Page 289 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
-When connecting jumper cables, make
sure that they cannot get caught in any
moving parts in the eng ine compart
ment .
- Before you check anything in the engine
compartment, always read and heed all
page 225.
(D Note
Improper hook-up of jumper cables can r u
in the generator.
- Always connect POSITIVE( +) to POSI
( - ) gro und post of the battery manager
control unit .
- Check that all screw plugs on the battery
cells a re screwed in firmly . If not, tighten
pl ugs p rior to connecting clamp on nega
tive battery term inal.
- Please note that the procedure f or con
nect ing a jump er cable as desc ribed
above appl ies spec ifically to the case of
you r vehi cle be ing jump started. When
you are giv ing a jump star t to an othe r ve
hi cle, do
not connec t the negat ive (-) ca
ble to the negat ive (-) terminal on the
discharged battery@¢
fig. 223. In
stead, securely connect the negative( -)
cable to e ithe r a solid metal component
that is firmly bolted to the engine block
or to the e ng ine block itse lf. If the bat
te ry tha t is being charged does not vent
to the outside, escaping batte ry gas
could igni te and exp lode!
Emergency towing
with commercial tow truck
General hints
Your Audi requires special handling for tow
The follow ing information is to be used by
commercia l tow tr uck operators who know
h ow to ope rate thei r equipme nt safe ly.
Emergenc y situ ation s 287
-Ne ver tow your Audi. Towing will cau se
damage to the engine and tran smission.
- Never wrap the safety chain s or w inch ca
ble s around the brake lines.
- To prevent unnece ssary damage , your Audi
must be transported with a flat bed tru ck.
- To load the vehicle on to the fl at bed , use
the towing loop found in the vehicle tools
a nd attach to the front or rear anchor age
¢ pag e 287 and ¢ page 288 .
A vehicle being towed is not safe for pas
sengers. Never allow anyo ne to ride in a
vehicle be ing towed, for any reason.
Front towing loop
Only install the front towing loop when it is
Fig. 22 4 Front bu mpe r: cove r
Fig. 22 5 Front bu mpe r: in stall ing t he tow ing loop
The towing loop fits into the threaded hole lo
cated on the right s ide of the front bumpe r
and cove red by a sma ll cover when not in use.
.. Remove the tow ing loop from the vehicle
too l kit .
Page 290 of 316
288 Emergency situations
• Press inward strongly on the left side of the
cap to remove it from the bumper
¢ fig . 224 .
• Screw the towing loop tightly in the thread
ed hole as far as it will go and tighten it with
the wheel wrench¢
fig. 225 .
Remove the towing loop when you are done
using it and place it back in the vehicle tool
kit . Install the cover in the bumper. Always
keep the towing loop in the vehicle.
If you do not screw the tow ing loop com
pletely, it could come out of the threaded
hole while the vehicle is being towed caus
ing damage to the vehicle and possible se
rious personal injury.
Rear towing loop
Only install the rear towing loop when it is
Fig . 226 Rear bum per: cover
Fig. 227 Rear bum per: scr ew ing in tow ing loop
There are threads located behind the right
side of the rear bumper where a towing loop
can be installed . The threads are located be
hind a cover.
• Remove the towing loop from the vehicle
tool kit.
• Press inward strong ly to the button side of
the cap to remove it from the bumpe r
¢fig. 226.
• Screw the towing loop tightly in the thread
ed hole as far as it will go and tighten it with
the wheel wrench
¢ fig . 22 7 .
Remove the towing loop when you are done
using it and place it back in the vehicle tool
kit. Always keep the towing loop in the vehi
If you do not screw the towing loop com
p letely, it could come out of the threaded
hole while the vehicle is be ing towed caus
ing damage to the vehicle and possible se
rious personal injury.
Loading the vehicle onto a flat bed truck
Fig. 228 Vehicle on flat bed truck
Front hook up
• Align the vehicle with the centerline of the
car carrier ramp.
• Attach the winch hook to the front towl ine
eye previously installed.
Rear hook up
• Align the vehicle with the centerline of the
car carrier ramp .
• Attach the winch hook to the rear tow line
eye prev iously installed.
Page 291 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
@ Tips
Check carefully to make sure the hook-up
is secure before moving the car up the flat
bed truck ramp .
Vehicle transport
Whenever you hov e your vehicle transported,
be sure to note the following :
(D Note
Mount the tie-down chains/cables over the
running surface (circumference) of the
tires. Never secure the vehicle by the axle,
the suspension struts or the front or rear
towline eye . For technical reasons, the
pressure in the suspension struts may
change du ring the transport and this will
adve rsely affect vehicle handling.
Lifting vehicle
Lifting with workshop hoist and with
floor jack
The vehicle may onl y be li~ed at the lif ting
points illu stra ted.
Fi g. 2 29 Front l ift ing po int
Fig. 2 30 Rea r lifti ng poin t
:;:; N 0 6 ., a,
5 .. Read and heed WARNING Q ,&..
Emergenc y situ ation s 289
.. Activate the vehicle jack mode* in the MM I:
!CAR I function button > (C ar)* s ystem s con
trol button>
S e rv ic ing & check s> Air su sp. :
jack m ode> On .
.. Locate lifting poin ts Q fig . 229 and
Q fig . 230 .
.. Adjust lifting arms of wo rkshop hoist or
floor jack to match veh icle lifting points.
.. Insert a rubber pad be tween the floor jack/
workshop hoist and the lift ing po in ts.
The vehicle jack mode* must be activated so
that the automat ic adjustment of the Adap
tive Ai r Suspens ion* does not make it more
diffi cult to raise the vehicle with the floor
If yo u must lift your v ehi cle with a floor jack
t o wo rk und ern eath , be sure th e vehicle i s
s af ely s upported on s tands intended for thi s
purpo se.
Front lifting point
The lifting po int is located on the floor pan re
inforcement abo ut at the same leve l as the
jac k mounting point
Q fig. 229. Do n ot lift
t h e ve hicle at th e verti cal sill reinforc em ent .
Re ar lifting point
The lifting point is located on the vert ical rein
forcement of the lower sill for the on-boa rd
ja ck
c::> fig. 230 .
Lifting with vehicle j ack
Re fer to Q page 277 .
-To reduce the risk of ser ious injury and
veh icle damage .
- Always lift the veh icle only at the spe
cia l workshop hoist and floor jack lift
po ints illust rated
c::> fig . 229 and
c::> fig . 230.
- Failu re to lift the vehicle at these
po ints could cause the vehicle to tilt or
fall from a lift if there is a change in ve
hicle weight distribution and balance .
This might happen, for example, when
Page 292 of 316
2 90 Emergency situations
heavy components such as the engine
b lock or transmiss io n are removed.
- W he n removing heavy components like
these, ancho r vehicle to ho ist o r add cor
responding weig hts to ma inta in the cen
ter of g ravity . Othe rwise, the vehicle
might tilt or s lip off t he hoist, causing
ser ious p erson al injury.
(D Note
-Be awa re of the follow ing points befo re
li fting the vehicle:
- The vehicle should never be lifted or
jacked up from underneath the engine oil pan, the transmission housing, the
front or rear axle or the body side
membe rs. This could lead to ser ious
- To avoid damage to the underbody or
chassis frame , a rubber pad must be
i nserted between the floor jack and
the l ift points.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
check that the veh icle weight does not
exceed the permissible lifting capacity
of the hoist .
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
ensure that there is sufficient clear
ance between the hoist and low parts
of the vehicle.
Page 293 of 316
M N <( I.J ""'. rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Technical data
Vehicle identification
F ig. 231 Veh ide Identificat ion Number (VlN) plate: lo ·
c ation on d river 's s ide das h pane l
~ fAllftlli. -llllll · NR. ~ W!ru -llllll -NO.
®i ~W.::·f :l~~ XXXX XXX XXX
©+ ::rw= xxxx I xxxx XXX I xx
3FC SMU 7X l
TL6 3 KA 8EH UlA X98 027
lXW 803 908 824 D2D
7T6 CV7 7KO 4X3 2K2
3L4 4KC 3YO 413 502
1S A 7GB 01A 4GO
Fig. 232
The vehicle identification label - inside the
luggage co mpartment
Vehicle Identification Number (VlN)
The Veh icle Identification Number is located
in different p laces :
- under the w indshield on the driver's side
¢fig. 231.
- in the MMI: Select: Function button ICAR ! >
(Car)* systems> Servicing & checks > VIN
-on the vehicle identification label.
Techni cal data 291
Vehicle identification label
The vehicle identification label is located in
the luggage compartment in the spare wheel
T he label¢
fig. 232 shows the following vehi
cle data :
(D Vehicle Identificat ion Number (VIN)
@ Vehicle type, engine output, transmission
® Engine and transmission code
© Paint number and interior
® Optional equipment numbers
The information of the veh icle identification
label can also be found in your Warranty
Maintenance booklet .
Safety compliance sticker
The safety compliance sticker is your assur
ance that your new veh icle complies with all
applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards which were in effect at the time the
vehicle was manufactured . You can find this
sticker on the door jamb on the driver's side. It shows the month and year of production
and the vehicle ident ification number of your
vehicle (perforation) as well as the Gross Vehi
cle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the Gross Axle
Weight Rating (GAWR) .
High voltage warning label
The high voltage warning label is located in
the engine compartment next to the engine hood release. The spark ignition system com
plies with the Canadian standard ICES-002 .
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR), and
the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for
front and rear are listed on a sticker on the
door jamb on the driver's s ide.
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating includes the
weight of the basic vehicle plus full fuel tank,
oil and coolant, plus maximum load, which in
cludes passenger we ight (150 lbs/68 kg per
Page 294 of 316
29 2 Techni cal data
designated seating position) and luggage
weight¢ .&,.
Gross Axle W eight Rating
The Gross Axle Weight Rating is the maximum
l oad that can be applied at each axle of the
vehicle ¢Lr!, .
Vehicle cap acit y weight
The vehicle capac ity we ight (max. load) is list
ed either on the dr iver's side B-pilla r or inside
the fuel filler flap.
- T he actual Gross Axle Weight Rat ing at
the front and rear axles shou ld not ex
ceed the permissible weights, and their
combination must not exceed the Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating.
Width (across mirrors) Height (unloaded)al
-Exceeding permissible weight ratings can
result in vehicle damage, accidents and
personal injury.
(D Note
- The vehicle capacity weight figures apply
when the load is distributed evenly in the
vehicle (passengers and luggage). When
transport ing a heavy load in the luggage
compartment, carry the load as near to
the rear axle as poss ible so that the vehi
cle's handling is not impaired.
- Do not exceed the maximum permissible axle loads or the maximum gross veh icle
we ight. Always remember that the vehi
cle's handling w il l be affected by the ex
tra load. Therefo re, adj ust your speed ac
- Always observe local regulat ions.
in (mm)
195.6 (4969)
i n (mm) 75.2 (1911)
in (mm)
84.2 (2139)
in (mm) 55.9 (1420)
al The he ight of the veh icle depen ds on the t ires and the suspension.
When driving up steep ramps, on rough roads,
over curbs, etc . it is important to remember
that some parts of your vehicle, such as spoil-
Fuel tank: total capacity
-gasoline engine
- d iesel engine
Windsh ield fluid container
Windsh ield and headlight washer fluid containeir* ers
or exhaust system components, may be
close to the ground . Be carefu l not to damage
gal ( liters)
approx. 19.8 (75.0)
gal ( liters) approx. 19.3 (73.0)
quarts (liters) approx. 3.7 (3.5)
quarts (liters) approx. 5.2 (4 .9)
Page 295 of 316
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
,...., ..,., ,....,
Gasoline engines
A7 3.0, 6 cylinder
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
Engine oil with filter change
57 4.0, 8 cylinder
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
Engine oil with filter change
Diesel engine
A7 3.0 TOI, 6 cylinder
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
Engine oil with filter change
Techn ical data 293
hp@rpm 310@ 5500 -6500
l b-ft@ rpm 325@ 2900 - 4500
CID (cm
3 ) 182 (2995)
quarts (liters) 7.2 (6.8)
Premium unleaded (91 AKI), c> page 217, Gasoline
hp@rpm 420 @ 5500 - 6400
l b-ft@ rpm 406 @ 1400 -5200
CID (cm
3 ) 243.7 (3993)
quarts (liters) 8.8 (8.3)
Premium unleaded (91 AKI), i=>page 217, Gasoline
hp@ rpm 240@ 3500 - 3750
lb-ft@ rpm 428@ 1750 -2250
CID (cm
) 181 (2967)
quarts (liters) 6.8 (6.4)
ULSD No. 2, c> page 218, Diesel fuel
Page 296 of 316
294 Consumer Information
Consumer Information
Warranty coverages
You r Audi is covered by the following war
- New Vehicle Limited Warranty
- Limited Warranty Against Corrosion Perfo-
- Emissions Control System Warranty
- Emissions Performance Warranty
- California Emissions Control Warranty (USA
vehicles only)
- California Emissions Performance Warranty
(USA vehicles only)
Detailed information regarding your warran
ties can be found in your
Warranty & Mainte
nance booklet .
Operating your vehicle
outside the U.S.A. or
Government regu lations in the United States
and Canada require that automobiles meet
specific emission regulations and safety
standards. Therefore, veh icles built for the
U.S.A . and Canada differ from vehicles sold in
other countries .
If you p lan to take your vehicle outside the
continental limits of the United States or Can
ada, there is the possibility that:
- unleaded fuels for vehicles with cata lytic
converter may not be available;
- fuel may have a considerably lowe r octane
rating. Improper fuel may cause engine
damage ;
- service may be inadequate due to lack of
proper service facilities, tools or testing
equipment ;
- replacement pa rts may not be readily availa
- Navigation systems for vehicles built for the
U.S.A. and Canada will not necessar ily work
in Europe, and may not work in other coun
tries outside North America .
(D Note
Audi cannot be responsible for mechanical
damage that could result from inadequate
fuel, service or parts availability.
Audi Service Repair Manuals and Literature
Audi Official Factory Service Manuals and Lit
erature are published as soon as possible after
model introduction. Service manuals and lit
erature are available to order from the Audi
T echnical Literature Ordering Center at:
Your vehicle has been designed to help keep
maintenance requirements to a minimum.
However, a certain amount of regular mainte
nance is still necessary to assure your vehicle's
s afety, economy and rel iability. For detailed
vehicle maintenance consult your Warranty &
Maintenance booklet.
Under difficult operating conditions, for ex
ample at extremely low outside temperatures,
i n very dusty regions , when towing a trailer
very frequently, etc., some service work
should be performed between the intervals
specified. This applies particularly to:
- oil changes, and
- cleaning or replacing the air filter .
(® For the sake of the environment
By regularly maintaining your vehicle, you
help make sure that emission standards
are maintained, thus minimizing adverse
effects on the environment.
Important considerations for you and
your vehicle
The increasing use of electronics, sophisticat
ed fuel injection and emission contro l sys-
tems, and the genera lly increasing technical