20 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
The brake system will still respond even
without the assistance of the ABS system.
See your authorized Audi dealer as soon as
possible to restore full braking performance.
For more information regarding the ABS
c:>page 195.
Malfunction in the brake system
If the brake warning light c:>page 15 and the
ABS warning illuminate
together there may be
a malfunction in the ABS, and there may also be a malfunction in the brake system itself
c:> &. . The ABS will not work and you will no
tice a change in braking response and per
In the event of a malfunction in the brake
the warning/indicator light . (USA
models)/ . (Canada models) in the instru
ment cluster flashes
c:> page 15 .
Malfunction in the electronic differential
lock (EDL)
The EDL works together with the ABS. The
ABS warning light will come on if there is a
malfunction in the EDL system¢
page 195.
See your authorized Audi dealer as soon as
- If the f;t11 (USA models);tlJ (Canada
models) warning light does not go out,
or if it comes on while driving, the ABS
system is not working properly. The vehi
cle can then be stopped only with the
standard brakes (without ABS). You will
not have the protection ABS provides .
Contact your Audi dealer as soon as pos
- USA models: If the . warning light, the
fjJ warning light and the f;t11 warning
light come on together, the rear wheels
could lock up first under hard braking.
Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of ve
hicle control and an accident. Have your
vehicle repaired immediately by your au-
l ) . : USA mode ls o nly
thorized Audi dealer or a qualified work
shop. Drive slowly and avoid sudden,
hard brake applications.
- Canada models: If the brake warning
light ., the
B.1 warning light and the
ABS warning light
ti] come on together,
the rear wheels could lock up first under
hard braking. Rear wheel lock-up can
cause loss of vehicle control and an acci
dent. Have your vehicle repaired immedi
ately by your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop. Drive slowly and
avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
(0} Worn brake pads
Ill Brake pads!
If the warning light illuminates, immediately
contact your authorized Audi dealer or quali
fied workshop to have all brake pads inspect
ed. On USA models the warning light
comes on together with the warning light •.
Both sets of brake pads on an axle must al
ways be replaced at the same time.
Driving with bad brakes can cause a colli
sion and serious personal injury.
- If the warning light
Ill and the warning
light •
) with the message Brake pads!
comes on in the instrument cluster dis
play, immediately contact your author
ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop to
have all brake pads checked or replaced if
EPC Electronic power control
Applies to veh icles: w ith gasoline engine
This warning/indicator light monitors the
electronic power control.
The l3i warning/indicator light (Electronic
Power Control) illuminates when you switch
the ignition on as a function check. ..,.
22 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
If the engine speed limitation was activated
by an engine control malfunction , the indica
tor light ~ also t urns on. Make sure that the
speed does not go above the speed displayed .
Drive to your authori zed Aud i dealer immedi
ately to have t he malfunction corrected .
If the symbol illuminates, contact your au
thor ized Audi dealer a nd have the o il sensor
i n spected . Until you have t his done , ch eck the
oil level each time you refuel just to be on the
safe side
c::> page 2 29 .
Bil Fuel level indicator
ID'J Plea se refuel
If the indicator light turns on fo r the fi rs t
time and the message app ears, ther e ar e
about 2.6 gallons (10 liters) of f ue l left in the
t an k. T ime to refue l
c::>page 219.
Ill Tank system malfunction! Contact dealer
If the i ndicator light tu rns on and t his mes
sage appears, t here is a ma lfunction in the
tank system .
Drive to yo ur autho rized Aud i dea ler immedi
ately to have t he malfunction corrected.
~ Windshield washer fluid level
~ Please refill washer fluid
If the symbo l illuminates, add windshield
washer f luid to the washer system/headlight
washer system*
c::> page 238.
~• Windshield wipers
m Windshield wiper defective
There is a malfunct io n with the w indshield
D rive to yo ur autho rize d Au di dea ler immedi
ate ly to have t he malfunction cor rected .
~/0$ Defective light bulb warning
S:j -If t he in dicato r light tu rn s on, a bu lb h as
f ailed. The message in dicates t he loca tio n of
t h e b ulb .
II-if a rea r fog lamp has fa iled , the ind icator
li gh t tur ns on to ind icate the loca tion on the
Vehicle lights : malfunction
If the message appears, there is a malfu nc
t ion in the headlights o r light sw itch.
Drive to your authorized A udi dealer immedi
ate ly to have the ma lfunction corrected.
- Light bulbs a re pr ess urized and could ex
p lode w hile they are being changed ca us
i n g s erio us pe rsonal injury .
- Wo rk with due care when han dling the
h igh-vo ltage sect io n o f gas disc harge
(xe non) ligh ts. Failur e to do so could re
s ult in death or ser ious injury .
(D Tips
Have t he b ulb replaced or the co nnect ion
r epaired by y our auth orized A udi Se rvice
d epartment .
~{i) Headlight range control
II Headlight range control : defective!
If the symbol illuminates, the headlig ht range
control is no lo nger wor king properly . Have
t h e sys tem checked and repaired at yo ur Audi
d eal er.
:sO Adaptive Light
App lies to veh icles : w ith Adapt ive lig ht
r!J Audi adaptive light: sy stem fault
If the indicato r light turns on and this m es
sage appears, there is a malf unct io n in th e
adaptive ligh t syste m. The head lig ht s s till
funct ion.
28 Instruments and warning /indicator lights
The schedule fo r the next oil change o r inspec
t ion is calculated automatically and d isplayed
according ly . T he display works in two stages :
Service reminder
30 days befo re the ne xt service is due, a serv
i ce rem inder appears in the di splay when yo u
switch the ignit ion on
¢ fig . 13.
Afte r abo ut 5 seconds the display sw itches
b ack to normal. The di sta nce and time re
maining a re update d eac h time the ignition is
switched on unt il the date due for service is
reac hed .
Service due
When the due date for service is reached , the
Service due! appears in the instr u
men t clus ter immedia tely after you switch the
i gnition on. Additionally, a war ning tone
sounds . After about 5 seconds the display
switches back to normal.
Calling up the service schedules
If o r whe n an oil change o r inspect ion is due,
can be shown in the MM I disp lay by select ing
the service interva l disp lay in the car menu .
Select the
! CAR ! function b utton> (Ca r)* s ys
contro l button > Servicing & chec ks >
Service interval displays.
Resetting the service interval display
Your author ized A udi dealer w ill reset the cor
responding service sched ule after perform ing
the app rop riate serv ice on yo ur vehicle. Yo u
a ls o have the possibility to reset the oi l
change schedule after having performed an
oil change according to Audi specifications.
Selec t the
I CAR ! function button > (Car) * sys
cont ro l button > Servicing & checks >
Service Intervals > Re set oil change interval.
(D Note
- Only reset the o il change d isp lay when
you hav e compl eted an o il change .
- If you d isconnect t he battery te rm inals,
no calc ulations can be made for the serv
i ce interv al display during this t ime and
n o servi ce re mi nder w ill appear . Reme m- ber th
at o bse rv ing the p roper service in
tervals is vita lly im po rtant to extend ing
the life of your vehicle, part icularly the
eng ine , and maintain ing its value. Eve n if
the mileage driven is low, the maxim um
p er iod of one year fro m one service to
t he next mus t not be e xceed ed .
@ Tips
The information in the Service Reminder
r ema ins sto red even when the vehicle bat
tery is disconnected.
Head -up Display
Applies to veh icles: w ith Head-up D isp lay
Fig. 14 Exa mple: in dic ato rs in th e Head -up D isplay
Fi g. 1 5 Ins trume nt panel: k nob for t he Head -u p D is
The Head -up D isplay projects cer tain warnings
o r se lected info rmation from the ass istance
syste ms* or na vigatio n* on t he windsh ie ld .
T he disp lay appe ars wi thin the drive r's field o f
vision .
Switching on/off
.,. Press the knob 1rl to switch t he Head-up
Display o n/off ¢
fig. 15.
44 Clear vis ion
Clear vision
Switching the headlights on and off
Fig . 36 Instr ument pane l: lig ht sw itc h w it h all -weath
er lig hts
The headlights only wo rk when the ignition is
sw itched on. Wh ile start ing the eng ine or
when switching off the ig nition, the head
lights will go off and on ly the s ide marker
lights w ill be on .
I f the sys tem is not operating properly, a
warn ing symbol in the dr iver inform ation dis
p lay is dis played
<=> page 22 .
Light switch -~ -
Turn the switch <=> fig. 36 to the co rrespond ing
position . When the lights a re switched o n, the
:o o: symbo l turns on .
0 -The lights are off or the dayt ime run ning
lights are on:
- USA models: The daytime running lig hts
will come on automatically when the igni
t ion is on and the light switch<=>
fig. 36 is in
O pos it ion or the AUTO position (only in
daylight cond itions) . T he
Daytime running
lights function can be tu rned on and off in
the MMI
<=> page 45, <=> .& .
-Canada model s: T he daytime running lig hts
will come on au tom atically when t he igni
t ion is on and the light switch<=>
fig. 36 is in
O posit io n, the :oo~ position or the AUTO
posit ion (on ly in daylight conditions)<=>.& .
AUTO -Automatic headlights swi tch on an d
off depend ing o n brightness , fo r example in
tw ilight, during rain or in tunnels<=>.& .
:oo~ -Side marker lights
io -Low beam head lights
~ -All-weather lig hts
@!l -Rear fog lights *. When the rear fog lights
are on , the symbol
0$ on the sw itch will i llu
minate .
All-weather light s
In vehicles with all -weather lights, the front
lights are ad justed automatically so that you
are less like ly to see glare from your own
headlig hts, for example when driving on a wet
road .
Automatic headlight range cont rol*
T he headlights do not blind oncoming traffic
if the veh icle load changes . The head light
range also ad justs automatica lly when brak
ing and accelerating .
Light functions
The following light funct ions are availab le de
pending on vehicle equipment and o nly func
tion when the lig ht switch is i n the AUTO posi
t ion. You can deactivate these functions in the
MMI under
Audi adapt ive light *<=> page 45.
Vehicles w ith St atic corneri ng light* : the cor
nering light switches on a utomatica lly when
the steering whee l is turned at a ce rta in angle
at speeds up to app rox imately 44 mph
(70 km/h) and when the tur n signal is activa t
ed at speeds up to app rox imately 25 mph
(40 km/h) . Th e ar ea to the side of th e vehicle
is illum inated better when turn ing .
Vehicles with
Dynamic cu rve light* : the curve
light only functions at speeds betwee n ap
proximate ly 6 mph (10 km/h) and 68 mph
(110 km/ h) and adapts itse lf to the cu rves in
the road.
- Automatic headlights are o nly inte nded
t o assist the driver. They do not relieve
the dr iver of his respons ibility to check
the head lights and to turn them on ma n-
ually accord ing to the current light and ,..
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Never allow the engine to run in confined
spaces - danger of asphyxiation.
@ Tips
If you shift into the 0, N or S positions af
ter shift ing into reverse, the vehicle must
be driven faster than 6 mph (10 km/h) in
order for the engine to switch off again .
Switching the Start-Stop-System on/off
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop-System
If you do not wish to use the system, you can
switch it off manually .
Fig. 86 Center console : Sta rt-Stop -System button
.., To sw itch the Start-Stop-System off/on
manua lly, press the
16'> .. I button . T he LED in
the button turns on when the system is
switched off.
{t) Tips
If you switch the system off during a stop
phase, the engine will start again auto
Messages in the instrument cluster
Applies to vehicles: with Start-Stop -System
Start-Stop system deactivated: Please re
start engine manually
This message appears when specific condi
tions are not met during a stop phase and the Start-Stop-System will
not be able to restart
the engine. If the D or R selector lever posi
tions were engaged, P will be selected auto-
On the road 83
matically. The engine must be started with
Start-Stop system: System fault! Function
There is a malfunction in the Start-Stop-Sys
tem . Drive the vehicle to an author ized repa ir
facility for servicing as soon as possible to cor
rect the malfunction.
Speed warning system
The speed warning system helps you to stay
under a specified maximum speed.
The speed warning system warns you if you
are exce edin g the maximum speed that you
have set. You will hear a warning tone when
your speed exceeds the stored value by ap
proximately 3 mph (3 km/h). An indicator
light. (USA models)/ . (Canada models) in
the instrument cluster display also turns on at
the same time. The indicator light./.
turns off when the speed decreases be low the
stored maxim um speed.
Setting a threshold is recommended if you
would like to be reminded when you reach a
certain maximum speed. Situations where you
may want to do so incl ude driving in a co untry
with a general speed limit or if there is a
specified maximum speed for winter tires.
@ Tips
Even though your vehicle is equipp ed w ith
a speed warning system, you sho uld still
watch the speedometer to make sure you
are not driv ing faster than the speed limit.
Setting the threshold
You can set, change and delete the threshold
in the MMI.
.., Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Driver assist > Speed
88 Audi adaptive cruise control and braking guard
@ is located in front of that vehicle, the sys
tem will not react to the stationary vehicle.
Audi adaptive cruise control
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control
Fig. 92 Detection range
What can adaptive cruise control do?
The adaptive cruise control system uses video,
radar and ultrasou nd. Moving vehicles ahead
can be recognized up to about 650 feet (200 m) away.
On open roads w ith no traffic, adaptive cruise
control works like a regular cruise control sys
tem. The stored speed is maintained. When
approaching a moving vehicle detected up
ahead, the adaptive cruise control system au
tomatically s lows down to match that vehi
cle's speed and then maintains the distance
that the driver previous ly stored. As soon as
the system does not detect a vehicle up
ahead, adaptive cruise control accelerates
back up to the stored speed.
In stop-and-go traffic, adapt ive cru ise control
can brake until the vehicle stops and acceler
ate again under certain conditions and if this
is possible within the system's limits and ca
page 90. Adaptive cru ise control
will not make an emergency stop .
Which functions can be controlled?
When you switch adaptive cruise contro l on,
you can set the current speed as the "control speed" ¢
page 88, Switching on and off.
When driving, you can stop cruise control
poge 90 or change the speed ¢ page 89
at any time.
You can also set the distance to the object
ahead and set the adaptive cruise control driv
ing program ¢
page 90.
Switching on and off
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control
Fig. 93 Se lector lever: switching on/off
Fig. 94 Instrument cluste r: adaptive cruise control
You can set any speed between 20 mph and
95 mp h (30 and 150 km/h).
Ind icator lamps and messages in the instru
ment cluster d isplay inform you about the cur
rent system status and settings.
An additional indicator appears in the Head
up D isplay*.
Switching adaptive cruise control on
.,. Pull the lever toward you into position (D
¢ fig. 93. ACC standby appears in the in
strument cluster display.
Setting the speed and activating
.,. To set the current speed, press the ISETI but
fig. 93. The set speed is shown in the 1111-
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Audi adaptive cruise control and braking guard 91
When approaching a moving vehicl e up ahead,
the adaptive cruise contro l system automati
cally brakes to match that object's speed and
then maintains the stored distance.
If the ve
hicle ahead accelerates, adaptive cruise con
trol will also accelerate up to the stored
speed .
The higher the speed, the greater the distance
in yards (meters) ¢.&. . The
Distance 3 setting
is recommended .
The distances prov ided are specified values .
Depending on the driving situation and the
how the vehicle ahead is driving, the actual
distance may be more or less than these tar
get distances.
The various symbols for the time increments appear briefly in the information line @
page 88, fig . 94 when you change the set
tings .
,::::::,_,::::::, ___ Distance 1: This setting corre-
sponds to a distance of 92 feet/28 meters
when traveling at 62 mph (100 km/h), or a
time interval of 1 second.
,::::::, __ ,::::::, __ Distance 2: This setting corre
sponds to a distance of 118 feet/36 meters
when traveling at 62 mph (100 km/h), or a
time interval of 1.3 seconds .
,::::::, ___ ,::::::,_ Distance 3: This setting corre-
sponds to a distance of 164 feet/SO meters
when traveling at 62 mph (100 km/h), or a
time interval of 1.8 seconds .
,::::::, __ __ ,::::::, Distance 4: This setting corre-
sponds to a distance of 210 feet/64 meters
when traveling at 62 mph (100 km/h), or a
time interval of 2.3 seconds .
Following other vehicles too closely in
creases the risk of collisions and serious
personal injur y.
- Setting short distances to the traffic
ahead reduces the time and distance
available to bring your vehicle to a safe
stop and makes it even more necessary
to pay close attention to traffic. -
Always obey applicable traffic laws, use
good judgment, and select a safe follow
ing d istance for the traff ic, road and
weather conditions .
(D Tips
-Distance 3 is set automatically each time
you switch the ignition on.
- Your standard settings are automatically
stored and assigned to the remote con
trol key being used.
Selecting the driving mode
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise control
.. Select the desired driving mode in dr ive se
c::> page 102 .
(D Tips
Your settings are automat ically stored and
assigned to the remote control key being
Prompt for dr iver intervention
Applies to vehicles: with Audi adaptive cruise contro l
Fig. 98 Instrument cluster: req ues t fo r drive r inte rven
tio n
In certain situations, the system will prompt
yo u to take action . This could happen, for ex
amp le, if braking by the adaptive cruise con
trol system is not enough to maintain enough
distance to the veh icle ahead .
The indicator light . and the symbol in the
display will warn you about the situation
c::> fig. 98. You wi ll also hear an acoustic signal.
- Press the brake pedal to slow your vehicle
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Audi active Lane assist
Active Lane assist
Applies to vehicles: with active lane assist
Active lane assist helps you keep your vehicle
in your lane.
Active lane assist detects lane marker lines
within the limits of the system using a camera in the windshield . If you are approaching a de
tected lane marker line and it appears likely
that you w ill leave the lane, the system will
warn you by means of corrective steer ing . T he
driver can over ride the cor re ct ive steer ing at
any time. If the veh icle crosses a line, the d riv
er is also warned by a light
vibration in the
steering whee l. The vibration warning must
be switched on in the MMI for this to happen.
Active lane ass ist is operable when the line
marking the lane is detected on at least one
side of the vehicle .
If the system is in active standby mode and
the turn signa l is activated before driving over
the lane marker line, the warning does not oc
cur since the system allows for intentional lane changes .
The system is designed for driv ing on free
ways and expanded highways and thus works
only at speeds of 40 mph (65 km/h) or more .
If the vehicle is also equipped with Audi adap
tive cruise control*, the corrective steering
will be more specif ic in regard to the driving
situation . In addition to the lane marker lines,
the system can a lso take into acco unt other
objects such as guard rails. If they are detect
ed i n close proximity to the veh icle, Audi a c
tive lane ass ist helps prevent the vehi cle from
driving too close to them . The re is also pass
ing assistance. The system does not provide
any corrective steering if it detects that you
are passing another vehicle.
- The system warns the driver that the ve
hicle is leaving the lane us ing corrective
Audi acti ve lane a ssis t 95
steer ing. The driver is always responsible
for keeping the vehicle within the lane.
- The system can assist the driver in keep
ing the vehicle in the lane, but it does
not steer by itself. A lways keep your
hands on the steering wheel.
- Corrective steering may not occur in cer tain sit uat ions, such as dur ing heavy
brak ing.
- The camera does not recognize all lane
marker lines. Corrective steer ing can only
take p lace on the side of the vehicle
where lane marker lines are detected .
- Other road structures or objects cou ld
possibly be identified un intent ionally as
lane ma rker lines. As a result, cor rect ive
steer ing may be unexpected or may not
oc cur .
- The camera view can be restricted, for
examp le by vehicles driving ahead o r by
r ai n, snow, heavy spray or light s hining
into the camera. This can result in a ctive
lane assist not detecting the lane marke r
lines or detect ing them inco rrectly .
- Unde r ce rtain condi tions such as ruts in
the road, a banked roadway or cross
winds, the corrective stee ring alone may
not be enough to keep the vehicle in the
- For safety reasons, active lane ass ist
must not be used when there are poor
road and/or weather condit ions such as
slippery roads, fog, gravel, heavy rai n,
snow and the potent ial for hydroplaning .
Using act ive lane assist under thes e con
ditions may increase the risk of a crash.