218 Check ing and filling
@ For the sake of the environment
- Under no circumstances can the oil come
in contact with the sewage network or
the soil.
- Observe and follow legal regu lations
when disposing of empty oil containers.
Changing the engine oil
We recommend thot hove your oil changed by
an authorized Audi dealer or a qualified serv
ice station.
Before you check anything in the engine com
a lways r ea d and heed all WARN
ING S ¢ & in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 212.
The engine oil must be changed according to
the intervals specified in your Warranty
Maintenance book let. This is very important
because the lubricating properties of oil di
minish gradually during normal vehicle use .
Under some circ umstances the engine oi l
should be changed more frequently . Change
oil more often if you drive mostly short dis
tances, operate the vehicle in dusty areas or under predominantly stop-and -go traffic con
d itions, or have your veh icle where tempera
tures remain below freez ing fo r extended pe
Detergent addit ives in the o il w ill make fresh
oil look dark after the eng ine has been run
n ing fo r a short time. This is norma l and is not
a reason to change the oil mo re often than
Because of the problem of proper disposal ,
a long w ith the special tools and necessary ex
pertise required, we strong ly recommend that
you have your o il changed by an authorized
Audi de ale r or a qualified service station.
If you cho ose t o c han ge your oil yours elf ,
please note the following important informa
tion :
To reduce the risk of personal injury if you
must change the eng ine oil in your vehicle
- Wear eye protect ion.
- To reduce the risk of burns from hot en- gine oil, let the engine cool down to the
- When removing the o il dra in plug with
your fingers, stay as far away as possible. Always keep your forearm parallel to the
ground to help prevent hot oil from run
n ing down you r arm.
- Dra in the oil into a container designed
for this purpose, one large enough to hold at least the tota l amount of oil in
your engine.
- Engine oil is poisonous. Keep it we ll out
of the rea ch of childre n.
- Continuous contact with used eng ine o il
is harmfu l to your sk in. Always protect
your skin by washing oil off tho ro ughly
with soap and wate r.
@ Note
Neve r mix oil additives with your engine
oi l. These additives can damage your en
g ine and adversely affec t you r A ud i L imit
ed New Veh icle War ranty.
@ For the sake of the environment
- Before changing your oil, first make su re
you know where you can prope rly dispose
o f the used oil.
- Always dispose of used eng ine oi l proper
ly. Do not dump it on garden soil, wood
ed areas, into open streams o r down
sewage drains.
- Recycle used engi ne oil by taking it to a
used engine oil collection facility in you r
area, or contact a service station.