110 Park assist
Park assist
Parking system
Applies to vehicles: with pa rking system
Different park assist systems may be used for
parking or maneuvering, depending on the
vehicle's features.
Parking system (rear)*:
For the parking system (rear), the acoustic
park assist system is installed in the rear of
the vehicle
¢ page 110.
The rear parking assist system uses ultrason ic
sensors to determine the distance of the vehi
cle from a detected obstacle. There are a total
of four sensors located on the rear bumper
(two in the middle and two on the sides).
Parking system (rear, with rear view
For the parking system (rear, with rear view
the rear acoustic park assist system
is integrated in the rear of the vehicle and the
rear view camera is integrated in the rear lid
¢page 113.
The parking system (rear, with rear view cam
uses ultrasonic sensors to determine the
distance of the vehicle from a detected obsta
cle . There are a total of four sensors located
on the rear bumper (two in the middle and
two on the sides).
Parking system (rear)
Rear acoustic park assist
App lies to vehicles: with parking system (rear)
The rear acoustic park assist warns you of ob
stacles or objects behind your car.
The rear acoustic parking ass ist system deter
mines the distance of the vehicle from an ob
stacle using ultrasonic sensors. There are 4
sensors in the rear bumper.
The range at which the senso rs start to meas
ure is
about :
To the side 2 ft (0.60 m)
Center rear 5.2 ft (1.60 m)
Acoustic parking assist is activated automati
ca lly when
reverse gear is engaged. A brief
tone confirms that the system is activated.
Warning tones
Distance warning is given by warn ing tones
which are generated by the rear signal genera
tor. The volume and the pitch of the warning
tones can be adjusted in the MMI*
¢page 111.
Distance warning when reversing starts when
an obstacle is detected in the range of the
parking assist system . As the distance de
creases, the time interval between the audible
tones becomes shorter.
When the distance is less than 1ft (0.30 m),
the tone becomes continuous. At this point
you should stop backing up .
Please note that low objects already signalled
by a warning can disappear from the system's
detection range and will not continue to be
signalled .
If the distance to an obstacle remains the
same, the volume of the distance warning is
gradua lly reduced after about 4 seconds (this
does not apply in the continous tone range).
Approaching another obstacle will resu lt in
the distance warning sounding at the normal
volume again.
Malfunctions in the system
If a warning tone is audible for about five sec
onds when you turn on the ignition , there is a
malfunction in the system. Have the problem
corrected by your authorized Audi dealer.
Keep the sensors in the rear bumper clean and
free from ice so that the acoustic park assist
system can function properly.
-Sensors have dead spaces in which ob
jects cannot be detected. Be especially
alert for small children and animals,
since they are not always detected by the
- The acoustic park ing system is not a sub
st itute for the driver 's own caution and
alertness. Ultimate responsibi lity always
remains with the driver during parking
and simi lar maneuvers . Always watch
where you are driving.
- You should always adjust the volume and
frequency of the warning tones so that
yo u can easily hear the acoustic distance
warning even if the radio is p laying, the
air-cond itioner blower is on High or there
is a high level of outside noise .
- Check the settings whenever anyone
else has driven the vehicle before you.
(D Note
-Remember that low obstacles for which
a warn ing has already been issued may
"dive" below the system's sensing zone if
the vehicle is being backed up closer. In
this case, the warning sound shutting off
not in dicate that you have cleared
the obstacle . Instead, impact is immi
- Objects such as trailer hitches, chains,
narrow posts or fences covered by a th in
l ayer of paint may not always be detect
ed by the system. They can still damage
your vehicle without warning .
@ Tips
Keep the sensors in the rear bumper clean
and free of snow and ice so that the acous
tic parking assist system can function
Park assist 111
Adjusting the warning tones
Applies to vehicles: with parking system (rear)
The warning tones can be adjusted in the
.. Select: I CAR ! function button > Parking sys
tem .
.. Select:
I CAR I function button > Car sys
tems *
control button > Driver assist > Park
ing aid .
- Rear volume -
rear sensor volume
-Rear frequency -rear sensor frequency
-Music volume while parking -when the
parking system is switched on, the volume
of the active audio source is lowered.
The newly ad justed value is briefly heard from
the signal generator. The settings are auto
matically stored and assigned to the master
key with remote control.
Parking system (rear,
with rear view camera)
Applies to vehicles: with parking system (rear, with rear
v iew camera}
Fig. 121 Parking mode 1: reve rse park ing
Fig. 122 Park ing mode 2: parallel parking
112 Park assist
Vehicles with the parking system are equipped
with a rear view camera in addition to the
acoustic parking system.
You can choose between two modes to assist
you with parking. For example, you can use
"parking mode 1" when parking in a parking
space or garage
c;;, fig . 121. When you want to
park parallel to the edge of the street, select
"parking mode 2" ¢fig .
The rear acoustic park assist system is inte
grated in the rear of the vehicle and the rear
view camera is integrated in the rear lid
c;;, page 113.
- T he rear view camera has blind spots, in
wh ich objects cannot be detected . Be es
pecially careful to check for small chil
dren and animals before backing up.
Small children and animals will not al
ways be detected by the sensors.
General Information
Applies to vehicles: with parking system (rear, with rear
view camera)
Fig. 123 Cove red area (!) and uncovered area @ of the
rea r view came ra
F ig. 124 Trun k lid : Location of the rear view camera
Sensors in the bumper
Sensors are loca ted in the rear bumpers. If
these detect an obstacle, audible and visual
signals warn you. The range at which the sen
sors begin to measure is approx imately:
To the side 2
ft (0.60 m)
Center rear 5.2 ft (1.60 m)
Distance warning when reversing starts when
an obstacle is detected in the range of the parking assist system . As the distance de
creases, the time interval between the audible
tones becomes shorter.
When the distance is less than 1ft (0.30 m),
the tone becomes continuous. At this point
you should stop backing up.
If the distance to an obstacle stays the same,
the volume of the distance signal chime is
gradually reduced after about 4 seconds (does
not affect the contin uous signa l tone) . Ap
proaching another obstacle will cause the dis
tance signal to sound again at the normal vol
Rear view camera coverage area
The MMI display shows the area covered by
the rear view camera
c:> fig. 123 (D . Objects
that are not in the area covered @are not
shown on the MMI display .
We recommend that you practice parking with
the rear view camera in a traffic-free location
or parking lot to become familiar with the sys
tem, the orientation lines, and the ir function.
When doing this, there should be good light
and weathe r cond itions.
In the MMI display, objects or vehicles appear
closer or further away if:
- you are driving in reverse gear from a leve l
surface onto an incline, or a downward
- you are driving in reverse gear toward pro
trud ing objects,
- the vehicle is carrying too much load in the
114 Park assist
@ Tips
-The rear view camera picture is available
as soon as the MMI Display or the MMI is
switched on, or the start-up phase is
- Keep the sensors in the rear bumper and
the rear view camera lens clean and free
of snow and ice, so that the parking sys
tem can work properly. Please follow the
additional notes on
~page 116.
Reverse Park ing
Appl ies to vehicles: with parking system (rear, wit h rear
view came ra)
Parking mode 1 can be used when parking in
a garage or parking space.
Fig. 125 MMI Display : Aiming at a parking spot
Fig. 126 MMI Display: Alig ning the vehicle
"' Switch the MMI on and select the reverse
"' Turn the steering wheel until the orange
orientation lines
(D appear in the parking
spot ¢
fig. 125 . Use the markings @to help
you estimate the distance from an obstacle .
Each marking corresponds to 3
ft (1 m) . The
blue area represents an extension of the ve- hicle's outline by approximately
ft (5 m)
to the rear.
"' While driving in reverse gear, adjust the
steering wheel angle to fit the parking space
with the aid of the orange orientation lines
¢ 0 . @ marks the rear bumper . You should
stop driving in reverse as soon as and no lat
er than when the red orientation line©
abuts an object¢_&. !
-The rear view camera does not show the
entire area behind the vehicle
¢ fig. 123.
Watch out especially for small children
and animals. The rear view camera can
not always detect them, posing risk of an
- Please note that objects not touching the
ground can appear to be further away
than they really are (for example, the
bumper of a parked vehicle, a trailer
hitch, or the rear of a truck). In this case,
you should not use the help lines to help
with parking, which poses danger of an
(D Note
- Low obstacles already signaled by a
warning can disappear from the system's detection range as they are approached
and will not continue to be signaled. Ob
jects such as barrier chains, trailer draw
bars, thin painted vertical poles or fen
ces may not be detected by the system,
posing risk of damage.
- In the MMI display, the direction of trav
el of the vehicle rear is represented de
pending on the steering wheel angle.
The vehicle front swings out more than
the vehicle rear . Maintain plenty of dis
tance from an obstacle so that your out side mirror or a corner of your vehicle
does not collide with any obstacles -dan
ger of accident!
116 Park assist
In the MMI display, the direction of travel
of the vehicle rear is represented depending on the steering wheel angle. The vehi
cle front swings out more than the vehicle
rear. Maintain plenty of distance from an
obstacle so that your outside mirror or a
corner of your vehicle does not collide with
any obstacles -danger of accident!
@ Tips
The left or right orientation lines and sur
faces will be displayed, depending on the turn signal being used.
Adjusting the display and warning tones
Applies to vehicles: with parking system (rear, with rear
view camera)
The display and warning tones are adjusted in
the radio or MM!*.
"' Select: I CARI function button > Parking sys·
"' Select: ~I C~A~RI function button > Car sys
control button > Driver assist > Park·
ing aid.
- Off -when the parking system is switched
off, only audible signals are given.
- On -when the parking system is switched
on, the picture from the rear view camera is
Warning tones
- Rear volume -
rear sensor volume
-Rear frequency -rear sensor frequency
-Music volume while parking -when the
parking system is switched on, the volume
of the active audio source is lowered.
The newly adjusted value is briefly heard from
the signal generator. The settings are auto
matically stored and assigned to the remote
control key.
- Always make sure that the volume and
frequency of the warning tones is adjust
ed so that you can easily hear the acous
tic distance signal even if the radio is
playing, the air-conditioner blower is on
High or there is a high level of outside
- Check the settings whenever someone
else has driven the vehicle before you.
@ Tips
- The warning tones can also be adjusted
directly from the rear view camera im
age. Simply press the Settings* control
- Changed settings are activated when
parking assist is switched on again.
Error messages
Applies to vehicles: with parking system (rear, with rear
view camera)
If a warning tone is audible for about five sec
onds when you turn on the ignition, there is a
malfunction in the system. Have the problem
corrected by your authorized Audi dealer.
Keep the sensors in the rear bumper clean and
free from ice so that the acoustic park assist system can function properly.
198 Cleaning and protection
Chamois are not suitable for drying the top .
Neve r use gasoline, spot remover, benzene,
pa int thinner o r so lvents to remove spots. We
recommend that you only use cleaners espe
cially formu lated for use on convertible tops,
and that you follow the produce use directions
caref ully. Authorized Audi deals can provide
deta iled information.
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
the information on
¢ page 194.
@ Note
Never use a high-pressure power washer to
clean the power top.
Wind deflector
App lies to vehicles: with wind def lector
Clear the wind deflector with water or, if it is
heav ily soiled, a chemically neutral cleaning
solut ion .
Always read and heed a ll WARNINGS and
the information on¢
page 194.
Sensors and camera lenses
-Remove snow with a hand brush and remove
ice with a de-icing spray that does not con
tain solvents .
- Clean the sensors (adapt ive cruise control*,
parking system*) with a cleaning solution
that does not conta in solvents and a soft
cloth .
@ Note
- If you wash you r vehicle with a pressu re
- make sure there is enough distance to
sensors in the rear bumper .
- do not clean the camera lenses and the
area around them with the pressure
washer . - Never use warm or hot wate
r to remove
snow or ice from the camera lens . This
cou ld cause the lens to crack.
- Never clean the camera lens with abra
sive products.
Waxing and Polishing
W axin g
A good wax coating protects the vehicle paint
to a large extent against the environmental
factors listed under¢
page 194, Washing and
even against slight scratches.
You can use a liquid car wax to protect your
paint as soon as one week after your vehicle
has been delivered.
Even if you regularly use a
w axin g process in
automatic car washes, we recommend that
you manually apply a coat of wax to give the
paint extra protection, part icularly if water no
longer beads on the clean paint .
Protect plastic body parts with car wax in the
same way as the vehicle
During warm weather dead insects tend to
collect on the front bumper and on the for
ward area of the hood . They are much easier
to remove from pa int that is waxed
Polish yo ur vehicle only if the paint has lost its
shine and the gloss cannot be brought back
with wax .
If the polish used does not conta in preserva
tive compounds, the paint must be waxed af
A lways read and heed all WARNINGS and
other information ¢
page 194.
(D Note
Do not use car wax on
- matte o r anodized meta l trim
- rubber or rubber-like t rim .
Lumbar support . ... .... ... .. .. .. .... 62
Maintenance . ............. .... .. ... 269
Malfunct ion Indicator Lamp (MIL) . . 21, 29
M atte finish pa int .. ..... ... .. .. .. .. . 197
M echanical key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2, 33
Memory function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Mi leage
Average .... .. .... .... ... .. .. .. .... 25
Instantaneous . ... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. 25
Mir rors
Ad justing the exte rior m irrors . .. .. .. .. 55
Compass ... .. .. ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. 59
dimming ... .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .... 56
Vanity mirrors . ... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. 57
M oni tor ing the Advanced Airbag System 15 1
multitronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Automatic Sh ift Lock (ASL) . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Dnvmg .. ...................... ... 88
Eme rgency mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
M anual s hift program ............... 90
Selecto r leve r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Natural leather ................... .. 203
New tires and wheels ................ 238
Contac ting ... ... ..... ... .. .. .. ... 129
Number of seats ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. . 132
Occupa nt seating positions ...... .. .. . 122
Octane rating . ... ...... ... .. .. .. ... 207
Odom eter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
OFF (automatic climate contro l) . . . . . . . . 71
O il
refer to Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . 214, 2 17
O il consumption ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. . 217
On-Board Diagnostic System (OBD) Data L ink Connector (DLC) ............ 29
Elect ronic speed lim iter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Malfunct io n Indicator lamp (MIL) ..... 29
Open door or front lid warning . . . . . . . . . 24
Inde x 281
Open ing
Power windows .. .. . ... ...... ... .. . 39
Open ing/closing
at the lock cy linder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
by remo te control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
with the centra l locking sw itch ... .. .. . 3S
with the convenience key ..... ... .. .. . 3S
Operate your vehicle economically and
min imize poll ution ..... ............. 189
Optional equipment Marked w ith an aster isk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Other equipment (efficiency program)
Outs ide mirro rs 27
refer to E
xte rior mi rrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS
Outs ide temperature disp lay . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Owner's manual How the Owner's Manual is organized ... 6
To uch -up . ... .... .. . .. .. ..... ... .. 199
Pa int No .... .. .. .. .. .. ........... .. 265
Park assist ... ... .. .. . .............. 110
Parking . ... .. .... .. . .. .. ..... ... .. . 81
Automatic transmission ..... ... .. .. . 88
Valet parking .. .. .. . ... ...... ... .. . 40
Pa rking bra ke . .. .. .... ............. . 80
also refer to Elec tromech anica l par king
brake ... .. .. .... .. . .. .. ..... ... .. . 80
Parking system .. ... ........... .... . 110
Cleaning sensors/camera ........... 198
Rea r ..... .. .. .. ... ............ .. 110
Re ar, wi th rear view camera .......... 111
Parking system (rear) .. .. .... ...... .. 110
Adjusting the warning tones ......... 111
Pa rking system (rea r, with rear view cam-
era) Parking mode 1 ...... ............. 114
Pa rkingmode2 .. .. . .. .... ...... .. 115
Safety precautions .. .............. . 112
Switching on/off ............. .... . 113
Swi tching rear view camera on/off .. .. 116
Parts replacement . ................. 271
PASS ENGER A IR BAG OFF light . ... .. .. 151
Passive safety system ........... .... . 121
Pedals ..... .. .. .. ................. 126