(!) Door handle
Power locking sw it ch
Memory buttons (dr iver's seat)
Button for side ass ist
A ir outlets
Control lever for :
- Turn signal and high beam
0 Multi-function steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag ........... .
- Audio/video , telephone and
navigation buttons
- Rocker switches for tiptronic
operation .... .... ... .... .
@ ISETI button .... ....... .... .
® Instrument cluster ......... .
@ Reset button for trip odometer
@ Switches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer
- Trip computer ............ .
@ Ignition lock ............ .. .
@ Adjustable steer ing column
~ Control leve r for :
- Cruise contro l .. ... ... .... .
- adaptive cruise contro l ... .. .
@ Instrument lighting .. ... ... .
@ Release lever for the engine
hood .. .. .. ............. .. .
@ Data Link Conne ctor for On
Board Diagnos tic s (OBD II) ... .
@ Light switch ........... .. .. .
@ Adjuster control for outside mir-
rors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
@ Power window switches . . . . . . 39
@ Radio-Displayll or MMI-Display
@ Depending on options:
- Radio system
- CD changer
l) The im age in t he d ispl ay will app ea r either in mu lt ipl e
col ors or in a singl e co lor , de pen din g o n th e vehicl e
e q ui pment. Th e m ulti co lo r im age w ill be use d i n this
O w ner's Manual becau se bo th mult i co lo r and sin gle
col or vers io ns are almost iden tic al.
Instruments and controls 9
@) Emergency flasher ......... .
@ Glove compartment (lockable)
@ Front passenger's airbag .....
@ Depending on options, switches
for :
- drive select .............. .
- Electron ic Stabilization Con -
trol ..... ... .. ..... ..... .
@ Deluxe aut omatic climate con-
tro l ...................... .
@ Selector lever for automatic
transmission ......... ..... .
@ Ashtray with cigarette lighter
@ Depend ing on options:
- MMI cont ro l console or
- drive select ......... ..... .
- Electron ic Stabili zation Con-
trol button .............. .
@ Central power window switch
@ Powe r top switch ........... .
@ Electromechanical parking
brake .. .. .... ... .. ....... .
(D Tips
66 ,66
17 9
-Some of the equipment or features
shown in the general illustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be optional eq uipment depending
on your model. Always ask your author
ized Audi dealer if you have a quest ion
about your vehicle.
- Operation of the Multi Media Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manual.
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 13
(D Note
Never run the tank completely dry! An ir
reg ular supply of fuel can cause eng ine
m isfiring and fuel could enter into the ex
haust system. The catalyt ic converter
could the n overheat and be damaged .
The indicator lights in the instrument cluster
blink or turn on . They indicate functions or
malfunct ions ¢,&. .
Messages may appear with some indicator
lights. A warning signal will sound at the
same time . The messages disappear again af
ter a short t ime . To display a message again ,
pressthelSE T!button
¢ page 11. If severa l
malfunc tions occu r, each of the indica to r/
warn ing lamps will be d isplayed in succession
for abo ut two seconds at a time .
Some ind icators lights in the disp lay can turn
on in several colors.
- F ailure to heed warning lights and o ther
impor tant vehicle info rmation may result
in serious persona l injury o r vehicle dam
- Whenever sta lled or stopped for repair,
move the vehicle a safe distance off the
road, stop the engine, and turn on the
eme rgency flasher¢
page 54.
-The e ngine compartment of any motor
vehicle is a potentially hazardous area.
Before you check anything in the engine
compartment, stop the engine and let it
cool down. Always exercise extreme cau
t ion when wor king under the hood
¢ page 205, Engine compartment
(D Tips
Ma lfunctions or faults w ill be identified ei
ther with a red symbo l (pr io rity 1 -Dan- ger!) or with a yellow symbol (prio
rit y 2 -
' Overview
Some indicator lights t urn on briefly to check
the function of that system when you switch
the ignit ion on . These systems are marked
with a../ in the fo llow ing tables . If one of
these indicator lights does not tu rn on, there
i s a ma lf u nct ion in that system.
Red indicator lights
Red symbo ls indicate a prior ity ma lfunction -
- Pull off the road .
- Stop the vehicle.
- Tur n off the engi ne.
- Check t he malfunc tioning system. Contac t
your author ized A udi dealer or a q ualified
workshop for assistance.
USA models :
Brake system../
¢page 15
Canada models:
Brake system ../
¢page 15
USA mod els :
Elec tromech anical parki ng br ake
¢ page 16
Canada models:
Electromechanical parking brake
¢page 16
Safety be lts
¢ page 17
Electromechanical steering ../
¢page 183
¢page 17
Engine oil pressure
¢page 17
Eng ine oil level
¢page 17
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 15
Headlight range contro l*
¢ page22
adaptive light *
Light-/rain sensor*
¢page 22
Adaptive dampers*
Sport differential*
Ignition lock
Steering column lock
¢page 18
Electromechanical steering,
dynamic steering *
./¢page 183
T ransmission
- multitronic, tiptron ic ®
~ page92
- S tro nic ® ¢ page 92
- S tronic® ¢ page 92
Other indicator light s
Turn signals
ii ¢page23
USA models: Cruise control
C anada models : Cruise control
Adaptive cruise control* ¢page96
Adaptive cru ise control*
-High beam
BRAKE /((J)) Brake system
T he light illuminates when the ignition is
swi tched on.
It goes out after the engine has
been started. This indicates that the b rake
warning light is functioning p roperly.
If th e brake warning light do es not light up
wh en th e eng ine i s cran king , th ere ma y be a
malfunction in the elect rical sy ste m . In thi s
ca se, cont act your Audi dealer.
If the brake system wa rning/indicator light
tu rns on, there is a brake system ma lfunction.
1111 (USA mod els)/ . (Canada mod els )
Stop v ehicle and ch eck brak e flu id le vel
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, proceed as fo llows:
.,. Pull off the road .
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Turn off the engine .
.,. Check the brake fluid level ¢page 221.
.,. Contact your nearest authorized repair fa-
cility if necessary .
Warning! Fault in bra ke system. Contact
d eal er
If the ABS indicator light "1:l!I (USA models)/
(I] (Canada models), the ESC ind icator light
Jj] and the brake system indicator light
1111 (USA models)/ . (Canada models) turn
on and the message appears, the ABS, ESC
and braking d istr ibut ion are not working ¢,&..
Carefully drive to your author ized Audi dealer
immediately to have the malfunct ion correct
ed ¢,&. .
1111 (U SA model s)/. (Canada models)
Par king bra ke system fault! See own er's
- If the indicator light and the message ap-
when statio nary or after switch ing the
ignition on ,
check if you can release the
park ing brake . After releasing the parking
brake, carefully drive to your author ized
Aud i dea le r i mmediately to have the ma l
function corrected. If yo u cannot release the
park ing brake, see k professiona l assistance . .,..
16 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
- If the indicator light and the message ap
w hile dri ving , the emergency braking
function may not be available. It may not be
poss ible to set the parking brake or release
it once it has been set. Seek professional as
s istance .
(USA models): If the warning light
1111 and
the warning light
EiJ appear together, imme
diately contact your authorized Audi dealer or
qualified workshop to have all brake pads in
~ page 20 .
When the light comes on, an audible warning
signal is also given.
- Always observe the warnings in
~ page 205, Engine compartment, be
fore opening the hood and checking the brake flu id.
- Driv ing with low b rake fluid is a safety
haza rd. Stop the car and get professional
- USA models: If the 1111 warn ing light,
the . warning light and
thee warn
ing light come on together, the rear
wheels co uld lock up fi rst unde r hard
braking . Rear wheel lock -up can cause
loss of vehicle contro l and an accident.
Have your vehicle repaired immediately
by your authorized Audi dea ler or a quali
fied workshop. Drive slowly and avoid
sudden, hard brake applications.
-Canada models: If the brake warn ing
light ., the
DJ warn ing light and the
ABS warning light
liJ come on togethe r,
the rear wheels could lock up fi rst unde r
hard bra king. Rear wheel lock-up can
c ause loss of vehicle control and an a cc i
dent. Have yo ur vehicle repaire d immed i
ately by your authorized A udi dealer or a
qualified wo rkshop . Drive slowly and
avo id sudden, hard brake applicat ions.
- If the brake warning/indicator light does
not go out after a few seconds and the
parking brake is released, or lights up
whi le you are driv ing, the fluid level in
the brake fluid reservoir is too low. If you believe that
it is safe to do so, proceed
immed iate ly at low speed to the nearest
authorized Audi dealer or qualif ied repair
facility and have the brake system in
- Always keep in mind that after several
brake applications, you will need greater
pressure on the brake pedal to stop your
veh icle. Do not rely on strained brakes to
respond with max imum stopping power
in critical s ituations. You m ust allow fo r
increased braking distances . The extra
d istance used up by fading brakes could
lead to an accident.
· ~fu /C®) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the
electromechanical parking brake.
If the indicator l igh t. (USA models)/ .
(Canada mode ls) turns on, t he p arking br ake
was set . If the parking brake is se t when the
ignition is
off, the indicator light turns off af
ter abo ut 20 seconds .
The wa rn ing/i ndicator lig ht w ill go ou t when
the parking brake is re leased.
• (US A models ) ;a (Canada model s) Cau
t ion: Vehicle parked too steep
If the indicator light b links and the message
appears, there is not enough braking power to
keep the vehicle from roll ing . T he b rakes have
ove rheated. The veh icle cou ld roll away eve n
o n a sm all incline .
Press brake pedal to relea se parking brake
To release the parking brake, press the brake
pedal and press the button(®) or start driving
with starting assist at the same time
~page 81.
Please release parking brake
To re lease the parking brake manually, press
the brake peda l and press the button<®) at
the same time. The parking brake only re leas
es automatically if the driver's safety belt is
fastened. ..,.
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 23
Contact your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop if the sport differential
is faulty or malfunctioning. The repa ir
must be performed by trained personnel
using the correct oil in order to ensure
~ Ignition lock
m Ignition lock defective
There is a malfunct ion in the electron ic ign i
tion lock. Please go to an autho rized Audi
dealer o r othe r qualified workshop to have the
mal funct ion repaired.
¢i ¢ Turn signals
Whenever you use the left B or the right B
turn signa l, the indicator light blinks. When
you use the emergency flashers, both indica
tor lights flash.
I f one of the turn signal light bulbs burn out,
the turn signal will blink twice as fast as nor
mal. Carefully drive to your authorized Audi
dealer immediately to have the malfunct ion
Opening and closing
Power locking system
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all
doors and the rear lid simultaneously.
You can lock and unlock the vehicle centrally.
You have the following choices:
- Remote master key~
page 34,
-Door handles with convenience key*
O? page 35 ,
-Lock cylinder at the dr iver's door
r=> page 36 , or
- Power loc king switc h inside
<:!> page 35.
Automatic locking
The automat ic locking feature locks all the ve
hi cle doors and the rear lid when you drive
faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).
The car is unlocked again once the ignition key
is removed . In addition, the vehicle can be un
locked if the opening fu nction in the power
locking system sw itch or at one of the door
l eve rs is actuated. The Au to Lo ck function can
be turned o n and off in the rad io or
r=> page 36 .
Additionally, in the event of a c rash with air
bag deployment the doors are automatically
u nl ocked to a llow access to the veh icle.
Selective unlocking
When you lock the vehicle, the power locking
system w ill lock the doors and the rear lid.
W hen unlocking, you ca n set in the rad io or
M MI* whethe r
only the dr iver's door or the
enti re ve hicle should be unlocked
r=> page 3 6.
Anti -theft alarm warning system
If the a nti-theft alarm warning system de
tects a brea k-in into t he vehicle, acoust ic and
visua l wa rning sig na ls are triggered .
The an ti- theft warn ing system is act ivated au
tomatically when you lock the vehicle .
It is de
activated when u nlocking using the remote
Opening and clo sin g 31
key, w ith the mechan ica l key, and when you
switch on the ignition.
T he al arm a lso t urns off w hen t he a la rm cy cl e
has expired.
Turn signals
When you u nlock the ve hicle, the turn signals
flash twice, when yo u lock it once . If they do
not flash, one of the doo rs, the luggage com
partment lid or the hood is not lo cked or the
ignition is s till sw itched on.
Unint entionally locking yourself out
In the follow ing cases there safeg uards to
prevent you lock ing you r remote master key in
t h e ve hicl e:
- The vehicle does not loc k w ith the power
lock ing switc h
r=> page 35 if the drive r's
door is open .
- On veh icles with convenience key*, if the
most recently used master key is in the lug
gage compartment, the rear lid is a utomat i
cally u nlocked again after it is closed.
Do not lock your veh icle w ith the remote mas
te r key o r convenience key* unt il all doors a nd
the rear lid a re closed . In this way you avoid
l ocking yo urse lf o ut accidentally .
-When you leave the veh icle, alw ays re
move the ignition key an d take it with
you. This wi ll prevent passengers (chil
dren, for example) from acc identally be
ing locked in the vehicle should they acci
dentally press the power locking switch in the front doors .
- Do not leave ch ildren inside the vehicle
unsuperv ised. In an emergency it would
be imposs ible to open the doors from
the o utside w itho ut the key .
(D Tips
- In the event of a crash with airbag de
ployment all locked doors will be auto
matically unlocked to give access to the
v ehicle occupants from the outside.
@ Tips
-The light sensor * for headl ight control is
l ocated in the rear view m irror mount.
You should therefore not apply any st ick
ers to the windsh ield in this area in order
to prevent malfunctions or failures .
- Some exterior lighting functions can be
ad justed
¢ page 53.
-When yo u remove you r key from the igni
tion w hile the vehicle's lights are turned
on, a buzzer sounds as long as the driv
er's door is open .
- In cool or damp weather, t he ins ide of
the headlights, turn signa ls and tail
li ghts can fog ove r due to the tem pera
ture diffe ren ce betwe en the inside and
outside. They will clear shor tly after
swi tching t hem on. This d oes not aff ect
the service life of the ligh ting.
- In the even t of a ligh t sensor malfunc
tion, the drive r is no tifie d in the inst ru
ment cluster disp lay ~
page 2 2.
Turn signals and high beam lever
The lever operates the turn signal s, the high
b eams and th e headlight flash er.
F ig. 55 Turn sig na l an d high beam leve r
Turn signals ¢i ¢
Th e turn s ignals activate when you move the
l ever into a turn s ignal position when the ign i
tion i s sw itched on.
(D -right turn signal
@ -Left turn signa l
T he turn s ignal b links three times if you just
tap the lever .
Clear vision 5 3
High beams and headlight flasher @:D
Move the lever to the corresponding posit io n:
@ -high beams on
@-high beams off or headlight flasher
T he ind icator light
II in the instr ument clus
ter turns on .
Notes on these features
-The turn signals on ly wor k w it h t he ignition
t urned on. The indica tor l igh ts
11 or II in
the instrument cluste r also blink .
- Aft er you have tu rned a corner, the turn s ig
na l swi tches off au tom atically .
- The
high beam wo rks only when the head
lights a re on. The indicator Ligh t. in the
i nstrumen t clus ter illuminates when the
high beams are on .
- The
headligh t flasher works on ly as long as
you ho ld the lev er -even if the re are no
lights switched o n. The ind icator light
Ill i n
the inst rument cluster illuminates when you
use the headlight flasher .
Do not use the high beam or head light
flasher if you kn ow that these could b lind
oncom ing traffic.
Adjusting exterior lighting
The functions are selec ted in the radio or
MM!* .
.. Select : I CAR! function b utton > Exter io r
light ing . Or
.. Select: I CAR I func tion button > Car sys
tems *
control button > Vehicle settings >
Exterior Lighting .
Coming home (light when leaving car )*,
Leaving home (light when unlocking car)*
T he coming home function illumi nates the
area around the vehicle when the ignition is
switched off and the dr iver's door is open ed.
Depend ing o n ve hicl e equ ipment, t he function
can be switched on and off or the length of
time the lig hts remain on* can be ad justed . .._
54 Clear vis ion
The lea ving home function i lluminates the
area around the vehicle when unlocking it.
This funct ion can be switched on and
The co ming h ome and le av ing h ome func
tions on ly operate when it is dark and the
light switch is in the AUTO position
r=:> fig. 54.
Auto headlight s*
When the light switch is in the AUTO
r=:> page 52 position, the sw itch-on po int of the
lights can be changed in the automatic dr iv ing
light function.
Daytime running lights
US A mo del s: You can switch the dayt ime run
ni ng lights
on and off .
Ca nada mod els :
The function cannot be
off . It is activated automat ically each
time the ignition is switched on.
Tra vel mode*
The headlight beam is asymmetrical. This pro
vides stronger illum ination on the side of the
road on wh ich you are driving . If you are driv
ing in a country that drives on the opposite
side of the road from your own country, t his
will cause glare for oncoming dr ivers. To pre
vent glare:
- Trave l mode must be selected in vehicles
with Xenon head lights *.
- In vehicles with halogen headlights, ce rtain
areas of the head light lenses must be cov
ered w ith waterproof adhesive covers that
prevent light from passing through . Fo r
more information, please see your author
ized Audi dea ler or authorized repair facility .
@ Tips
When travel mode is a ctiv ated, a displ ay in
the dr iver information system indi cates
this each time you switch t he ignition on.
Emergency flashers
F ig. 56 Center console: em erge ncy flashe r switch
The emergency flashers makes other moto
rists aware that you or your vehicle are in an
emergency situation.
... Press the switch ~¢
fig. 56 to turn the
emergency flashers on or
When the emergency flashers are on, all four
turn signals b link at the same time. The turn
s ignal indicator lights
H II in the instrument
cluster, as well as the light in the emergency
flasher switch ~ blink likewise.
You can indicate a lane change or a tu rn when
the emergency flashers are switched on by us
ing th e turn signal lever. The emergency flash
ers stop temporarily .
T he emergency flashers also work when the
ignition is turned
off .
The emergency flashers wi ll tu rn on automat i
ca lly if yo u are in an accident where the air bag
has deployed.
(D Tips
You sho uld turn on the emergency flashers
- yo u are the last veh icle standing in a t ra f
fic jam so that any other vehicles coming can see you, or whe n
- yo ur vehicle has bro ken down or you are
in an emergency situation, or when
- yo ur vehicle is be ing towed by a tow
truck or if you are towing ano ther vehicle
behind you .