2013 Audi AS Cabr io let
201 3 Au di 55 Ca briole t
Thank you for choosing an Audi -we · value your trust in us .
Your new Audi will a llow you to experience the best in groundbreaking technolo
gy and premium quality eq uipme nt a vehicle has to offer. We recommend that
you read your Owner's Manua l thoroughly so that you quickly become acquai nt
ed with your Audi and make use of a ll of its features .
In addition to explaining how the different features work, we provide many use
ful tips and information concerning your safety, how to care for your vehicle and
how to mai nta in your veh icle's va lue. We also give you useful tips and informa
tion on how to drive your veh icle more efficiently and in an environmental ly
frie ndly manner .
In the Owner's Manual packet, you will also find a quick reference guide, an
Owner's Manual for your Infotainment system and the vehicle maintenance
We hope you en joy driving yo ur Audi and we w ish you sa fe and pleasant motor
i ng.
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216 Check ing and filling
temperatures stay below freezing point for
long periods.
Detergent addit ives in the o il w il l make fresh
oil look dark after the eng ine has been run
ning for a short time . This is norma l and is not
a reason to change the oi l more often than
D am age or m alfunc tions du e to lack of
m ainten ance
is essential that you change your oil at the
recommended in tervals using only engine o il
that complies with Audi oi l standard
VW 502 00. Your Limited New Vehicle War
ranty does not cover damage or malfunctions
due to fail ure to fo llow recommended mainte
nance and use requ irements as set forth in
the Audi Owner's Manual and Warranty
Maintenance book let . Your dealer will have to
deny warranty coverage unless you present to
the dea ler proof in the form of Service or Re
pa ir Orders that all scheduled ma intenance
was performed in a t imely manner.
Eng ine oil consumption
The engine in your vehicle depends on an ade
quate amount of oil to lubricate and cool all
of its moving parts.
In order to provide effective lubrication and
cool ing of internal engine components, a ll in
ternal combustion eng ines consume a certa in
amount of oil. O il consumption varies from
engine to engine and may change significantly
over the life of the engine. Typica lly, engines
with a specif ied break-in period (see
page 187) consume more oil during the
break-in period than they consume after oil
consumption has stabilized.
Under norma l conditions, the rate of oil con
sumption depends on the quality and viscosity
of the oil, the RPM (revolutions per minute) at
which the engine is operated, the ambient
temperature and road condit ions . Further fac
tors are the amount of oil d ilution from water
condensat ion or fuel residue and the ox ida
tion level of the oi l. As any engine is subject to wear as mi
leage builds up, the oil consump
tion may increase over time until replacement
of worn components may become necessary.
With a ll these variab les coming into play, no
standard rate of oil consumption can be es
tablished or specified. There is no alternative
to regu lar and frequent check ing of the o il lev
el, see
Note .
the yellow engine oil leve l warning symbo l
I! in the instrument cluster lights up, you
shou ld check the oil leve l as soon as possib le
page 217. Top off the oil at your earliest
convenience ¢
page 217.
Before you check anythi ng in the engine
compartment, always read and heed all
A in Working in the engine
compartment on page 212.
(D Note
Driving w ith an insufficient o il level is like
ly to cause severe damage to the engine .
(D Tips
-The oil pressu re warn ing display . is
not an indic ator of the oil l evel. Do not
r el y on it . In stea d, check th e oil l eve l in
y our engin e at regular inter val s, pref
erably ea ch time you r efu el, and alwa ys
before go ing on a long trip .
-If you have t he impression yo ur engine
consumes excessive amoun ts of o il, we
recommend that you consu lt an author
ized Aud i dea ler to have the cause of
your concern properly diagnosed. Keep in m ind that the accurate measu rement of
oil consumption requ ires great care and
may take some time. An authorized Aud i
dealer has instructions about how to
measu re oil consumption accurately.