M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
,...., ..,., ,....,
Safet y fir st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Driving Safely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
General notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Proper occupant seating posit ions . . . 129
Driver and passenger side footwell . . . 133
Pedal area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Stowing luggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
R eport ing Safety Defects . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
General notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Why safety bel ts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1
Safety belt p re tens ioners . . . . . . . . . . 145
Airbag system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
I mpor tant th ings to know . . . . . . . . . . 1 47
Fr ont airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
M onitoring the Advanced Airbag
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Knee airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Side airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Side curta in a irbags ........ . .... . .
Ch ild Safety ............... .. . .
Important things to know .. .. .. .. . .
C hi ld safety seats ............ .... .
Install ing a chi ld safety seat .. .. ... .
L A TC H L ower ancho rages and tethe rs
fo r ch ild ren . ............. .... .. . .
Addit io nal Informa tion
Audi pre sense .......... .. .. . .
Pr even ta ti ve passe nger p rotec tion
Vehicle operation ....... .. .. . .
Intelligent technology .. .. .. . .
N ot ice about da ta re corded by the
E vent Data Recorder and vehi cle
control mod ules ... .... ... .. .. .. . .
Elect ronic Stabilization Control (ESC) .
Rear spoiler ............. .... .. . .
Braking .. .. ................. .. . .
Elect romechan ical power assist, 169
19 1
19 2
dynam ic steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
D riving w ith your quattro . . . . . . . . . . 200
E ne rgy management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1
Table of contents 3
Driving and environment . . . . .
T he first 1,000 miles (1 ,500 km) and
afterwa rds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Avoid damaging the vehicle . . . . . . . . . 204 Driving through water on roads . . . . . 204
Catalytic co nverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
D iesel pa rticulate filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
S hu tting down vehi cle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Operate your vehicle e conomically and
min imi ze poll ution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Trailer towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Dr iving wit h a trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
T ra ile r tow ing t ips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Vehicle care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12
Vehicle care and cleaning . . . . . 212
Genera l informa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Car was hes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Cleaning and care information . . . . . . 213
Fuel supply and filling your
fueltank ... .. .... . ... ...... ... .
Gasoline .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 217
Diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Fuel tank.. .. .. .. .. .. ........... . 219
Se lective cata lytic reduction . . . . . . . . 221
Checking and filling . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Engine hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
En gine compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
E ngine o il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
En gine cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Br ake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Windshie ld/headlight * washer
co ntainer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Tires and wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 0
T ires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Tire pressure mo nitoring system 2 70
Do-it-yourself service . . . . . . . . . 273
What do I do now? . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Emergency warn ing triangle . . . . . . . . 273
Vehicle tool kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Changi ng a wheel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
M N <( I.J -
"' rl
"' rl
Instrument s and warning /indicator lights 11
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Instrument cluster and controls
The instrument cluster is your central source of information.
Fig. 3 Overv iew of the instrument cluster
CD Coolant temperature gauge .. .
@ Tachometer (eng ine rev counter)
@ Turn signals ............... .
@ Display with
-Driver information system .. .
- Wa rning/ind icator lights
Tachometer Fuel gauge
@ Tips
The instrument illumination (for dials and
needles) turns on when the ignition is on
and the vehicle lights are turned off. As
the daylight fades, the illumination of the
dials likewise dims automatically and wil l
go out completely when the outside light
is very low. This feature is meant to rem ind
you to switch on the headlights when out
side light conditions become poor.
Engine coolant temperature gauge
The engine coolant gauge CD¢ page 11, fig. 3
only works when the ignition is on. To prevent
damage to your eng ine, please note the fol
l owing important points:
Engine cold
If only the LEDs at the bottom of the gauge
turn on, the eng ine has not reached operating
temperature yet . Avoid high engine speeds,
heavy engine loads and heavy throttle applica
Normal temperature
The engine has reached its operating temper
ature once the LEDs up to the center of the
gauge turn on under normal driving cond i
t ions. The LEDs higher up may turn on when
the engine is under heavy load or the exterior
temperature is high. This is no need to worry
as long as the. warning light in the instru
ment cluster does not illuminate . If the LEDs
in the upper area of the display and the indica
tor light . in the instrument cluster display
turn on, the coolant temperature is too high
¢page 16.
-Always observe the warn ing in
¢ page 225, before opening the hood
and checking the engine coolant level.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
,...., ..,., ,....,
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 13
compartment, stop the engine and let it
cool down. Always exercise extreme cau
t ion when working under the hood
<=> page 225.
Some ind icator lights turn on briefly to check
the function of that system when you switch
the ignition on. These systems are marked
w ith a,/ in the followi ng tables.
If one of
these ind icator lights does no t turn on, there
is a malfunction in that system.
Red ind ic ator l ights
U S A m od els :
Brake malfunction ,/
c:> page 15
Canada mod els:
Brake malfunction,/
c:> page 15
USA models :
Electromechanical park ing
c:> page 16
Can ada models :
Electromechan ica l park ing
c:> page 16
E ng ine cooling system
c:> page 16
E ng ine o il pressure
c:> page 17
Eng ine oi l level
c:> page 18
c:> page 17
Safety bel t
c:> page 17
Electromechan ica l steering,/
Elect ronic steering column lock
c::> page 18
Engine start system
c:> page 18 Cent
ral indicator light
<=> page 19
USA model s: Speed warning
<=> page 83
Ca nada model s: Speed warning
<=> page 83
Adaptive cruise contro l*,/
<=> page 88
Air suspension* <=> page 18
Pedestrian warn ing*
c::> page 105
Rear spo iler
<=> page 197
Refill Ad Blue *
<=> page 221
AdBl ue malfunction*
c:>page 2 21
Yellow indicato r light s
USA mod els : Safety systems
c::> page 19
Canada models: Safety systems
c::> page 19
Electronic Stab ili z ation Control
(ESC) ./
<=> page 19
Electron ic Stab ilizat ion Control
(ESC) ,/
c::> page 19
USA models:
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
defective ,/
c::> page 19
Canada models :
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
defective ,/
c::> page 19
Worn brake pads
c::> page 20
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 15
Adaptive cruise control*
Adaptive cru ise control*
¢ page 88
Audi act ive lane assist*
Sta rt-Stop-System*
¢page 81
Sta rt-Stop-System*
¢page 81
High beam
BRAKE/((!)) Brake system
The light illum inates when the ignition is
sw itched on.
It goes out after the engine has
been started. This ind icates that the brake
warning light is functioning properly .
If the brake warning light doe s not light up
when the engine is cranking, there may be a
malfun ction in the electrical system. In this
case , contact your Audi dealer.
If the brake system warning/ind icator light
turns on, there is a brake system malfunction.
• (USA models) . (Canada models) Stop
vehicle and check brake fluid level
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, proceed as follows :
.,. Pull
off the road.
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Turn
off the engine.
.,. Check the brake fluid level¢
page 234.
.,. Contact your nearest authorized repa ir fa-
c ili ty if necessary .
Warning! Fault in brake system . Contact
If the ABS indicator light rJl1 (USA mode ls)/
ii] (Canada models), the ESC indicator light
G1 and the brake system indicator light
• (USA models)/ . (Canada models) turn
on and the message appears , the ABS, ESC
and brak ing distribution are not work ing ¢ .&. . Carefully
drive to your authorized Audi dealer
immediately to have the malfunction correct
ed ¢.&. .
• (USA models) . (Canada models) Park
ing brake: system fault! Please contact deal
- If the ind icator light and the message ap
when stationary or after switching the
ignition on,
check if you can release the
parking brake. After releasing the parking
brake, carefully drive to your authorized
Audi dea ler immediately to have the ma l
function corrected. If you cannot release the
parking brake, seek professional assistance.
- If the ind icator light and the message ap
while driving , the emergency brak ing
function may not be available. It may not be
possible to set the park ing b rake or release
it once it has been set . Seek profess ional as
sistance .
(USA models): If the warn ing light . and the
warning light
llJ appea r togethe r, immedi
ately contact your authorized Aud i dealer or
qualified workshop to have all brake pads in
spe cted
¢ page 20.
When the light comes on, an aud ible warning
s ignal is also g iven .
-Always observe the warn ings in
¢ page 225, before opening the hood
and checking the brake fluid .
- Driving with low brake fluid is a safety
ha zard . Stop the car and get professional
assistance .
- If the. (USA models). (Canada
models) brake system indicat or light
turns on together with the ABS and ESC
indicator lights, the ABS/ESC regulating
function may have failed. Functions that
stabilize the vehicle are no longer avai la
ble. This could cause the vehicle to
swerve and increase the risk of slid ing .
Drive carefully to the nearest authorized
Aud i dealer or other qualified workshop
and have the malfunction corrected. ..,.
16 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
-If the brake warning/indicator light does
not go out after a few seconds and the
park ing brake is released, or lights up
wh ile you are driving, the fluid level in
the brake fluid reservoir is too low .
If you
believe that it is safe to do so, proceed
immediately at low speed to the nearest
authori zed Aud i dealer o r qualified repa ir
f acili ty and have the brake system in
- Always keep in m ind that after several
brake applicat ions, yo u will need greater
pressure on the brake peda l to stop your
vehicle. Do not re ly on strained brakes to
respond with maxim um stopp ing power
in critical situations. You must allow for
increased brak ing distances . The extra
distance used up by fad ing brakes could
lead to an acc ident.
PARK/( ®) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the
electromechanical parking brake.
If the indicator light . (USA models)/ .
(Canada models) turns on, the park ing brake
was set .
• (U SA models) • (Canada models ) Cau
tion: Vehicle pa rked too steep
If the indicator light blinks and the message
appears, there is not eno ugh braking power to
keep the vehicle from ro lling . The brakes have
overheated. The vehicle could ro ll away even
on a small incline.
P res s brake pedal to relea se parking brake
To release the parking bra ke, press t he b ra ke
pedal and press the button~ or start d riving
with start ing assist at the same time
c::> pageBO .
Please release parking brake
To release the parking brake ma nually, press
the brake pedal and press the button~ at the
same time . T he parking brake on ly re leases
automatically if the dr iver's safety be lt is fas
Ill Parking brak e!
If the Ill ind icator light tu rns o n and this
message appears , the re is a parking b rake
malfunction . Drive to your au thorized A udi
dealer or qualif ied workshop immediately to
have the malfunction corrected .
-L Engine cooling system malfunction
A malfunction in th e engine cooling system
must be repaired as soon as possible.
• Swit ch off engin e and check coolant level
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appea rs, the coolant temperature is too
high o r the coolant leve l is too low.
.. Pull
off the road .
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tu rn
off the engi ne .
.,. Check coolant level
c::> page 231.
.. Add coo lant if necessary c::> page 232 .
.,. Con tinue dr iv ing on ly afte r the engine coo l
ant warning/indicator light goes out .
.. Contact your authorized A udi dealer for as-
sistance if necessary.
If the engine coo lant level is correct, then the
radiator fan may be the ca use of the malfunc
tion .
• Coolant temperature too high! Plea se let
engin e run with vehicl e st ationary
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appea rs, let the engine run at id le for a
f ew m inutes to cool down.
- If your vehicle should break down for
mechanical or other reaso ns, park at a
safe distance from mov ing traffic, turn
off the eng ine and turn on the hazard
warn ing lights
c::> page 45, Emergency
flasher .
-Never open the hood if you see or hear
steam or coo lant escaping from the en
g in e compartment -you r isk being scald
ed. Wait unt il you can no lo nger see or
hear steam o r coolant escap ing .
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1"1 ,...., 1.1"1 ,....,
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 17
-The engine compartment of any vehicle
is a dangerous area. Before you perform
any work in the engine compartment,
turn of the eng ine and allow it to cool.
Follow the warning stickers
c::;, page 225.
(D Note
Do not continue driving if the. symbo l
illuminates. There is a malfunct ion in the
eng ine cooling system -you could damage
your eng ine.
0 Battery
This warning/indicator light detects a mal
function in the generator or in the vehicle's
electrical system.
The. warning/ind icator light illuminates
when you switch on the ignit ion and must go
out after the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery is not being
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
generator or vehicle e lectr ica l system .
Dr ive to your au thorized Audi dealer or quali
fied workshop immediately . Because the vehi
cle battery is discharging, turn
off all unnec
essary electrical equipment such as the radio.
Seek professional ass istance if the battery
charge level is too low .
(•) Low battery: battery will be charged
while driving
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears , there may be limited starting
abi lity .
If this message turns off after a litt le wh ile,
the battery charged enough wh ile driving.
If the message does not turn off, have your
authorized Audi dealer or qua lified workshop
correct the mal func tion.
~ Safet y belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to
put on your safety belt.
The . warning/ indicator light illum inates
when the ignition is switched on to remind
the driver and any front passenger to put on
the safety belt. Add it ionally, an acoustic warn
ing (gong) wi ll also sound.
For more Information
c::;, page 138, i Safety
belt warning light .
~ Engine oil pressure malfunction
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol
requires immediate service or repair . Driving
with a low-oil-pressure indication is likely to
inflict severe damage to the engine.
• Switch off engine and check oil level
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, the oi l pressure is too low.
.,. Pull
off the road.
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Turn
off the engine .
.,. Check the engine oil level c> page 229 .
.,. If the eng ine o il level is too low, add eng ine
c::;, page 229. Make sure that the oil pres
sure warning symbol. appears no longer
in the display before you start dr iv ing again .
.,. If the eng ine o il level is correct and the indi
cator light still turns on, turn the engine
and do not continue driving. Seek professio
na l assistance .
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is
not an indicator for a low engine oil lev
el. Do not rely on it. Instead, check the
oil level in your engine at regular inter
vals, preferably each time you refuel ,
and always before going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
II requires oil refill or workshop serv
ice without delay. Do not wait until the
red oil pressure warning. starts to
flash before you respond to the low oil
20 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
The brake system will still respond even
without the assistance of the ABS system.
See your authorized Audi dealer as soon as
possible to restore full braking performance.
For more information regarding the ABS
c:>page 195.
Malfunction in the brake system
If the brake warning light c:>page 15 and the
ABS warning illuminate
together there may be
a malfunction in the ABS, and there may also be a malfunction in the brake system itself
c:> &. . The ABS will not work and you will no
tice a change in braking response and per
In the event of a malfunction in the brake
the warning/indicator light . (USA
models)/ . (Canada models) in the instru
ment cluster flashes
c:> page 15 .
Malfunction in the electronic differential
lock (EDL)
The EDL works together with the ABS. The
ABS warning light will come on if there is a
malfunction in the EDL system¢
page 195.
See your authorized Audi dealer as soon as
- If the f;t11 (USA models);tlJ (Canada
models) warning light does not go out,
or if it comes on while driving, the ABS
system is not working properly. The vehi
cle can then be stopped only with the
standard brakes (without ABS). You will
not have the protection ABS provides .
Contact your Audi dealer as soon as pos
- USA models: If the . warning light, the
fjJ warning light and the f;t11 warning
light come on together, the rear wheels
could lock up first under hard braking.
Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of ve
hicle control and an accident. Have your
vehicle repaired immediately by your au-
l ) . : USA mode ls o nly
thorized Audi dealer or a qualified work
shop. Drive slowly and avoid sudden,
hard brake applications.
- Canada models: If the brake warning
light ., the
B.1 warning light and the
ABS warning light
ti] come on together,
the rear wheels could lock up first under
hard braking. Rear wheel lock-up can
cause loss of vehicle control and an acci
dent. Have your vehicle repaired immedi
ately by your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop. Drive slowly and
avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
(0} Worn brake pads
Ill Brake pads!
If the warning light illuminates, immediately
contact your authorized Audi dealer or quali
fied workshop to have all brake pads inspect
ed. On USA models the warning light
comes on together with the warning light •.
Both sets of brake pads on an axle must al
ways be replaced at the same time.
Driving with bad brakes can cause a colli
sion and serious personal injury.
- If the warning light
Ill and the warning
light •
) with the message Brake pads!
comes on in the instrument cluster dis
play, immediately contact your author
ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop to
have all brake pads checked or replaced if
EPC Electronic power control
Applies to veh icles: w ith gasoline engine
This warning/indicator light monitors the
electronic power control.
The l3i warning/indicator light (Electronic
Power Control) illuminates when you switch
the ignition on as a function check. ..,.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1 ,...., 1.1'1 ,....,
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 21
@ Tips
If this warning/indicator light illuminates
while you are dr iving, then there is a mal
function in the engine electron ics. Have
the malfunction corrected as soon as pos
sible by your authorized Aud i dealer or
qualified repair fac ility.
W Glow plug system
Appl ies to vehicles: with diesel e ngin e
The control light illuminates when the glow
plug system is active.
If the IJ indicator light illum inates, the glow
plug system is active. You should start the en
gine immediately after the indicator light
switches off. The indicator light only illumi nates for approx imately 1 second if the en
g ine is wa rm or if the outside temperature is
above 46 QF (8 Q().
@ Tips
- If the glow plug indicator light illumi
nates while driving, there is an engine
control malfunction. The engine shou ld
be checked immediately.
- If the indicato r light does not illum inate
at all when switching the ignition on,
there may be a malfunction in the glow pl ug system . The engine should be
a Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Ind icator Lamp (MIL) is part
of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
The symbol
(4 lights up when the ignit ion is
sw itched on and w ill turn off after the engine
has started and has sett led at a constant idle
speed. This ind icates that the M IL is working
p roperly.
The warning light illuminates when there is a
malfunct ion in the engine e lectronic system.
Contact your author ized Audi dealer and have
the ma lfunction co rrec ted.
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also
cause the MI L light to illum inate
¢ page 219.
For more information ¢ page 29.
_, Diesel particulate filter clogged
Appl ies to vehicles: wi th diese l en gine a nd diesel particu
late filter
II Pa rti cul ate filter : S ys tem f ault See own
er 's manual
When the II symbo l illuminates, you can a l
te r you r d riving style to ass ist the filter se lf
cl ean ing process. Drive for approximately 15
minutes with the se lector lever in the S posi
tion at a minimum speed of 37 mph (60 km/ h) and an engine speed of approximately
2,000 RPM. The temperat ure increase that
will result from this can burn off the soot in
the fil ter. The symbol will switch off when the
cleaning is successful. After a successful
clean ing, there is no need to bring the car to
an authorized dea ler or qualified workshop
be cause th is is part of no rma l vehicle opera
t ion.
If the symbol II does not switch off, see your
authorized dea ler o r other qualified workshop
to have the p rob lem cor rected.
For more information on the diesel part icu
late filter, refer to ¢
page 205.
Always adapt your speed to the current
wea ther, road and traffi c conditions. You
should never disobey traffic laws in order
to fo llow driving recommendations .
!7 Engine speed limitation
Applies to vehicles : wi th engine speed limitatio n
(m Engine speed ma ximum X XXX RPM
The eng ine speed is automatically limited to
the speed d isplayed in the driver info rmation
system. This pro te cts the engine from over
T he eng ine speed limitation deactivates once
the engine is no longer in the cri tical tempera
tu re range and yo u have re leased the accelera-
tor pedal once.