(!) Door handle
Power locking sw it ch
Memory buttons (dr iver's seat)
Button for side ass ist
A ir outlets
Control lever for :
- Turn signal and high beam
0 Multi-function steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag ........... .
- Audio/video , telephone and
navigation buttons
- Rocker switches for tiptronic
operation .... .... ... .... .
@ ISETI button .... ....... .... .
® Instrument cluster ......... .
@ Reset button for trip odometer
@ Switches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer
- Trip computer ............ .
@ Ignition lock ............ .. .
@ Adjustable steer ing column
~ Control leve r for :
- Cruise contro l .. ... ... .... .
- adaptive cruise contro l ... .. .
@ Instrument lighting .. ... ... .
@ Release lever for the engine
hood .. .. .. ............. .. .
@ Data Link Conne ctor for On
Board Diagnos tic s (OBD II) ... .
@ Light switch ........... .. .. .
@ Adjuster control for outside mir-
rors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
@ Power window switches . . . . . . 39
@ Radio-Displayll or MMI-Display
@ Depending on options:
- Radio system
- CD changer
l) The im age in t he d ispl ay will app ea r either in mu lt ipl e
col ors or in a singl e co lor , de pen din g o n th e vehicl e
e q ui pment. Th e m ulti co lo r im age w ill be use d i n this
O w ner's Manual becau se bo th mult i co lo r and sin gle
col or vers io ns are almost iden tic al.
Instruments and controls 9
@) Emergency flasher ......... .
@ Glove compartment (lockable)
@ Front passenger's airbag .....
@ Depending on options, switches
for :
- drive select .............. .
- Electron ic Stabilization Con -
trol ..... ... .. ..... ..... .
@ Deluxe aut omatic climate con-
tro l ...................... .
@ Selector lever for automatic
transmission ......... ..... .
@ Ashtray with cigarette lighter
@ Depend ing on options:
- MMI cont ro l console or
- drive select ......... ..... .
- Electron ic Stabili zation Con-
trol button .............. .
@ Central power window switch
@ Powe r top switch ........... .
@ Electromechanical parking
brake .. .. .... ... .. ....... .
(D Tips
66 ,66
17 9
-Some of the equipment or features
shown in the general illustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be optional eq uipment depending
on your model. Always ask your author
ized Audi dealer if you have a quest ion
about your vehicle.
- Operation of the Multi Media Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manual.
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 15
Headlight range contro l*
¢ page22
adaptive light *
Light-/rain sensor*
¢page 22
Adaptive dampers*
Sport differential*
Ignition lock
Steering column lock
¢page 18
Electromechanical steering,
dynamic steering *
./¢page 183
T ransmission
- multitronic, tiptron ic ®
~ page92
- S tro nic ® ¢ page 92
- S tronic® ¢ page 92
Other indicator light s
Turn signals
ii ¢page23
USA models: Cruise control
C anada models : Cruise control
Adaptive cruise control* ¢page96
Adaptive cru ise control*
-High beam
BRAKE /((J)) Brake system
T he light illuminates when the ignition is
swi tched on.
It goes out after the engine has
been started. This indicates that the b rake
warning light is functioning p roperly.
If th e brake warning light do es not light up
wh en th e eng ine i s cran king , th ere ma y be a
malfunction in the elect rical sy ste m . In thi s
ca se, cont act your Audi dealer.
If the brake system wa rning/indicator light
tu rns on, there is a brake system ma lfunction.
1111 (USA mod els)/ . (Canada mod els )
Stop v ehicle and ch eck brak e flu id le vel
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, proceed as fo llows:
.,. Pull off the road .
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Turn off the engine .
.,. Check the brake fluid level ¢page 221.
.,. Contact your nearest authorized repair fa-
cility if necessary .
Warning! Fault in bra ke system. Contact
d eal er
If the ABS indicator light "1:l!I (USA models)/
(I] (Canada models), the ESC ind icator light
Jj] and the brake system indicator light
1111 (USA models)/ . (Canada models) turn
on and the message appears, the ABS, ESC
and braking d istr ibut ion are not working ¢,&..
Carefully drive to your author ized Audi dealer
immediately to have the malfunct ion correct
ed ¢,&. .
1111 (U SA model s)/. (Canada models)
Par king bra ke system fault! See own er's
- If the indicator light and the message ap-
when statio nary or after switch ing the
ignition on ,
check if you can release the
park ing brake . After releasing the parking
brake, carefully drive to your author ized
Aud i dea le r i mmediately to have the ma l
function corrected. If yo u cannot release the
park ing brake, see k professiona l assistance . .,..
22 Instruments and warning/indicator lights
the indicator light corresponds with the location on the vehicle.
This warning can also occur if the light switch
is in an unengaged position between two sym
Vehicle lights: System fault!
If the message appears, there is a malfunc
tion in the headlights or light switch .
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
- light bulbs are pressurized and could ex
plode while they are being changed caus
ing serious personal injury.
- Work with due care when handling the
high-voltage section of gas discharge
(xenon) lights*. Failure to do so could re
sult in death or serious injury.
{O) Tips
Have the bulb replaced or the connection
repaired by your authorized Audi Service
~(D Headlight range control
Applies to vehicles: with headlight range contro l
II Headlight range control defective !
If the symbol II illuminates, the dynamic
headlight range control is no longer working
properly. Have the system checked and re
paired at your authorized Audi dealer.
§0 Adaptive Light
Applies to vehicles: with adaptive light
111 Audi adaptive light: defective
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
adaptive light system. The headlights still
Go to an authorized dealership to have the headlights or the control unit for the adaptive
light repaired .
@? light/rain sensor
Applies to vehicles: with light/ra in sensor
ral Automatic headlights/ automatic wipers
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, the light/rain sensor is not
functioning correctly.
For safety reasons the low beams are turned
on permanently with the switch in
However, you can continue to turn the lights
on and off using the light switch . You can still
control all functions that are independent of
the rain sensor through the windshield wiper
lever .
Contact your authorized Audi dealer as soon
as possible to have the problem corrected.
g Adaptive dampers
Applies to vehicles: with Audi drive select and adaptive
B Suspension: System fault!
If the B symbol in the display comes on, there
is a malfunction in the adaptive dampers .
Please go to an authorized Audi dealer or oth
er qualified workshop to have the malfunction
!-: Sport differential
Applies to vehicles: with Audi drive select and sport dif
Sport differential: System fault!
There is a malfunction with the sport differen
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
Sport differential: Overheating
The transmission temperature has increased
significantly due to the sporty driving manner.
Drive in a less sporty manner until the tem
perature returns to the normal range and the
indicator light switches of.
24 Driver information d isplay
Driver information
The Driver information display inside the in
strument cluster provides you, the driver ,
with important information.
Fig. 7 Ins trum en t cl uster : ce nter display
Fig. 8 W iper lev er: con trols fo r th e menu disp lay
Center display
W ith the ignition on, the display in the Dr iver
I nformation System shows the following in
formation :
- CD* inserted or Radio* station set
- Outside temperature* : At temperatures be-
low 41 °F (+5 °C), a snowflake symbol ap
pears in front of the temperature display
c::> .&_.
-Warning if one of the doors, front lid or en-
gine compartment lid is not closed .
Additional functions
You can open the following functions in the
Driver Information System display by pressing
! RESET I button c::> fig. 8 one or more times:
Digital speedometer*
Tire pressure monitoring *
Trip computer
Efficiency program*
Service interval display
c::> page 27
c::> page 28
Gearshift selector positions
Automatic transmission
Adaptive cruise control*
Auto Check Control
<::>page 82
Some functions and vehicle components are
scanned for their operating status when you
switch the ignition on and whi le you are driv
ing. Malfunctions or required service proce
dures are signaled audibly and indicated by
red and yellow illuminated symbols and re
minders in the d isplay.
--- Never rely exclusively on the outside
temperature display to determine if a
road surface is icy or not. Keep in mind
that road surfaces, especially br idges
and overpasses, could be ice covered and
slippery even at an outside temperature
above 41 °F (+5 °C).
- Always remember, even if the "snow
flake" symbol (ice warning) does not ap
pear in the disp lay, black ice cou ld be on
the road.
- Always reduce your speed and drive with
specia l care in cold weather cond itions
when the chance of encountering icy
road surfaces increases.
¢j) Tips
If the vehicle is stationary, or if you are
driving at a very low speed, the tempera
ture shown in the display might be s light ly
higher than the actual outs ide tempera
ture. This i.s caused by the heat being radi
ated from the engine .
Starting the vehicle with the emergency
Applies to vehicles: with ignitio n lock
You can use the emergency key as an ignition
key in an emergency.
Fig . 89 G lo ve compar tment: A dapt er fo r em ergen cy
Fig. 90 In ser t emergen cy key in to the adapter
.,.. Take the adapter for the emergency key out
of the glove compartment
c:> fig . 89 .
.,.. Push the emergency key~ fig . 90 fully into
the adap ter . Make sure that the Audi r ings
are facing up.
.,.. Press the emergency key in the adapter
down un til it latches audibly .
.,.. Insert the adapter with the emergency k ey
forwa rd into the ignition swit ch . T he eng ine
can now be sta rted a s usual.
Stopping the engine
App lies to vehicles: with ig ni tion loc k
.,.. Bring the vehicle to a full stop .
.,.. Automatic transmission : Move the selector
lever to the P or N pos ition .
.,.. Press on the ignition key. The engine is
tu rned off.
.,.. You can now remove the key.
On th e road 77
Ste ering lock
The steering locks when yo u remove the ig ni
tion key . The lo cked steering helps prevent ve
hicle theft .
Emergency off
If it is necessary in unus ual circumstances, the
engine can be switched off while the veh icle is
moving. The engine will be switched off if you
press on the key for an extended period .
-Never turn off the engine before the ve
hicle has come to a comp lete stop. The
full funct ion of the brake booster and the
power steering is not guaranteed . You
must use more force to turn or brake if
necessary . Because you cannot steer and
brake as you usually wo uld, this could
lead to crashes and ser ious injuries.
- For safety reasons , you should always
pa rk your vehicle w ith the selector lever
in P . Otherwise, the vehicle could inad
verten tly roll away .
- The radiator fan can continue to run fo r
up to 10 minutes even after you have
turned off the engine and removed the ignition key. The radiator fan can a lso
turn on again if the engine coo lant heats
up because of intense sunlight or heat
build-up in the engine compartment.
- Always take the key with you whenever
you leave your vehicle. Otherw ise, the
engine could be started or electrical
equ ipment such as the power windows
could be operated . This can lead to seri
ous injury.
- Never leave children or persons requiring
assistance unattended in the vehicle. The
doors can be locked using the remote
transmitter, preven ting people from es
caping from the veh icle on their own in
the event of an emergency. Depending
on the time of year, peop le inside the ve
hicle can be exposed to very high or very
low temperatures .
(D Note
If the . symbol i n the display or the
1111 (USA models) ;II (Canada models)
ind icator lig ht in the instrument cluster
flashes, there is a ma lfu nction in the brake
system. By press ing the
!SETI butto n, you
can br ing up a d river message which ex
plains the malfunction in more detail.
the dr iver message Parking brak e! ap
pea rs, there is an operating ma lfunction in
the parking brake which you should have
repaired immediately by an authorized
Audi dea ler or other q ualified workshop
¢page 15.
@ Tips
-You can apply the parking brake at any
time - even with the ignition switched
off . The ignit ion must be t urned on in or
der to release the parking brake.
- Occasiona l noises when the parking
brake is applied and re leased are norma l
and are not a cause for concern.
- When the vehicle is parked, the parking
brake goes through a se lf-test cycle at
regular intervals. Any assoc iated noises
are norma l.
P ar king
• Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle .
• Pull the button®¢
fig. 92 to set the park-
ing brake .
• Move the selecto r leve r to P .
• T urn the eng ine off¢ ,&..
In addition on inclines and grad es
• T urn the steer ing wheel so that your vehicle
will roll against the curb in case it should
sta rt to move .
-When you leave your veh icle -eve n if on
ly b rief ly - a lways remove the ign ition
key . This applies part icu larly when chil
dre n remain in the vehicle . Otherw ise the
On th e ro ad 81
children could start the eng ine, release
the park ing brake or operate electrical
equ ipment (e.g. power windows). There
is t he risk of an acc ident .
- When the veh icle is locked, no one -par
ticularly not children should rema in in
the vehicle. Locked doors make it more
difficult for emergency wo rke rs to get in
to the veh icle - putting lives at risk.
Starting from rest
The starting assist function ensures that the
parking brake is released automatically upon
starting .
Stopping and applying parking brake
• Pull the switch®¢ fig. 92 to app ly the
parking brake.
Sta rting and automatically rel easing the
parking brake
• When you start to drive as usual, the park
ing brake is automatically released and your
veh icle beg ins to move .
When stopping at a traffic signal or stopping in city traff ic on vehicles with an automatic
transmission, the parking brake can be ap plied . The vehicle does not have to be he ld
with the footbrake. The pa rking brake elimi
nates the tende ncy to creep w ith a dr ive range
engaged. As soon as yo u drive off as usu al,
t h e parking bra ke is re leased automatic ally
and the vehicle starts to move.
Starting on slopes
When starting on inclines, the sta rting assist
prevents t he vehi cle from u nintent ionally roll
ing back. The bra king force of the par kin g
brake is no t re leased unti l su ff ic ient d riving
f orce has been built up at the wheels.
(D Tips
F o r safety reaso ns, t he pa rking br ake is re
l eased automatic ally o nly when the d riv
e r's safety belt is engaged in the buckle .
86 Transmi ssion
multitronic ®, S tronic ®,
Appl ies to vehicles: with multitronic/5 tronic/tiptronic
The automatic transmission is controlled elec
tronically. The transmission ups hifts or down
shifts automatically depending on which drive program is se lected.
When a
moderate driving style is used, the
transmission se lects the most economical
driving mode. It wi ll then change up early and
de lay the downshifts to g ive better f uel econ
The transmission switches to a sporty mode after a k ick-down or when the dr iver uses a
sporty driv ing style characterized by qu ick ac
celerator peda l movements, heavy accelera
tion, frequent changes in speed and traveling
at the maximum speed .
If desired, the driver can a lso sel ect the gears
manually (tiptronic mode ) q page 86.
Various a utomatic transmissions may be in
stalled, depend ing on the mode l:
multitronic ® transmission
The mult it ron ic® transm ission is a co nti nuous
l y var iable transmission. Power is transferred
using a m ultidisk clutch. In contrast to con
ventiona l automatic transmissions using sh ift
ing operat ions, the transmission ratio in the
continuously variable transm ission is changed
continuously. This optimizes the comfort level
and conserves fuel.
S tronic ® transmission
The 5 tronic ® is a d ual-clutch transmission .
Power is transferred using two clutches that
work independently from one another. They
replace the to rque conve rter used in conven
tional automa tic transm iss ions and allow the
ve hicle to acc elerate without a noticeable in
ter ruption in traction.
tiptronic transmission
In the t ipt ro ni c transm iss ion, powe r is trans
f erred by a torque converter .
Selector lever positions
Applies to vehicles: with multitronic/5 tronic/tiptronic
i--...~~-----------..,.-~ -... N
" :ll
Fig. 96 Display in t he inst ru m ent cluster: selecto r lever
in pos ition P
The selector leve r pos ition engaged appea rs
next to the se lector lever as well as in the in
strument cluster d isp lay.
P -Park
In this se lector lever posi tion the transmis
sio n is mechanica lly loc ked. Engage P o nly
whe n the vehicle is
completely stopped q .&.
in Driving the automatic transmission on
To shift i n or out of posit ion P, yo u must first
press and ho ld the bra ke pedal and then press
the re lease b utton in the selector lever hand le
whi le movi ng the selector lever to or from P.
You can shift out of th is position only with the
ignition o n.
R - Reverse
Se lect R on ly when the vehicle is at a full stop
and the engine is running at idle speed q .&. in
Driving the automatic transmission on
Befo re you move the se lector lever to R, press
both the release button in the hand le of the
select or lever
and the brake peda l at the same
t ime .
When the ignition is on, the bac kup lights illu
minate when t he selector lever is moved into
R. 1111-
N -Neutral
The transmission is in neutra l in this position .
Shift to this posit ion for standing with the
brakes applied
~ &. in Driving the automatic
transmission on page 89.
When the veh icle is stationary or at speeds
below 1 mph (2 km/h) , you must always apply
the footbrake before and while moving the lever out of N.
DIS -Normal position for driving forward
In the D/S position, the transmission can be
operated e ither in the normal mode Dor in
the sport mode S . To select the sport mode S,
pu ll the se lector lever back briefly. Pulling the
lever back again will select the normal mode
D. The instrument cluster display shows the
selected driving mode .
In the
normal mode D, the transmission auto
matica lly selects the suitable gear ratio. It de
pends on engine load, vehicle speed and driv
ing style .
Select the
sport mode S for sporty driving .
The vehicle makes full use of the engine's
power . Shifting may become noticeable when
When the vehicle is stationary or at speeds be low 1 mph (2 km/h), you must always apply
the foot brake before and while moving the lever to D/S out of N .
Read and follow all WARNINGS 9 &. in
Driving the automatic transmission on
page 89.
(D Note
Coasting downhill with the transmission in
N and the engine not running will result in
damage to the automatic transmission
and possibly the catalytic converter .
(D Tips
-On vehicles with drive select*, you can
adjust the sporty shift characteristics in
Dynamic driving mode .Swill appear
Transmission 87
in the instrument cluster display instead
- If you accidentally select N whi le driving,
take your foot
off the accelerator pedal
immediately and wait for the engine to
slow down to idle before selecting D/S.
- If there is a power failure, the selector
lever will not move out of the P position .
The emergency release can be used if
this happens
9 page 92.
Automatic Shift Lock (ASL)
Applies to vehicles: with multitro nic/S tronic/t iptronic
The Automatic Shift Lock safeguards you
against accidentally shifting into a forward or the reverse gear and causing the vehicle to
move unintentionally.
Fig. 97 Shift gate: selecto r lever lock posit ions and re
lease b utto n highlighted
The selector lever lock is released as follows:
.,. Turn the ignition on.
.,. Step on the brake pedal.
At the same time
press and hold the re lease button on the
side of the gear selector knob
9 fig . 97 with
your thumb until you have moved the selec
tor lever to the desired position .
Automatic selector lever lock
The selector lever is locked in the P and N po
sitions when the ignition is turned on. You
must press the brake pedal and the release
button to select another position . As a re
minder to the driver, the following warning
appears in the instrument cluster display
when the selector is in P and N:
When stationary apply brake pedal while se-
lecting gear .,,_