2 Table of content s
Vehicle lite ratu re .. .. .. .. .. ... .
About thi s Owner' s Manual . . . 6
C ontr ols and equi pm ent .. ... .
Ins truments and controls .. . .
General illustration ...... ... .. ... .
Instruments and warning /
indicator lights ........ .. .. .. . .
Instruments ............ ... .. ... .
Warning/indicator lights .. ... ... .. .
Driver information display .... .. ... .
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD) . . .
Opening and closing .. .. .... . .
Keys .. ...... ........... .. .. ... .
Power locking system ..... .. .. .. . .
Rear lid .. .. ........ ........ .... .
Child safety lock for the rear doors .. .
Power windows ............... .. .
Valet park ing . ........... .. .. ... .
Sliding/tilting sun roof ... .. .. .. .. . .
Garage door opener (HomeL in k) . ... .
Clear vision .. ........ .. .. .. .. . .
Lights . .. .. ............. .. .. .. . .
I nterior lights .... ....... ... .. ... .
V1s1on ..... ... . ........ .... .... .
Wiper and washer system . ... .. .. . .
Mirrors ................. .. .. ... .
Seat s and storage ... .. .. .... . .
General recommendations . .. .. .. . .
Front seats .................. ... .
H ead restraints .......... .... ... .
Seat memory .. .... ........ .. .. . .
Ashtray .. .. ................ ... . .
C igarette lighter ................. .
12-vo lt sockets ........... .. .. ... .
Sto rage .. ............... .. .. .. . .
Roof rack . .... . ...... ... ... .... .
Luggage compartment . ... .. .. ... .
Pass-through with ski sack ... .... . .
Warm and cold ..... ... .. .. ... .
Climate controls .. ..... ... .. .. ... . 8
1 1
1 2
4 1
4 7
56 57
Three-zone climate control . . . . . . . . . 70 Four
-zone automatic climate control .
Steering wheel heating . ..... ... .. . 72
On the road
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Starting and stopping the engine . . . . 76
E lectromechanical parking brake . . . . 79
Start-Stop-System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Speed warning system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Cruise control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Audi adaptive cruise control
and braking guard . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Genera l information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Audi adaptive cruise cont rol . . . . . . . . 88
Audi braking gua rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Audi active lane assist . . . . . . . . 95
Active lane assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Audi side assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Lane Change Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Audi drive select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Driv ing settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Raising/lowering the vehicle . . . . . . . . 104
Driver messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Night vision assistant . . . . . . . . . 105
Night vision assistant with detected
pedestr ian marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Automatic Transmission . . . . . . 109
S tronic, tiptronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Parking systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Parking system plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Rear view camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Peripheral cameras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Adjusting the d isplay a nd the warning
tones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7
T ra ile r hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
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"' rl
Opening and closing Keys
Key set
F ig. 17 Key set
@ Remote control k ey with mechanical
You can centrally lock and unlock your vehicle
and start the engi ne with the master key with
remote control. A mechanical key is integ rat
ed in the remote co ntrol key~ page
32 .
® Emergency key
The emergency key is not intended for con
stant use.
It should on ly be used in an emer
gency. Keep it in a safe place and do not car ry
it on your key ring .
Key replacement
If you lose a key, contact your authorized A udi
dealer immediately to have the
lost key disa
b led. Be s ure to bring all your keys with you.
Personal comfort settings
If two peop le use one vehicle, it is recom
mended that each person always uses "t heir
own" master key . When the ignition is switch
ed off or when the vehicle is locked, persona l
conven ience settings for the follow ing sys
tems are stored and ass igned to the remote
maste r key.
- Automatic cl imate contro l
- Central locking system
- Amb ience lig hting *
- Seat memory *
- P arking sys tem*
- Adaptive c ruise control*
Opening and clo sin g 31
- Audi ac tive lane assist *
- Au di side as sis t*
- Aud i drive se lect
- Night vision assistant*
- Heated stee ring wheel*
The stored settings are automatically recalled
when you unlock the vehicle, when you open
the doors or w hen you switch t he ignition on.
- Do not leave you r vehicle unattended. A l
ways take your ig nition key wi th you and
loc k your v ehicle. Entry by unau th or ize d
pe rsons could endanger yo u or resul t in
theft or d amage t he vehi cle.
- D o not leave c hildren una ttended in t he
veh icle, especi ally wi th a ccess to vehicle
key s. U ngu ard ed a ccess to t he keys pro
vi des childre n the o pportu nity to s tart
the eng ine a nd/or activate vehicle sys
tems such as the power windows, etc .
Unsupervised operation o f any vehicle
system by c hildren can result in serious
in ju ry .
(D Tips
- Th e ope ration of t he remote control key
can be temporar ily disrupted by inte rfer
ence fr om transm itters in the vic inity of
the vehicle working in the same fr equen
cy range (e.g. a cell p hone, radio e quip
m ent).
- Fo r security reasons, r eplacement keys
are only ava ilable from Audi dealers.
- For Declaration of C omp liance to Un ited
States FCC and Ind ustry Canada reg ula
tions~ page
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Seats and storage
General recommen
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
The safety belts and the airbag system can
only provide maximum protection if the front
seats are correctly adjusted.
There are various ways of adjusting the front
seats to provide safe and comfortable support
for the driver and the front passenger. Adjust
your seat properly so that :
- you can easily and quick ly reach all the
switches and controls in the instrument
- your body is properly supported thus reduc ing physical stress and fatigue
- the safety belts and airbag system can offe r
maximum protection ¢
page 147.
In the following sections, you will see exactly
how you can best adjust your seats .
There are special regulations and instructions
for installing a child seat on the front pas
senger's seat. Always fo llow the information
regarding chi ld safety provided in
¢ page 173, Child Safety .
Incorrect seating position of the driver and
all other passengers can result in serious
personal injury.
- Always keep your feet on the f loor when
the vehicle is in motion -never put your
feet on top of the instrument panel, out
of the window or on top of the seat cush
ion. Th is applies especially to the passen
gers . If your seating position is incorrect,
you increase the r isk of injury in the case
of sudden braking or an acc ident. If the
airbag inflates and the seating position
is incorrect, this could result in persona l
injury or even death.
- It is important for both the driver and
front passenger to keep a distance of a t
Seat s an d sto rage 53
least 10 inches (25 cm) between them
selves and the steering wheel and/or in
strument panel. If you're s itting any
closer than th is, the airbag system can
not protect you properly. In addition, the
front seats and head restraints must be
adjusted to your body height so that they
can give you maximum protect ion.
- Always try to keep as much distance as
possible between yourself and the s teer
ing wheel o r instrument pane l.
- Do not adjust the driver's or front pas
senger's seat whi le the vehicle is moving.
Your sea t may move unexpected ly, caus
ing sudden loss of vehicle cont rol and
personal injury . If you adjust yo ur seat
while the veh icle is moving, yo u are out
of posit ion.
Driver's seat
The correct seat position is important for safe
and relaxed driving.
We recommend that you adjus t the dr iver's
seat in the fo llowing manner:
.,. Adjust the seat in fore and aft direction so
that you can easily push the peda ls to the
floor wh ile keeping your knees s lightly bent
i:::> A in Why is your seat adjustment so im
portant? on page 53.
.,. Adjust the backrest so that when you sit
w ith your back against the backrest, you can
still grasp the top of the steering wheel.
.,. For adjustable head restra ints: adjust the
head restra int so the upper edge is as even
as poss ible with the top of your head . If that
is not poss ible, try to adjust the head re
straint so that it is as close to this position
as possible ¢
page 56. Move the head re
straint so that it is as close to the back of
the head as possib le .
-Never place any objects in the dr iver's foot-
well. An object could get into the pedal
area and interfere with pedal funct ion . In
54 Seat s and storage
case of sudden braking or an accident, you
would not be ab le to brake or acce lerate.
Front passenger's seat
Always move the front passenger seat into
the rearmost position.
To avo id contact with the airbag wh ile i t is de
p loying, do not sit a ny closer to the inst ru
ment panel than necessary and always wear
the three-point safety belt provided adjusted
correctly. We recommend that you adjust the
passenger's seat in the following manner:
"' Bring the backrest up to an (almost) upright
position . Do not ride with the seat reclined.
"' For adjustable head restraints: adjust the
head restraint so the upper edge is as
as possible w ith the top of your head . If that
is not possible, try to adjust the head re
stra int so that it is as close to th is position
as possible ¢
page 56. Move t he head re
stra int so that it is as close to the back of
the head as possible.
"' Place your feet on the floor in front of the
passenger's seat .
Front seats
Moving the seat forward or bock and adjust
ing the height, backrest angle and seat an
F ig. 4 8 Front seat: adjusting t he seat
@ -Moving the seat forward/back: press the
button fo rward/back
c:> .&. .
@ -Mov ing the seat up/down: press the but
ton up/down~ _&.. To ad just the fron t sec tion of the seat, press the front button up/down
.&. .To adjust the rear sectio n of the seat
press the rear button up/down ¢ &..
®-Turn the massage function * on/off. You
can select the type of massage using the mul
tif unction button ¢
page 55 .
© -Backrest fo rward/back: p ress the bu tton
f orward/back
c:> &. .
c:> &. or multifunction
c:> &. , c:> page 55 .
-Never adjust the driver's or front pas -
senger's seat whi le the vehicle is moving .
If you do th is while the veh icle is moving,
you will be out of position. A lways adjust
the driver's or front passenger's seat
when the ve hicle is not mov ing.
- Be careful when adj usting the seat
he ight. Check to see that no one is in t he
way, or ser ious injury cou ld result!
- Because the seats can be e lectrically ad
justed with the ignition off,
never leave
children unattended in the veh icle. Unsu
pe rv ised use of the electric seat adjust
ments may cause serious injury .
- To reduce the risk of injury in the case of sudden b raking or accident, front pas
sengers mus t never r ide in a moving
h icle with the ba ck res t reclined. Safety
be lts and the airbag system o nly offer
maxim um protection when the backrest
is upr ight and the safety belts are prop
erly positioned on the body . The more
the backrest is reclined, the greater the risk of persona l injury from an incorrect
seating position and improperly pos i
tioned safety belts.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
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Multifunction button
Applies to vehicles: with memory function
You con adjust the massage function, Lumbar
support, side bolsters and seating surface us
ing the multifunction button .
Fig. 49 MMI display: seat sett ings
.. The MMI displays the possible seat settings
@ when you turn the mu ltifunction button
(D c:> page 54, fig. 48 to the left or right
~ fig . 49 , c:> ,& .
.. To select a seat setting, turn the multifunc
tion button
(D until the desired seat setting
is highlighted with a red border.
• The arrows @ indicate the possible adjust
ments. For example, to move the lumbar
support down, press the multifunction but
(D down . The corresponding arrow ©
lights up .
T he follow ing seat settings @ are possible:
Massag e fun ct ion * -Massage type Wave,
Kn ock ing, S tretch, Lumb ar, Sho ulde r or Off.
You can set the massage strength level from 1
to 5. You can turn the selected massage on/
off us ing the button @~
page 54, fig . 48 .
Lu mba r support -Moving the lumbar support
up/down and making it firmer/softer
c:> .&. .
Side bol sters* -Increasing/reducing the side
support in the seat using the side bolsters on
the seating surface and backrest
c:> A.
Se ati ng surfac e -Making the seating surface
l onger/shorter
c:> .&. .
Sea ts a nd s to rage 55
-Never adjust the driver's or front pas
senger's seat while the vehicle is moving.
If you do th is while the veh icle is moving,
you will be out of position . A lways adjust
the dr iver's or front passenger's seat
when the vehicle is not moving.
- Be careful when adjusting the seat
he ight. Check to see that no one is in the
way, or ser ious injury cou ld resu lt!
- Because the seats can be electrically ad
justed with the igni tion off, never leave
children unattended in the veh icle. Unsu
pervised use o f the electric seat adjust
ments may cause serious injury.
- To reduce the risk of injury in the case of
sudden braking or accident, front pas
sengers must never ride in a moving ve
hicle with the backrest reclined. Safety
belts and the airbag system only offer
maximum protection when the backrest
is upr ight and the safety belts are prop
erly positioned on the body . The more
the backrest is reclined, the greater the
ris k of persona l inju ry from an incorrect
seating position and improperly posi
tioned safety belts.
(D Tips
- T he massage funct ion switches off auto
matically after approximately 10 mi
- T he side bolsters* deflate when the driv
er's doo r is opened. This allows you to
enter and exit comfortably. The side bol
sters inflate again once you begin driv
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
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Rear head restraints
Fig. 52 Rear seats : Head restra int
Fig. 53 Rear head restra ints: re lease
If there is a passenger in the rear center seat
ing position*, slide the center head restraint*
upward at least to the next notch
Q ,&..
Adjusting the head restraints
.. To move the head restraint up, hold it at the
sides with both hands and slide it upward
until you feel it lock into place
Q .&. in Prop
er adjustment of head restraints on
page 132.
.. To move the head restraint down, press the
button -arrow-
Q fig. 52 and sl ide the head
restraint downward .
Removing the head restraints
.. Fold the backrest forward Q page 65 .
.. Move the head restraint upward as far as it
can go .
.,. Press the release
Q fig. 53 with the mechan
ical key
9 page 32 and the button -arrow-
9 fig. 52. Pull the head restraint out of the
backrest at the same time
9 ,&..
Seats and storage 57
Installing the head restraints
.. Slide the posts on the head restraint down
into the guides until you feel the posts lock
into place .
.. Press the button -arrow-
Q fig. 52 and slide
the head restraint all the way down. You
should not be able to pull the head restraint
out of the backrest.
So that the driver can have a better view to
the rear, the head restraints should be pushed down completely when the rear seats are not
- Only remove the rear seat head restraints
when necessary in order to install a child
seat. Install the head restra int again im
mediately once the child seat is removed.
Driving without head restraints or with
head restraints that are not properly ad
justed increases the risk of serious or fa
tal neck injury dramat ica lly.
- Read and heed all WARNINGS
¢page 132.
Seat memory
Applies to veh icles: w ith memory f unction
The memory function allows you to quickly
and easily store and recall personal seating profiles for the driver and front passenger*.
T he memory function is operated through the
master key and the memory buttons in the
driver's/front passenger's* doors.
The driver's seating profile is stored and as
s ig ned to the master key each time the vehicle
is locked. When you open the door, the seat
ing profile is automatically recalled. If two
people use one vehicle, it is recommended
that each person always uses "their own"
master key .
Two seating profiles can be stored in each of
the driver's/front passenger's* doors. Once
stored, these seat ing profiles can be recalled
at any time.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
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.. You can now adjust the front passenger seat
using the buttons on the driver 's seat
e::> page 54, fig. 48.
M atching th e positi on of the driver' s seat
.. To adj ust the front passenger sea t to match
the driver 's seat settings, select the
function button > (C ar) * sys te m s control
> Vehicle setting s > Seats> Front
p ass enge r seat > Sym met ry to d riv e r s eat .
.. Press and hold the control knob until the ad
justment process is complete.
(D Tips
When matching seat settings, the settings
for the lumbar support and seating sur
face will not transfer to the front passeng
er 's seat.
Applies to vehicles: with ashtray
Fig . 55 Center conso le: front ashtray•
Fig. 56 Rear as htr ay
Opening /closing
.. To open the front ashtray, slide the cover up .
.. To close the front ashtray, press down on
the cover.
.. To open the rear ashtray, tap the cover on
the rim.
Sea ts a nd s to rage 59
.. To empty the front ashtray, pull it upwa rd
and out .
.. To empty the rear ashtray, press the rear
side of the cover down when it is open
¢ fig. 56. The ashtray will lift up out of its
.. To insert the ashtray again, press it down in
to the mount unt il it locks into place.
Neve r put waste paper in the ashtray. Hot
ashes or other ho t objects in the ashtray
could set waste pape r on fi re.
Cigarette lighter
Applies to vehicles: with cigarette lighter
Fig . 5 7 Center console: cigarette lighter
.. Push the knob on the cigarette lighter in .
.. Remove the cigarette lighter when it pops
The cigarette lighter only works when the
ignition is switched on . Incorrect usage
can lead to ser ious inju ries or bu rns. For
this reason, children sho uld never be left
unatte nded in the veh icle because this in
creases the risk of inj ury.
128 Driving Safely
Driving Safely
General notes
Safe driving habits
Please remember -safety first!
This chapter contains important information,
tips, instructions and warnings that you need
to read and observe for your own safety, the
safety of your passengers and others . We have
summarized here what you need to know
about safety belts, airbags, child restraints as
well as child safety. Your safety is for us
ty number 1.
Always observe the information
and warnings in this section - for your own
safety as well as that of your passengers.
The information in this section applies to all
model versions of your vehicle . Some of the
features described in this sections may be
standard equipment on some models, or may
be optional equipment on others. If you are
not sure, ask your authorized Audi dealer.
- Always make sure that you follow the in
structions and heed the WARNINGS in
this Manual. It is in your interest and in
the interest of your passengers.
- Always keep the complete Owner's Liter
ature in your Audi when you lend or sell
your vehicle so that this important infor
mation will always be available to the
driver and passengers.
- Always keep the Owner's literature handy
so that you can find it easily if you have
Safety equipment
The safety features are part of the occupant
restraint system and work together to help
reduce the risk of injury in a wide variety of
accident situations.
Your safety and the safety of your passengers
should not be left to chance. Advances in
technology have made a variety of features
available to help reduce the risk of injury in an accident.
The following is a list of just a few of
the safety features in your Audi:
- sophisticated safety belts for driver and all
passenger seating positions,
- safety belt pretensioners ,
- safety belt force limiters for the front seats,
- safety belt height adjustment systems for
the front seats,
- front airbags,
- knee airbags for the front seats*
- side airbags in the front seats and outer rear
- side curtain airbags ,
- special LATCH anchorages for child re-
- head restraints for each seating position,
- adjustable steering column.
These individual safety features, can work to gether as a system to help protect you and
your passengers in a wide range of accidents .
These features cannot work as a system if
they are not always correctly adjusted and cor
rectly used.
Safety is everybody's responsibility!
Important things to do before driving
Safety is everybody 's job! Vehicle and occu
pant safety always depends on the informed and careful driver .
For your safety and the safety of your passen
before driving always:
.. Make sure that all lights and signals are op
erating correctly.
.. Make sure that the tire pressure is correct .
.. Make sure that all windows are clean and af
ford good visibility to the outside .
.. Secure all luggage and other items carefully
q page 64, q page 61 .
.. Make sure that nothing can interfere with
the pedals.
.. Adjust front seat, head restraint and mirrors
correctly for your height.
.. Instruct passengers to adjust the head re-
straints according to their height . .,..