14 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
Electromechanical parking
c::>page 16
Tire pressure monitor ing sys
c::> page270
Tire pressure monitoring sys
c::> page270
Electronic power control../ (al
te rna tive to
c::> page20
Glow plug system
(alternative to
c::> page 21
Malfunction indicator Lamp
Diesel particulate fi lter* clog
c::> page 21
Engine speed limitation
c::>page 21
Engine oil level
c::> page 18
Engine o il sensor
c::> page 22
c::>page 17
Tank system
Windshie ld washer fluid level
Windshie ld w ipers
c::> page22
AdBlue ./'
Rear fog light(s)
c::> page 22
Headlight range control
adaptive light*
c::>page 22
Light-/rain sensor fau lty
c::>page 23
Audi act ive lane assist*
c::>page 96
T ransmission (tiptronic)
c::>page 114
- S tron ic
c::>page 114
Electronic steering column lock
c::>page 18
Engine start system
c::>page 18
Central indicator light
c::>page 19
Electromechanical steering, dy
namic steering*../
c::>page 200
Air suspens ion*
c::>page 18
Sport differentia l*
c::> page 23
Rear spoiler
c::>page 197
Refill Ad Blue*
c::>page 221
AdBlue malfunction*
c::>page 221
Remote cont ro l key
c::>page 76
Other indicato r lights
Remote cont ro l key
c::> page 78
Battery in remote control key
c::> page32
Defect ive light bulb warning
c::>page 22
Tu rn signa ls
c::> page23
USA mod els : Cruise control*
c::>page 84
Can ada models : Cruise control*
c::> page 84
Adaptive cruise control*
c::> page 88
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Opening and closing Keys
Key set
F ig. 17 Key set
@ Remote control k ey with mechanical
You can centrally lock and unlock your vehicle
and start the engi ne with the master key with
remote control. A mechanical key is integ rat
ed in the remote co ntrol key~ page
32 .
® Emergency key
The emergency key is not intended for con
stant use.
It should on ly be used in an emer
gency. Keep it in a safe place and do not car ry
it on your key ring .
Key replacement
If you lose a key, contact your authorized A udi
dealer immediately to have the
lost key disa
b led. Be s ure to bring all your keys with you.
Personal comfort settings
If two peop le use one vehicle, it is recom
mended that each person always uses "t heir
own" master key . When the ignition is switch
ed off or when the vehicle is locked, persona l
conven ience settings for the follow ing sys
tems are stored and ass igned to the remote
maste r key.
- Automatic cl imate contro l
- Central locking system
- Amb ience lig hting *
- Seat memory *
- P arking sys tem*
- Adaptive c ruise control*
Opening and clo sin g 31
- Audi ac tive lane assist *
- Au di side as sis t*
- Aud i drive se lect
- Night vision assistant*
- Heated stee ring wheel*
The stored settings are automatically recalled
when you unlock the vehicle, when you open
the doors or w hen you switch t he ignition on.
- Do not leave you r vehicle unattended. A l
ways take your ig nition key wi th you and
loc k your v ehicle. Entry by unau th or ize d
pe rsons could endanger yo u or resul t in
theft or d amage t he vehi cle.
- D o not leave c hildren una ttended in t he
veh icle, especi ally wi th a ccess to vehicle
key s. U ngu ard ed a ccess to t he keys pro
vi des childre n the o pportu nity to s tart
the eng ine a nd/or activate vehicle sys
tems such as the power windows, etc .
Unsupervised operation o f any vehicle
system by c hildren can result in serious
in ju ry .
(D Tips
- Th e ope ration of t he remote control key
can be temporar ily disrupted by inte rfer
ence fr om transm itters in the vic inity of
the vehicle working in the same fr equen
cy range (e.g. a cell p hone, radio e quip
m ent).
- Fo r security reasons, r eplacement keys
are only ava ilable from Audi dealers.
- For Declaration of C omp liance to Un ited
States FCC and Ind ustry Canada reg ula
tions~ page
32 Opening and clo sing
Remov ing the mechanical key
Fig. 18 Remote control master key: remo vin g the me
ch ani cal key
> Press the release button @c::> fig. 18.
.. Pull the mecha nica l key @ out of the master
Using the mechan ica l key, you can:
- lock and unlock the storage compartment
on the passenger's side
c::> page 61.
- lock and unlock the vehicle manually
<=>page 36.
-lock the front and rear passenger doors me
c::> page 37.
Master key battery replacement
Fig . 19 Remote mas ter key: Removing the batter y
ho lder
Ch eck light in the master ke y
The check light @in the master key provides
information about d ifferent cond itions .
.. The check light comes on briefly once when
a button is pressed , and during an "inquiry"
by the convenience key system .
> If the check light does not come on, the bat
tery is dead and has to be rep laced . In addi
t ion, when the battery is dead the
II sym
bol appears in the instrument cluster dis- play as well as the message:
se ch ange
key b attery.
Ma ster key battery replacement
• Pull the mechanical key out of the master
c::> page 32 .
.. Press the release button @ on the battery
holder and at the same time pull the battery
holder out of the master key in the direction
of the arrow .
.. Install the new battery CR 2032 with the
"+" sign facing down.
• Push the battery holder carefully into the
maste r key .
• Insta ll the mechan ica l key.
@ For the sake of the environment
D ispose of dead batteries properly so as
not to poll ute the environment.
(D Tips
The replacement battery must be the
same specification as the original.
Electronic immobilizer
The immobilizer helps to prevent unauthor
ized use of your vehicle .
A computer chip ins ide your key automatically
deactivates the electron ic immobilizer when
the key is inside the vehicle . When you remove
the key from the vehicle, the electron ic immo
bilizer is automatically ac tivated once aga in .
A lways take the key with you when you
l eave the vehicle . T he key can disarm the
e lectronic engine immobilize r and permi t
an unauthorized person to start the engine
and enable operation of the vehicle sys
tems such as power window or power sun
roof leadi ng to serious personal injury.
(D Tips
- The vehicle cannot be started if an una u
thorized key is used . The vehicle may not
start if another radio device s uch as a key "'
34 Openin g and clo sing
- Do not leave children inside the veh icle
unsupervised. In an emergency it would
be impossible to open the doors from
the outside without the key.
- Applies to vehicles with power side door
- When closing a doo r, make sure noth
i ng can interfere w ith the door. This
could cause ser ious personal injury .
- You c an stop the door from closing at
any time by pulling on the inside or
outside door handle.
(DJ Tips
- In the event of a c rash with airbag de
ployment al l locked doors will be auto
matically un locked to g ive access to t he
vehicle occupants from t he outside.
- If the power lock ing system should ma l
function, you can lock the driver's door
u sing the mechanical key ¢
page 3 7.
- If the power loc king system should fail,
you can st ill open the fue l tank flap in an
emergency ¢
page 221.
-You are well advised no t to keep valua
bles inside an unattended vehicle, visib le
or not. Even a properly locked vehicle
cannot provide the security of a safe.
- If the LED in the upper edge of the driv
er's door panel comes on for abo ut
seconds afte r the vehicle is locked, the re
i s a malfunction in the power locking or
the anti-theft warning system . Have the
malfunction corrected by an author ized
Audi dealersh ip or qua lified repai r fac ili
Setting power locking
The driver can determine the functions for
power locking in the MMI.
.. Select : I CARI funct io n button> (Car )* sy s
tem s
control button > V ehicle settings >
( Central lo ck ing) *.
Lo ck when dr iving -
If you se lec t On , the vehi
cle locks automatically when d riving. All of
the doors and rear lid lock .
Central locking
Unlock door s -
You can dec ide if All doors or
o nly the
Driv er shou ld unlock . The rear lid al
so unlocks when
All is selected . If you select
Driver in a vehicle with a convenience key*,
only the door whose hand le you pu ll will un
If you se lect
Driver , all the doors and rear lid
will unlock if you press them button on the re
mote control master key twice .
Lo ck exterior trunk handle -If you select On ,
the rear lid handle is locked . In this case the
rear lid can be opened with the b utton
c:s on
the master key or with the
c:s button in the
driver' s door . In veh icles with a convenience
key* , you can still open the rear lid using the
handle if an authorized master key is near the
proxim ity sensor .
Fold mirrors * -If yo u select On , the exterior
rearview mirrors fold in automatically when
you press the
{f) button on the remote control
master key or touch the sensor* in the handle.
Tone when lock ing -When you select On, a
confirmat io n tone sounds when you lock the
vehicle .
Locking and unlocking the vehicle with
, the remote control
Fi g. 20 Re mote co ntro l: fu nct io n buttons
N 0 q
E ither the driver's door only or the entire vehi
cle w ill unlock when the unlock button
0 ( @ )
is p ressed once, depending on the settings in
the MMI
¢ page 34 .
.. Press butto n 0 (@ ) to un lock the veh icle
¢fig. 20 .
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
-On a vehicle locked from the outside the
power locking system switch is inopera
t ive.
- Locked doors make it more difficult for
emergency workers to get into the vehi
cle, which puts lives at risk . Do not leave
anyone behind in the vehicle, especially
(D Tips
Your vehicle is locked automatically at a speed of 9 mph (15 km/h) ¢ page 33 . You
can unlock the vehicle again using the
open ing funct ion in the power lock ing sys
tem switch.
Emergency locking
Each door must be locked separately if the
power locking system fails .
Fig. 25 Doo r: E merg enc y lock ing
An emergency lock is located on the front end
of the passenger's door and the rear doors
(only visible when door is open).
.,. Remove the mechanical key¢ page 32 .
.,. Pull the cover cap out of the opening
<=> fig. 25.
.,. Insert the key in the inside slot and turn it
all the way to the right (right door) or left
(left door).
Once the door has been closed, it can no lon
ger be opened from the outside . The door can
be opened from the inside by pulling the door
handle. If the child safety lock in a rear door is
activated, you must first pull the door handle
on the inside . Then you can open the door
from the outs ide .
Opening and closing 3 7
Rear lid
Power opening/closing rear lid
The rear lid can be opened and closed auto
matically .
Fig. 26 Driver 's doo r: Un locki ng th e rear lid
Fig. 27 L ock ing switch in the rear lid
Opening the rear lid
.,. To open the rear l id, press and hold the la!
button on the remote control master key for
at least one second. Or
.,. Pull the button
lo<::>l in the driver's door
¢ fig. 26 briefly. O r
.,. Press the handle in the rear l id.
Closing the rear lid
.,. Press the lasl button in the rear lid <=> fig. 2 7 .
The rear lid moves to the closed position by
itself and soft close locks it automatica lly
¢ .&, . Or
.,. Switch the ignition on and pull and ho ld the
l a l in the driver's door until the rear
lid is closed
a:> .&, .
Setting the rear lid open position
.,. Bring the rear lid into the desired open posi
tion ¢(!). The position can only be stored
when the lid is above a certa in height.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' ....
"' rl
-The following applies to vehicles equip
ped with the Convenience key* feature: if
the remote control key is left in the lug
gage compartment, luggage compart
ment will automatically unlock itself af
ter you lock the vehicle . This prevents
you from un intent ionally locking your
key in the luggage compartment .
- When the vehicle is locked, the rear lid
can be unlocked separately by pressing
the button
las! on the master key. When
the rea r lid is closed aga in, it locks auto
Luggage compartment with movement
activated opening
Applies to vehicles: with conve nience key and sensor-con·
trolled luggage compartment lid
Fig. 28 Rear of ve hicle: foot move ment
Requirements : You must be carrying your ve
h icle key with you . You must be standing at
the center beh ind the luggage compartment
lid. The distance to the rea r of the vehicle
should be approxima tely 8 inches (20 cm).
The ignition must be switched off . Make sure
you have firm footing .
.. Swing your foot for th and back below the
bumper ¢
fig. 28. Do not to uch the bumper.
Once the system recognizes the movement,
the luggage compartment lid will open.
The luggage compartment lid will on ly open if
you make the movement as described . This
prevents the luggage compa rtment lid from
opening due to similar movements s uch as
when you walk between the rear of the vehicle
and your garage door.
Op enin g an d clos ing 39
Gen eral information
In some sit uatio ns, the f unction is limited or
temporarily unavai lable . This may happen if:
- the luggage compartment lid was just
- you park close to a hedge and the bra nches
move back and forth unde r the veh icle for a
long per iod of t ime .
- you clean your veh icle, for examp le with a
pressure washer or in a car wash .
- there is heavy rain .
- the bumper is very dirty, for example after
driving on salted roads .
- there is interference to the radio signal from
the vehicle key, such as from cell phones or
remote cont ro ls .
Rear lid emergency release
The rear lid con be released in on emergency
from the inside .
Fig . 29 Rea r lid inter ior
.. Remove the mechan ica l key ¢ page 32.
.. Remove the cover with the mechanical key
from the rear lid ¢
fig. 29 .
.. Press the leve r in the direction of the arrow
until the rear lid re leases.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
instrument cluster illuminates when the
high beams are on.
- The
headlight flasher works only as long as
yo u hold the lever -even if there are no
l ights turned on . The indicator light
II in
the instrument cluster illuminates when you
use the headlight flasher.
Do not use the high beam or headlight
flasher if you know that these could blind
oncoming traffic.
Interior lights
Front and rear interior lighting
Fig. 39 Headl iner: Front inter ior l ights
F ig. 40 Rear headl iner: Reading lig ht
Press the appropriate button ¢ fig. 39:
§1 -Interior lighting on/off
1!1-Door contact switch on/off. The inte rior
lighting is controlled automatically .
51-Reading lights on/off
~- Switch ing the rear reading lights on/off
from the cockp it.
1-.. REAR !* -Switch ing the rear reading lights
on/off from the cockp it.
Clear vi sion 4 7
Ambience lighting
Applies to veh icles : w ith amb ience lig hting
You can adjust the brightness for the ambi
ence ligh ting.
.,. Select in the MMI: ICARlfunction button>
(Car)* systems control button > Vehicle set
> Interior lighting > Brightne ss.
.,. To increase or reduce the brightness, turn
t he knob and press it.
The ambience lighting turns on when yo u turn
the headlights on while the ign ition is switch
ed on.
(D Tips
The setting is automatically stored and as
signed to the remote control key that is in
u se.
Instrument illumination
You can adjust the brightness of the instru
ment and display illumination as well as the
Head -up Display*.
Fig. 4 1 Instrument illumination
... Press the knob to release it .
... Turn the knob toward"-" or"+" to reduce or
increase the brightness.
.,. Press the knob aga in to return it to its origi
nal posit ion .
(D Tips
The instrument illumination (for dials and
needles) lights on when the ignition is
switched on and the vehicle lights are
turned off. As the daylight fades, the illu
mination of the dials likewise dims
58 Seats and storage
The follow ing settings are stored:
Remote Memory button
master key
Driver Driver Front passen-ger
Seat X X X
Steering X X
Both exterior
rearview mir -
Remote control key
Ap plies to vehicles: with memory function
To assign the driver's seat settings to the re
mote control key when locking the vehicle, the
function must be switched on.
> Select: I CARI funct ion button> (Car)* sys
control button > Vehicle settings >
Seats > Driver seat > Remote control key >
I@ Tips
If you do not want another driver's set
tings to be assigned to the remote control
key, switch off the memory function using
the MMI or the
I OFF I button c:::> page 58.
Memory buttons
Applies to vehicles: with memo ry function
Fig. 54 Driver's doo r: memory function buttons
The memory buttons are located in the driv
er's/front passenger's* door .
Switching the memory function on/off
> Press the IOF FI button to switch the memory
fu nction on/off. The LED in the button illu
m inat es when the memory function is
switched off . Seating profiles are neither
stored nor recalled.
Storing a seating profile
> Press the ISET I button . When the word SET
lights up, the memory is ready to store set
> Press a memory button briefly. A tone con
firms that the settings were stored .
Accessing a seating profile
> If the driver's door is open and the ignition
is swi tched off, press the memory button.
> If the driver's door is closed or the ignition is
switched on, press and ho ld the memory
button until the seat adjustment is com
- For safety reasons, the seat setting
should only be recalled when the vehicle
is stationary- otherw ise you risk having
an accident .
- If necessary, you stop the process by
press ing the
I OF FI button or any of the
memory buttons.
· Adjusting the front passenger seat in
the MMI
Applies to vehicles: wit h memo ry fu nct io n
The driver can adjust the position of the front
passenger seat.
Adjusting the front passenger seat from
the driver's side
> Select: I CAR I function button > (Car)* sys
tem s
control button > Vehicle settings >
Seats > Front passenger seat > Adjust seat
position. .,..