Page 105 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
vehicle ahead in a more conservative or sporty manner .
Engine sound *
The sou nd of the engine is adapted to these
lec ted mode and ranges from subtle to sporty.
(D Note
- Make sure there is eno ugh clearance
above and below the veh icle when park
i ng. The height of the vehicle can change
once it is parked due to temperature
fluctuations, changes to the load condi
tions and changes to the driving modes,
which can affect clearance.
- When transporting the vehicle on a car
carrier, train, ship or by other means, on
ly tie the vehicle down at the running
surface of the tires, which is the outer
circumference. Securing the vehicle at
the axle components, suspension struts
or tow ing eyes is not permitted because
the pressure in the air suspension struts
can change d uring transport. The vehicle
may not be sec ured s uff icient ly if this
-If you are going to tow a trailer, you
must activate the trailer ope rat ion mode
¢page 208 .
@ Tips
-In some mode ls, the m axim um vehicle
speed can on ly be reached in the Auto
and Dynami c modes.
- Se lecting the Dynami c mode results in
sporty shifting characteristics . The S
gear position engages automatically .
- In vehicles with sport differential*, the
D ynamic mode is deactivated when tow
ing a trai ler .
- In vehicles that have dynamic steering*,
operating noise is heard when starting or
Audi dri ve sele ct 103
stopping the engine. This does not indi
cate a prob lem .
Selecting the driving mode
You con choose between Comfort, Auto, Dy
namic and Individual.
F ig . 1 09 MMI: Drive select
.,. To select the mode, select the following in
the MMI : ICARlfunction button> Comfort,
A uto , Dynamic or In d iv idual.
You can c hange the driving mode when the ve
hicle is stationary or while driving. If traffic
permits, after changing modes, briefly take
your foot off the acce lerator pedal so that the
recently selected mode is also activated for
the engine .
Comfo rt -provides a comfort-oriented vehicle
setup and is suited for long drives on high
ways .
Auto -provides an overall comfortable yet dy
namic driving feel and is suited for every day
D ynamic -gives the driver a sporty driving
feel and is suited to a sporty driving style .
Indi vidual -
¢ page 104.
Pay attention to traffic when operating
Audi drive select to prevent potential risk
of an accident.
Page 106 of 316
104 Audi drive select
Adjusting the Individual mode
You can adjust the vehicle settings to your personal preferences .
• Se lect : I CAR ! function button > Set individu
control button. You can now adjust the in
dividual systems.
Individual dr iving mode will automatica l
ly be activated when you have finished config
uring the settings .
Systems Comfort
Engine /Transmission
Air suspension* comfortable
Steering comfortable The equipment
in your vehicle will determine
which settings you can adjust. The following
table provides an overview of the characteris
tics of each driving mode.
Auto Dynamic
balanced sporty
balanced sporty
balanced sporty
Dynamic steering* comfortable/indirect balanced/direct sporty direct
Sport differential * balanced agile sporty
Adaptive cruise control* comfortable balanced sporty
Engine sound* subtle
subtle/sportya> sporty
al Sub
tle in th e d riv in g po sit ion D an d sp or ty in t he driving pos itio n S.
Your Individual mode settings are auto
matically stored and assigned to the re
mote control key being used.
Raising/lowering the
Appl ies to vehicles : wit h adapt ive a ir suspe nsion
Raising the vehicle
You can ra is e your veh icle temporarily, for ex
ample to drive over a tall curb.
• Select the following in the MMI:
ICARI func
t ion button
> Raise control button.
• Wait for the arrows in the display to stop
blinking and the vehicle to reach its fina l po
sit ion .
Lowering the vehicle
• To lower the vehicle, select the following in
the MMI:
!CARI function button > Lower con
tro l button.
• Wait for the arrows in the display to stop
blinking and the vehicle to lower complete
l y .
(D Note
- Remember that your vehicle is not suita
ble for dr iv ing offroad even when it is
raised. There is not enough ground clear
- If the vehicle is raised, it wi ll lower auto
matically when driving 62 mph (100 km/
h) or faster.
Driver messages
Air suspension: vehicle currently too low .
Level control running
Air suspension: vehicle currently too high.
Level control running
The driver message switches off when the lev
el control process is complete .
Page 107 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Night vision assistant
Night vision assistant
with detected pedestrian marking
App lies to vehicles: with night v isio n assistant
Fig . 110 Display: nig ht v is ion assistant
"N ight v is ion assistant with pedestrian detec
tion" uses an infrared camera to monitor the
area in front of your vehicle at night. Within
the limits of the system , it can display objects
up to about 1000 feet (300 meters) away. The
heat image of a pedestrian detected by the
camera is shown in the instrument cluster dis
r::;, fig . 110 . Warm areas appear lighter
and cold areas appear darker .
Pedestrian detection
Applies to vehicles: with n ig ht v ision ass istant
Fig. 111 Display : yellow pedestrian marking
Night vision assistant 105
Fig. 1 12 Disp lay: symbo l w hen infrare d image is not
visi ble
Night vision assistant can detect pedestrians
that are between about 50 and 300 feet (15
and 90 meters) in front of the vehicle, under
ideal conditions .
If a pedestrian is detected
when it is dark outside and the vehicle head
lights are switched on, the pedestrian is high
lighted in yellow
r::;, fig . 111, r::;, page 106,
General information.
If another display such
as navigation replaces the image from the
night vision assistant, the symbo l~,, appears
in a tab
r=;, fig. 112.
(D Tips
If the night vision assistant image does
not appear when the system is sw itched
on, you can access it with the buttons on
the multifunction steering wheel
r::;, page25.
Page 108 of 316
106 Night visi on assis tant
Pedestrian warning
Applies to vehicles: with night vision assistant
Fig. 113 Display : pedestrian warning
Fig . 114 D is p lay: pedestrian warning w ith a nother dis
p lay
I f a pedestrian is detected in an area in front
of the vehicle that the system considers criti
cal, the pedestrian is high lighted in red
Q fig . 113 and a warning tone sounds. This
area is based on the vehicle speed and steer
ing angle. The pedestrian warning prompts
you to pay even closer attention to the area in
front of the vehicle and to watch out for pe
If another display s uch as the on-baord com
puter replaces the image from the n ight vision
assistant, the indicator light turns red when
there is a pedestrian warning .
qfig . 114.
The pedestrian warning . appears in the
Head-up Display *.
(D Tips
The pedestrian marking and warning tone
can be adjusted in the MMI
!:!) page 107.
General information
Applies to vehicles: with night vision assistant
Fig. 115 Fro nt of th e ve hicle: night v ision assistant
T he following situat ions may affect the func
t ion of the n ight vision assistant system:
- poor visibility such as snow, rain, fog or
heavy road spray
- dirty lens on the n ight vis ion assistant cam -
Make sure the night vision assistant camera
q fig . 115 is not covered by stickers, deposits
or any other obstructions because that can
prevent the camera from working properly.
For information on cleaning the lens, refer to
Q page 212.
Pedestrian detection depends on the d iffer
ence in temperature between the person and
the background. Pedestr ians may not be de
tected if the temperature diffe rence is too
small . Th e pedestrian highl ighting feature is
deactivated at tempe ratures above 77 ° F (25
°C) and when it is light outs ide.
Night vision assistant has limits and can
not always detect pedestr ians. Always pay
close attention to traffic and the area
around your vehicle even when night vision
assistant is sw itched on .
- Night vision assistant can only warn
about people located within the visual
range of the infrared camera. The visual
range corresponds to the image in the in
strument cluster display .
- Night vision assistant may not detect
peop le and highlight them if .,.
Page 109 of 316
M N <( I.J ""'. rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
-they are not in an upright position, for
example if they are s itting, crouching
or lying down and/or
- if the outline in the display is incom
plete or interrupted, for example be
cause the person is partially hidden by
a parked veh icle .
(D Tips
-Pedestrian detection and the pedestrian
warming are limited to objects that are
detected as pedestr ians. The system
does not detect animals . Even though
the shape and warmth radiated by each
object det ected is evaluated, the system
does have lim itations and it can give in
correct warnings.
- Fo r techn ical reasons , the image pauses
in split second interva ls.
Switching on and off
Appl ies to vehicles: with night vision assistant
Fig. 116 Area a round the lig ht switch: night vis io n as
si st ant but ton
.. Switch the ignition on and turn the light
switch to the
AUTO position or io.
.. To switch night vision ass istant on, press the
~ button c::> fig. 116 . The image from the
night vision camera appears in the instru
ment cluster d isp lay.
.. Press the button~ again to sw itch night vi
s ion assistant off .
Night vision assistant 107
Settings in the MMI
Applies to vehicles: with night vision assistant
Fig. 117 Disp lay : exa mple of pedest rian detect io n and
warn ing tone sw it c hed off
.. Select: !CAR ! function button> (Car)* sys
control button > Driver assist> Night
vision assist.
Highlight pedestrians -
You can switch pedes
trian detect ion
on and off . If you switch pe
destrian detection off, the pedestrian warning
tone also switches off . The symbols
II and
e appear in the upper r ight area of the in
strument cluster display¢
fig. 117.
Warning tone -You can switch the tone for
the pedestrian warning
on and off. When the
warning tone is switched off, a yellow symbol
for the deactivated warning tone with a line
through it appears in the upper right of the in
strument cluster display¢
fig. 117 .
Contrast -When the night vision assistant is
switched on and the image is visib le in the in
strument cluster display, you can adjust the
contrast in the image from
Min to Max .
Driver messages
Applies to vehicles: with night vision assistant
Night vision assistant: system malfunction!
The system cannot work properly and is
switched off. See your authorized Audi dealer
for assistance.
Night vision assistant: not available
The system cannot detect properly under cur
rent conditions and is switched off temporari-
~ ~
Page 110 of 316
108 Night vision assistant
Night vision assistant: only available in dark
ness and with lights switched on
Night vision assistant only works when it is
dark outside and the headlights are on.
Night vision assistant: pedestrian detection
not available
The system has deactivated the pedestrian de
tection function.
Page 111 of 316
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' rl
"' rl
Automatic Transmission
S tronic, tiptronic
The automatic transmission is controlled elec
tronically. The transmission upsh ifts or down
shifts automatically depending on which drive
program is selected.
When a
moderate driving style is used, the
transmission selects the most econom ica l
driving mode. It will then change up early and
delay the downshifts to give better fuel econ
The transmission switches to a sporty mode
after a kick-down or when the driver uses a
sporty driving style characterized by quick ac
celerator pedal movements, heavy accelera
tion, frequent changes in speed and traveling
at the maximum speed.
If desired, the driver can also select the gears
manually (tiptronic mode) ¢ page 113.
Various automatic transmissions may be in
stalled, depending on the model :
S tronic transmission
The S tronic is a dual-clutch transmission.
Power is transferred using two clutches that
work independently from one another . They
replace the torque convert er used in conven
tional automatic transmissions and allow the
veh icle to accelerate without a noticeable in
terruption in traction.
tiptronic transmission
In the tiptronic transmission, power is trans
ferred by a torque converter .
Automatic Transmission 109
Selector lever positions
Fig. 118 D isp lay in the instrument clus te r: se le ctor
lever pos itio n
The selector lever position engaged appea rs
next to the selector lever as well as in the in
str ument cluster display.
P- Park
In this selector lever position the transm is
s ion is mechanica lly locked . Engage P only
when the vehicle is
completely stopped Q .&.
in Driving the automatic transmission on
page 111.
To shift in or out of posit ion P, you must first
press and hold the brake pedal and then press
the release button in the selector lever handle
whi le moving the selector lever to or from P.
You can shift out of this position on ly with the
ignit ion on .
R- Reverse
Select R only when the vehicle is at a full stop
and the engine is running at idle speed ¢.&. in
Driving the automatic transmission on
page 111.
Before you move the selector lever to R, press
both the button in the hand le of the selec tor
and the brake pedal at the same t i me .
When the ignition is on, the backup lights illu
minate when the selector lever is moved into
N -Neutral
The transmission is in neutral in this pos ition .
Sh ift to th is position for standing with the
brakes applied
¢.&. in Driving the automatic
transmission on page 111. ..,.
Page 112 of 316
110 Automatic Transmission
When the vehicle is stationary or at speeds be low 1 mph (2 km/h), you must always apply
the footbrake before and while moving the lever out of N .
DIS -Normal position for driving forward
In the D/S position, the transmission can be
operated either in the normal mode Dor in
the sport mode S . To select the sport mode S,
pull the selector lever back briefly. Pulling the
lever back again will select the normal mode
D. The instrument cluster display shows the
selected driving mode .
In the
normal mode D, the transmission auto
matically selects the su itab le gear ratio . It de
pends on eng ine load, vehicle speed and driv
ing style .
Select the
sport mode S for sporty driving.
The vehicle makes full use of the engine's
power . Shifting may become noticeable when
When the vehicle is stationary or at speeds below 1 mph (2 km/h), you must always apply
the foot brake before and while moving the lever to D/S out of N.
Read and follow all WARNINGS ¢.&. in
Driving the automatic transmission on
page 111.
(D Note
Coasting downh ill with the transmission in
N and the engine not running w ill result in
damage to the automatic transmission
and possibly the catalyt ic converter.
(D Tips
-Audi drive select: you can ad just the
spo rty sh ift characteristics in the
namic driving mode.Swill appear in the
instr ument cl uster display instead of D.
- If you accidentally select N while driv ing,
take your foot off the acce le rator pedal
i mmedia tely and wait for the engine to
s low down to idle before selecting D/S. -
If there is a power failure, the selector
lever wi ll not move out of the P position.
The emergency release can be used if
this happens ¢
page 115.
. Automatic Shift Lock (ASL)
The Automatic Shift Lock safeguards you
against accidentally shifting into a forward or the reverse gear and causing the vehicle to
move unintentionally.
0, N ,r g
Fig. 119 Shi ft gate : selector lever lock pos it ions and
release butto n highl ig h ted
The selector lever lock is released as follows:
... Turn the igni tion on.
... Step on the brake pedal.
At the same time
press and hold the release button on the
side of the gear selector knob
¢fig . 119
with your thumb until you have moved the
selector lever to the desired position.
Automatic selector lever lock
The selector lever is locked in the P and N po
sitions w hen the ignition is turned on. You
must press the brake pedal and the re lease
button to select another position . As a re
minder to the driver, the following warning
appears in the instrument cluster display
when the selector is in P and N:
When stationary apply brake pedal while se
lecting gear
The Automatic Shift Lock only functions when
the vehicle is stationary or at speeds below 1 mph (2 km/h).
At speeds above about 1 mph (2 km/h) the
Automatic Shift Lock is automatically deacti-
vated in the N position . ..,.