Instruments and warning/indicator lights 17
E Parking brake!
If the E indicator light turns on and this
message appears, there is a pa rking brake
mal funct ion. Drive to your authorized Aud i
dea ler or qualified workshop immediately to
have the malfunction corrected.
,(,_ Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to
put on your safety belt.
The . warning/ind icator light illuminates
when the ignition is switched on to rem ind
the driver and any front passenger to put on
the safety belt. Additionally, an acoustic warn i ng (gong) will a lso sound .
Fo r more Information
c:> page 132, Safety
belt warning light .
E::::3 Battery
The. warning/indicator light illuminates
when you switch on the ignition and must go
out after the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery is not being
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
generator or vehicle e lectrica l system.
D rive to you r autho rized Aud i dealer or quali
fied workshop immediately . Because the vehi
cle battery is discharging, turn
off a ll unnec
essary electrical equipment such as the radio .
Seek professional assistance if the battery
charge leve l is too low.
(•) Low battery: Battery will be charged
while driving
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, there may be limited starting
If th is message turns
off after a litt le while,
the battery charged enough wh ile driving. If the
message does not turn
off, have your
authorized Audi dea ler or qualified workshop
correct the ma lfunction.
'l:::7: Engine oil pre ssure
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol
requires immediate service or repair . Driving
with a low-oil-pressure indication is likely to
inflict severe damage to the engine .
• Turn off engine! Oil pressure too low
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, the oil pressure is too low.
.,. Pull
off the road.
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Tur n
off the engine .
.,. Check the engine oil level c:> page 217.
.,. If the engine oi l level is too low, add engine
¢ page 217. Make sure that the oil pres
sure warning symbol. appears no longer
in the display before you start dr iv ing again.
.,. If the eng ine oil level is correct and the indi
cator light still turns on, turn the engine
and do not cont inue driv ing. Seek professio
nal assistance .
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is
not an indicator for a low engine oil lev
el. Do not rely on it. Instead, check the
oil level in your engine at regular inter
vals, preferably each time you refuel,
and always before going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
l!I requires oil refill or workshop serv
ice without delay. Do not wait until the
red oil pressure warning. starts to
flash before you respond to the low oil
level warning
Ill. By then, your engine
may already have suffered serious dam
~ -, Engine oil level
• WARNING : Please add oil immediately .,,.
Battery charging
Starting the engine requires a well charged battery .
Fig. 180 Eng ine co mpa rtmen t: Connectors for charger
an d jumper cables
Alwa ys r ea d and heed all WARNINGS below
c:> &. and c:> &. in Working on the battery on
page 223 .
.. Turn off the ignit ion and a ll electrical con
sumers .
.. Make sure the area is well ventilated when
you charge the battery .
.. Open the engine hood
c:> page 212 .
.. Open the cover on the pos itive pole
c:>fig. 180.
.. Connect the charger connectors accord ing
to the instructions to the
j ump start b olts .
(Bolts under the cover= "positive", Bolts
with hex head= "negative") .
.. Only now plug the mains lead for the charg
ing equipmen t into the wall outlet and turn
it on
c:> 8_ .
.. Ma ke sur e t he charging rat e is not over
30 amp s/14 .8 Vol t.
.. When the batte ry is fully charged: Turn the
charging eq uipment
off and remove the
ma ins lead from the wall outlet.
.. Now remove the clamps for the charging
.. Close the cover on the positive pole .
.. Close the hood
c:> page 212 .
A discharged battery can freeze at tempera
tures of on ly 32 °F (0 °C). A llow a frozen bat
tery to thaw completely before attempting to
charge it
c:> .&. . However, we recommend not
using a thawed battery again because the bat-
Checkin g and fillin g 225
tery casing can be cracked due to ice forma
tion and can leak battery acid.
Battery charging (Maximum charging rate
of 30 amps /14.8 Volt )
When charging at low voltages (e.g. with a
trickle cha rger ), the battery cables do not
have to be disconnected f irst . The battery
caps should
not be opened when charging a
It is not necessary to remove the battery from
the luggage compartment.
Fas t chargin g the batter y (cha rging rat e
ab ov e 14 .8 V olt s)
For technical reasons do not use a battery
charger that uses voltage greater than 14.8
Volts to charge your vehicle's battery.
Charging a battery can be dangerous .
- Always follow the operating instructions
provided by the battery charger manu
facturer when charging your battery .
- Never charge a frozen battery. It may ex plode because of gas trapped in the ice .
Allow a frozen battery to thaw out f irst.
- Do not reuse batteries which were fro
zen. The battery housing may have
cracked and weakened when the battery
- Charge the battery in a well ventilated
area. Keep away from open flame or elec
trica l spark . Do not smoke . Hyd rogen gas
generated by the battery is explos ive .
- To reduce the danger of explosion, never
connect or d isconnect charger cab les
while the charger is operat ing .
- Fast charging a battery is dangerous and
should only be attempted by a compe
tent techn ic ian with the prope r equip
men t.
- Battery acid that may spi ll dur ing charg
ing should be washed
off wi th a solut ion
of warm water and baking soda to neu
tralize the ac id.
260 Emergency situations
@ Tips
The discharged battery must be properly
connected to the vehicle's electrical sys
tem. When jump starting or charging the
battery, never connect the negative
ground cable to the battery negative post
because the batte ry manager system must
be able to detect the battery 's state of
charge. Always connect the negative
ground cab le to the negative ground post
of the battery manager control unit.
Use of jumper cables
Make sure to connect the jumper cable
clamps in exactly the order described below!
Fig. 201 Engine compartment: Connecto rs fo r jum per
cables and charger
Fig. 202 Jump sta rting wi th the battery of anot her ve ·
h ide :@ booster battery, @ disc harged vehicle battery
The procedure described below for connecting
jumper cables is intended to provide a jump
start for your vehicle .
Vehicle with discharged battery:
.. Turn off lights and accessories, move lever
of automatic transmission to N (Neutral) or
P (Park) and set parking brake .
Connect POSITIVE(+) to POSITIVE(+)
.. Remove the cover above the jump start con
nection .
.. Open the
cover on the positive pole
¢fig. 201.
1. Connect one end of the red positive cable
on the
jump start bolt c::> fig. 202 @
(Bolts under cover= "positive") of the ve
hicle to be started @.
2. Connect the other end to the positive ter-
mina l@ of the booster battery@.
Connect NEGATIVE (-) to NEGATIVE (-)
3. Connect one end of the b lack negative ca
ble to the negative terminal @of the
booster battery @.
4. Connect the other end to the
jump start
bolt @
(Bolts with hex head= "negative")
of the vehicle to be started @.
Starting the engine
.. Sta rt the engine of the vehicle with the
booster battery@. Run the engine at a
moderate speed.
.. Start engine with discharged vehicle battery
@ in the usual manner .
.. If the eng ine fails to start: do not keep the
starter cranking for longer than 10 seconds .
Wait for about 30 seconds and then try
again .
.. With engine running, remove jumper cables
from both vehicles in the exact
reverse or
der .
.. Close the
cover on the positive pole .
T he battery is vented to the outside to prevent
gases from entering the vehicle interior . Make
sure that the jumper clamps are well connect
ed with their
metal parts in full contact with
the battery terminals.
To avoid serious personal injury and dam
age to the veh icle, heed all warnings and
i nstructions of the jumper cable manufac-
turer . If in doubt, call for road service . ..,.