14 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
Engine cooling system
Electromechan ica l park ing brake
r:::;,page 18 ¢page80
Steering column lock
Tire pressure monitor ing
r:::;,page 18
Ignition lock Tire pressure monitoring system
r:::;,page 18
lliliB r:::;, page 246
USA models:
Electronic power cont rol./
Speed warning system ¢page20
r:::;,page 82
Canada models :
Malfunction indicator Lamp
Speed warning system (MIL)
¢ page 21
Ad apt ive cru ise control./
Engine speed limitation
r:::;,page 21
r:::;,page 96
Engine o il level
Yellow indicato r lights r:::;, page 17
Yellow symbols indicate a priority 2 ma lf u nc-
Engine oi l sensor
tion -Warning!
r:::;, page 21
Power top operation
r:::;,page43 ¢page 17
Electronic Stabilization Control
Tank system
(ESC) ./
¢page 21
r:::;, page 19
Electronic Stabilization Control
Warm up engine*
(ESC) ./ ¢
page 208
r:::;,page 19
Windshield washer fluid level
USA models : ¢page 21
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
defective ./
Windshield w ipers
r:::;, page 19 ¢
page 21
Canada models :
Remote control key
Anti-lock braking sys tem (ABS)
¢page 78
defective ./
r:::;,page 19
Battery in remote control key
USA models: ¢page33
Safety systems ./
Defective light bulb warning ' r:::;,page20
¢page 21
Canada models :
Safety systems ./
Fog lights
¢page20 ¢
page 21
Worn brake pads
Rear fog light(s) *
¢page20 ¢page 21
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 15
Headlight range contro l*
¢ page22
adaptive light *
Light-/rain sensor*
¢page 22
Adaptive dampers*
Sport differential*
Ignition lock
Steering column lock
¢page 18
Electromechanical steering,
dynamic steering *
./¢page 183
T ransmission
- multitronic, tiptron ic ®
~ page92
- S tro nic ® ¢ page 92
- S tronic® ¢ page 92
Other indicator light s
Turn signals
ii ¢page23
USA models: Cruise control
C anada models : Cruise control
Adaptive cruise control* ¢page96
Adaptive cru ise control*
-High beam
BRAKE /((J)) Brake system
T he light illuminates when the ignition is
swi tched on.
It goes out after the engine has
been started. This indicates that the b rake
warning light is functioning p roperly.
If th e brake warning light do es not light up
wh en th e eng ine i s cran king , th ere ma y be a
malfunction in the elect rical sy ste m . In thi s
ca se, cont act your Audi dealer.
If the brake system wa rning/indicator light
tu rns on, there is a brake system ma lfunction.
1111 (USA mod els)/ . (Canada mod els )
Stop v ehicle and ch eck brak e flu id le vel
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, proceed as fo llows:
.,. Pull off the road .
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Turn off the engine .
.,. Check the brake fluid level ¢page 221.
.,. Contact your nearest authorized repair fa-
cility if necessary .
Warning! Fault in bra ke system. Contact
d eal er
If the ABS indicator light "1:l!I (USA models)/
(I] (Canada models), the ESC ind icator light
Jj] and the brake system indicator light
1111 (USA models)/ . (Canada models) turn
on and the message appears, the ABS, ESC
and braking d istr ibut ion are not working ¢,&..
Carefully drive to your author ized Audi dealer
immediately to have the malfunct ion correct
ed ¢,&. .
1111 (U SA model s)/. (Canada models)
Par king bra ke system fault! See own er's
- If the indicator light and the message ap-
when statio nary or after switch ing the
ignition on ,
check if you can release the
park ing brake . After releasing the parking
brake, carefully drive to your author ized
Aud i dea le r i mmediately to have the ma l
function corrected. If yo u cannot release the
park ing brake, see k professiona l assistance . .,..
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 21
o Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Ind icator Lamp (M IL) is part
of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
The symbol
¢'4 lights up when the ignition is
switched on and wi ll turn off after the engine
has started and has sett led at a constant idle
speed. This ind icates that the MIL is working
properly .
The warning light illuminates when there is a
malfunction in the engine e lectronic system .
Contact your author ized Audi dealer and have
the ma lfunction corrected .
An improperly closed fue l fi ller cap may also
cause the MIL light to illuminate ¢
page 210.
For more informat ion ¢ page 29.
!?) Engine speed limitation
Applies to vehicles: wit h en gin e speed l im it at ion
(II Do not exceed max. engine speed of
XXXX rpm
The Ill symbo l illuminates when there is an
engine control malfunction . Th e~ indicator
light in the instrument cluster also illumi
nates. The engine speed is limited to the
speed displayed in the driver information sys
tem. Keep in mind that the eng ine speed will
not exceed the value displayed in the driver in
formation system, for example when down
Drive to your authorized Aud i dea ler immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
~ . Engine oil level
II Add oil, max XXXX l. You may cont. driv.
When the symbo l II and driver message ap
pear, add the amount of o il appearing i n the
d isplay at the next opportunity¢
page 217.
If the symbol illuminates, contact your au
thorized Audi dealer and have the o il sensor inspected.
Until you have this done, check the
oi l level each time you refue l just to be on the
safe sid e¢
page 217 .
Bu Tank system
flm Please refuel
If the indicator light turns on for the first
time and the message appears, there are
about 2.1 -2.4 gallons (7 -9 liters) of fuel left
in the tank . T ime to refuel ¢
page 209.
Ii] Fuel tank system malfunction! Contact
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
tank system.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immed i
ate ly to have the malfunction corrected.
If the symbol illuminates, add w indshie ld
washe r fluid to the washer system and also to
the headlight washer system * ¢
page 226.
~ Windshield wipers
£!I Windshield wiper defective
The re is a malfunction with the windshie ld
wipe rs.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected .
~/ }0 10 $ Defective light bulb warning
If the
l':;:'1 indicator light turns on, a bulb has
failed. The message indicates the location of
the bu lb.
- If the
II indicato r light also turns on, then
a fog light has failed. The position of the in
dicator light corresponds with the location
on the vehicle .
- If the
[tD indicator light also turns on, then
a rear fog* light has failed. The position of ..,_
22 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
the indicator light corresponds with the location on the vehicle.
This warning can also occur if the light switch
is in an unengaged position between two sym
Vehicle lights: System fault!
If the message appears, there is a malfunc
tion in the headlights or light switch .
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
- light bulbs are pressurized and could ex
plode while they are being changed caus
ing serious personal injury.
- Work with due care when handling the
high-voltage section of gas discharge
(xenon) lights*. Failure to do so could re
sult in death or serious injury.
{O) Tips
Have the bulb replaced or the connection
repaired by your authorized Audi Service
~(D Headlight range control
Applies to vehicles: with headlight range contro l
II Headlight range control defective !
If the symbol II illuminates, the dynamic
headlight range control is no longer working
properly. Have the system checked and re
paired at your authorized Audi dealer.
§0 Adaptive Light
Applies to vehicles: with adaptive light
111 Audi adaptive light: defective
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
adaptive light system. The headlights still
Go to an authorized dealership to have the headlights or the control unit for the adaptive
light repaired .
@? light/rain sensor
Applies to vehicles: with light/ra in sensor
ral Automatic headlights/ automatic wipers
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, the light/rain sensor is not
functioning correctly.
For safety reasons the low beams are turned
on permanently with the switch in
However, you can continue to turn the lights
on and off using the light switch . You can still
control all functions that are independent of
the rain sensor through the windshield wiper
lever .
Contact your authorized Audi dealer as soon
as possible to have the problem corrected.
g Adaptive dampers
Applies to vehicles: with Audi drive select and adaptive
B Suspension: System fault!
If the B symbol in the display comes on, there
is a malfunction in the adaptive dampers .
Please go to an authorized Audi dealer or oth
er qualified workshop to have the malfunction
!-: Sport differential
Applies to vehicles: with Audi drive select and sport dif
Sport differential: System fault!
There is a malfunction with the sport differen
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
Sport differential: Overheating
The transmission temperature has increased
significantly due to the sporty driving manner.
Drive in a less sporty manner until the tem
perature returns to the normal range and the
indicator light switches of.
Locking and unlocking with convenience
Applies to vehicles: with convenience key
The doors and the rear lid can be unlocked
and locked without operating the master key .
Fig . 21 Doo r handle : lock ing t he ve hicle
Unlocking vehicle
.. Take hold of the door hand le . The door is
unlocked automatically.
.. Pull the handle to open the door .
Locking vehicle
.. Move the selector lever to the P position ,
otherwise the veh icle cannot be locked .
.. To lock the vehicle, close the door and touch
the sensor in the door hand le
once Q fig. 21
Q A in Gen eral description on page 31. Do
not reach inside the door handle.
The vehicle can be locked and unlocked at any
door. The remote control key cannot be more
than 1.5 m away from the door hand le. It
makes no difference whether the master key
is in your jacke t pocket or in your brie f case.
If you grip the door handle while locking, this
can adversely affect the locking function.
It is not possible to re-open the door for a
brief period d irect ly after closing it. This al
lows you to ens ure that the doors are properly
It depends on the settings in the radio or
MMI* whether the entire veh icle is unlocked
or one of the doors
Q page 36 .
Opening and closing 35
Read and follow all WARNINGS Q .&. in
General description on page 31 .
(D Tips
If your vehicle has been standing for an ex
tended per iod, please note the following:
- The proximity sensors are deactivated af-
ter a few days to save power . You then
have to pull on the door handle once to
unlock the vehicle and a second t ime to
open the vehicle.
- To prevent the battery from being d is
charged and to preserve your vehicle's
ability to start for as long as possible,
the energy management system gradu
ally switches off unnecessary conven
ience functions.
It is possible that you
w ill not be able to unlock your vehicle us
ing these convenience functions.
- For Declaration of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
Q page 2 72.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle from
Fig. 22 D rive r's doo r: pow er locking sw it c h
.. Press the button@ to lock the vehicle Q _&.
.. Press the button @to unlock the vehicle
¢fig.22 .
If you lock the vehicle using the power locking
switch, please note the fo llowing:
- If a door is open , the vehicle cannot be
locked using the power locking system
52 Clear vis ion
Clear vision
Switching the lights on and off
Fig . 54 Instr ument pane l: headlight con trol switch
Light switch -~ -
Turn the switch c:> fig . 54 to the correspond ing
position . When the lights are switched on, the
,o o~ symbo l tu rns on.
0 -The lights are off or the dayt ime run ning
lights are on:
- USA models: The daytime running lights are
activated when the light sw itch
c:> fig . 54 is
i n the
O position or the AUTO position (o nly
in dayl ight conditions) . The daytime running
lights function can be turned on and off in
the radio or M MI* menu
Exterior lighting
c:> page 53 , c:> ,&..
-Canada model s: The daytime runn ing lig hts
are activated when the light sw itch
c:> fig . 54
is in the
O p osition, :o o; position or the AUTO
pos it ion (on ly in daylight cond itions) . The
dayt ime running lights function cannot be
tu rned off
c:> &. .
AUTO* -Au toma tic h eadlights switch on and
off depending on b rightness, fo r example in
tw ilight, during rain or in t unnels
c:> &. .
:o o; -Side mar ker lights
io -Low beam headlights
Fog lights /rear fog light( s)*
Press the appropriate b utton c:> fig. 54:
}0 -Fog lights
0$ -Rear fog light(s)
adaptive light*
When switched on, adap tive ligh t ad apts to
curves in the road depending on the vehicle
speed and the steering ang le . This provides
b etter l ighting t hro ugh the curve . The system
operates at speeds between app roximate ly
6 mph (10 km/h) and 68 mph (110 km/h).
Static cor nering light* (vehicles with adaptive
light) - the cornering light switches on at
speeds up to approximately 25 mph (40 km/
h) when a certain steering wheel angle is
reached or when a turn sig na l is activated. The
area to the s ide of the vehicle is illumi nated
be tte r when tur ning .
The adaptive light and the co rnering light only
funct ion when the switch is in the AU TO posi
t ion (automatic headlights*) .
- Daytime r unning lights and automatic
headlights* are only inte nded to assist
the dr iver . Th ey do not re lieve the driver
o f his re sp onsibili ty to check t he head
lights and to t urn them on manua lly ac
cordin g to the c urrent light and visibility
conditions . For examp le, fog cannot be
detected by the light sensors *. So a lways
sw itch on t he headlights
io under these
wea ther conditions and when driving in
the dark.
- Cras hes can happen whe n you cannot see
the road ahead and when yo u cannot be
see n by other moto ris ts. Always tu rn on
the head lig hts so that yo u can se e ahead
and so th at others can see your car fr om
the b ack.
- Pl ease obey all laws w he n usi ng the
lighting sys tems descr ibed here.
(D Note
The rear fog lights * should o nly be tur ned
o n in acco rdanc e with t raff ic regu lation, as
the lights are bright for following traffic. ..,
@ Tips
-The light sensor * for headl ight control is
l ocated in the rear view m irror mount.
You should therefore not apply any st ick
ers to the windsh ield in this area in order
to prevent malfunctions or failures .
- Some exterior lighting functions can be
ad justed
¢ page 53.
-When yo u remove you r key from the igni
tion w hile the vehicle's lights are turned
on, a buzzer sounds as long as the driv
er's door is open .
- In cool or damp weather, t he ins ide of
the headlights, turn signa ls and tail
li ghts can fog ove r due to the tem pera
ture diffe ren ce betwe en the inside and
outside. They will clear shor tly after
swi tching t hem on. This d oes not aff ect
the service life of the ligh ting.
- In the even t of a ligh t sensor malfunc
tion, the drive r is no tifie d in the inst ru
ment cluster disp lay ~
page 2 2.
Turn signals and high beam lever
The lever operates the turn signal s, the high
b eams and th e headlight flash er.
F ig. 55 Turn sig na l an d high beam leve r
Turn signals ¢i ¢
Th e turn s ignals activate when you move the
l ever into a turn s ignal position when the ign i
tion i s sw itched on.
(D -right turn signal
@ -Left turn signa l
T he turn s ignal b links three times if you just
tap the lever .
Clear vision 5 3
High beams and headlight flasher @:D
Move the lever to the corresponding posit io n:
@ -high beams on
@-high beams off or headlight flasher
T he ind icator light
II in the instr ument clus
ter turns on .
Notes on these features
-The turn signals on ly wor k w it h t he ignition
t urned on. The indica tor l igh ts
11 or II in
the instrument cluste r also blink .
- Aft er you have tu rned a corner, the turn s ig
na l swi tches off au tom atically .
- The
high beam wo rks only when the head
lights a re on. The indicator Ligh t. in the
i nstrumen t clus ter illuminates when the
high beams are on .
- The
headligh t flasher works on ly as long as
you ho ld the lev er -even if the re are no
lights switched o n. The ind icator light
Ill i n
the inst rument cluster illuminates when you
use the headlight flasher .
Do not use the high beam or head light
flasher if you kn ow that these could b lind
oncom ing traffic.
Adjusting exterior lighting
The functions are selec ted in the radio or
MM!* .
.. Select : I CAR! function b utton > Exter io r
light ing . Or
.. Select: I CAR I func tion button > Car sys
tems *
control button > Vehicle settings >
Exterior Lighting .
Coming home (light when leaving car )*,
Leaving home (light when unlocking car)*
T he coming home function illumi nates the
area around the vehicle when the ignition is
switched off and the dr iver's door is open ed.
Depend ing o n ve hicl e equ ipment, t he function
can be switched on and off or the length of
time the lig hts remain on* can be ad justed . .._
-If swallowed and person is conscious,
rinse mouth with water for at least 15
minutes . Do not induce vomiting unless
instructed to do so by medical professio
nal. Get medical attention immediately.
(D Note
Liquid electrolyte leaking from broken mir
ror glass will damage any plastic surfaces
it comes in contact with . Clean up spilled
electrolyte immediately with clean water
and a sponge.
@ Tips
- Switching off the dimming function of
the inside rear view mirror also deacti
vates the automatic dimm ing function of
the exterior mirrors .
-Automatic dimming for the mirror only
operates properly if the light striking the
inside mirror is not hindered by other ob
- The automatic dimming mirrors do not
dim when the interior lighting is turned
on or the reverse gear is selected .
Sun visors
._[ _ __,!
Fig. 62 Driver's s ide: s un visor
The sun visors for the driver and passenger
can be pulled out of their brackets in the cen
ter of the vehicle and turned towards the
(D .
The mirror light switches on when the cover
over the vanity mirror @opens .
Clear vision 5 7
Wiper and washer
Switching the windshield wipers on
Fig. 63 Win dshi eld w ipe r leve r
Move the windshield wiper lever to the corre
sponding position:
@-Windshield wiper off
CD-Interval mode . To extend/shorten the
wiper intervals, move the switch @to the
left/right. In vehicles with a rain sensor* the
wipers turn on in the rain once the vehicle
speed exceeds approximately 2 mph (4 km/h) .
The higher the sensitivity of the rain sensor* is
set (switch @to the right), the earlier the
windshield wipers react to moisture on the
windshield. In some models, you can switch
rain sensor mode off and switch intermittent
mode on in the MMI* . Select:
!CAR I function
> Car systems* control button > Driver
> Rain sensor. In intermittent mode,
you can adjust the interval time using the@
@ -Slow wiping
® -Fast wiping
©-Single wipe
® -Clean the windshield. To eliminate water
droplets, the windshield wiper performs one
afterwipe operation after several seconds
while driving . You can switch this function off
by moving the lever to position ® within 10
seconds of the afterwipe operation. The after
wipe function is reactivated the next time the
ignition is switched on.