Opening and closing
Power locking system
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all
doors and the rear lid simultaneously.
You can lock and unlock the vehicle centrally.
You have the following choices:
- Remote master key~
page 34,
-Door handles with convenience key*
O? page 35 ,
-Lock cylinder at the dr iver's door
r=> page 36 , or
- Power loc king switc h inside
<:!> page 35.
Automatic locking
The automat ic locking feature locks all the ve
hi cle doors and the rear lid when you drive
faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).
The car is unlocked again once the ignition key
is removed . In addition, the vehicle can be un
locked if the opening fu nction in the power
locking system sw itch or at one of the door
l eve rs is actuated. The Au to Lo ck function can
be turned o n and off in the rad io or
r=> page 36 .
Additionally, in the event of a c rash with air
bag deployment the doors are automatically
u nl ocked to a llow access to the veh icle.
Selective unlocking
When you lock the vehicle, the power locking
system w ill lock the doors and the rear lid.
W hen unlocking, you ca n set in the rad io or
M MI* whethe r
only the dr iver's door or the
enti re ve hicle should be unlocked
r=> page 3 6.
Anti -theft alarm warning system
If the a nti-theft alarm warning system de
tects a brea k-in into t he vehicle, acoust ic and
visua l wa rning sig na ls are triggered .
The an ti- theft warn ing system is act ivated au
tomatically when you lock the vehicle .
It is de
activated when u nlocking using the remote
Opening and clo sin g 31
key, w ith the mechan ica l key, and when you
switch on the ignition.
T he al arm a lso t urns off w hen t he a la rm cy cl e
has expired.
Turn signals
When you u nlock the ve hicle, the turn signals
flash twice, when yo u lock it once . If they do
not flash, one of the doo rs, the luggage com
partment lid or the hood is not lo cked or the
ignition is s till sw itched on.
Unint entionally locking yourself out
In the follow ing cases there safeg uards to
prevent you lock ing you r remote master key in
t h e ve hicl e:
- The vehicle does not loc k w ith the power
lock ing switc h
r=> page 35 if the drive r's
door is open .
- On veh icles with convenience key*, if the
most recently used master key is in the lug
gage compartment, the rear lid is a utomat i
cally u nlocked again after it is closed.
Do not lock your veh icle w ith the remote mas
te r key o r convenience key* unt il all doors a nd
the rear lid a re closed . In this way you avoid
l ocking yo urse lf o ut accidentally .
-When you leave the veh icle, alw ays re
move the ignition key an d take it with
you. This wi ll prevent passengers (chil
dren, for example) from acc identally be
ing locked in the vehicle should they acci
dentally press the power locking switch in the front doors .
- Do not leave ch ildren inside the vehicle
unsuperv ised. In an emergency it would
be imposs ible to open the doors from
the o utside w itho ut the key .
(D Tips
- In the event of a crash with airbag de
ployment all locked doors will be auto
matically unlocked to give access to the
v ehicle occupants from the outside.
36 Opening and clo sing
- You cannot open the doors or the rear lid
from the
outside (increased security, for ex
amp le when you are stopped at a red light).
- The diodes in the power locking switch illu
minate when all the doors are closed and
locked .
- You can unlock and open the doors from the
inside by pulling on the door hand le .
- If you have a crash and the airbag is activat
ed, the doors automatically un lock .
- The power locking switch works with the
ignition off and automatically locks the
entire vehicle when it is actuated .
- On a vehicle locked from the outs ide the
power locking system switch is inopera
t ive .
- locked doors make it more difficult for
emergency workers to get into the vehi
cle, which puts lives at risk . Do not leave
anyone beh ind in the veh icle, especially
(D Tips
Your vehicle is locked automatically at a speed of
9 mph (15 km/h) (Auto lock)
~ page 31. You can unlock the veh icle
again using the opening f unction in th e
power locking sys tem switch
Setting power locking
In the radio/MM!*, you can set which doors
the central locking system will unlock.
• Select : I CARI function button > C e ntral lock
ing .
• Se lect:
~IC_A_R~I funct ion button > Car s ys·
tem s*
control button > Vehicl e settings >
(Central lo cking )* .
Sing le door un locking /Unlock do ors* -
can specify which doors un lock when you open
the veh icle .
- Se lecting
off /All and pressing the I@ b utton
on the remote cont ro l key unlocks the entire
vehicle . -
on/Dri ver and pressing the~ but
ton on the remote control key once un locks
only the driver 's door. In vehicles w ith a con
ven ience key*, only the door whose handle
you pull will unlock. If you press the
@J but
ton tw ice, the entire vehicle will un lock .
you p ress the I@ b utton, t he ent ire ve hicle
w ill always lock.
Luggage comp. lock /Lock e xterior trunk han
dle -
If you select On, you can no longer ope n
t h e luggage compartment usi ng the rea r lid
hand le ~
fig . 25 . In this case, the rear lid can
be opened with the
l=I button on the master
k ey~
fig . 20.
Ton e when locking -if you select On, a tone
will sound when yo u lock the vehicle .
Auto Lock/Lock when dri ving -if you select
On, the entire vehicle w ill lock automatica lly
when the speed reaches
9 mph ( 1 5 km/h) .
Emergency locking
Fig. 23 D river 's doo r: lock cy linder
Fig. 24 Fro nt passenger 's doo r: emergency lock
If the central locking system malfunctions,
you must unlock/lock the doors separate ly us
i ng the emergency key or the mechanical key. .,.
Seats and storage
General recommen
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
The safety belts and the airbag system can
only provide maximum protection if the front
seats are correctly adjusted.
There are various ways of adjusting the front
seats to provide safe and comfortable support
for the driver and the front passenger. Adjust
your seat properly so that :
- you can easily and quick ly reach all the
switches and controls in the instrument
- your body is properly supported thus reduc ing physical stress and fatigue
- the safety belts and airbag system can offe r
maximum protection
¢ page 140.
I n the following sections, you will see exactly
how you can best adjust your seats .
There are special regulations and instructions
for installing a child safety seat on the front passenger's seat. Always follow the informa
tion regard ing child safety provided in
¢ page 161, Child Safety.
Refer to ¢ page 121, Driving Safely for
important information, tips, suggestions
and warnings that you should read and fol
low for your own safety and the safety of
your passengers.
Incorrect seating position of the driver and
all other passengers can result in serious
personal injury.
- Always keep your feet on the floor when
the vehicle is in motion -never put your
feet on top of the instrument panel, out of the w indow or on top of the seat cush
ion. This app lies especially to the passen-
S eat s an d sto rage 61
gers . If your seating position is incorrect,
you increase the risk of injury in the case
of sudden braking or an accident . If the
airbag inflates and the seating position
is incorrect, this cou ld result in pe rsonal
in jury or even death.
- It is important for both the driver and front passenger to keep a distance of at least 10 inches (25 cm) between them
selves and the steering wheel and/or in
s trumen t panel. If you're s itting any
closer than th is, the airbag system can
not protect you properly. In addition, the
front seats and head restraints m ust be
adj usted to your body height so that they
can give you max imum protect ion.
- Always try to keep as much distance as
possible between yourself and the steer
ing wheel or instrument panel.
- Do not adjust the driver's or front pas senger's seat whi le the vehicle is moving.
Your seat may move unexpectedly, caus
ing sudden loss of veh icle control and
pe rsonal injury. If you adjust you r seat
while the veh icle is moving, you are ou t
of po sit ion.
Driver's seat
The correct seat position is important for safe
and relaxed driving .
We recommend that you adjust the dr iver's
seat in the follow ing manner:
.., Adjust the seat in fore and aft direction so
that you can easily push the pedals to the
floor wh ile keeping your knees slightly bent
¢ .&, in Why is your seat adjustment so im
portant? on page 61 .
"" Adjust the seatback so that when you sit
w ith your back against the seatback , you can
s ti ll grasp the top of t he steering wheel.
... App lies to vehicles with adjustable head re
straints: Adjust the head restraint so the up
per edge is as even as possible wit h the top
of your head. If that is not possib le, try to
adjust the head restraint so that it is as .,.
62 Seats and storage
close to this position as possible
¢page 64.
Never place any objects in the driver's foot
well. An object could get into the pedal area and interfere with pedal function. In
case of sudden braking or an accident, you
would not be able to brake or accelerate .
Front passenger's seat
Always move the front passenger seat into
the rearmost position.
To avoid contact with the airbag while it is de
ploying, do not sit any closer to the instru
ment panel than necessary and always wear
the three-point safety belt provided adjusted correctly . We recommend that you adjust the
passenger's seat in the following manner:
• Bring the backrest up to an (almost) upright
position. Do not ride with the seat reclined.
• Applies to vehicles with adjustable head re
straints: Adjust the head restraint so the up
per edge is as even as possible with the top
of your head. If that is not possible, try to
adjust the head restraint so that it is as
close to this position as possible
¢ page 64.
• Place your feet on the floor in front of the
passenger's seat.
Front seats
Power seat adjustment
Applies to vehicles: with power adjustab le seats
Fig. 67 Front seats: power seat adjustment
@-Adjusting the lumbar support* : press the
button in the corresponding position ¢ .&, .
@ -Moving the seat up/down: press the but
ton up/down ¢ .&, .
@ -Moving the seat forward/back: press the
button forward/back¢ .&,.
©-Adjusting the backrest angle: press the
button forward/back¢ .&..
©-Raising/lowering * the head restraints:
press the button up/down¢.&. .
@ -Lengthening/shortening the upper thigh
support* : lift the handle. A spring moves the
front seat cushion forward ¢ .&. .
---Never adjust the driver's or front pas
senger's seat while the vehicle is moving.
If you do this while the vehicle is moving,
you will be out of position . Always adjust
the driver's or front passenger's seat
when the vehicle is not mov ing.
- Be careful when adjusting the seat
height. Check to see that no one is in the
way, or serious injury could result!
- Because the seats can be electrically ad
justed with the ignition off or with the
ignition key removed, never leave chil
dren unattended in the vehicle. Unsuper
vised use of the electric seat adjust
ments may cause serious injury.
- To reduce the risk of injury in the case of
sudden braking or accident, front pas
sengers must never ride in a moving ve
hicle with the backrest reclined. Safety
belts and the airbag system only offer maximum protection when the backrest
is upright and the safety belts are prop
erly positioned on the body. The more
the backrest is reclined, the greater the
risk of personal injury from an incorrect
seating position and improperly posi
tioned safety belts.
124 Driving Safely
-Passengers must always sit in an upright
position and never lean against or place
any part of their body too close to the
area where the airbags are located.
- Passengers who are unbelted, out of po
sition or too close to the airbag can be
seriously injured by an airbag as it un
folds with great force in the blink of an
- Always make sure that there are at least
10 inches (25 cm) between the front
passenger's breastbone and the instru
ment panel.
- Each passenger must always sit on a seat
of their own and properly fasten and
wear the safety belt belonging to that
- Before driving, always adjust the front
passenger seat and head restraint prop
- Always keep your feet on the floor in
front of the seat. Never rest them on the
seat, instrument panel, out of the win
dow, etc. The airbag system and safety
belt will not be able to protect you prop
erly and can even increase the risk of in
jury in a crash.
- Never drive with the backrest reclined or
tilted far back! The farther the backrests
are tilted back, the greater the risk of in
jury due to incorrect positioning of the
safety belt and improper seating posi
- Children must always ride in child safety
c::> page 161 . Special precautions
apply when installing a child safety seat
on the front passenger seat<=:>
page 140.
Proper seating positions for passengers
in rear seats
Rear seat passengers must sit upright with
both feet on the floor consistent with their
physical size and
be properly restrained
whenever the vehicle is in
To reduce the risk of injury caused by an incor
rect seating position in the event of a sudden
braking maneuver or an accident, your pas- sengers on the
rear bench seat must always
observe the following:
" Make sure that the seatback is securely
latched in the upright position<=:>
page 68.
" Keep both feet flat in the footwell in front
of the rear seat.
" Fasten and wear safety belts properly
page 135 .
" Make sure that children are always properly
restrained in a child restraint that is appro
priate for their size and age ¢
page 161.
Passengers who are improperly seated on
the rear seat can be seriously injured in a
- Each passenger must always sit on a seat
of their own and properly fasten and
wear the safety belt belonging to that
- Safety belts only offer maximum protec
tion when the seatback is securely latch
ed in the upright position and the safety
belts are properly positioned on the body. By not sitting upright, a rear seat
passenger increases the risk of personal
injury from improperly positioned safety
Proper adjustment of head restraints
App lies to vehicles: with adjustable head restraints
Correctly adjusted head restraints are an im
portant part of your vehicle's occupant re
straint system and can help to reduce the risk
of injuries in accident situations .
Fig. 133 Head restraint : viewed fro m the front
134 Safety belts
with the vehicle interior has all the energy
they had just before the crash.
Never rely on airbags alone for protection.
Even when they deploy, airbags provide only
additional protection. Airbags are not sup
posed to deploy in all kinds of accidents. Al
though your Audi is equipped with airbags, all
vehicle occupants, including the driver, must
wear safety belts correctly in order to mini
mize the risk of severe injury or death in a
Remember too, that airbags will deploy only
once and that your safety belts are always
there to offer protection in those accidents in
which airbags are not supposed to deploy or when they have already deployed . Unbelted
occupants can also be thrown out of the vehi
cle where even more severe or fatal injuries
can occur.
It is also important for the rear passengers to
wear safety belts correctly. Unbelted passen
gers in the rear seats endanger not only them
selves but also the driver and other passen
fig. 143. In a frontal collision they will
be thrown forward violently, where they can
hit and injure the driver and/or front seat pas
Safety belts protect
People think it's possible to use the hands to
brace the body in a minor collision. It's simply
not true!
Fig. 144 Driver is correctly restra ined in a sudden brak·
ing maneuve r
Safety belts used properly can make a big dif
ference . Safety belts help to keep passengers
in their seats, gradually reduce energy levels applied to the body in an accident, and help
the uncon trolled movement that can
ca use serious injuries. In addition, safety belts
reduce the danger of being thrown out of the
vehicle .
Safety belts attach passengers to the car and
give them the benefit of being slowed down
more gently or "softly" through the "give" in
the safety belts, crush zones and other safety
features engineered into today's vehicles. By
"abso rbing" the kinetic energy over a longer
period of time, the safety belts make the
forces on the body more "tolerable " and less
likely to cause injury .
Although these examples are based on a fron
tal collision, safety belts can also substantial ly reduce the risk of injury in other kinds of
crashes. So, whether you're on a long trip or
just going to the corner store, always buckle
up and make sure others do, too. Accident sta
tistics show that vehicle occupants properly
wearing safety belts have a lower risk of being
injured and a much better chance of surviving
an accident. Properly using safety belts also
greatly increases the ability of the supplemen
tal airbags to do their job in a collision. For
this reason, wearing a safety belt is legally re
quired in most countries including much of
the United States and Canada .
Although your Audi is equipped with airbags,
you still have to wear the safety belts provid
ed. Front airbags, for example, are activated
only in some frontal collisions. The front air
bags are not activated in all frontal collisions,
in side and rear collisions, in roll overs or in
cases where there is not eno ugh deceleration
through impact to the front of the vehicle.
The same goes for the other airbag systems in
your Audi. So, always wear your safety belt
and make sure everybody in your vehicle is
properly restrained!
140 Airbag sys tem
Airbag system
Important things to know
Importance of wearing safety belts and
sitting properly
Airbags are only supplemental restraints. For
airbags to do their job , occupants must al
ways properly wear their safety belts and be
in a proper seating position.
F or your safety and the safety of your passen
gers, before driving off, a lways:
• Adjust the dr iver's seat and steering wheel
properly ¢
page 122,
• Adjust the front passenger's seat properly
¢page 62,
• Wear safety be lts properly ¢ page 135,
• Always properly use the proper child re-
stra int to protect children ¢
page 161.
In a collision airbags must inflate within the
blink of an eye and with considerable force .
The supplementa l airbags can cause injuries if
the dr iver or the front seat passenger is not
seated properly . Therefore in order to he lp the
a irbag to do its job, it is important, both as a
d river and as a passenge r to sit properly at all
By keeping room between your body and the
steering wheel and the front of the passenger
compartment, the airbag ca n inflate fully and
comp letely and provide supp lemental p rotec
tion in ce rtain frontal collisions
¢ page 122,
Proper occupant seating positions .
For detai ls
on the operat ion of the seat adjustment con
trols ¢
page 62.
It's especially important that children a re
properly restrained ¢
page 161.
There is a lot that the driver and the passen
gers can and must do to help the individua l
safety features ins talled in your A udi work to
gether as a system.
Prope r seat ing pos ition is important so that
the front airbag on the driver s ide can do i ts
job. If yo u have a physical impa irment or con- dition that prevents you from sitting properly
on the driver seat with the safety belt properly
fastened and reaching the peda ls , spec ial
modifications to your vehicle may be necessa
Contact your a uthorized Audi dea ler, or call
Audi C ustomer Re lations at 1-800-822-2834 .
When the airbag system dep loys, a gas gener
ator will f ill the ai rbags, break open the pad
ded covers, and inf late between the steering
whee l and the dr iver and between the instru
ment pane l and the front passenger. The air
bags will deflate immediately after dep loy
ment so that the front occupants can see
th rough the w indshield aga in without inter
ruption .
All of th is take s place in the blink of an eye, so
fast that many people don't even realize that
the a irbags have dep loyed . The airbags also
inflate with a g reat dea l of force and nothing
shou ld be in their way when they deploy.
F ront a irbags in combination with properly
worn safety bel ts slow down and lim it the oc
c u pant's forward movement. Together they
help to prevent the drive r and front seat pas
senger from hitting parts of the inside the ve
hicle while reducing the forces acting on the
occupant dur ing the crash. In this way they
help to reduce the risk of injury to the head
and uppe r body i n the c rash . A irbags do not
protect the a rms or the lower parts of the
Both front a irbags w ill not i nflate in all fronta l
collisions . The t rigge ring of the a irbag system
depends on the vehicle dece lerat ion rate
c aused by the co llision and reg istered by the
elect ron ic cont ro l u nit. If t his rate is below
the re ference value programmed into the con
trol unit, the airbags will not be trigge red ,
even though the car may be bad ly damaged as
a res ult of the collision . Veh icle damage, re
pair costs or even the lack of veh icle damage
is no t necessarily an indication of whether an
airbag should inflate or not .
It is not possib le to define a range of vehicle
speeds that w ill cover every possib le kind and .,.
angle of impact that will always trigger the
airbags, since the circumstances will vary con
siderably between one collision and another.
Important factors include, for example, the nature (hard or soft) of the object which the
car hits, the angle of impact, vehicle speed,
etc. The front airbags will also not inflate in
side or rear collisions, or in ro ll-overs .
Alwa ys rem ember : Airbags will deploy only
once, and only in certa in kinds of collisions .
Your safety belts are always there to offer pro
tection in those s ituations in which airbags
are not supposed to deploy , or when they have
a lready deployed ; fo r example , when yo ur ve
h icle strikes or is struck by another after the
first collision .
This is just one of the reasons why an a irbag is
a supplementary restra int and is not a s ubst i
tute for a safety belt . The airbag system
works most effectively when used with the
safety belts. Therefore, always properly wear
your safety belts
¢ page 132.
Sitting too close to the steer ing wheel or
instrument panel will decrease the effec
tiveness of the airbags and will increase
the risk of pe rsonal injury in a co llision .
- Never sit closer than
10 inches (25 cm)
to the stee ring wheel or instrument pan
- If you cannot sit more than
10 i nches
(25 cm) from the steer ing whee l, investi
gate whether adaptive equipment may
be available to help you reach the pedals
and increase your seating dis tance from
the steering wheel.
- If you are unrestrained, lean ing fo rward,
sitting sideways or out of position in any
way, yo ur risk of inj ury is much highe r.
- You w il l also receive serio us inju ries and
cou ld even be killed if you are up against
the airbag or too close to it when it in
flates -even with an Advanced Airbag.
- To reduce the r isk o f injury when an air
bag inflates, a lways wear safety belts
proper ly ¢
page 135, Safety belts .
Airbag system 141
-Always make certain that chi ld ren age 12
or younger a lways ride in the rear seat. If
children are not properly restrained, they may be severe ly inju red or killed when an
airbag inf lates .
- Never let ch ildren ride unrestra ined or
improperly restrained in the vehicle . Ad
just the front seats prope rly.
- Never ride with the backrest reclined.
- Always sit as far as possible from the
steer ing whee l or the instrument pane l
¢page 122.
-Always sit upright with your back against
the backrest of your seat.
- Never p lace your feet on the instrument
panel or on the seat. Always keep both
feet on the f loor in front of the seat to
he lp prevent serio us in juries to the legs
a nd h ips if the airbag inflates.
- Never recline the front passenger 's seat
to tra nsport objects. Items can a lso
move i nto the area of the s ide a irbag or
the front a irbag du ring bra king or in a
sud den maneuve r. Obje cts ne ar the air
bags can become projectiles and cause
injury when an airbag inflates.
A irbags that have de ployed in a crash must
be replaced.
- Use on ly original equipment airbags ap
proved by Audi and installed by a trai ned
technician who has the necessary too ls
and d iagnost ic equipment to properly re
place any airbag in your vehicle and as
sure system effectiveness in a crash .
- Never perm it salvaged or recycled air
bags to be installed in your vehicle .
Child restraints on the front seat - some
important things to know
.,. Be su re to read t he important information
and head the WARNINGS fo r important de
tails about children and Advanced Airbags
¢ page 161. ..,.