M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Door handle
Audi side assist display
Power locking sw itches
Memory function buttons .. .. .
Aud i side assist button ...... .
A ir vents with thumbwheel
Control lever for:
- T urn signal and high beam
- Audi act ive lane assist . .. .. .
@ Mu ltifunction steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag
- Driver information system but-
tons ... ..... ....... ... .. .
- Audio/video , telephone, navi
gation and voice recognition
- Steering wheel heating . ... .
- Shift padd les (automatic
transmission) ..... ... ... . .
® Instrument cluster ......... .
@ Head-up Display ........... .
@ Windshield washer system
lever .. .. ........ ..... .... .
@ Buttons for :
- MMI display
- Reset bu tton for tr ip odome-
te r .. .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .
@ Starting the engine if there is a
malfunction ............... .
~ Knee airbag ........... .. .. .
@ Steer ing whee l adjustment, de
pending on equipment:
- mechan ical .......... .. .. .
- electrical .... ....... ... .. .
@ Leve r for:
- Cru ise control system ... .. .
- Adaptive cruise contro l .. .. .
@ Button for sw itch ing the Head
up Disp lay on/off, adjusting the
h eight .. ............. .. .. .
@ Instrument illumination ... .. .
@ Eng ine hood release ........ . 98
46 95
151 24
113 11
2 7
In strument s and control s 9
@ Data Link Connector for On
Board Diagnostics (OBD II)
@ Light switch ... .. . .. ... .... .
@ Buttons for :
- All-weather lights
- Night v ision assistant .... .. .
- Rear fog lights .. .. .. ..... .
@ Power exterior m irror adjust-
ment ...... .. .. ..... ..... . 29
105 44
@ Rea r lid switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
@ Power w indows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
@ MMI display
@ Emergency flashe rs . . . . . . . . . . 45
@ Glove compartment . . . . . . . . . 61
@) Front passenger's airbag . . . . . 151
@ Valet parking feature . . . . . . . . 41
@ Drives (MMI)
@ Buttons/Indicator lights fo r
- Start-Stop-System . . . . . . . . . 81
- Parking system . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
- PASSENG ER AIR BAG OF F . . . . 160
- Rear spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
- Electron ic Stabilization Con-
t rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7
@ Climate controls, depending on
vehicle equipment:
- Three-zone cl imate control . . 70
- F our-zone automatic climate
cont rol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
@ Storage compartment or ash-
t ray wit h cigarette lighter . . . . . 59, 59
@ I S T ART ENGINE STOPI button 76
@ MM I controls
@ 12-volt socket, (upho lder 60, 60
@ E lectromechanical parking
brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
@ Selector lever (a utomatic trans-
mission) 109
(D Tips
-Some of the equipment or fea tures
show n in the genera l ill ustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be opt ional equ ipment depending
on your model. Always ask your
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Instrument s and warning /indicator lights 25
- For in formation on the a udio/video and
navigation * functions, refer to the se pa
r ate
M MI owner's manual.
The driver information system is operated us
ing the buttons on the multifunction steering
Fi g. 6 Mult ifu nct io n stee ring wheel: operat ing t he dr iv
er informat ion system
F ig. 7 Driver informat ion system: open ing t he ve hicle
funct ions men u
Operating concept
• Switch the ign ition on.
• To sw itch between the tabs, p ress the rocker
(D to the left or right c> fig . 6 .
• To access addi tional in format io n be low or
above, rotat e th e thumbw heel @dow n or
u p.
• To c onfirm a sele ction, press t he thumb
whee l@ .
• Press the~ button @to open a submen u
for an active tab .
• Press the button
© to access a function for
the programmable steering w heel b utton*.
Acce ss ing Vehicle functions
• Se lect the f irst tab w ith the rocker sw itch
(D .
• Press the button ~@-T he Vehicle func
men u appears c> fig. 7.
• To se lect a menu item, turn and press t he
thumbwhee l@ .
Resetting values to zero
• Sele ct the on-board computer / Efficiency
men u item in the Vehicle func
men u .
... Yo u can now select between the long-term
memory and s hort -term memory .
.,. To reset the values in a memory, p ress and
hold t he thumbwheel @for one second.
Assigning a funct ion t o the
programmable steering wheel button*
• Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Vehicle settings >
Steering wheel button .
The last functi on selected disp lays when you
switch the ig nition on .
('!) Tips
All stored va lues w ill be lost if the veh icle
battery is disconnecte d.
On-board computer
Fig. 8 In strume nt cluster : fuel consump tion
You can ca ll u p t he following information in
the on-board computer:
- Date
- Dr iving t ime (h) from the sho rt-term memo-
- Average consumption in MPG ( l/100 km)
from the short-term memory
- Average speed i n mph (km/h) from the
short-te rm memory
34 Openin g and clo sing
- Do not leave children inside the veh icle
unsupervised. In an emergency it would
be impossible to open the doors from
the outside without the key.
- Applies to vehicles with power side door
- When closing a doo r, make sure noth
i ng can interfere w ith the door. This
could cause ser ious personal injury .
- You c an stop the door from closing at
any time by pulling on the inside or
outside door handle.
(DJ Tips
- In the event of a c rash with airbag de
ployment al l locked doors will be auto
matically un locked to g ive access to t he
vehicle occupants from t he outside.
- If the power lock ing system should ma l
function, you can lock the driver's door
u sing the mechanical key ¢
page 3 7.
- If the power loc king system should fail,
you can st ill open the fue l tank flap in an
emergency ¢
page 221.
-You are well advised no t to keep valua
bles inside an unattended vehicle, visib le
or not. Even a properly locked vehicle
cannot provide the security of a safe.
- If the LED in the upper edge of the driv
er's door panel comes on for abo ut
seconds afte r the vehicle is locked, the re
i s a malfunction in the power locking or
the anti-theft warning system . Have the
malfunction corrected by an author ized
Audi dealersh ip or qua lified repai r fac ili
Setting power locking
The driver can determine the functions for
power locking in the MMI.
.. Select : I CARI funct io n button> (Car )* sy s
tem s
control button > V ehicle settings >
( Central lo ck ing) *.
Lo ck when dr iving -
If you se lec t On , the vehi
cle locks automatically when d riving. All of
the doors and rear lid lock .
Central locking
Unlock door s -
You can dec ide if All doors or
o nly the
Driv er shou ld unlock . The rear lid al
so unlocks when
All is selected . If you select
Driver in a vehicle with a convenience key*,
only the door whose hand le you pu ll will un
If you se lect
Driver , all the doors and rear lid
will unlock if you press them button on the re
mote control master key twice .
Lo ck exterior trunk handle -If you select On ,
the rear lid handle is locked . In this case the
rear lid can be opened with the b utton
c:s on
the master key or with the
c:s button in the
driver' s door . In veh icles with a convenience
key* , you can still open the rear lid using the
handle if an authorized master key is near the
proxim ity sensor .
Fold mirrors * -If yo u select On , the exterior
rearview mirrors fold in automatically when
you press the
{f) button on the remote control
master key or touch the sensor* in the handle.
Tone when lock ing -When you select On, a
confirmat io n tone sounds when you lock the
vehicle .
Locking and unlocking the vehicle with
, the remote control
Fi g. 20 Re mote co ntro l: fu nct io n buttons
N 0 q
E ither the driver's door only or the entire vehi
cle w ill unlock when the unlock button
0 ( @ )
is p ressed once, depending on the settings in
the MMI
¢ page 34 .
.. Press butto n 0 (@ ) to un lock the veh icle
¢fig. 20 .
38 Opening and closing
• Press and hold the button~ for at least
four seconds to store the new open position.
A visual and audio signal will follow.
• To set a higher open position, wait at least
five seconds and then carefully press the
rear lid upward .
• Press and hold the button~ again for at
least four seconds to store the new open po
The settings in the MMI determine if the rear
lid can be opened using the handle
~ page 34 .
Opening will be stopped immediately when :
- You press the button
l"" I on the remote con-
trol master key , or
- You press the button
l"" I in the rear lid, or
- You push the handle in the rear lid, or
- You pull the button
I""! in the driver's door,
- When something blocks the rear lid or
makes it difficult for the lid to move.
If you press one of the buttons ~now, the
rear lid will either open or close , depending on
its angle .
Closing will be stopped immediately when:
- You press the button
l"" I in the rear lid, or
- You push the handle in the rear lid, or
- You release the button
lal on the driver's
door, or
- When something blocks the rear lid or
makes it difficult for the lid to move.
If you press one of the buttons ~now, the
rear lid will either close or open , depending on
its angle .
You can manually stop the automatic open
ing/closing of the rear lid. The automatic clos
ing process begins if you push down on the
rear lid.
-After closing the rear lid, always pull up
on it to make sure that it is properly
closed. Otherwise it could open suddenly
when the vehicle is moving. -
To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas
from being drawn into the vehicle, al
ways keep the rear lid closed while driv ing. Never transport objects larger than
those which fit completely into the lug
gage area, because then the rear lid can
not be fully closed.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended es
pecially with the rear lid left open. A
child could crawl into the car through the
luggage compartment and pull the lid
shut, becoming trapped and unable to
get out. To reduce the risk of personal in
jury, never let children play in or around
your vehicle. Always keep the rear lid as
well as the vehicle doors closed when not in use .
- Never close the rear lid inattentively or
without checking first. Although the
closing force of the rear lid is limited,
you can still seriously injure yourself or
- Always ensure that no one is within
range of the rear lid when it is moving, in
particular close to the hinges and the up
per and lower edges - fingers or hands
can be pinched.
- Never try to interfere with the rear lid or
help it when it is being opened or closed
@ Note
The rear lid can bump into objects such as
the garage ceiling when opening and be
come damaged.
(D Tips
-Audio signals are given when you close
the rear lid using the
las! button in the
driver's door.
- If there is a mechanical problem with au
tomatic closing for the rear lid or there is
an obstruction, it opens again immedi
ately. Check to see why the rear lid could
not be closed before attempting to close
it again. ...
40 Opening and clo sing
Child safety lock for
the rear doors
The power child safety lock locks the rear win
dows and prevent the rear doors from being
opened from the inside.
Fig. 30 Section from driver's door: child safety lock
• To activate the child safety lock for the left/
right rear door, press the left/right button[!]
i n the d river's door
q fig. 30. The light in the
button w ill turn on.
• To deactivate the ch ild safety lock for the
l eft/right rear door, press the left/right b ut
III in the driver's door. The light in the
button turns off.
The following features are switched off:
- The interior door handles in the rear doors,
- The power windows in the rear doors .
In order to activate the child safety lock on
the left and the right side, press the two safe
ty buttons[!] in succession.
Power windows
The driver can control all power windows.
Fig . 31 Section of the driver's door: Controls
All power window switches are provided with
a two-po sition function :
Opening the windows
• Press the switc h to the fir st sto p and hold it
until the window re aches the desired posi
• Press the switch briefly to the
second stop
to automatically open the window .
Closing the windows
• Pull the sw itch to the fir st stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired posi
tion .
.. Pull the switch br iefly to the
s e cond stop to
automatically close the window.
Power window switches
@ Drive r's door
® Passenger's door
© Left rear door
@ Right rear door
- When you leave you r vehicle -even if on
ly briefly -always take the ignition key
wit h you . This applies particularly when
children remain in the vehicle. Otherwise
the children could start the engine or op
erate electrical equipment (e.g. power
windows). The power windows are func
tional unt il the drive r's door or passeng
er 's doo r ha s been opened.
- Be careful when clos ing the w indows .
Chec k to see that no o ne is in the way, or
serio us inju ry co uld resu lt!
- When lock ing the vehicle from outside,
the vehicle mu st be u noccupied since the
windows can no longer be opened in an
emergency .
{1) Tips
-When you open the doors, the windows
au tomati cally lower abo ut 10 mm .
- When the window in the driver's or pas
senge r's door is complete ly open, it will
raise app rox ima tely 25 mm when t he
42 Opening and clo sing
• To select an intermediate position, press/
pull the switch forward/back to the first lev
el unti l the des ired pos it ion is reached .
@ Opening/sliding (v ers ion 2 )
• To open the s unroof complete ly, press the
swit ch back to jus t before the second level.
• To close the sunroof completely, press the
switch forward briefly to the second level
cc> & .
• To select an intermediate position, press/
pull the switch forward/back to the first lev
el until the desired pos it ion is reached.
The sun shade can be opened and closed by hand when the sunroof is closed. The solar
protection opens automatically when the sun
roof opens .
You can still close or open the sunroof for up
to ten m inutes after you have sw itched the ig
n ition off . The switch is deactivated once the
driver's or front passenger's door is opened.
Pay careful attention when clos ing the
sliding/ tilting sunroof- otherw ise ser ious
injury cou ld result! A lway s take the key
w ith you when leaving the vehicle.
(D Note
Always close your sliding/tilting sunroof
when leaving yo ur vehicle. Sudden rain can
cause damage to the inte rior equipment of
your veh icle, part icu larly the elec tronic
@ Tips
The slid ing/tilt ing s unroof will only open
at temperatures above -4°F ( -20°().
Emergency closing of the sliding/tilting
If the sunroof detects an object in its path
when it is closing, it will open again automati
cally. In this case, you can close the roof with
the power eme rgency closing function . •
Within five seconds after the sunroo f opens
automatically, pu ll the switc h until the roof
Garage door opener (Homelink)
Appl ies to vehicles: with garage door opener (HomeLink)
F ig. 3 4 Garage door opener: examples of us ing w it h
d ifferent systems
You can activate various systems such as ga
rage doors, secur ity systems and home light
ing from inside your veh icle using the garage
door opener (Home link). There are three but
tons for this in the vehicle headliner that can
be in used in place of up to three hand-held
transmitters .
To operate systems us ing t he garage door
opener, the three buttons in the roof headlin
er must be programmed first.
-M ake sure no people or objects a re in the
i mmedia te v icin ity of the eq uipment w hen
using or p rog ramming the garage door
opener. People can be injured and objects
can be damaged if they are ca ught in the
equipment .
(D Tips
- For se curity re ason s, we recommend th at
you clear the programmed buttons be
fore selling the ve hicle .
- For add it iona l information about Home-
L ink, visit www .homelink .com. .,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' ,....,
"' rl
-For Declarat ion of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
¢ page 297.
Programming the buttons
Applies to vehicles: with garage door opener (Homeli nk)
Fig. 35 Headline r: contro l un it
You ca n program bo th fixed code and rolling
code systems using th is pro cedure .
Programming or reprogramming buttons
• Swi tch the ign ition on .
• Press and ho ld the button in t he roof he ad
li ner that you would like to prog ram fo r at
l ea st 10 seco nds. Or
• Se lect : Se lect: ICARlf unction but ton>
(Car )*
cont ro l button > Vehicle settings >
Garage door opener > Program garage door
opener .
• Fo llow the instructions in the Infota inme nt
Erasing button programming
The programmed buttons can not be erased
individually . T hey must all be e rased togethe r.
Reprogram the b uttons if necessa ry.
• Se lect: I CAR I fu nct ion but ton >
(Car)* sys
contro l button > Vehicle settings >
Garage door opener > Clear program set ·
tings > Yes.
Displaying the version /status/country
• Se lect: Se lect: ICARI f unction button> (Car) *
cont ro l button > Vehicle settings >
Garage door opener > Vers ion information.
Opening and clo sin g 43
@ Tips
After pr ogramming the garage door ope n
e r, it may be necessary to sy nchr onize t he
motor with the system. Refer to the manu
facturer's instr ucti ons.
Applies to vehicles: with garage door opener (Homelink)
Requi rement: The bu tto ns in the roof head lin
er must be progra mmed ¢
page 43 and the
vehicle must be w it hi n ra nge of the system,
such as the ga rage doo r op ener.
• Press the button to open t he garage door .
The LED @ ~
page 43, fig . 35 blinks or
tur ns on .
• Press the b utton ag ain to close the garage
door .
{t) Tips
To op en o r clos e the ga rage d oor, p ress the
bu tton, but do not hold i t fo r l onger th an
1 0 se con ds or the g ara ge door ope ne r
mo dule w ill sw itch to p ro gr amm in g m ode .
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Rear head restraints
Fig. 52 Rear seats : Head restra int
Fig. 53 Rear head restra ints: re lease
If there is a passenger in the rear center seat
ing position*, slide the center head restraint*
upward at least to the next notch
Q ,&..
Adjusting the head restraints
.. To move the head restraint up, hold it at the
sides with both hands and slide it upward
until you feel it lock into place
Q .&. in Prop
er adjustment of head restraints on
page 132.
.. To move the head restraint down, press the
button -arrow-
Q fig. 52 and sl ide the head
restraint downward .
Removing the head restraints
.. Fold the backrest forward Q page 65 .
.. Move the head restraint upward as far as it
can go .
.,. Press the release
Q fig. 53 with the mechan
ical key
9 page 32 and the button -arrow-
9 fig. 52. Pull the head restraint out of the
backrest at the same time
9 ,&..
Seats and storage 57
Installing the head restraints
.. Slide the posts on the head restraint down
into the guides until you feel the posts lock
into place .
.. Press the button -arrow-
Q fig. 52 and slide
the head restraint all the way down. You
should not be able to pull the head restraint
out of the backrest.
So that the driver can have a better view to
the rear, the head restraints should be pushed down completely when the rear seats are not
- Only remove the rear seat head restraints
when necessary in order to install a child
seat. Install the head restra int again im
mediately once the child seat is removed.
Driving without head restraints or with
head restraints that are not properly ad
justed increases the risk of serious or fa
tal neck injury dramat ica lly.
- Read and heed all WARNINGS
¢page 132.
Seat memory
Applies to veh icles: w ith memory f unction
The memory function allows you to quickly
and easily store and recall personal seating profiles for the driver and front passenger*.
T he memory function is operated through the
master key and the memory buttons in the
driver's/front passenger's* doors.
The driver's seating profile is stored and as
s ig ned to the master key each time the vehicle
is locked. When you open the door, the seat
ing profile is automatically recalled. If two
people use one vehicle, it is recommended
that each person always uses "their own"
master key .
Two seating profiles can be stored in each of
the driver's/front passenger's* doors. Once
stored, these seat ing profiles can be recalled
at any time.