62 Seats and storage
close to this position as possible
¢page 64.
Never place any objects in the driver's foot
well. An object could get into the pedal area and interfere with pedal function. In
case of sudden braking or an accident, you
would not be able to brake or accelerate .
Front passenger's seat
Always move the front passenger seat into
the rearmost position.
To avoid contact with the airbag while it is de
ploying, do not sit any closer to the instru
ment panel than necessary and always wear
the three-point safety belt provided adjusted correctly . We recommend that you adjust the
passenger's seat in the following manner:
• Bring the backrest up to an (almost) upright
position. Do not ride with the seat reclined.
• Applies to vehicles with adjustable head re
straints: Adjust the head restraint so the up
per edge is as even as possible with the top
of your head. If that is not possible, try to
adjust the head restraint so that it is as
close to this position as possible
¢ page 64.
• Place your feet on the floor in front of the
passenger's seat.
Front seats
Power seat adjustment
Applies to vehicles: with power adjustab le seats
Fig. 67 Front seats: power seat adjustment
@-Adjusting the lumbar support* : press the
button in the corresponding position ¢ .&, .
@ -Moving the seat up/down: press the but
ton up/down ¢ .&, .
@ -Moving the seat forward/back: press the
button forward/back¢ .&,.
©-Adjusting the backrest angle: press the
button forward/back¢ .&..
©-Raising/lowering * the head restraints:
press the button up/down¢.&. .
@ -Lengthening/shortening the upper thigh
support* : lift the handle. A spring moves the
front seat cushion forward ¢ .&. .
---Never adjust the driver's or front pas
senger's seat while the vehicle is moving.
If you do this while the vehicle is moving,
you will be out of position . Always adjust
the driver's or front passenger's seat
when the vehicle is not mov ing.
- Be careful when adjusting the seat
height. Check to see that no one is in the
way, or serious injury could result!
- Because the seats can be electrically ad
justed with the ignition off or with the
ignition key removed, never leave chil
dren unattended in the vehicle. Unsuper
vised use of the electric seat adjust
ments may cause serious injury.
- To reduce the risk of injury in the case of
sudden braking or accident, front pas
sengers must never ride in a moving ve
hicle with the backrest reclined. Safety
belts and the airbag system only offer maximum protection when the backrest
is upright and the safety belts are prop
erly positioned on the body. The more
the backrest is reclined, the greater the
risk of personal injury from an incorrect
seating position and improperly posi
tioned safety belts.
66 Seats and st o rage
Fig . 7 4 Ce nter console: ash tray
Opening /closing
• To open the ashtr ay, slide the cover up
~ fig . 74 .
• To close the ashtray, press down on the cov
er .
Em pty ing the ashtray
• To remove the inser t, slide the latch to the
¢ fig. 74 -arrow- .
• To i nstall the insert, press it down into the
mount .
Never put waste paper in the ash tray . Hot
ashes or other hot objec ts in the ashtray
co uld set waste paper on fire .
Cigarette Lighter
Fig. 75 Fro nt cente r con so le : cigarette l ig hter
• Pre ss the ciga re tte lighter in .
• Remove the cig are tte lighter when i t pops
out .
-The c igarette lighter on ly works when the
i gnition is switched on . Incorrect usage
can lead to ser ious injuries or burns. For
this reason, childr en should never be left
unattended in the veh icle because this in
creases the risk of inj ury.
(D Note
The cigarette lighter can be damaged if
you connect electrical accessor ies to it .
General overview
- Always remove objects from the instru-
ment panel. Any items not put away
could slide around ins ide the veh icle
while driv ing or when accelerat ing o r
when applying the brakes or when driv
ing around a corner.
- When you are dr iving make sure that
anything you may have placed in the cen
ter console or other storage locations
cannot fall out into the footwe lls. In case
of sudden braking you would not be able
to brake or accelerate.
68 Seats and storage
Luggage compartment
General information
Read and follow the important safety pre
cautions on
¢ page 12 7, Stowing lug
Enlarging the luggage compartment
The backrests can be folded forward either
separately or together.
Fig. 79 Luggage compartment: release lever
Folding the backr est forwa rd
• Pull the release lever in the direction of the
arrow to fold the backrest forward.
F olding th e backre st back into the u pright
• Fold the backrest back up again until it
latches securely¢ &_.
The backrest must be securely latched so
objects cannot slide forward o ut of the
luggage compartment du ring sudden
bra king.
(CT;) Note
When fo ld ing the backrest forward, make
sure the rear safety belts are in the belt
guides so they do not become p inched in
the backrest lo ck and damaged. Other ob
jects should be removed from the rea r
bench seat to pro tect the backrest from
The luggage compartment is equipped with
four tie-down rings to secure luggage and
other items.
F ig . 80 Luggage compartment: tie -downs
• Secure objects using elastic cords atta ched
to the tie-downs
¢ fig. 80.
• Observe the safety notes ¢page 128.
Securing the ski sack
Applies to veh icles: w it h sk i sack
Long objects such as skis or snowboards can
be transported in the ski sack.
Fig. 8 1 Luggage compartment: Sec uring the ski sack
Fig. 82 Rear bench seat: secur ing the ski sack
• Fold both backrests forward ¢ page 68.
Important safety instructions about
safety belts
Safety belts must always be correctly posi
tioned across the strongest bones of your
~ Always wear safety belts as illustrated and
described in this chapter.
~ Make sure that your safety belts are always
ready for use and are not damaged.
Not wearing safety belts or wearing them
improperly increases the risk of serious
personal injury and death. Safety belts can
work only when used correctly.
- Always fasten your safety be lts correctly
before driving off and make sure all pas
sengers are correctly restrained.
- For maximum protection, safety belts must always be positioned properly on
the body .
- Never strap more than one person, in
cluding small children, into any belt.
- Never place a safety belt over a child sit ting on your lap.
- Always keep feet in the footwell in front
of the seat while the vehicle is being d riv
en .
- Never let any person ride with their feet
on the instrument panel or sticking out
the window or on the seat.
- Never remove a safety belt while the ve
hicle is moving. Doing so will increase
your risk of be ing injured or killed.
- Never wear belts twisted.
- Never wear belts over rigid or breakable
objects in or on your clothing, such as
eye glasses, pens, keys, etc., as these may cause injury.
- Never allow safety belts to become dam
aged by being caught in door or seat
hardware .
- Do not wear the shoulder part of the belt
under your arm or otherwise out of posi
tion . Safety belts
- Several layers of heavy clothing may in
terfere with correct positioning of belts and reduce the overall effectiveness of
the system .
- Always keep belt buckles free of anything
that may prevent the buckle from latch
ing securely .
- Never use comfort clips or devices that
create slack in the shoulder belt . Howev
er, special clips may be requ ired for the
proper use of some child restraint sys
tems .
- Torn or frayed safety belts can tear, and
damaged belt hardware can break in an
accident. Inspect belts regularly.
If web
bing , bindings, buckles, or retractors are
damaged, have belts replaced by an au
thorized Audi dealer or qualified work
- Safety belts that have been worn and
loaded in an accident must be replaced
with the correct replacement safety belt
by an authorized Audi dealer. Replace
ment may be necessary even if damage
cannot be clearly seen . Anchorages that
were loaded must also be inspected.
- Never remove, modify, disassemble, or
try to repair the safety belts yourself.
- Always keep the belts clean. Dirty belts
may not work properly and can impair
the function of the inertia reel
c::> page 205, Safety belts .
Safety belts
Belt positioner
The driver and front passenger seats are
equipped with belt positioners.
Fig. 145 Driv er's se at: Be lt pos itio ner
136 Safet y belt s
The front seats are equipped with belt posi
tioners so it is easier to fasten the safety
be lts . T he belt positioners automatically ex
tend when the door closes and the ignition
switches on
¢ fig . 145.
The belt positioner returns to its starting posi
tion again when
- the tongue in the belt latch engages or the
belt was not fastened within 60 seconds .
- yo u sw itch the igni tion off .
- you open the doo r.
- Only yo ur autho rized Aud i dea le r shou ld
wor k on the sys tem or remove and insta l
ling system com ponents when per form
ing other work .
- T he be lt positione rs could cause injury or
damage if they p inch peop le or objects
when extending or retracting .
Fastening safety belts
Safety first -everybody buckle up!
Fig. 146 Belt buckle a nd tong ue o n th e dr iver's seat
To prov ide maximum protection, sa fety belts
must always be posit ioned correctly on the
wearer's body .
.. Adjust the front seat an d head restra int
properly ¢
page 61, Seats and storage .
.. Make sure the seatback of the rear seat
bench is in an upright pos ition and securely
latched in place before using the belt¢,& .
.. Hold the belt by the tongue and pull it
ev enly ac ross th e chest and pe lvis ¢
.. Insert the tongue into the correct buck le o f
your seat unti l you hear it latch securely
¢ fig . 146.
.. Pull on the belt to make sure that it is se-
curely latched in the buckle.
Automatic safety belt retractors
Every safety belt is equipped with an a utomat
ic be lt retractor on t he shou lder belt. This fea
ture locks the belt when the be lt is pulled out
fast, during hard braking and in an accide nt.
The belt may a lso lock when you drive up or
down a steep h ill or through a sha rp curve.
D uring normal driv ing the be lt lets you move
freely .
Safety belt pretensioners
The safety belts are equipped with a belt pre
tensio ner that he lps to tighten the safety belt
and remove slack when t he pretensioner is ac
t ivated . T he function of the pretensione r is
monitored by a war ning light ¢
page 20.
Switchable locking feature
Every safety belt except the one on the driver
seat is equipped with a sw itchable lock ing fea
ture that
must be used when the safety be lt is
u sed to attach a c hild safety s eat. Be sure to
read the important information abou t this
¢page 171.
Imp roperly posit ioned s afety be lts c an
cause ser ious injury in an accident
¢ page 137, Safety belt position .
-Safety belts offer opt imum p rotection
only when the seat back is u pright and
be lts are proper ly posit ioned o n the
- Never attach t he safety belt to the buck
le for another seat. Attaching the belt to
the wrong buckle will reduce safety be lt
effectiveness and can cause serious per
sonal injury .
- A passenge r who is not proper ly restrain-
ed can be seriously injured by the safety ..,.
148 Airbag sys tem
-Improper repair or disassembly of the
front passenger and driver seat will pre
vent the Advanced A irbag System from
functioning properly.
- Repairs to the front passenger seat must
be performed by qualified and properly
trained workshop personnel.
- Never remove the front passenger or
dr iver seat from the veh icle .
- Never remove the upholstery from the
front passenger seat.
- Never disassemble or remove parts from the seat or disconnect wires from it.
- Never carry sharp objects in your pockets
or place them on the seat. If the weight
sensing mat in the passenger seat is punctured it cannot work properly.
- Never carry things on your lap or carry
objects on the passenger seat. Such
items can increase the weight registered
by the weight-sens ing mat and send the
wrong info rmation to the airbag control
- Never store items under the front pas·
senger seat. Parts of the Advanced Ai r
bag System under the passenge r seat
cou ld be damaged, prevent ing them and
the airbag system from wo rking proper
ly .
- Never place seat covers or replacement upholstery that have not been specifical
ly approved by A udi on the front seats.
- Seat covers can prevent the Advanced Airbag System from recognizing child re
straints or occupants on the front pas
senger seat and prevent the side airbag in the seat backrest from deploy ing prop
- Never use cush ions, pillows, blankets or
similar items on the front passenger
seat. The add itiona l padd ing will prevent
the weight-sensing mat in the seat from
accu rately reg iste ring the c hild restra int
or person on the seat and prevent the
Advanced Airbag System from function ing properly .
-If you must use a child restra int on the
front passenger seat and the ch ild re- straint manufacturer's instructions
qu ire the use of a towel, foam cushion or
something e lse to properly pos ition the
child restraint, make certain that the
on and stays on whenever the ch ild re·
straint is installed on the front passen
ger seat.
does not come on and stay on, immed i
a tely insta ll child restrain t in a rear se at
ing position and have the airbag system
inspected by your authorized Audi dealer.
How the Advanced Airbag System
components work together
The front Advanced Airbag System and the
s ide airbags supp lement the protection of
fered by the front three-point safety belts
with pretensioners and load limiters and the
adjustable head restraints to help redu ce the
risk of inju ry in a wide range of accident and
c rash situations. Be s ure to read the impor
tant information about safety and heed the
WARNINGS in this chapter.
Deployment of the Adv a need A irbag System
and the activation of the safety belt preten
sioners depend on the deceleration measured
by the crash sensors and registered by the
electron ic control unit. The amount of infla
tion of the front airbags can a lso be adapted
to the front seat pos ition, depending on the
distance between the respect ive front seat
and the steer ing w heel or instrument panel as
registered by sensors in the seats. Crash se·
verity depends on speed and deceleration as
well as the mass and st iffness of the vehicle
o r object involved in the crash .
On the passenger side, regardless of safety
belt use, the ai rbag w ill be tu rned off if the
we ight on the passenger seat is less than the
amount programmed in the e lectronic control
u nit. The front airbag on the passenger side
will a lso be turned off if one of the child safe -
ty seats that has been certified under Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 has been
recogni zed on the seat . The
202 Cleaning and protection
Aluminum trim
Use only neutral-pH products to remove spots
and depos its from alum inum s urfaces.
Chrome care products and alkaline cleaners
will attack aluminum surfaces and can dam
age them over time.
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information
9 page 194.
Fabrics and fabric coverings
Fabrics and fabric coverings (e.g. seats, door
trim panels, etc .) should be cleaned at regular
intervals with a vacuum cleaner . This removes
surface dirt particles which could become em
bedded in the fabric through use. Steam
cleane rs shou ld not be used, because the
steam tends to push the dirt deeper into the
fabric and lock it there.
Normal cleaning
Generally, we recommend using a soft sponge
or a l int-free m icrofiber cloth to the clean fab
ric. Brushes should only be used for carpets
and floor mats, since other fabric surfaces
could be harmed by brushes.
Normal surface sta ins can be cleaned using a
commercially available foam cleaner. Spread
the foam on the surface of the fabric with a
soft sponge and work it in gently. Do not satu
rate the fabric . Then pat the foam dry using
absorbent, dry cloths (e.g . microfiber cloth)
and vacuum it after it has dried completely.
Cleaning stains
Stains caused by beverages (e.g. coffee, fruit
juice, etc .) can be treated with a mild deter
gent solut ion . App ly the detergent so lution
with a sponge. In the case of stubborn stains,
a detergent paste can be applied directly to
the stain and worked into the fabric. After
wards, use copious amounts of clean water to remove the remaining detergent . Apply the
water with a damp cloth or sponge and pat
the fabric dry with an absorbent, dry cloth. Stains
from choco late or makeup should have
detergent paste rubbed into them. After
wards, remove the soap with water (damp
Alcohol can be used to treat stains from
grease, oil, lipstick or a ballpoint pen. Melted
grease or dye must be patted off using ab
sorbent material. It may be necessary to re
treat the areas with detergent paste and wa
ter .
In the case of general soiling of the uphols
tery and cover material, we recommend hir ing
a specialist that has the equipment to clean
the seat covers and other fabric surfaces by
shampooing a nd spray extraction.
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
the information
9page 194.
(j) Tips
Open Velcro fasteners on your clothing can
damage the seat cover. Please make sure
that Velcro fasteners are closed .
Plastic parts and instrument panel
Always use a clean cloth moistened in clear
water to clean these areas. For persistent dirt
use an Audi approved
solvent-free plastic
clea ner/protectant.
-Solvents can change the properties of
some p lastics and make it harder for the
a ir bag to deploy.
-Never clean the instrument panel or the
surface of airbag modules w ith cleaning
products that conta in solvents.
- Products containing solvents will make the surface of this part porous.
- Serious injuries can resu lt if plastic parts
come loose when the airbag is deployed.
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
other information
9 page 194.
CD Note
Cleaning agents containing solvents will
attack the material and can change the
way it behaves.
Natural leather
App lies to vehicles: with natura l leather
Audi makes great efforts to maintain the
properties, natural look and feel of interior
G ene ra l
We offer many different types of leather on
our veh icles. Most are different types of nappa
leather, which has a smooth surface and
comes in various co lors.
The intensity of the color determines the visu
al characteristics and appearance . If the sur
face of the leather has a typical natural look,
then the leather is a nappa leather that has
been left in a relatively natural condition. This
leather offers particularly good comfort and
breathes well. F ine veins, closed grains, insect
b ites, skin folds, and subtle variations in co lor
remain visible. These cha racte ristics demon
strate that the mater ia l is na tural.
Natural nappa leather is not covered by a col
or finish.
It is therefore more sensitive to so il
ing and wear, wh ich is something you need to
consider if ch ild ren, an imals o r othe r factors
m ight prove to be particularly hard on the
l eather .
By contrast, leather types that are cove red by
a co lored finish laye r are more durable. This
h as a posit ive effect on the leather's resist
ance to wear and soiling in daily use . On the
other hand, the typical characteristics of natu
ra l leather are bare ly or not apparent. Howev
er, this does not mean that the leather itself
is of infer ior quality.
Ca re and handling
Because of the exclusive nat ure of the types of
l eather that Audi uses and their unique prop
erties (such as sensitivity to oils, grease, soi l
ing, etc.), you will need to be somewhat care-
Cleaning and protec tion 203
ful with these leathers, and a ce rtain type of
care is required. For example, dark clothing
mater ia ls can disco lor leather seats (especia l
l y if such clothing is damp and was not dyed
correctly). Dust and dirt particles in pores,
folds, and seams can have an abrasive effect
and can damage the leather surface as well as
weaken seams .
The leather should be cleaned regularly as needed . After having been used for a relat ively
long time, your leather seats will acqu ire a
rich aged fin ish. This is a character istic of nat
ural leathe r and a s ign of true quality.
In order to maintain the value of this natural
product over the life of your ve hicle, you
shou ld follow the recommendat ions below:
CD Note
- To keep your leather from b leac hing out,
do not allow it to be exposed to bright
sunlight for long periods of time. If you
have to leave the veh icle parked outside
for long per iods, cover the leather to
protect it from direct exposure to s un
- Sharp objects on clothing, such as zip
pers, rivets or sharp pieces on belts can
leave permanent sc ratches or scrape
marks on the surface of the leather .
{i) Tips
-After each time you clean the leather and
at regular intervals, use a leather preser
vative cream that contains UV-b lockers
and that works into the leather. Th is
cream will nour is h and mo isturize the
leather, helping it to breathe and stay
supple. It also helps to build up a protec
tive coating on the surface .
- Clean the leather every 2 - 3 months,
and clean any areas that get soiled.
- Remove fresh marks made by ballpo int
pens, ink, lipstick, shoe polish, etc. as
soon as poss ible.
- Preserve the color of the leather as need
ed by us ing a special colored leather care
cream to touch up areas of uneven color. •