Trip computer
The trip computer gives you information on
current and average fuel mileage, average
speed, fuel range and driving time .
Fig. 9 Trip computer display: Average fuel mileag e
The fo llowing information is continuously
eva luated by the trip computer and can be dis
p layed sequentially in the instrument cluster
Fuel range
The estimated cruising range in miles (km)
appears in the display. This tells you how far
your vehicle wi ll be able to travel on the cur
rent tank of fue l and with the same driving
style. The display changes in increments of 6
miles (10 km).
The cruising range is calcu lated based on the
fuel cons umption for the last 18 mi les
(30 km) . If you drive conservatively, the cruis
ing range will increase.
Average fuel mileage
The average fuel economy in MPG (l/100 km)
since you last cleared the memory appears in
this display. You can use this disp lay to adjust
your driving technique to achieve a desired
mileage .
Current fuel mileage
The instantaneous fuel consumption in miles
per gallon (l/100 km) is shown in this display .
You can use this display to adj ust yo ur driving
technique to ach ieve a desired mileage.
Driver information display 25
Fuel consumption is recalcu lated at intervals
of 33 yards (30 meters). This display switches
to gallons/hour (liters/hour) when the veh icle
is not moving.
Average speed
The average speed in mph (km/h) s ince you
last reset the memory appears in the display.
Elapsed time
The length of time that yo u have been driving
s ince you last reset the memory appears in
th is disp lay.
The distance that has been covered since the
last time the memory was cleared appears in
the d isplay .
(0 Tips
- Fuel consumptions (average and cur
rent), range and speed are displayed in
metric units on Canadian mode ls.
- All stored values will be lost if the vehi
cle battery is disconnected.
The trip computer is equipped with two fully
automatic memories as well as an efficiency
program* .
Fig . 10 Tri p computer display: memory leve l 1
You can switch between the trip computer 1
and 2 and the efficiency program* by pressing
I RESET I button @r:::> fig. 11 .
You can tell which memory leve l is currently
active by the number o r the sign in the display
The values in the single-t rip or the total-trip
memory can a ll be reset to zero at the same
time under
Reset in the menu .
I n addition, you can determine what informa
tion from the trip computer should be shown
in the instrument cluster display. If one of the
p ieces of driver information is turned
Off , that
driver information w ill not be shown in the
display. The information will continue to be
calculated by the trip computer and can be
turned back
On at any t ime.
(D Tips
- This function is not avai lab le on all
- The driving information in the efficiency
program is also reset to zero with the
s ingle-trip memory.
Efficiency program
Applies to vehicles: with trip compu ter with effic iency
F ig. 12 Display : efficiency program
... Press the !RESET I button @c::> fig. 11 re
peatedly until the efficiency program ap
pears in the display .
The eff iciency program can help you to use
less fuel. It evaluates driving information in
reference to fuel consumption and shows oth
er equipment influencing consumption as well
as shift recommendations . Fue l economy
messages c::>
page 2 7 provide tips for effi
cient driv ing.
The eff ic iency program uses d istance and con
sumption data from trip computer
1. If the
Driver information display 2 7
data are deleted in the efficiency program,
those values are also reset in trip computer
Other equipment
Applies to vehicles: with trip computer with efficiency
Fig. 13 Display: othe r equ ipment
.,. In the efficiency program, press the func
tion selection switch
c::> fig . 11 @ repeatedly
until the other equipment appears in the
disp lay.
Other equipment th at is currently affecti ng
fuel consumptio n is listed in the efficiency
program. The display shows up to three othe r
items of equipm ent@. T he equ ipme nt using
the most fuel is lis ted first .
If more than three
items using fuel are switched on, the equip
ment that is currently using the most fuel is
A scale @also shows the current total con
sumption of all other equipment .
Fuel economy messages
Applies to vehicles: with trip compute r with efficiency
Fig. 14 Display : fu el econo my message
28 Driver in formation d isplay
Fue l economy messages are disp layed when
fuel consumption is increased by certain con
d itions. If you follow these fuel economy mes
sages, you can reduce your vehicle's consump
tion of fuel. The messages appear automati
cally and are on ly displayed in the eff ic iency
program. The fuel economy messages turn off
automatically after a certain pe riod of time .
.,. To turn a fuel economy message off imme-
diately after it appears, press the
button r:::;, fig . 11 @ , or
.,. Press the function selection switch
r:::;, fig . 11
® ·
(D Tips
- Once you have t urned a fuel economy
message off, it will only appear again af
te r you tu rn the ignition on aga in.
- The fuel economy messages are not dis
played in eve ry instance, but rat her in in
terv als over a period of time.
Service interval display
The service interval display reminds you when
your next service is due.
F ig. 15 D is p lay : Serv ice interval d isplay
The schedule for the next oil change or inspec
tion is calculated automatically and displayed
accordingly . The display works in two stages :
Service reminder
30 days before the next service is due, a serv
ice reminder appears in the display when you
turn on the ignition
c:> fig. 15.
Afte r abo ut 5 seconds the display sw itches
back to normal. The distance and time re- main
ing are upda ted each t ime the ignit ion is
turned on unt il the date d ue for service is
Service due
When the d ue date fo r se rv ice is reached, t he
Service due ! appears in the instru
ment cluster immediate ly after yo u turn on
the ignition . Additiona lly, a warning tone
sounds. After about 5 seconds the disp lay
switches back to normal.
Calling up the service schedule s
If or when an oi l change or inspec tion is due,
can be shown in the rad io or
MM I* disp lay by
selecting the service interva l display in the car
menu. Select
! CAR ! function button > Service
inte rval d isplay
or !CAR ! function button> Car
s ystems *
control button > Servicing &
checks .
Resett ing the se rv ice interval display
Your authorized Audi dea ler will reset the cor
responding service schedule after performing
the appropr iate service on your veh icle. You
also have the possib ility to reset the oil
change schedule after hav ing perfo rmed a n
o il change acco rding to Aud i specif ications .
I CAR ! functio n button > Se rvi ce interval
di splay
> Re set oil change int erval or I CAR I
funct ion b utt on > Car sy stem s* cont ro l bu t
> Servicing & check s > Reset oil ch ange
inte rval.
(D Note
If you di sconnect the battery term inals, no
ca lcula tions can be made for the service
i nterva l disp lay dur ing this time an d no
se rvice reminder will appear. Remember
that observing the proper service intervals
i s vitally important to extending the life of
your vehicle, particularly the engine, and maintain ing its value . Even if the mileage
d rive n is low, the maximum period of one
year from one servi ce to the next m ust not
be ex ceeded. .,..
@ For the sake of the environment
Even when the Emission Control System is
operating properly, the exhaust gas can
have a sulfur-like exhaust gas smell under
some operating states. This depends on
the sulfur content of the fuel being used.
Using a different brand of fuel may help,
or filling the tank w ith lead-free super
grade gasoline.
Operate your vehicle
economically and minimize pollution
Your personal style of driving will determine
the economy of your vehicle, as well as ex
haust and noise levels.
Fuel economy, environmental impact, and
wear on you r engine, bra kes and t ires largely
depend on th ree factors:
= your persona l dr iving style
- operating conditions
- technica l lim itations
I f you anticipate what yo u need to do next and
drive economically, you can easi ly cut your
fuel consumption by 10-15 percent. This sec
tion will give you some t ips on how you can
he lp the environment and your pocketbook.
@ Tips
The consumpt ion estimates as published
(EPA) and Transport Canada may not corre
spond to your actual consumption on the
road, wh ich will vary depending upon vehi
cle load and speed, road and weather con
ditions, tr ip length, etc.
Drive smoothly and keep a lookout
Vehicles use the most fuel when they are ac
" Avoid unnecessary accele rat ing and braking.
Dri vin g and en vironm ent 18 9
Vehicles use the most fue l when they a re ac
ce lerating. If you anticipate what is going to
happen next, you will need to brake less and,
th us, acce lerate less. Let the vehicle coast
whenever possible -for example when you see
that the next traff ic light is red.
Avoid full throttle
Driving at moderate speeds saves fuel and
improves your mileage.
" Try and keep well below your car's maxi-
mum speed.
Acce lerating gently red uces fue l cons ump
tion, engine wear, and does not disturb the environment.
Fuel consumpt ion, exhaust emiss ions and en
gine noise increase disproportionately at high
speeds . If you drive at approximately th ree
quarters of top speed, fuel consumption w ill
be reduced by one half. Never drive faster
than the posted speed limit and weather con
ditions perm it.
Reducing unnecessary idling
Even when your car is just idling it burns up
fuel .
" Shut the eng ine off when you are not driv
ing the vehicle.
" Do not warm up the ve hicle by letting the
eng ine run at idle .
It makes sense to shut off the engine in traffic
jams, when wa it ing for tra ins to pass at rail
road crossings, or at traffic lig hts t hat have
long waits on red . T ur ning the eng ine off for
just 30-40 seconds saves mo re fuel than is
bur ned star ting the e ngine again.
It takes a long t ime for the engine to warm up
fully when it is run ning at idle . However, wea r
and noxious emissions are espec ia lly high
whe n the eng ine is wa rm ing up. So yo u shou ld
drive away as soon a s you start the e ngine and
avo id r unning at high rpms whi le the engine is
still warming up.
190 Driving and en vironm ent
(0 Note
Do not leave engine idling unattended af
ter starting . If warning lights should come
on to indicate improper operation, they
would go unheeded. Extended idling also
produces heat, which could result in
heating or other damage to the vehicle or
other property.
Regular maintenance
A badly tuned engine unnecessarily wastes a lot of fuel .
.,. Have your vehicle serv iced at regular inter-
By having your vehicle regularly serviced by an
author ized Audi dealer he lps to ensure that it
runs properly and economically. The condition
of your vehicle not only affects its safety and
ab il ity to hold its value, it also affects
fu el
con sump tion .
C heck your oil each time you fill your tank.
The amount of oil used is related to engine
l oad and speed.
I t is normal for the oil consumption o f a new
engine to reach its lowest val ue after a certain
mileage has been driven.
You mus t drive yo ur vehicle abo ut 3,000 miles
(5,000 kilometers) be fo re yo u can properly
assess oi l consumption.
This a lso applies to fuel consumption and en
g ine output.
(]) Note
-Have yo ur vehicle maintai ned properly
and in accordance with the service re c
ommendations in your War ran ty
& Mai n
tenance bookle t. Lack of proper mainte
nance as well as imp roper use of the
hicle will impair the function of the
emission control system and could lead
to damage. -
Do not alter or
remove any component of
the Emission Control System unless ap
proved by the manufacturer .
- Do not alter or
remove any device, such
as heat shie lds, switches, ignition w ires,
valves, which are designed to protect
your vehicle's Emission Control System and other important vehicle compo
Fewer short trips
Fuel consumption will always be relatively
high on short trips .
.,. Try to avoid driv ing short distances w ith a
cold engine.
The engine and cata lytic converter have to
reach their opt imal
oper ating temperature to
reduce fuel consumpt ion and nox ious em is
s ions effectively.
Just after starting, a co ld engine in a mid-size
car on ly achieves a fuel economy of 6-8 m iles
per gallon (30-40 l/100 km). After about a
half a mile, fuel economy climbs to 12 mpg
(20 l/100 km) . After about
2 .5 miles (4 km),
the engine is at its prope r operating tempera
tu re and fuel economy has reached a normal
level. So you can see that yo u should avo id
short trips whenever poss ible.
T he
outside temperatur e is also cr it ical in t his
regard. Your car consumes more fue l in the
winter tha n in the s umme r.
208 Fuel supply and filling your fuel tank
-Anti -knock index must be 87 AKI or higher.
- Blend must contain not more than 15%
Seasonally adjusted gasoline
Many gasoline grades are blended to perform
especially well for winter or summer driving .
During seasonal change-over, we suggest that
you fill up at busy gas stat ions where the sea
sonal adjustment is more likely to be made in
CD Note
- Fuels containing a high percentage of
ethanol such as ESO and E85 may only
be used in vehicles with flex ible fuel en
gines. Using high ethano l fuel in vehicles
not equipped with flexib le fue l eng ines
can cause severe engine damage.
- Methanol fuels which do not mee t these
requirements may cause corrosion and
damage to plastic and rubber compo
nents in the fuel system.
- Do not use fuels that fail to meet the
specified criteria in this chapter.
- If you are unable to determine whether
or not a particular fuel blend meets the
specifications, ask your service station or
its fuel supplier.
- Do not use fuel for which the contents
cannot be identif ied.
- Fuel system damage and performance
problems resulting from the use of fuels
different from those specified are not
the respons ibility of Audi and are not
covered under the New Vehicle or the
Emission Control System Warranties .
- If you experience a loss of fuel economy
or driveab ility and performance prob
le ms due to the use of one of these fuel
blends, we recommend that you switch
to unblended fuel.
Ethanol fuel (B io-ethanol)
App lies to veh icles : w ith flex ible fue l en g in e
You can recognize vehicles with a flexible fuel
engine by looking at the label on the inside of
the fuel filler flap.
Vehicles with flexible fuel engines may be op
erated with bio -ethanol fuels such as E85
(85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) or with un
leaded gasoline (91 AKI/ROZ 95) . The vehicle
may also be operated with a mixture of these
Your fuel consumption w ill increase when us
ing bio-ethanol fue ls due to the lower amount
of energy contained per unit volume in etha
Warming up the flexible fuel engine in
low temperatures
Due to the chemical composition of b io-etha
nol , a certain amount of fuel ends up in the
engine oil when driving short distances in very
low temperatures. This fue l evaporates again
when the engine is warmed up.
II Please warm up engine.
If the driver message appears in the instru
ment cluster display, drive with a warm en
gine to reduce the o il level.
CD Note
- Never fill with methanol o r with a higher
percentage of b io-ethanol than 85%
(E85). A higher percentage of bio-etha
nol in the fuel can cause damage to the
engine or to the fue l system.
- If you use only E85, it is recommended
to fill the fuel tank complete ly with un
leaded premium grade gaso line every
5,000 miles.
- If you experience starting, rough id le or
hesitation driveability problems, fill the
fue l tank comp letely with unleaded pre
m ium grade gasoline and dr ive it nor
mally until the gasoline is used. See your
authorized Audi dealer if the problem
persists .
216 Check ing and filling
temperatures stay below freezing point for
long periods.
Detergent addit ives in the o il w il l make fresh
oil look dark after the eng ine has been run
ning for a short time . This is norma l and is not
a reason to change the oi l more often than
D am age or m alfunc tions du e to lack of
m ainten ance
is essential that you change your oil at the
recommended in tervals using only engine o il
that complies with Audi oi l standard
VW 502 00. Your Limited New Vehicle War
ranty does not cover damage or malfunctions
due to fail ure to fo llow recommended mainte
nance and use requ irements as set forth in
the Audi Owner's Manual and Warranty
Maintenance book let . Your dealer will have to
deny warranty coverage unless you present to
the dea ler proof in the form of Service or Re
pa ir Orders that all scheduled ma intenance
was performed in a t imely manner.
Eng ine oil consumption
The engine in your vehicle depends on an ade
quate amount of oil to lubricate and cool all
of its moving parts.
In order to provide effective lubrication and
cool ing of internal engine components, a ll in
ternal combustion eng ines consume a certa in
amount of oil. O il consumption varies from
engine to engine and may change significantly
over the life of the engine. Typica lly, engines
with a specif ied break-in period (see
page 187) consume more oil during the
break-in period than they consume after oil
consumption has stabilized.
Under norma l conditions, the rate of oil con
sumption depends on the quality and viscosity
of the oil, the RPM (revolutions per minute) at
which the engine is operated, the ambient
temperature and road condit ions . Further fac
tors are the amount of oil d ilution from water
condensat ion or fuel residue and the ox ida
tion level of the oi l. As any engine is subject to wear as mi
leage builds up, the oil consump
tion may increase over time until replacement
of worn components may become necessary.
With a ll these variab les coming into play, no
standard rate of oil consumption can be es
tablished or specified. There is no alternative
to regu lar and frequent check ing of the o il lev
el, see
Note .
the yellow engine oil leve l warning symbo l
I! in the instrument cluster lights up, you
shou ld check the oil leve l as soon as possib le
page 217. Top off the oil at your earliest
convenience ¢
page 217.
Before you check anythi ng in the engine
compartment, always read and heed all
A in Working in the engine
compartment on page 212.
(D Note
Driving w ith an insufficient o il level is like
ly to cause severe damage to the engine .
(D Tips
-The oil pressu re warn ing display . is
not an indic ator of the oil l evel. Do not
r el y on it . In stea d, check th e oil l eve l in
y our engin e at regular inter val s, pref
erably ea ch time you r efu el, and alwa ys
before go ing on a long trip .
-If you have t he impression yo ur engine
consumes excessive amoun ts of o il, we
recommend that you consu lt an author
ized Aud i dea ler to have the cause of
your concern properly diagnosed. Keep in m ind that the accurate measu rement of
oil consumption requ ires great care and
may take some time. An authorized Aud i
dealer has instructions about how to
measu re oil consumption accurately.
The speed rating letter code (c::> page 230) is
on the side wall of the tire
c::> page 238.
Winter tires have maximum speed limits
that may be lower than your vehicle's max
imum speed . Always know the maximum
speed before driving off. Never drive faster
than the speed permitted for your specific
winter tires . This will cause damage to the
tires leading to an accident and serious
personal injury to you and your passen
Driving faster than the maximum speed
for which the winter tires on your vehicle
were designed can cause tire failure in cluding a blowout and sudden deflation,
loss of control, crashes and serious per
sonal injuries . Have worn or damaged tires
replaced immediately.
- Winter tires have maximum speed rating
that may be lower than your vehicle's
maximum speed .
- Never drive faster than the speed for
which the winter or other tires installed
on your vehicle are rated .
Always adjust your driving to the road and
traffic conditions. Never let the good ac
celeration of the winter tires and all wheel
drive tempt you into taking extra risks . Al
ways remember :
- When braking, an all wheel drive vehicle
handles in the same way as a front drive
- Drive carefully and reduce your speed on
icy and slippery roads, even winter tires
cannot help under black ice conditions.
@l For the sake of the environment
Use summer tires when weather condi
tions permit. They are quieter, do not wear
as quickly and reduce fuel consumption.
Tires and wheels 243
Snow chains
Snow chains may be fitted only to the front
wheels , and only to certain tire sizes. Ask your
authorized Audi dealer on which tire sizes
snow chains can be used.
The snow chains must have low-profile links
and must not be thicker than 0.53 inch
(13.S mm) , including the lock.
Remove wheel center covers and trim discs
before putting snow chains on your vehicle
c::> 0 . For safety reasons cover caps must then
be fitted over the wheel bolts. These are avail
able from authorized Audi dealers.
~ Using the wrong snow chains for your vehi
cle or installing them incorrectly can in
crease the risk of loss of control leading to
serious personal injury.
- Snow chains are available in different sizes . Always make sure to follow the in
structions provided by the snow chain
- When driving with snow chains never
drive faster than the speed permitted for
your specific snow chains .
- Always observe local regulations.
(D Note
- Remove snow chains before driving on
roads not covered with snow to avoid
damaging tires and wearing the snow
chains down unnecessarily.
- Snow chains, which come into direct con
tact with the wheel rim, can scratch or
damage it. Therefore, make sure that the
snow chains are suitably covered. Check
the position of the snow chains after
driving a few yards and correct if neces
sary. Follow the instructions from the
snow chain manufacturer when doing so.
(D Tips
Where snow chains are mandatory on cer
tain roads, this normally also applies to
vehicles with all wheel drive .