keys. Unguarded access to the keys pro
vides children the opportunity to start
the engine and/or activate veh icle sys
tems such as the power windows etc. Un supervised operation of any vehicle sys
tem by ch ildren can result in serious in
- Do not remove the key from the ignition
lock until the vehicle has come to a com
plete stop. Otherw ise the steering col
umn lock cou ld suddenly engage -caus
ing the risk of an accident.
(D Tips
- The operation of the remote contro l key
can be temporarily disrupted by interfer
ence from transmit ters in the vici nity of
the vehicle working in the same frequen
cy range (e .g . a ce ll phone, radio equip
- Fo r security reasons, replacement keys
are on ly available from Audi dea lers .
- For Decla rat ion of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
~page 272.
Removing the mechanical key
0 ....
9 r
. ~
Fi g. 18 Remote master key: remov ing the mechanical
.,. Press the release button@r=:>fig. 18.
.,. Pull the mechan ical key ® out of the mas
ter key.
Using the mechan ical key, you can:
- lock and unlock* the glove compartment on
t h e passenger's sider::;,
page 67.
Op enin g an d clos ing 33
- lock and unlock the vehicle manually
r::;, page 36 if this should not be possible
w ith the master key.
- use the ignition key emergency release
r::;, page 34.
Check light and battery in the master
Fig . 1 9 Remote master key: removing the battery hold
Check li ght in the mast er key
The check light @r=:>
fig. 19 in the master key
provides information about different condi
.,. The check light turns on briefly once when a
button is pressed, and during an "inquiry"
by the convenience key system.
.,. If the check light does not come on, the
battery is dead a nd has to be replaced. In
add it ion, when the battery is dead
the m
indicator light appea rs in the instrument
cluste r display as we ll as the message
Please cha nge key batte ry .
Ma ster key battery replacement
.,. Remove the mechanica l key
r::;, page 33 .
.,. Press the release button @ r::;, fig. 19on the
bat tery ho lder and a t the same time pull the
battery ho lder out of the master key in the
direction of the arrow .
.,. Insta ll the new battery CR 2032 with the
" + " sign facing down .
.,. Push the battery holder carefully into the
master key.
.,. Install the mechanical key .
36 Opening and clo sing
- You cannot open the doors or the rear lid
from the
outside (increased security, for ex
amp le when you are stopped at a red light).
- The diodes in the power locking switch illu
minate when all the doors are closed and
locked .
- You can unlock and open the doors from the
inside by pulling on the door hand le .
- If you have a crash and the airbag is activat
ed, the doors automatically un lock .
- The power locking switch works with the
ignition off and automatically locks the
entire vehicle when it is actuated .
- On a vehicle locked from the outs ide the
power locking system switch is inopera
t ive .
- locked doors make it more difficult for
emergency workers to get into the vehi
cle, which puts lives at risk . Do not leave
anyone beh ind in the veh icle, especially
(D Tips
Your vehicle is locked automatically at a speed of
9 mph (15 km/h) (Auto lock)
~ page 31. You can unlock the veh icle
again using the opening f unction in th e
power locking sys tem switch
Setting power locking
In the radio/MM!*, you can set which doors
the central locking system will unlock.
• Select : I CARI function button > C e ntral lock
ing .
• Se lect:
~IC_A_R~I funct ion button > Car s ys·
tem s*
control button > Vehicl e settings >
(Central lo cking )* .
Sing le door un locking /Unlock do ors* -
can specify which doors un lock when you open
the veh icle .
- Se lecting
off /All and pressing the I@ b utton
on the remote cont ro l key unlocks the entire
vehicle . -
on/Dri ver and pressing the~ but
ton on the remote control key once un locks
only the driver 's door. In vehicles w ith a con
ven ience key*, only the door whose handle
you pull will unlock. If you press the
@J but
ton tw ice, the entire vehicle will un lock .
you p ress the I@ b utton, t he ent ire ve hicle
w ill always lock.
Luggage comp. lock /Lock e xterior trunk han
dle -
If you select On, you can no longer ope n
t h e luggage compartment usi ng the rea r lid
hand le ~
fig . 25 . In this case, the rear lid can
be opened with the
l=I button on the master
k ey~
fig . 20.
Ton e when locking -if you select On, a tone
will sound when yo u lock the vehicle .
Auto Lock/Lock when dri ving -if you select
On, the entire vehicle w ill lock automatica lly
when the speed reaches
9 mph ( 1 5 km/h) .
Emergency locking
Fig. 23 D river 's doo r: lock cy linder
Fig. 24 Fro nt passenger 's doo r: emergency lock
If the central locking system malfunctions,
you must unlock/lock the doors separate ly us
i ng the emergency key or the mechanical key. .,.
38 Openin g and clo sing
Opening th e re ar lid
.,. Press the button cs on the remote cont ro l
master key for at least one second. The rear
lid unlocks and opens slightly . Or
.,. Press the handle on the rear lid
r=;,fig. 25.
Closing th e re ar lid
.,. Pu ll t he rear lid down at the grip on the in
side and allow it to drop gently to close it
¢ ,& .
-After closing the rear lid, always pull up
on it to make sure that it is properly
closed. Otherwise it could open suddenly
when the vehicle is moving.
- To help prevent po isonous exhaust gas
from being drawn into the veh icle, al
ways keep the rear lid closed while driv
ing. Never transport objects larger than
those which fit comp letely into the lug
gage area, because then the rear lid can
no t be fu Uy closed .
- Never leave you r vehicle unattended es
pecially with the rea r lid left ope n. A
child could crawl into the car through the
l u ggage compartment and pull the lid
shut, becoming trapped and unab le to
get out. To reduce the risk of persona l in
jury, never let children play in or around your vehicle . A lways keep the rear lid as
well as the vehicle doors closed when not in use.
- Always ensure that no one is w ith in
range of the rear lid whe n it is mov ing, in
part icu lar close to the h inges - fingers or
hands can be pinched .
@ Tips
When the vehicle is locked , the rear lid can
be opened separately by pressing the but
cs on the maste r key . When you close
the r ear lid agai n, it locks automatically .
Emergency unlocking of the luggage
compartment lid
There is an emergency release for the rear lid .
F ig . 26 Re ar lid: Lo ck cy linder
.,. Remove the mechanical key r::;, page 33.
.,. Insert the key in the lock cylinder and turn
it in the direction of the arrow.
· Trunk escape handle
In case of on emergency , the luggage com
portment lid can be opened from the inside using the trunk escape handle.
F ig . 27 Tru nk escape han dle: v iew from inside the
clos ed r ear lid
To open luggage compartment lid
.,. Pull the handle down towards the bumper
¢fig . 27 .
The trunk escape hand le inside the l uggage
compartment lid is made of fluorescen t mate
rial to glow in t he dark.
The t runk escape handle is to be used only
in an emergency .
@ Tips
The emergency release lever should never
be used as a handle for closing the lug-
gage compartment lid.
Power windows
The driver can control all power windows .
Fig. 28 Sectio n of the dr ive r's d oor: Control s
Fig. 29 Cente r con sole: cen tral power window sw it c h
All power window switches Q fig. 28 are pro
v id ed with a
two-position function:
Opening the windows
.,. Press the switch to the first stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired pos i
t ion .
.. Press the switch briefly to the
se co nd stop
to automatically open the window.
Closing the windows
.,. Pull the switch to the first stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired pos i
tion .
.,. Pull the switch brief ly to the
second stop to
automatical ly close the window.
Opening and closing 39
Power window switches
@ Driver's door
® Passenger's door
© Left rear window
@ Right rear window
You can open or close a ll the windows with
the switch
Q fig. 29.
_&. WARNING ..-
- When you leave your vehicle - even if on-
ly briefly -always remove the ignition
key. This applies particularly when chil
dren remain in the vehicle. Otherwise the
children could start the engine or oper
ate electrical equ ipment (e.g . power win
dows). The power w indows are function
al until the driver's door or passenger's
door has been opened.
- Pay close attention when closing the win dows to prevent pinching of hands or
- When locking the vehicle from outside,
the vehicle must be unoccupied since the
windows can no longer be opened in an
{D Tips
- When you open the doors, the windows
automatically lower about
1 0 mm .
- After the ignition has been switched off, the windows can st ill be opened or
closed for about
10 minutes. The win
dow regu lators are not switched until
the driver's or passenger's door is
opened .
76 On the road
• Press the key¢ fig. 88 -the engine will
Switching the ignition on /off
If you wou ld like to switch the ignition o n
witho ut starting the eng ine, follow these
• Insert the key into the ignition lock.
• Press the key b riefly
without p ress ing the
brake pedal.
• To switch the ignition off, press the key
again .
When starting the engine, major e lectr ica l
l oads are swit ched off temporarily.
You can only remove the key w ith the ignition
switched off.
If the engine should not start immediately,
the starting process is automatically stopped
after a short time. Repeat starting procedure.
- N ever allow the engine to ru n in confined
spaces - dange r of asphyxiation.
- Never remove the ign ition key from the
ignition look whi le the vehicle is mov ing.
Ot herw ise, the stee ring lo ck coul d sud
denly engage and you would not be ab le
to steer the vehicle .
- Always ta ke t he key wi th yo u wheneve r
yo u leave your vehicle. Otherwise, the
engine could be started or e lectrica l
equipment such as the power windows
cou ld be operated. This can lead to seri
ous injury.
- Never leave children or persons requiring
assistance unattended in the vehicle. The
doors can be locked using the remote
transmitter, preventing people from es
caping from the vehicle on their own in
the event of an eme rgency . Depend ing
on the time of year, people inside the ve hicle c an be exposed to very h igh or ve ry
low temperatures.
(D Note
Avoid high engine rpm, fu ll throttle and
heavy engine loads unti l the engine has
reached operating tempe rat ure - other
wise you risk eng ine damage.
@ For the sake of the environment
Do not let the engine run w hile pa rked to
warm up. Begin dr iving immediately. Th is
reduces u nnecessary emissions.
(D Tips
- If the key cannot be removed from the
ign ition lock, you have to pull the me
chanical key out of the master key in or
der to be able to lock the vehicle
¢page 34 .
-After starting a cold engine, there may
be a brief pe riod of increased noise be
cause the oil pressure must fi rst bu ild up
in the hydraulic valve ad juste rs. This is
normal and not a cause for concer n.
- If you leave the ve hicle w ith the ignition
sw itched on, the ig nit io n w ill sw itch off
afte r a cer tain per iod of t ime. Please
no te that electri cal eq uipment such as
exterior ligh ts will sw itch off as well
w hen that happens .
Starting the vehicle with the emergency
Applies to vehicles: with ignitio n lock
You can use the emergency key as an ignition
key in an emergency.
Fig . 89 G lo ve compar tment: A dapt er fo r em ergen cy
Fig. 90 In ser t emergen cy key in to the adapter
.,.. Take the adapter for the emergency key out
of the glove compartment
c:> fig . 89 .
.,.. Push the emergency key~ fig . 90 fully into
the adap ter . Make sure that the Audi r ings
are facing up.
.,.. Press the emergency key in the adapter
down un til it latches audibly .
.,.. Insert the adapter with the emergency k ey
forwa rd into the ignition swit ch . T he eng ine
can now be sta rted a s usual.
Stopping the engine
App lies to vehicles: with ig ni tion loc k
.,.. Bring the vehicle to a full stop .
.,.. Automatic transmission : Move the selector
lever to the P or N pos ition .
.,.. Press on the ignition key. The engine is
tu rned off.
.,.. You can now remove the key.
On th e road 77
Ste ering lock
The steering locks when yo u remove the ig ni
tion key . The lo cked steering helps prevent ve
hicle theft .
Emergency off
If it is necessary in unus ual circumstances, the
engine can be switched off while the veh icle is
moving. The engine will be switched off if you
press on the key for an extended period .
-Never turn off the engine before the ve
hicle has come to a comp lete stop. The
full funct ion of the brake booster and the
power steering is not guaranteed . You
must use more force to turn or brake if
necessary . Because you cannot steer and
brake as you usually wo uld, this could
lead to crashes and ser ious injuries.
- For safety reasons , you should always
pa rk your vehicle w ith the selector lever
in P . Otherwise, the vehicle could inad
verten tly roll away .
- The radiator fan can continue to run fo r
up to 10 minutes even after you have
turned off the engine and removed the ignition key. The radiator fan can a lso
turn on again if the engine coo lant heats
up because of intense sunlight or heat
build-up in the engine compartment.
- Always take the key with you whenever
you leave your vehicle. Otherw ise, the
engine could be started or electrical
equ ipment such as the power windows
could be operated . This can lead to seri
ous injury.
- Never leave children or persons requiring
assistance unattended in the vehicle. The
doors can be locked using the remote
transmitter, preven ting people from es
caping from the veh icle on their own in
the event of an emergency. Depending
on the time of year, peop le inside the ve
hicle can be exposed to very high or very
low temperatures .
78 On the road
(D Note
If the engine has been under heavy load
for an extended period, heat builds up in
the engine compartment after the engine
is switched off -there is a risk of damaging
the engine. Allow the engine to run at idle
for about two minutes before switching it
Convenience key
Starting the engine
Appl ies to vehicles: w it h co nve nience key
The I STAR T ENGINE S TOP! button switches
the ignition on and starts the engine .
Fig. 91 Cente r conso le: S TART ENGINE S TOP butto n
Starting the engine
.. Step on the brake peda l and move the selec
tor lever to P or N
q &, .
.. Press on the ,..., 1s==T=--= A-=R ==T:-=:E~N ~G-;-,IN ;-;--;:::: E--;: S:-::;T =-::O :;-;: P:;-,I butto n
q fig. 91 -the engine w ill start .
Switch ing the ignition on /off
If yo u wou ld like to switch the ignition on
without starting the engine, follow these
.. Press the
without pressing the brake peda l.
.. To switch the ignition off, press the button
If the engine should not start immediately,
the starting process is automatically stopped after a short time . Repeat starting procedure.
When starting the engine, major e lectr ica l
loads are switched off temporarily. After a cold engine is started, there may be a
brief period of increased noise beca use oil
pressure must first bu ild up in the hydrau lic
valve adjusters. This is normal and not a cause
for concern .
-Never allow the engine to run in confined
spaces -danger of asphyx iat ion.
- Never turn off the e ngine until the vehi
cle has come to a complete stop.
- Always take the key with you whenever
you leave your veh icle . Otherw ise, the
engine could be started or electrical
equ ipment such as th e power windows
could be ope rated. Th is can lead to seri
ous injury.
- Never leave children or persons req uiring
a ssis tance u nattended in t he vehi cle. The
doors can be locked usi ng the remote
transmitter, preventing people from es
caping from the veh icle on the ir own in
the event of an emergency . Depending
on the time of year, peop le inside the ve
hicle can be exposed to very high or very
low temperatures.
(D Note
- Avoid high engine rpm, full thrott le and
heavy eng ine loads unt il the eng ine has
reached operating temperature -other
w ise you risk engine damage.
® For the sake of the env ironment
Do not let the engine run wh ile parked to
warm up. Begin dr iving immediately. This
reduces unnecessary emissions .
¢j) Tips
- After starting a co ld engine, there may
be a brief period of increased noise be
cause the oil pressure must fi rst bu ild up
in the hydraulic valve ad justers. This is
normal and not a cause for concern .
- If you leave the veh icle with the ignition
switched on, the ignit ion w ill switch off
afte r a certain per iod of t ime . Please
(D Note
If the . symbol i n the display or the
1111 (USA models) ;II (Canada models)
ind icator lig ht in the instrument cluster
flashes, there is a ma lfu nction in the brake
system. By press ing the
!SETI butto n, you
can br ing up a d river message which ex
plains the malfunction in more detail.
the dr iver message Parking brak e! ap
pea rs, there is an operating ma lfunction in
the parking brake which you should have
repaired immediately by an authorized
Audi dea ler or other q ualified workshop
¢page 15.
@ Tips
-You can apply the parking brake at any
time - even with the ignition switched
off . The ignit ion must be t urned on in or
der to release the parking brake.
- Occasiona l noises when the parking
brake is applied and re leased are norma l
and are not a cause for concern.
- When the vehicle is parked, the parking
brake goes through a se lf-test cycle at
regular intervals. Any assoc iated noises
are norma l.
P ar king
• Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle .
• Pull the button®¢
fig. 92 to set the park-
ing brake .
• Move the selecto r leve r to P .
• T urn the eng ine off¢ ,&..
In addition on inclines and grad es
• T urn the steer ing wheel so that your vehicle
will roll against the curb in case it should
sta rt to move .
-When you leave your veh icle -eve n if on
ly b rief ly - a lways remove the ign ition
key . This applies part icu larly when chil
dre n remain in the vehicle . Otherw ise the
On th e ro ad 81
children could start the eng ine, release
the park ing brake or operate electrical
equ ipment (e.g. power windows). There
is t he risk of an acc ident .
- When the veh icle is locked, no one -par
ticularly not children should rema in in
the vehicle. Locked doors make it more
difficult for emergency wo rke rs to get in
to the veh icle - putting lives at risk.
Starting from rest
The starting assist function ensures that the
parking brake is released automatically upon
starting .
Stopping and applying parking brake
• Pull the switch®¢ fig. 92 to app ly the
parking brake.
Sta rting and automatically rel easing the
parking brake
• When you start to drive as usual, the park
ing brake is automatically released and your
veh icle beg ins to move .
When stopping at a traffic signal or stopping in city traff ic on vehicles with an automatic
transmission, the parking brake can be ap plied . The vehicle does not have to be he ld
with the footbrake. The pa rking brake elimi
nates the tende ncy to creep w ith a dr ive range
engaged. As soon as yo u drive off as usu al,
t h e parking bra ke is re leased automatic ally
and the vehicle starts to move.
Starting on slopes
When starting on inclines, the sta rting assist
prevents t he vehi cle from u nintent ionally roll
ing back. The bra king force of the par kin g
brake is no t re leased unti l su ff ic ient d riving
f orce has been built up at the wheels.
(D Tips
F o r safety reaso ns, t he pa rking br ake is re
l eased automatic ally o nly when the d riv
e r's safety belt is engaged in the buckle .