228 Tire s and wheel s
-Never mount used tires on yo ur vehicle if
you are not sure of their "previous histo
ry." Old used tires may have been dam
aged even though the damage cannot be
seen that can lead to sudden t ire failure
and loss of vehicle control.
- If you notice unusual vibration or if the
vehicle pulls to one side when driving, al
ways stop as soon as it is safe to do so
and check the wheels and tires for dam
(D Note
Please note that summer and winter tires
are designed for the cond itions that are
Glossary of tire and loading terminology
Accessory weight
means t he comb ined we ight (in excess of
those sta ndard items which may be rep laced)
of au toma tic tra nsmission, power steer ing,
power brakes, power windows, power seats,
radio, and heater, to the extent that th ese
items are availab le as factory -installed equip
ment (whether installed or not) .
Aspect ratio
means t he ratio of the he ight to the w idth of
the tire in percent . Numbers of 55 or lower in
dicate a low sidewall for improved steering re
sponse and better overall handling on dry pavement .
means the part of the ti re that is made of
steel wires, wrapped or reinforced by ply cords
and that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead separation
means a b reakdown of the bond between
components in the bead.
means the strands forming the plies in the
tire . typ
ica l in those seasons . Audi recommends
using winter tires during the winter
months . Low temperatures signif icant ly
decrease the e lasticity of summer tires,
which affects tract ion and brak ing ability.
If summer tires are used in very co ld tem
peratures, cracks ca n form on the tread
bars, res ulting in permanent tire damage
that can cause loud driving no ise and un
balan ced t ires. Audi is not responsible for
th is type of damage .
Cold tire inflation pressure
means the tire p ressu re recommended by t he
vehicle manufacturer fo r a tire of a des igna ted
s iz e that has not bee n driven for more than a
coup le of miles (k ilometers) at low speeds in
t h e three hour period before the tire pressure
is measured or adjusted.
Curb weight
mea ns the we ight of a motor ve hicl e w ith
standard equipment including the max imum
capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, air condi
tioning and additional weight of optiona l
Extra load tire
me ans a t ire design to operate at higher loads
and at h igher inflation pressures than the cor
responding standard tire . Extra load tires may
be identified as "XL", "x l" , "EXTRA LOAD", or
"RF" on the sidewall.
Gross A xle Weight Rating ("GAWR ")
means the lo ad -c a rry ing c apac ity of a s ingle
axle system , measured a t the tire-ground in
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ("GVWR ")
mea ns the maximum total loaded we ight of
t h e ve hicl e. .,.
264 Emergency situations
fall from a lift if there is a change in ve
hicle weight distribution and balance.
This might happen, for example, when
heavy components such as the engine
block or transmission are removed .
- When removing heavy components like
these, anchor vehicle to hoist or add cor
responding weights to maintain the cen
ter of gravity. Otherwise, the vehicle
might tilt or slip off the hoist, causing
serious personal injury.
(D Note
- Be aware of the following points before
lifting the vehicle:
-The vehicle should never be lifted or
jacked up from underneath the engine
oil pan, the transmission housing, the
front or rear axle or the body side
members. This could lead to serious
- To avoid damage to the underbody or
chassis frame, a rubber pad must be
inserted between the floor jack and
the lift points.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
check that the vehicle weight does not
exceed the permissible lifting capacity
of the hoist.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
ensure that there is sufficient clear
ance between the hoist and low parts
of the vehicle.
211 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. engine
Engine data
211 @4300-6000
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
No. of cylinders
Displacement hp@rpm
lb-ft@ rpm
Compression ratio CID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm)
__ .. ,
258@ 1500-4200
121 (1984)
3 .65 (92.8)
3.25 (82 .5)
9 .6: 1
Fuel Premium unleaded (91 AKI) Recommended for maxi
mum engine performance. Further details¢ page 207,
Bio-Ethanol (E85) Vehicles with flexible fuel engines may
be operated with bio-ethanol fuels (E85) or with premium
unleaded gasoline (91
AKI) . Further details¢ page 208,
E thanol fuel (Bio-ethanol).
Dimensions (approx .)
Length (with licence plate bracket) in (mm)
Width (with outside mirrors folded) in (mm) He ight (unloaded) in (mm)
T urning circle diameter (curb to curb) ft (m)
Capacities (approx.)
Fuel tank
- Total capacity
- Reserve (of total capacity)
--.. ,
--.. ,
Windshield and headlight* washer fluid container Engine oil
with filter change 182
.1 (4626)
73.0 ( 1854)
54.4 (1383)
37 . 4 (1 1.4)
gal (liters)
gal (liters)
quarts (liters)
quarts (liters) 1.8-2.4
4 .9 (4 .6)
268 Data
333 hp, 3.0 liter 6-cyl. engine
Engine data
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
N o. of cylinders
Strok e
C ompressio n ratio
Dimensions (approx .)
Leng th (wit h licence pl ate bra ck et)
Width (with outside mirrors folded) He igh t (unloaded) in (mm)
in (mm)
in (mm)
T urning circle diamet er (curb to curb) ft (m)
Capacities (appro x.)
Fuel tank
- Total capacity
- Reserve (o f to tal capacity) h
L b-ft@ rpm
C ID (cm
in (mm)
i n (mm)
333 @ 5500-6500
@ 2900-5300
182.8 (2995)
3.50 (89)
3 .33 (84 .5)
1 0.3 : 1
Premium unleaded (91 AKI) Recomme nded for
m aximum engine performance . Further details
¢ pag e 207, Gasoline
18 2 . 7 ( 464 0)
73.0 (1854)
5 4. 3 ( 138 0)
37 .4 (11.4)
gal (liters) 1 6 .1 (61.0)
g al (li ters) 1.8-2 .4
(7 -9)
Windshield and headlight* washer fluid container quarts (li ters) 4.8 (4 .5)
Engine oil with filter change qu
arts ( lite rs) 7. 2 (6 .8)