2013 Audi AS Cabr io let
201 3 Au di 55 Ca briole t
Thank you for choosing an Audi -we · value your trust in us .
Your new Audi will a llow you to experience the best in groundbreaking technolo
gy and premium quality eq uipme nt a vehicle has to offer. We recommend that
you read your Owner's Manua l thoroughly so that you quickly become acquai nt
ed with your Audi and make use of a ll of its features .
In addition to explaining how the different features work, we provide many use
ful tips and information concerning your safety, how to care for your vehicle and
how to mai nta in your veh icle's va lue. We also give you useful tips and informa
tion on how to drive your veh icle more efficiently and in an environmental ly
frie ndly manner .
In the Owner's Manual packet, you will also find a quick reference guide, an
Owner's Manual for your Infotainment system and the vehicle maintenance
We hope you en joy driving yo ur Audi and we w ish you sa fe and pleasant motor
i ng.
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1 3356 18F023
- Moisture and ice on brakes may affect
braking efficiency
Q page 181 . Test the
brakes carefully each time you wash the
vehicle .
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information Qpage 194.
Body cavity sealing
The body cavity sealing does no t need to be
All body cavities which co uld be affected by
corrosion have been thoro ughly protec ted at
the factory.
This sea ling does not require any inspection or
addit iona l treatment. If any wax should seep
out of the cav ity when the ambient tempera
ture is high, it can be removed w it h a plastic
scraper and a suitab le solvent.
So lvents can be dangerous .
- Benzine is flammable and toxic . If you
use benzine for removing the wax, keep
spar ks , flame and light ed c igaret tes
away. Never dump ben zine on t he
ground, in to open s tre ams or dow n sew
age dra ins.
- Be sure to observe all safety and env iro n
me ntal regu lations. Follow all ins truc
t ions on the con tainer .
- Always re ad and hee d all WARN INGS and
ot her informa tion
Q page 194 .
Have the undercoating checked for damage
from time to time.
The lower body shell of your Audi is a lso thor
ough ly protected against corrosion .
Any damage to the undercoating caused by road hazards shou ld be repa ired promptly .
Cleaning and protec tion 20 1
Too much undercoating i n the wrong p la
ces can cause a fire .
- Do not apply additional undercoating or
ru stp roof ing o n or near the exhaust
manifold, exhaust pipes, catalytic con
verter or heat shields . While d riving, the
substance used fo r under coating could
over hea t an d cause a fire.
- Always read an d heed a ll WAR NIN GS and
o ther info rmation
c:? page 19 4.
Exhaust tail pipes
Road salt and other co rrosive mater ials w ill
d amage the mate rial in the exhaus t tail pipes
i f they are not cleaned regular ly . Do not clea n
the tail pipes with whee l cleaner, paint polish,
c hr ome polish or other abras ive cleaners .
Clean the tail pipes with car care products
that are suitable for sta inless s teel.
Your a uthorized Audi dea ler can provi de clean
ing products that have been tested and ap
proved for yo ur vehicle.
Care of interior
Infotainment components
The Rad io/MM !* disp lay m ay be cleaned with
a soft cloth and commercially-available "LC D
cleaner". The cloth should be coated lightly
whe n the cleaning sol ution when cleaning the
T he M MI* con trols m ust be cleaned first with
a b rush so that dirt does not enter the unit or
enter between the buttons and the housing.
Then wiping the cont rols with a cloth damp
ened with dish de tergent and water is recom
mended .
(D Note
-To avoid scratching the display, you
should never clean it dry .
- To prevent damage, make sure fluids do
not enter the cont ro ls .