56 Clear vis ion
Turn the knob to the desired position :
Q/P -In t his position , you can adjust the
driver's and front passenger's exter ior mirrors
by turn ing the knob in the des ired direction.
(jjjl -The mirrors are heated depending on the
outside temperatu re.
P assenger exterio r m irro r tilt func tion*
( onl y with memor y for ext erior mirrow s)
To help you see the curb when backing into a pa rking space, the surface of the m irror t ilts
slightly . The knob m ust be in the
P posit ion
for this to happen .
You can adjust the ti lted mirror surface by
turning the knob in the desired direction .
When you move out of reverse and into anoth
e r gear, the new mirror posi tion is stored and
assigned to the key you are using.
The mirror goes back into its origina l posit io n
once yo u drive forward f aster than 9 mph
(15 km/h) or switch the ignition off .
Curved mirror s urfaces (convex or spheri
cal *) increase your field of view . Remem
ber that vehicles or other objects will ap
pear smaller and farther away than when
seen in a flat m irror. If you use this mirror
to estimate distances of following veh icles
when changing lanes, you could estimate incorrectly and cause an accident .
{CT) Note
- If you wash the vehicle in an automatic
ca r wash, you must fold the exterior m ir
r o rs in to reduce the r isk of damage to
the mirrors .
(i) Tips
- The exterior mirror settings are stored
with the memory funct ion* c::>
page 64.
-If there should be a ma lfunct ion in the
electrical system, you can st ill adjust the
exter ior mirrors by press ing the edge of
the m irror. Dimming the mirrors
ig. 61 Auto ma tic dimming rearview m irro r*
Manu al di mm ing re a rvi ew mirro r
• Pull the lever on th e bottom of the mirror
back .
Automat ic dimming rearvi ew mirror *
• Press the button @c::> fig. 61. The indicator
light @turns on . The rearview and exterior*
mirrors dim automatically when light shines
on them, for example from headlights on a
veh icle to the rear.
_& WARNING ..__
Electrolyte fluid can leak from automatic
d imm ing mirrors if the glass is broken .
Electrolyte fluid can irr itate skin, eyes and
r espiratory system.
- Repeated or prolonged exposure to e lec
trolyte can cause irritation to the respira
tory system, especially among people
with asthma or o ther resp ira to ry condi
tions . Get fresh air immediately by leav
ing the vehicle or, if that is no t possib le,
open windows and doors all the way.
- If electroly te gets into the eyes, flush
them thoroughly with large amounts of
clean water for at least 15 minutes; medical attention is recommended.
- If electrolyte contacts skin, fl ush affect
ed area with clean water for at least 15
minutes and then wash affected area
with soap and water; medical attention
is recommended. Thoroughly wash af
fected cloth ing and shoes before reuse.
-If swallowed and person is conscious,
rinse mouth with water for at least 15
minutes . Do not induce vomiting unless
instructed to do so by medical professio
nal. Get medical attention immediately.
(D Note
Liquid electrolyte leaking from broken mir
ror glass will damage any plastic surfaces
it comes in contact with . Clean up spilled
electrolyte immediately with clean water
and a sponge.
@ Tips
- Switching off the dimming function of
the inside rear view mirror also deacti
vates the automatic dimm ing function of
the exterior mirrors .
-Automatic dimming for the mirror only
operates properly if the light striking the
inside mirror is not hindered by other ob
- The automatic dimming mirrors do not
dim when the interior lighting is turned
on or the reverse gear is selected .
Sun visors
._[ _ __,!
Fig. 62 Driver's s ide: s un visor
The sun visors for the driver and passenger
can be pulled out of their brackets in the cen
ter of the vehicle and turned towards the
(D .
The mirror light switches on when the cover
over the vanity mirror @opens .
Clear vision 5 7
Wiper and washer
Switching the windshield wipers on
Fig. 63 Win dshi eld w ipe r leve r
Move the windshield wiper lever to the corre
sponding position:
@-Windshield wiper off
CD-Interval mode . To extend/shorten the
wiper intervals, move the switch @to the
left/right. In vehicles with a rain sensor* the
wipers turn on in the rain once the vehicle
speed exceeds approximately 2 mph (4 km/h) .
The higher the sensitivity of the rain sensor* is
set (switch @to the right), the earlier the
windshield wipers react to moisture on the
windshield. In some models, you can switch
rain sensor mode off and switch intermittent
mode on in the MMI* . Select:
!CAR I function
> Car systems* control button > Driver
> Rain sensor. In intermittent mode,
you can adjust the interval time using the@
@ -Slow wiping
® -Fast wiping
©-Single wipe
® -Clean the windshield. To eliminate water
droplets, the windshield wiper performs one
afterwipe operation after several seconds
while driving . You can switch this function off
by moving the lever to position ® within 10
seconds of the afterwipe operation. The after
wipe function is reactivated the next time the
ignition is switched on.
.. Select : ICARlfunctio n button> Car sys
tems *
control button > Servicing & check s >
Wiper serv ice po sition > Off .
-If the windshield wipers smear the wind
shield, clean the w iper blades with w ind
shield washer fluid .
If the wiper blades
are extremely d irty, you can also clean
them w ith a soft sponge or cloth.
- For your safety, you should replace the
wiper blades once or twice a year . See
yo ur autho riz ed Aud i deale r for replace
ment blades.
(D Note
- The w indshield wiper blades must only
be replaced when in the serv ice position!
Otherwise, yo u ris k damaging the pai nt
on the hood or the windshield wiper mo
tor .
- You sho uld not move yo ur vehicle or
press the w indshie ld w iper lever when
the wiper arms are folded away from the
windshield . The windshield wipers would
move back into the ir origina l position
and could damage the hood and w ind
s h ield.
- To help prevent damage to the wiper sys
tem, always loosen blades which are fro
zen to the windsh ield befo re operat ing
- To help prevent damage to wiper blades,
do not use gasoline, kerosene, pa int
th inner, or othe r solvents on or nea r the
wipe r blades.
- To help prevent damage to the wiper
arms or other compone nts, do not at
tempt to move the w ip ers by hand.
@ Tips
- Commerc ial hot waxes applied by auto
matic car washes affect the how eas ily
the g lass su rface can be cleaned .
- You can also use the service pos ition, for
example, if you want to protect the
windsh ield from ic ing by using a cover .
Clear vision 59
Digital compass
Switching the compass on and off
Applies to vehicles: with digital compass
The compass direction is shown in the rear
view mirror .
Fig. 65 Rearv iew mirro r: Digita l co mpass activated
.. To swi tch the compass on or off, p ress and
hold t he b utton @until the comp ass dis
play in the mirror~
fig. 65 appears or disap
pears .
T he dig ital compass o nly works when the igni
tion is on . The directions are indicated with
N (north), NE (northeast), E
(east), SE (southeast), S (south), SW (so uth
W (west), NW (northwest).
(D Tips
To prevent inaccurate compass readings ,
do not b ring any remote contro ls, electr i
ca l devices or metallic objects near the
60 Clear vis ion
Adjusting the magnetic zone
A ppl ies to vehicles: with digital compass
The magnetic zone must be adjusted correctly
for the compass to read accurately .
Fig. 66 North Amer ica: magnet ic deflect ion zo ne
bo undar ies
• Press and ho ld the button @ ~fig. 66 until
the n umber of the magnetic zone appears in
the rearview m irror.
• Press the button @repeated ly to select the
correct magnetic zone. The select ion mode
tu rns off afte r a few seconds.
Calibrating the compass
A ppl ies to veh icles : with d ig ital compass
You must recalibrate the compass if it does
not display the correct direction.
• Press and ho ld the button @unti l a C ap
pears in the rearview mirror.
• Drive in a circle at about 6 mph (10 km/h)
until a direction is d isp layed in the rearview
mirror .
- To avoid endangering yo urself and other
dr ivers, calibrate the compass in a n area
where the re is no traff ic. -
The digital compass is to be used as a di
rectional aid on ly. Even though you may
want to look at it while you are dr iving,
you must still pay attention to traffic, road and weather conditions as we ll as
other possible hazards.
Audi side assist Lane change assistant
Applies to vehicles: with Audi side assist
Fig . 114 Sensor dete ction ra n ge
Fig . 115 Disp la y on th e e xterio r mirro r
Side assist he lps you mon itor your blind spot
and traffic behind you r veh icle. W ith in the
limits of the system, it warns you about
vehicles that are coming closer or tha t are
traveling w ith you within sensor ra nge
c::, fig . 114 : if a lane change is class ified as crit
ical, the display @ in the exterior mirror
c::> fig. 115 turns on.
The display in the left exterior mirror provides
assistance when making a lane change to t he
l eft, while the display in the right exter ior mir
r or p rov ides assistance when making a lane
change to t he right .
Information stage
As long as you do not activate the turn signal,
side assist
informs you about vehicles that are
detected and class ified as crit ical. The display
i n the respec tive mirro r turns o n, but is d im .
Aud i side assist 103
The display remains d im intentionally in the
information stage so that your view toward
the front is not disturbed .
Warning st age
If you activate the turn signal, s ide assist
warns you about veh icles that are detected
and classified as critical. The display in the re
spective mirror blinks brightly . If this hap
pens, check traff ic by glanc ing in the rearview
mirror and over your shoulder¢
A in General
information on page 104 .
@ Tips
-You can adjust the brightness of the dis
play @¢
page 105 .
-Please refer to the instructions fo r tow
ing a trailer located in¢
page 104.
-Improper reliance on the side assist sys
tem can cause collisions and serious
personal injury:
- Never rely only on side assist when
changing lanes.
- Always check rear view mirrors to make
sure that it is safe to change lanes.
- Side assist cannot detect all vehicles un
der all conditions- danger of accident!
- Please note that side assist indicates
there are approaching vehicles, or
vehicles in your blind spot, only after
your vehicle has reached a driving speed
of at least 19 mph (30 km/h).
- In certain situations, the system may not
function or its function may be limited.
For example:
- if vehicles are approaching or being left
behind very quickly. The display may
not turn on in time.
- in poor weather conditions such as
heavy rain, snow or heavy mist .
- on very wide lanes, in tight curves or if
there is a rise in the road surface .
Vehicles in the adjacent lane may not
be detected because they are outside
of the sensor range.
(D Note
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or
damage to the bumper, wheel housing and
underbody. This can affect the system .
Have your authorized Audi dealer or au
thorized Audi Service Facility check their
(D Tips
- If the window glass in the driver's door
or front passenger's door has been tint
ed, the display in the exterior mirror may be misinterpreted.
- For Declaration of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
~page 272.
Audi side assist 105
Activating and deactivating
Applies to vehicles : wi th Aud i side ass ist
Fig. 118 Driver 's doo r: Side assis t button
.,. Press the button c> .&. in General informa
tion on page 104
to switch the system on/
off . The LED in the button turns on when
side assist is switched on.
Adjusting the display brightness
App lies to vehicles: wit h Audi side ass ist
The signal brightness can be set in the radio
orMMI* .
.,. Select: I CAR I function button > Audi side as
.,. Select: I CAR ! function button > Car sys
control button > Driver assist > Audi
side assist .
The display brightness adjusts automatically
to the brightness of the surroundings, both in
the information and in the warning stage . In
very dark or very bright surroundings, the dis play is already set to the minimum or maxi
mum level by the automatic adjustment. In
such cases, you may notice no change when
adjusting the brightness, or the change may
only be noticeable once the surroundings
Adjust the brightness to a level where the dis
play in the information stage will not disrupt
your view forward. If you change the bright
ness, the display in the exterior mirror will
briefly show the brightness level in the infor
mation stage. The brightness of the warning
stage is linked to the brightness in the infor
mation stage and is adjusted along with the
information stage adjustment.
The accuracy of the orientation lines and blue
surfaces diminis hes if:
- the rear view camera does not prov ide a re li
able image, for examp le, in poor vis ibility
conditions or if the lens is dirty,
- the image on the screen is not visible due to
sun g lare and reflection .
Caring for th e rear view came ra lens
The rear view camera is located above the rear
license plate b racket . Fo r the pa rking assist to
ope rate, the lens,=:,
fig. 124 must be kept
- Dampen the lens with a househo ld alcohol
based glass cleane r, and clean the lens with
a dry cloth
,=:, CD.
- Remove s now with a hand brush and ice
prefe rably with a de-icing spray
,=:, (D .
- T he pa rking aid cannot repla ce the dr iv
er's attention. The driver a lone is respon
sible for parking and similar driving ma
neuvers .
- Always keep your eyes on the vehicle's
su rroundings, using the rear view mirror
as well.
- Do not a llow yourse lf to be d istracted
from traffic by the rear view camera pic
- If the position and the installation ang le
of the camera has changed, fo r example,
after a rear end collision, do not continue
to use the system for safety reasons. Have it checked by a qua lified dealership.
(D Note
- Low obstacles already signaled by a
warning can disappear from the system's
detection range as they are approached
and will not continue to be signaled . Ob
jects such as barrier cha ins, trailer draw
bars, thin pa inted ve rtical po les o r fe n
ces may not be detected by t he system,
pos ing risk of damage.
- Never use warm or hot water to remove
s n ow or ice from the rear view camera
P ark a ssis t 113
lens -dange r of crack format ion on the
lens !
- When cleani ng the lens, never use prod
ucts that a re ab rasive.
Switching on/off
Applies to vehicles: with parking system (rear, with rear
view camera)
The rear view camera switches on automati
cally together with the acoustic park assist
when you put the vehicle in reverse.
Switching on
"' Put the veh icle in reverse gear, the acoust ic
parking system with rear view camera is ac
tivated automat ica lly. Act ivat ion of the
acoust ic par king system is confirmed by a
brief ac knowledgement sou nd.
Switching off
"' Drive faster than 9 mph (15 km/h) , or
"' take the vehicle out of reverse gear . The
acoust ic park ing system is immediate ly de
activated, and the rea r view came ra p icture
is deact ivated a utomat ically afte r a pe riod
o f abo ut 1 5 seconds , or
"' switch off the ignition.
T he de lay in deact ivat ing the came ra prov ides
an unin terrup ted view beh ind the ve hicle es
pe cially when mane uver ing in tig ht park ing
spaces and prevents the picture from t urning
off the every time you shift out of reverse .
If the wa rning mess age ap pears in the dis play
but not the rea r view came ra p icture, read and
confirm the warni ng message. The acoustic
distance signal is always active .
If you press a fu nction button on the M MI
control console, the rea r view came ra p icture
disappears . The rear view camera picture reap
pears the next time yo u pa rk.
Fur the r in forma tion on the warning mess age
and the MMI con tro l conso le can be found in
the MMI instruction book let.
114 Park assist
@ Tips
-The rear view camera picture is available
as soon as the MMI Display or the MMI is
switched on, or the start-up phase is
- Keep the sensors in the rear bumper and
the rear view camera lens clean and free
of snow and ice, so that the parking sys
tem can work properly. Please follow the
additional notes on
~page 116.
Reverse Park ing
Appl ies to vehicles: with parking system (rear, wit h rear
view came ra)
Parking mode 1 can be used when parking in
a garage or parking space.
Fig. 125 MMI Display : Aiming at a parking spot
Fig. 126 MMI Display: Alig ning the vehicle
"' Switch the MMI on and select the reverse
"' Turn the steering wheel until the orange
orientation lines
(D appear in the parking
spot ¢
fig. 125 . Use the markings @to help
you estimate the distance from an obstacle .
Each marking corresponds to 3
ft (1 m) . The
blue area represents an extension of the ve- hicle's outline by approximately
ft (5 m)
to the rear.
"' While driving in reverse gear, adjust the
steering wheel angle to fit the parking space
with the aid of the orange orientation lines
¢ 0 . @ marks the rear bumper . You should
stop driving in reverse as soon as and no lat
er than when the red orientation line©
abuts an object¢_&. !
-The rear view camera does not show the
entire area behind the vehicle
¢ fig. 123.
Watch out especially for small children
and animals. The rear view camera can
not always detect them, posing risk of an
- Please note that objects not touching the
ground can appear to be further away
than they really are (for example, the
bumper of a parked vehicle, a trailer
hitch, or the rear of a truck). In this case,
you should not use the help lines to help
with parking, which poses danger of an
(D Note
- Low obstacles already signaled by a
warning can disappear from the system's detection range as they are approached
and will not continue to be signaled. Ob
jects such as barrier chains, trailer draw
bars, thin painted vertical poles or fen
ces may not be detected by the system,
posing risk of damage.
- In the MMI display, the direction of trav
el of the vehicle rear is represented de
pending on the steering wheel angle.
The vehicle front swings out more than
the vehicle rear . Maintain plenty of dis
tance from an obstacle so that your out side mirror or a corner of your vehicle
does not collide with any obstacles -dan
ger of accident!