured
while changing a wheel if you do not fol low these safety precautions:
- Position the vehicle jack only at the
designated lifting points and align the
jack. Otherwise, the vehicle jack could
slip and cause an injury if it does not
have sufficient hold on the vehicle.
-A soft or unstable surface under the
jack may cause the vehicle to slip
the jack. Always provide a firm base for
the jack on the ground.
If necessary,
use a sturdy board under the jack.
- On hard, slippery surface (such as tiles)
use a rubber mat or similar to prevent
the jack from slipping.
- To help prevent injury to yourself and
your passengers:
- Do not raise the vehicle until you are
sure the jack is securely engaged.
- Passengers must not remain in the ve
hicle when it is jacked up.
- Make sure that passengers wait in a safe place away from the vehicle and
well away from the road and traffic.
- Make sure jack position is correct, ad
just as necessary and then continue to
raise the jack. -
Changes in temperature or load can af
fect the height of the vehicle.
(D Note
Do not lift the vehicle by the sill. Position
the vehicle jack only at the designated lift ing points on the sill. Otherwise, your vehi
cle will be damaged .
(D Tips
The vehicle jack mode* switches off auto
matically at speeds above 6 mph (10 km/
Removing and installing the s ill cover
Applies to vehicles: wit h sill
Fig. 215 Sill: removing the cover
,.. Pull the cover down to remove it¢ fig. 215.
• To install the cover again, insert it into the
retainers and then swing it upward until it
clicks into place. The cover must be flush
with the sill.
@ Tips
Some models may also have a cover for the
rear vehicle lift point.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
@ Tips
Check carefully to make sure the hook-up
is secure before moving the car up the flat
bed truck ramp .
Vehicle transport
Whenever you hov e your vehicle transported,
be sure to note the following :
(D Note
Mount the tie-down chains/cables over the
running surface (circumference) of the
tires. Never secure the vehicle by the axle,
the suspension struts or the front or rear
towline eye . For technical reasons, the
pressure in the suspension struts may
change du ring the transport and this will
adve rsely affect vehicle handling.
Lifting vehicle
Lifting with workshop hoist and with
floor jack
The vehicle may onl y be li~ed at the lif ting
points illu stra ted.
Fi g. 2 29 Front l ift ing po int
Fig. 2 30 Rea r lifti ng poin t
:;:; N 0 6 ., a,
5 .. Read and heed WARNING Q ,&..
Emergenc y situ ation s 289
.. Activate the vehicle jack mode* in the MM I:
!CAR I function button > (C ar)* s ystem s con
trol button>
S e rv ic ing & check s> Air su sp. :
jack m ode> On .
.. Locate lifting poin ts Q fig . 229 and
Q fig . 230 .
.. Adjust lifting arms of wo rkshop hoist or
floor jack to match veh icle lifting points.
.. Insert a rubber pad be tween the floor jack/
workshop hoist and the lift ing po in ts.
The vehicle jack mode* must be activated so
that the automat ic adjustment of the Adap
tive Ai r Suspens ion* does not make it more
diffi cult to raise the vehicle with the floor
If yo u must lift your v ehi cle with a floor jack
t o wo rk und ern eath , be sure th e vehicle i s
s af ely s upported on s tands intended for thi s
purpo se.
Front lifting point
The lifting po int is located on the floor pan re
inforcement abo ut at the same leve l as the
jac k mounting point
Q fig. 229. Do n ot lift
t h e ve hicle at th e verti cal sill reinforc em ent .
Re ar lifting point
The lifting point is located on the vert ical rein
forcement of the lower sill for the on-boa rd
ja ck
c::> fig. 230 .
Lifting with vehicle j ack
Re fer to Q page 277 .
-To reduce the risk of ser ious injury and
veh icle damage .
- Always lift the veh icle only at the spe
cia l workshop hoist and floor jack lift
po ints illust rated
c::> fig . 229 and
c::> fig . 230.
- Failu re to lift the vehicle at these
po ints could cause the vehicle to tilt or
fall from a lift if there is a change in ve
hicle weight distribution and balance .
This might happen, for example, when
2 90 Emergency situations
heavy components such as the engine
b lock or transmiss io n are removed.
- W he n removing heavy components like
these, ancho r vehicle to ho ist o r add cor
responding weig hts to ma inta in the cen
ter of g ravity . Othe rwise, the vehicle
might tilt or s lip off t he hoist, causing
ser ious p erson al injury.
(D Note
-Be awa re of the follow ing points befo re
li fting the vehicle:
- The vehicle should never be lifted or
jacked up from underneath the engine oil pan, the transmission housing, the
front or rear axle or the body side
membe rs. This could lead to ser ious
- To avoid damage to the underbody or
chassis frame , a rubber pad must be
i nserted between the floor jack and
the l ift points.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
check that the veh icle weight does not
exceed the permissible lifting capacity
of the hoist .
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
ensure that there is sufficient clear
ance between the hoist and low parts
of the vehicle.