Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 15
Headlight range contro l*
¢ page22
adaptive light *
Light-/rain sensor*
¢page 22
Adaptive dampers*
Sport differential*
Ignition lock
Steering column lock
¢page 18
Electromechanical steering,
dynamic steering *
./¢page 183
T ransmission
- multitronic, tiptron ic ®
~ page92
- S tro nic ® ¢ page 92
- S tronic® ¢ page 92
Other indicator light s
Turn signals
ii ¢page23
USA models: Cruise control
C anada models : Cruise control
Adaptive cruise control* ¢page96
Adaptive cru ise control*
-High beam
BRAKE /((J)) Brake system
T he light illuminates when the ignition is
swi tched on.
It goes out after the engine has
been started. This indicates that the b rake
warning light is functioning p roperly.
If th e brake warning light do es not light up
wh en th e eng ine i s cran king , th ere ma y be a
malfunction in the elect rical sy ste m . In thi s
ca se, cont act your Audi dealer.
If the brake system wa rning/indicator light
tu rns on, there is a brake system ma lfunction.
1111 (USA mod els)/ . (Canada mod els )
Stop v ehicle and ch eck brak e flu id le vel
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, proceed as fo llows:
.,. Pull off the road .
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Turn off the engine .
.,. Check the brake fluid level ¢page 221.
.,. Contact your nearest authorized repair fa-
cility if necessary .
Warning! Fault in bra ke system. Contact
d eal er
If the ABS indicator light "1:l!I (USA models)/
(I] (Canada models), the ESC ind icator light
Jj] and the brake system indicator light
1111 (USA models)/ . (Canada models) turn
on and the message appears, the ABS, ESC
and braking d istr ibut ion are not working ¢,&..
Carefully drive to your author ized Audi dealer
immediately to have the malfunct ion correct
ed ¢,&. .
1111 (U SA model s)/. (Canada models)
Par king bra ke system fault! See own er's
- If the indicator light and the message ap-
when statio nary or after switch ing the
ignition on ,
check if you can release the
park ing brake . After releasing the parking
brake, carefully drive to your author ized
Aud i dea le r i mmediately to have the ma l
function corrected. If yo u cannot release the
park ing brake, see k professiona l assistance . .,..
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 19
I START ENGINE STOPI button because the en
gine cannot be started again after the ignition has been switched off.
(D Tips
The symbol's appea rance might be differ
ent in some models .
;';.![J Electronic Stabilization Control
If the JjJ indicator lamp blinks while driving,
the ESC or ASR (Ant i-S lip Regulation) is active
l y regulating.
If the
JjJ indicator lamp illuminates, the sys
tem has switched the ESC off. In this case, you
can switch the ignition off and then on to
sw itch the ESC on again. The system is func
tioning completely whe n the indicator lamp
sw itches off.
If the I i ndicator lamp illuminates, the ESC
was switched off with the
I ~ OFF ! button.
Stabilization cont rol (E SC/A BS): Fault! See
owner 's manu al
If the indicator light G1 and the ABS indicator
E (USA models) ; (IJ (Canada mod
els) turn on and the message appears, there is
a ma lfunction in the ABS system or e lectronic
d ifferent ial lock . This also interrupts the ESC.
The brakes still function with their normal power, but ABS is no t active.
Drive to your authorized Aud i dea ler immedi
ately to have the malfunct ion corrected.
For more informat ion about the ESC
¢page 179.
ABS /(8 ) Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
This warning/indicator light monitors the ABS
and the electronic differential lock (EDL).
The warning/indicator light E (USA mod
e ls)/ [§] (Canada models) wi ll come on for a
few seconds when the ignition is switched on.
The light will go out after an automatic check
sequence is completed .
There is a malfunction in the ABS when:
- The warning/indicato r ligh t does not illum i
nate w hen you switch the ignition on.
- The warning/indicator l igh t does not go out
after a few seconds .
- The warning/indicato r light i llum ina tes
while driving.
The ESC i ndicator light also illuminates if
there is a ma lfunction in the ABS. The mes
Stabi liz ation control (ESC ): Fault! See
o wn er's manual
also appea rs in the ins tru
ment cluster d isp lay and a warning tone
Th e brak e sys te m will still re spond even
without the a ssista nce of the AB S system.
S ee y our autho riz ed Audi de aler a s soon as
po ssible to re store full braking perf ormance.
For more information regard ing the ABS
¢ page 179.
Malfunction in th e brake system
If the brake war ning ligh t ¢page 15 and the
ABS warning illum inate
together there may be
a malfunction in the ABS , and there may a lso
be a malfunction in the brake system itself
¢ A . The ABS will not work and you w ill no
ti ce a change in b raking response and per
formanc e.
In the event of a malfunction in the brake
s y stem
the warning/indicator light 11111
(USA models)/ . (Canada models) in the in
strument cluster flashes¢
page 15.
Malfunction in th e electronic diff erential
lock (EDL)
The EDL works together w ith the ABS. The
ABS warning light will come on if there is a malfunction in the EDL system ¢
page 179.
See your author ized Audi dealer as soon as
poss ible.
- I f the E (USA mode ls)/ ti] (Canada
models) warning light does not go ou t,
or if it comes on whi le driving, the ABS
22 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
the indicator light corresponds with the location on the vehicle.
This warning can also occur if the light switch
is in an unengaged position between two sym
Vehicle lights: System fault!
If the message appears, there is a malfunc
tion in the headlights or light switch .
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
- light bulbs are pressurized and could ex
plode while they are being changed caus
ing serious personal injury.
- Work with due care when handling the
high-voltage section of gas discharge
(xenon) lights*. Failure to do so could re
sult in death or serious injury.
{O) Tips
Have the bulb replaced or the connection
repaired by your authorized Audi Service
~(D Headlight range control
Applies to vehicles: with headlight range contro l
II Headlight range control defective !
If the symbol II illuminates, the dynamic
headlight range control is no longer working
properly. Have the system checked and re
paired at your authorized Audi dealer.
§0 Adaptive Light
Applies to vehicles: with adaptive light
111 Audi adaptive light: defective
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
adaptive light system. The headlights still
Go to an authorized dealership to have the headlights or the control unit for the adaptive
light repaired .
@? light/rain sensor
Applies to vehicles: with light/ra in sensor
ral Automatic headlights/ automatic wipers
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, the light/rain sensor is not
functioning correctly.
For safety reasons the low beams are turned
on permanently with the switch in
However, you can continue to turn the lights
on and off using the light switch . You can still
control all functions that are independent of
the rain sensor through the windshield wiper
lever .
Contact your authorized Audi dealer as soon
as possible to have the problem corrected.
g Adaptive dampers
Applies to vehicles: with Audi drive select and adaptive
B Suspension: System fault!
If the B symbol in the display comes on, there
is a malfunction in the adaptive dampers .
Please go to an authorized Audi dealer or oth
er qualified workshop to have the malfunction
!-: Sport differential
Applies to vehicles: with Audi drive select and sport dif
Sport differential: System fault!
There is a malfunction with the sport differen
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
Sport differential: Overheating
The transmission temperature has increased
significantly due to the sporty driving manner.
Drive in a less sporty manner until the tem
perature returns to the normal range and the
indicator light switches of.
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 23
Contact your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop if the sport differential
is faulty or malfunctioning. The repa ir
must be performed by trained personnel
using the correct oil in order to ensure
~ Ignition lock
m Ignition lock defective
There is a malfunct ion in the electron ic ign i
tion lock. Please go to an autho rized Audi
dealer o r othe r qualified workshop to have the
mal funct ion repaired.
¢i ¢ Turn signals
Whenever you use the left B or the right B
turn signa l, the indicator light blinks. When
you use the emergency flashers, both indica
tor lights flash.
I f one of the turn signal light bulbs burn out,
the turn signal will blink twice as fast as nor
mal. Carefully drive to your authorized Audi
dealer immediately to have the malfunct ion
Audi drive select Driving settings
Appl ies to vehicles: wit h Audi drive select
Dr ive select provides the possib ility to experi
ence different types of vehicle settings in one
veh icle. For instance, using the three
C o m
fort, Auto and Dynamic modes, the driver can
switch from a sporty to a comfortab le driving
mode with the press of a button.
Addit ionally, in vehicles with
MM I*, the vehi
cle setup for
Indi vidu al* mode can be cus
tomized by you. This makes it possib le to
combine settings such as a sporty engine tun
ing with comfortable steering.
Improper use of the Audi drive select can
cause collisions, other acc idents and seri
ous personal injury.
App lies to vehicles: w it h Audi drive select
The vehicle setup in each mode depends on
the vehicle's features. However, the engine,
automatic t ransmission and steeri ng a re a l
ways involved.
Engine and automatic transmi ssion
Depending on the mode, the engine and the
automatic transmission respond quicker or in
a more ba lanced manner to acce lerator pedal
movements. In the sporty dynamic mode, the
automatic t ransmission shifts at h igher R PMs .
The steering adapts in terms of steering effort
and steering ratios. Indirect steer ing that
moves eas ily, like the stee ring in comfort
mode, is best su ited to long dr ives on a high
way. In contrast, dynam ic mode prov ides
sporty, di rect steering .
The follow ing applies to vehicles with dynam ic
steer ing*: the stee ring ratio changes based on
vehicle speed in order to maintain optimum
Aud i dri ve sel ect 107
steering effort for the drive r at all times . This
sets the steering to be less sensitive at higher
speeds in order to provide improved vehicle
control. At reduced speeds, however, steer ing
is more d irect in order to keep the steering ef
fort as minimal as poss ible when the driver is
maneuveri ng the veh icle . At low and average
speeds, dynamic steering addit iona lly pro
vides more responsive stee ring pe rformance.
Adapt ive damper s*
The adaptive dampers* use sensors to record
i nformation regard ing steering movements,
braking and acceleration ope rations by the
drive r, road surface, driving speed, and load.
T his makes it possible to adapt damp ing to
the d riving situation v irtu ally i n rea l time.
Drive select also makes it possib le to satisfy
the desire for spo rty suspension (Dynamic)
and comfortab le suspension (Comfort) with
out giving up ba lanced tuning (Auto) .
Sport differe ntial *
As a component of the all whee l dr ive sys tem
(quattro ®)
q page 184, the sport differential*
distributes the driving power to the rear ax le
depending on the sit uation . The distribution
of power var ies depending on the mode se
lected. The goal is a high level of agility and
ability to accelerate on curves . The ve hicle is
very respons ive to steering .
Audi adaptive cru ise control*
The behav ior when accelerating can be adjust
ed from comfortab le to sporty, depending on
the drive select mode. Adaptive cru ise control
also responds to the driv ing behavior of the
vehicle ahead in a mo re conservative or spo rty
manner .
Engine sound*
The sound of the eng ine is adapted to these
lected mode and ranges from subtle to sporty.
0) Tips
- In some models, the maximum vehicle
speed can only be reached in the
and D ynamic modes.
180 Intelligent technology
ESC includes and/or works together with the
anti-lock brake system (ABS), brake assist sys
tem, anti-slip regulation (ASR) , e lectronic dif
ferential lock (EDL), dynamic steering" and
e lectronic interaxle differentia l lock* /selective
wheel torque control* . ESC is switched on all
the t ime. I n certa in s ituations whe n you need
l ess t raction, you can switch off ASR by p ress
i ng the bu tto n
[ru ¢ fig. 167 or ¢ fig. 168. Be
sure to sw itch ASR on ag ain when you no lon
ger need less trac tion.
Anti -lock braking system (ABS)
ABS prevents t he wheels from locking up
when braking. The veh icle can still be st eered
even d uring ha rd b rak ing . Apply steady p res
sure to the br ake pedal. Do no t pu mp the ped
a l. A puls ing in t he bra ke peda l ind icates that
the system is he lping yo u to b rake the vehicle .
Brake assist system
The brake assist system can decrease bra king
d ista nce. It increases braking powe r w hen the
d river p resses the brake pedal quickl y in eme r
gency situa tions . You mus t press and ho ld the
brake peda l until the situation is over. In
ve hicles with adaptive cruise contro l", the
brake assist system is more sensit ive if the
d ista nce detected to t he vehicle a head is too
smal l.
Anti-slip regulation (ASR)
ASR reduces engi ne power when the drive
wheels begin to spin and adapts the fo rce to
the road condit ions. This makes it easier to
start, accelerate and drive up hills.
Electronic diffe rential lock (EDL )
The EDL brakes wheels that are spinning and
tra nsfers t he d rive powe r to the other d rive
wheel or whee ls if the vehicle is equipped with
all-wheel drive*. This function is available up
to about 60 mph (100 km/h).
In extreme cases, EDL a utomatica lly switches
off to help keep the bra ke on the braked whee l
from overheating. EDL will switch on aga in au
tomatically when conditions have returned to
Dynamic steering*
On vehicles wi th dynam ic s teering *, ESC he lps
sta bilize the steer ing in crit ica l sit uat ions.
Electronic interaxle differential lock*/
selective wheel torque control*
T he ele ctroni c in te raxle di fferentia l lock ( fron t
whee l drive) o r th e se lective whee l torque
control (all -whee l drive) operates when driv
ing t hro ugh cu rves. The front wheel on the in
s ide of the c urve or both whee ls on the inside
of the curve are braked selectively as needed .
Th is mi nimizes sliding in the front wheels and
allows for more precise d rivi ng through
cu rves . The a ppl icable syste m may not acti
vate when dr iv ing in wet o r snowy cond itions.
- E SC, A BS, ASR, ED L d ynam ic steering *
a nd the elect roni c in ter ax le d ifferenti al
loc k* /se lective whee l torque control *
cannot ove rcome the laws of physics .
This is especia lly important on slippery
or wet r oads. If the systems beg in acting
to stabilize your veh icle, yo u should im
mediately change you r speed to match
the road and t raff ic conditions. Do not
let the increased safety prov ided by
t hese systems temp t you to ta ke r is ks.
Doing so will increase the risk of a lo ss of
veh icle cont ro l, col lision an d ser io us per
sonal injur ies.
- Always adapt your speed to ro ad, traff ic
an d wea ther conditions . The risk of los
ing contro l of t he vehicle increases when
driving too fast, es pec ially through
curves and on slippery or wet roads, and
when dr iv ing too close to vehicles up
a head. ESC, ABS, the brake ass ist sys
t e m, ASR, EDL dynam ic s teer ing* and the
elec tronic inte raxle differe ntia l lock*/se
lective whee l to rque contr ol* cannot p re
vent co lli sion s.
- Always accelerate wi th special care on
eve n smooth s urfaces su ch as those that
ar e we t or covered w ith i ce and snow.
T he drive whee ls can spin even w ith
these assistance systems that can not ~
184 Intelligent technology
Have the dynamic steering* system mal
function repaired as soon as possible by an
authorized Audi dealer or any qualified
workshop -risk of accident!
(D Tips
- If the . or
'-r,ij indicator light only stays
on for a short time, you may continue
- The dynamic steering* stability systems
are not available in the event of a system
- For additional information on dynamic
steering*, refer to¢
page 107.
Driving with your
App lies to vehicles: with all-wheel dr ive
With all-wheel drive, all four wheels are driv
General information
With all-wheel drive, power is distributed to
all four wheels. This happens automatically
depending on your driving style and the road
conditions at the time . See also
¢ page 179.
A center differential distributes the driving
power variably to the front and rear axle . It
works together with selective wheel torque control, which activates when driving through
c> page 180. With the sport differen
tial*, power distribution to the rear wheels is
variable and can be adjusted with drive select
c:>page 107.
The all-wheel drive concept is designed for
high engine power . Your vehicle is exception
ally powerful and has excellent driving charac
teristics both under normal driving conditions
and on snow and ice. Always read and follow
safety precautions ¢
Winter tires
When driving in the winter , your vehicle with
all-wheel drive has an advantage, even with
regular tires. In winter road conditions it may be advisable to mount winter tires (or all-sea
son tires) for
improved driveability and brak
ing: these tires must be mounted on all four
wheels. See also ¢ page 242, Winter tires.
Tire chains
Where tire chains are mandatory on certain
roads, this normally also applies to vehicles
with all-wheel drive¢
page 243, Snow
chains .
Replacing wheels/tires
Vehicles with all-wheel drive must always
have tires of the same size. Also avoid tires
with different tread depths. For details see
c> page 238, New tires and replacing
tires and wheels.
Off·Road driving?
Your Audi does not have enough ground clear
ance to be used as an off-road vehicle.
It is
therefore best to avoid rough tracks and un
even terrain as much as possible. Also refer to
c:> page 187.
-Always adjust your driving to road and traf-
fic conditions. Do not let the extra safety
afforded by all-wheel drive tempt you into
taking extra risks .
- Although the all-wheel drive is very ef
fective, always remember that braking
capacity is limited by tire traction. You
should therefore not drive at excessive
speeds on icy or slippery road surfaces.
- On wet road surfaces, be careful not to
drive too fast because the front wheels
could begin to slide on top of the water
(aquaplaning). If this should occur, you
will have no warning from a sudden in
crease in engine speed as with a front
wheel drive vehicle. Always drive at speeds which are suited to the road con
ditions - risk of crash .
Index 277
Cruise control
Changing speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Presetting your speed ....... .. .. .. .. 85
Sw itching off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Sw itching on ....................... 84
Cruising range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
(upholde r .......................... 67
Data ...... ...................... .. 267
D ata recorder .. ... ..... ... .. .. .. ... 179
Date display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Daytime running lights . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 53
D eclaration of comp liance
Adapt ive cruise control . ... .. .. .. .. . 272
Audi side assist ... .... ... .. .. .. .. . 272
Cell phone package ................ 272
Conve nience key .............. ..... 272
Electronic immobilizer .............. 272
H omelink ® universal remote control .. 272
Remote control key ........... .. .. . 272
Tire pressure mon itor ing system ..... 272
Defective light bulb warning . . . . . . . . . . . 21
D efrosting (windows) ................. 72
Determin ing correct load limit ........ 236
Digita l clock ... .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .... 12
Di gita l compass ..................... 59
Dimensions ........................ 266
D imming the rearview mirro r . . . . . . . . . . 56
Doors emergency locking ........ .... ...... 36
Driver information system
Open door or front lid warning . . . . . . . . 24
Outside temperature display .......... 24
Sound system display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Driver seat
refer to Seating pos ition
D riving safe ly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Driving through water ............... 187
Driving time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
D ust filte r
refer to Pollutan t filte r (au toma tic AC
system) .... ... .. ..... ... .. .. .. .... 70
Dynamic stee ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107, 183
E85 ( Fuel) .. ...... ... .. .. ..... ... .. 2 08
Easy entry funct io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Efficiency program .................. . 27
Fuel economy messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Memory levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Other equipment ................... 27
E lectro -mechan ica l power assist ... .. .. 183
El ectromechanica l pa rking brake
E mergency bra king ................ . 82
Ind icator lig ht ..................... 80
Parking ... .. .. .... . ... ...... ... .. . 81
Re leas ing and closing .. ..... ... .. .. . 80
Starting assist ... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. . 81
Starting from rest .................. 81
Starting off w ith a trailer ............ . 82
Warning/ind icator lights ....... ... .. . 16
E lectronic differential lock (EDL) ... .. .. 179
Warning/indicator lights ..... ... .. .. . 19
El ec tronic immob ilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 3 7
E lectronic power control
(EPC) warning/ indicator light . . . . . . . . . 20
E lectronic speed limiter .. ..... ... .. .. . 29
El ectronic Stab ili zat ion Cont ro l (E SC) . .. 179
Wa rning/ind icator lights ............ . 19
Emerge ncy actuat io n
Doors ....... ... .. ................ 36
Ig nitio n key ...... ........... ...... 34
Emergency braking ................... 82
Emergency flashe r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Warning/in dicator lights ..... ... .. .. . 23
Emergency key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Star ting engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Emergency operation
Emergency brak ing funct ion (parking
brake) ... ... .. .. .. . .. ..... ........ 82
l uggage compartment l id . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Power top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7
Emergency starting ................. 259
Emerge ncy towing . ................. 261
Ene rgy ma nagement ................ 185
Battery power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
D rive r notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Engine Compartment .. ................... 214
Coolant .......... ........... ..... 219