252 What do I do now?
down on the end of the wheel bolt
wrench with
one foot only . As you do so,
hold on to the car to keep your balance
and take care not to slip.
Raising the vehicle
The vehicle must be li~ed with the jack first
before the wheel can be removed.
Fig. 193 Sill panels: mark ings
Fig. 194 Sill: posit ion ing t he veh icle jack
The location of the jack point is indicated by
an indentat io n on the underside of the vehicle
~fig.193 .
• Activate the parking brake to prevent the
vehicle from rolling unintentionally.
• Move the
selector lever to position P.
• Find the marking (imprint) on the sill that
is nearest the wheel that will be changed
¢ fig. 193. Behind the marking, there is a
lifting point on the sill for the vehicle jack.
• Turn the
vehicle jack located under the lift
ing point on the si ll to raise the jack until
the jaw
Q fig . 194 @ covers the notch on
the vehicle¢ &¢(D .
• Align the vehicle jack so the jaw@ covers
the notch and the base p late @ is flat on
the floor . The base plate@ must be
under the lifting point @. •
Insta ll the rod on the vehicle jack: Insert
the rod into the opening on the handwheel.
Turn the rod left or r ight to secure it.
• Continue raising the jack with the rod unti l
the wheel lifts off the ground slightly.
Position the vehicle jack
only under the desig
nated lifting points on the si ll
¢fig. 193.
There is exactly one location for each wheel.
The jack must not be positioned at any other location ¢ ,& ¢Ci) .
Soft ground under the jack can cause the ve
hicle to slip off the jack. Always place the jack
on firm ground. Use a flat, stable support if
necessary. Use a non -slip surface such as a
rubber mat on a
slippery surface such as tile .
-You or your passengers could be inju red
while changing a wheel if you do not fo l
low these safety precautions:
- Position the vehicle jack on ly at the
designated lifting points and align the
jack. Otherw ise, the vehicle jack could
slip and cause an injury if it does not
have sufficient hold on the vehicle.
-A soft or unstable surface under the jack may cause the vehicle to slip off
the jack. Always provide a firm base for
the jack on the ground. If ne cessa ry,
us e a sturdy board under the jack.
- On hard, slippery su rface (such as tiles)
u se a rubber mat or similar to prevent
the jack from slipping.
- To help prevent injury to yourself and
your passengers:
- Do not raise the vehicle until you are
sure the jack is securely engaged.
- Passengers must not remain in the ve
hicle when it is jacked up.
- Make sure that passengers wait in a
safe place away from the veh icle and
well away from t he road and traffic.
- Make sure jack position is correct, ad
ju st as necessary and then continue to
raise the jack. .,_
CD Note
Do not lift the vehicle by the sill. Position
the vehicle jack only at the designated lift
ing points on the sill. Otherwise , your vehi
cle will be damaged.
Taking the wheel off/installing the spare
Follow these instructions step -by -step for
changing the wheel.
Fig . 195 Ch ang ing a w hee l: us ing the sc rewdriver han
d le (with the blade removed) to turn t he bo lts
Fig . 196 Ch ang ing a w hee l: al ig nme nt pin inside t he
top hole
After you have loosened a ll wheel bolts and
ra ised the veh icle off the ground, remove and
replace the wheel as follows:
R emoving th e wheel
.. Remove the topmost wheel bo lt completely
with the
he xagonal sock et in the screwdriv
er handle (vehicle tool kit)
¢ fig. 195 and
set it as ide on a
clean surface.
.. Screw the threaded end of the
alig nm ent
pin from the tool kit hand -tight into the
empty bolt hole
¢ fig . 196.
.. Then remove the other wheel bo lts as de
scribed above.
What do I d o now ? 253
.. Take off the wheel leaving the alignment
pin in the bolt hole ¢(D.
Putting on th e spar e tire
.. Push the spare tire over the alignment p in.
.. Sc rew on the wheel bo lts and tighten them
slightly us ing the hexagonal socket .
.. Remove the alignment pin and insert and
tighten the rema ining wheel bolt slightly
like the rest.
.. Turn the jack hand le counter-clockwise to
lower the veh icle until the jack is fully re
leased .
.. Use the wheel bolt wrench to tighten all
wheel bo lts firm ly
¢page 251. Tighten
in a crisscross pattern, from one bolt
to the (approximately) opposite one, to keep
the wheel centered .
.. Perform the steps required after changing
the whee l¢
page 250, After changing o
T he hexagonal socket makes it easier to re
move t he wheel bolts from the rim . Care
shou ld be taken when removing the reversib le
blade .
CD Note
When removin g or i nstalling the whee l,
the r im cou ld hit the brake rotor and dam
age the rotor. Work carefully and have a
second person to help you.
{l) Tips
- When mounting tires with unidirection al
tread de sign
make sure the tread pat
tern is po inted the right way
¢ page 254.
-The wheel bolts shou ld be clean and easy
to turn. Check for dirt and corrosion on
the mating surfaces of both the wheel
and the hub . Remove all d irt from these
surfaces befo re remounting the whee l.
- Do not use the hexagonal socket in the
sc rewd river handle to loosen or t ighten
t he whee l bolts .
Loading the vehicle onto a flat bed truck
Fig. 206 Ve hicle on fla t bed tr uck
Front hook up
.. Align the ve hicle wi th the centerline of the
car car rier ramp.
.. Attach the winch hook to the front towline
eye previously installed .
Rear hook up
.. Align the vehicle with the centerline of the
car carri er ramp.
.. Attach the winch hook to the rear towline
eye prev iously ins talled .
(D} Tips
Check carefully to make sure the hook- up
is secure before moving the car up the flat
bed truck ramp .
Lifting vehicle
Lifting with workshop hoist and with
floor jack
The vehicle may only be li~ed at the lifting
points illustrated .
Fig. 2 07 Fro nt l ift ing po int
Emergenc y situ ation s 263
Fig. 208 Rea r liftin g po int
.,. Read and heed WARNING c::> .&, .
.,. Locate lifting points c::> fig . 207 and
c:>fig. 208 .
.,. Adjust lifting arms of workshop hoist o r
floor jack to ma tch veh icle lifting points.
.. Insert a rubbe r pad between the floo r jack/
workshop hoist and the lift ing points.
If y ou mu st lift your veh icle with a fl oor jack
to w ork und erneath , be sure the vehicle is
safel y supported on stand s intended for thi s
purpo se .
Front lifting point
T he lifti ng po int i s loca ted o n the floo r pan re
i nforcemen t abo ut a t the same level a s the
jack mounting point
c:> fig. 207. Do not lift
the vehicle at the vertic al sill reinforcement.
Rear lifting point
T he lifting point is located o n the vert ica l rein
f o rcement of the lower s ill for the on board
c::> fig. 208 .
Lifting with vehicle jack
Refer to ¢page 252 .
-To reduce the risk of ser ious injury and
veh icle damage.
- Always lift the vehicle only at the spe
cia l workshop hoist and floor jack lift
points illustrated
c:> fig. 207 and
c:> fig. 208.
- Fail ure to lift the veh icle at these
po ints could cause the vehicle to tilt or ..,.
264 Emergency situations
fall from a lift if there is a change in ve
hicle weight distribution and balance.
This might happen, for example, when
heavy components such as the engine
block or transmission are removed .
- When removing heavy components like
these, anchor vehicle to hoist or add cor
responding weights to maintain the cen
ter of gravity. Otherwise, the vehicle
might tilt or slip off the hoist, causing
serious personal injury.
(D Note
- Be aware of the following points before
lifting the vehicle:
-The vehicle should never be lifted or
jacked up from underneath the engine
oil pan, the transmission housing, the
front or rear axle or the body side
members. This could lead to serious
- To avoid damage to the underbody or
chassis frame, a rubber pad must be
inserted between the floor jack and
the lift points.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
check that the vehicle weight does not
exceed the permissible lifting capacity
of the hoist.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist,
ensure that there is sufficient clear
ance between the hoist and low parts
of the vehicle.