16 Instrum ent s and w arn ing /indic ato r light s
- If the indicator light and the message ap
w hile dri ving , the emergency braking
function may not be available. It may not be
poss ible to set the parking brake or release
it once it has been set. Seek professional as
s istance .
(USA models): If the warning light
1111 and
the warning light
EiJ appear together, imme
diately contact your authorized Audi dealer or
qualified workshop to have all brake pads in
~ page 20 .
When the light comes on, an audible warning
signal is also given.
- Always observe the warnings in
~ page 205, Engine compartment, be
fore opening the hood and checking the brake flu id.
- Driv ing with low b rake fluid is a safety
haza rd. Stop the car and get professional
- USA models: If the 1111 warn ing light,
the . warning light and
thee warn
ing light come on together, the rear
wheels co uld lock up fi rst unde r hard
braking . Rear wheel lock -up can cause
loss of vehicle contro l and an accident.
Have your vehicle repaired immediately
by your authorized Audi dea ler or a quali
fied workshop. Drive slowly and avoid
sudden, hard brake applications.
-Canada models: If the brake warn ing
light ., the
DJ warn ing light and the
ABS warning light
liJ come on togethe r,
the rear wheels could lock up fi rst unde r
hard bra king. Rear wheel lock-up can
c ause loss of vehicle control and an a cc i
dent. Have yo ur vehicle repaire d immed i
ately by your authorized A udi dealer or a
qualified wo rkshop . Drive slowly and
avo id sudden, hard brake applicat ions.
- If the brake warning/indicator light does
not go out after a few seconds and the
parking brake is released, or lights up
whi le you are driv ing, the fluid level in
the brake fluid reservoir is too low. If you believe that
it is safe to do so, proceed
immed iate ly at low speed to the nearest
authorized Audi dealer or qualif ied repair
facility and have the brake system in
- Always keep in mind that after several
brake applications, you will need greater
pressure on the brake pedal to stop your
veh icle. Do not rely on strained brakes to
respond with max imum stopping power
in critical s ituations. You m ust allow fo r
increased braking distances . The extra
d istance used up by fading brakes could
lead to an accident.
· ~fu /C®) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the
electromechanical parking brake.
If the indicator l igh t. (USA models)/ .
(Canada mode ls) turns on, t he p arking br ake
was set . If the parking brake is se t when the
ignition is
off, the indicator light turns off af
ter abo ut 20 seconds .
The wa rn ing/i ndicator lig ht w ill go ou t when
the parking brake is re leased.
• (US A models ) ;a (Canada model s) Cau
t ion: Vehicle parked too steep
If the indicator light b links and the message
appears, there is not enough braking power to
keep the vehicle from roll ing . T he b rakes have
ove rheated. The veh icle cou ld roll away eve n
o n a sm all incline .
Press brake pedal to relea se parking brake
To release the parking brake, press the brake
pedal and press the button(®) or start driving
with starting assist at the same time
~page 81.
Please release parking brake
To re lease the parking brake manually, press
the brake peda l and press the button<®) at
the same time. The parking brake only re leas
es automatically if the driver's safety belt is
fastened. ..,.
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 19
I START ENGINE STOPI button because the en
gine cannot be started again after the ignition has been switched off.
(D Tips
The symbol's appea rance might be differ
ent in some models .
;';.![J Electronic Stabilization Control
If the JjJ indicator lamp blinks while driving,
the ESC or ASR (Ant i-S lip Regulation) is active
l y regulating.
If the
JjJ indicator lamp illuminates, the sys
tem has switched the ESC off. In this case, you
can switch the ignition off and then on to
sw itch the ESC on again. The system is func
tioning completely whe n the indicator lamp
sw itches off.
If the I i ndicator lamp illuminates, the ESC
was switched off with the
I ~ OFF ! button.
Stabilization cont rol (E SC/A BS): Fault! See
owner 's manu al
If the indicator light G1 and the ABS indicator
E (USA models) ; (IJ (Canada mod
els) turn on and the message appears, there is
a ma lfunction in the ABS system or e lectronic
d ifferent ial lock . This also interrupts the ESC.
The brakes still function with their normal power, but ABS is no t active.
Drive to your authorized Aud i dea ler immedi
ately to have the malfunct ion corrected.
For more informat ion about the ESC
¢page 179.
ABS /(8 ) Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
This warning/indicator light monitors the ABS
and the electronic differential lock (EDL).
The warning/indicator light E (USA mod
e ls)/ [§] (Canada models) wi ll come on for a
few seconds when the ignition is switched on.
The light will go out after an automatic check
sequence is completed .
There is a malfunction in the ABS when:
- The warning/indicato r ligh t does not illum i
nate w hen you switch the ignition on.
- The warning/indicator l igh t does not go out
after a few seconds .
- The warning/indicato r light i llum ina tes
while driving.
The ESC i ndicator light also illuminates if
there is a ma lfunction in the ABS. The mes
Stabi liz ation control (ESC ): Fault! See
o wn er's manual
also appea rs in the ins tru
ment cluster d isp lay and a warning tone
Th e brak e sys te m will still re spond even
without the a ssista nce of the AB S system.
S ee y our autho riz ed Audi de aler a s soon as
po ssible to re store full braking perf ormance.
For more information regard ing the ABS
¢ page 179.
Malfunction in th e brake system
If the brake war ning ligh t ¢page 15 and the
ABS warning illum inate
together there may be
a malfunction in the ABS , and there may a lso
be a malfunction in the brake system itself
¢ A . The ABS will not work and you w ill no
ti ce a change in b raking response and per
formanc e.
In the event of a malfunction in the brake
s y stem
the warning/indicator light 11111
(USA models)/ . (Canada models) in the in
strument cluster flashes¢
page 15.
Malfunction in th e electronic diff erential
lock (EDL)
The EDL works together w ith the ABS. The
ABS warning light will come on if there is a malfunction in the EDL system ¢
page 179.
See your author ized Audi dealer as soon as
poss ible.
- I f the E (USA mode ls)/ ti] (Canada
models) warning light does not go ou t,
or if it comes on whi le driving, the ABS
20 Instrum ent s a nd w arn in g/i ndic ato r light s
system is not working properly. The vehi
cle can then be stopped only with the
standard brakes (without ABS). You will not have the protection ABS provides .
Contact your authorized Aud i dealer as
soon as poss ible.
- USA models: If the
11111 warning light
and the
m!S warn ing light come on to
gether, the rear wheels could lock up
first under hard braking. Rear wheel lock up can cause loss of vehicle control and
an acc ident. Have your vehicle repaired
immediately by your authorized Audi
dealer or a qualified workshop . Drive
slowly and avoid sudden, hard brake ap
- Canada models: If the brake warn ing
light . and the ABS warning light
come on together, the rear wheels could
lock up first under hard braking . Rear
wheel lock-up can cause loss of vehicle
control and an acc ident. Have your vehi
cl e repaired immediately by you r author
ized Audi dea ler or a qua lified workshop.
Drive slowly and avo id sudden, hard
brake applications.
~ I !f Safety systems
The fl (USA models) ;fll (Canada models) in
d icator light monitors the safety systems (e.g .
a irbags, pretensioners) and ill uminates for a
few seconds each time you switch the ignition
on .
If the
fl (USA models)/ E,I (Canada mode ls)
indicator light does not go out, or if it illumi
nates wh ile you are driv ing, or if it starts to
blink, then there is a ma lfunction somewhere
in the system . If the light does not illum inate
when you switch the ignition on, this also
means the re is a ma lfunction.
If you have a malfunc tion in the safety sys
tems, contact your author ized Audi dealer
l ) - : USA mod els only
immediately . Otherwise the safety sys
tems may not work properly in an acc i
(0) Worn brake pads
IIJ Brak e pad s!
lfthe warning light illuminates, immediate ly
contact your authorized Audi dealer or qua li
fied workshop to have all brake pads inspect ed. On USA models the warn ing light
comes on together w ith the warning light
11111 . Both sets of brake pads on an axle
must a lways be replaced at the same time .
Driving w ith bad b rakes can cause a colli
sion and ser ious perso nal in jury.
- If the warn ing light rlJ and the warn ing
111111 ) with the message Brak e
comes on in the inst rument cluste r
disp lay, immediately contact your au
thorized Audi dealer or qualified work
shop to have all brake pads checked or replaced if necessary.
EPC Electronic power control
This warning/indicator light monitors the
electronic power control.
T he ~ warning/indicator light (Elect ronic
Power Control) illuminates when you sw itch
t h e ignit ion on as a function check .
(D Tips
If this warning/ indicator ligh t illuminates
while yo u are driving, then there is a mal
funct ion in the engine electronics . Have
the malfunct ion corrected as soon as pos
s ible by your authorized Audi dealer or
qualified repa ir facility.
66 Seats and st o rage
Fig . 7 4 Ce nter console: ash tray
Opening /closing
• To open the ashtr ay, slide the cover up
~ fig . 74 .
• To close the ashtray, press down on the cov
er .
Em pty ing the ashtray
• To remove the inser t, slide the latch to the
¢ fig. 74 -arrow- .
• To i nstall the insert, press it down into the
mount .
Never put waste paper in the ash tray . Hot
ashes or other hot objec ts in the ashtray
co uld set waste paper on fire .
Cigarette Lighter
Fig. 75 Fro nt cente r con so le : cigarette l ig hter
• Pre ss the ciga re tte lighter in .
• Remove the cig are tte lighter when i t pops
out .
-The c igarette lighter on ly works when the
i gnition is switched on . Incorrect usage
can lead to ser ious injuries or burns. For
this reason, childr en should never be left
unattended in the veh icle because this in
creases the risk of inj ury.
(D Note
The cigarette lighter can be damaged if
you connect electrical accessor ies to it .
General overview
- Always remove objects from the instru-
ment panel. Any items not put away
could slide around ins ide the veh icle
while driv ing or when accelerat ing o r
when applying the brakes or when driv
ing around a corner.
- When you are dr iving make sure that
anything you may have placed in the cen
ter console or other storage locations
cannot fall out into the footwe lls. In case
of sudden braking you would not be able
to brake or accelerate.
80 On the road
This message appears if the master key is re
moved from the vehicle with the engine run
n ing.
If the master key is no longer in the ve
hicle, you cannot switch on the ignition after
stopping the engine and you also cannot start
the eng ine again . Moreover, you can not lock
the veh icle from the outside w ith the key.
Shift to P otherwise vehicle can roll away.
Doors do not lock if lever is not in
This message appears for safety reasons
a long w ith a warning signa l. It appears if the
selector lever for the automat ic transm iss ion
is not in the P position when switch ing off the
ignition . Move the selector lever to the P pos i
tion, othe rwise the ve hicle is not secured
against rolling away . You also cannot lock the
vehi cle using the locking bu tton* on the door
han dle or using the remote key.
Convenience key defective! Use ignition lock
This message appears if the eng ine must be
started or stopped using the ignition key and
not the
I STAR T ENGIN E ST OP ! button .
parking brake
The electromechanicol parking brake replaces
the hand brake.
F ig. 92 Cente r console: Parking brake
.., Pull on the switch @c:> fig. 92 to apply the
parking brake. The indicator light in the
switch illum inates .
.., Step on the brake peda l or the accele rator
pedal and press the switch at the same time to re
lease the par king brake . The indicator
light in the switch goes out.
Your vehicle is equipped wi th an electrome
chanical parking brake . The parking brake is
designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling
u nintentionally and replaces the hand brake.
In addition to the normal fun ctions of a tradi
tiona l hand b rake, the electromechanical
parking brake provides various convenience
and safety f unctions .
When starting from rest
-The integral start ing assist helps you when
driving by automatica lly re leasing the par k
ing brake
c:> page 81, Starting from rest.
-When starting on inclines, the starting as
sist prevents the vehicle from unintentiona l
ly ro lling back. The braking force of the
parking brake is not released until sufficient
driving force has been built up at the
Emergency brake function
An eme rgency b rake ensures that the vehicle
can be slowed down even if the
normal brakes
fail c:>
page 82, Emergency braking .
Indicator lights
- If the parking brake is closed with the igni
switched on the. (USA models) I
• (Canada models) ind icator lights come
on in the instr ument cluster and the switch .
- If the parking brake is closed with the igni
switched off the . (USA models) I
• (Canada models) indicator lights come
on in the instrument cluster and the switch
for about 20 seconds .
If a drive range is engaged with the vehicle
stationary and the engine runn ing , you
must in no instance accelerate carelessly.
Otherwise the vehicle will start to move
i mmed iately- risk of an acc ident.
84 On the road
Cruise control
Switching on
The cruise control system makes it possible to
drive at a constant speed starting at 20 mph
(30 km/h).
Fig. 94 Control lever w it h push-button
Fig. 95 Dis pl ay: Selected speed
"' Pull the lever to position (D 9 fig . 94 to
switch the system on.
"' Drive at the speed to be controlled .
"' Press button @ to set that speed.
I :i:. ... a,
The stored speed and the green symbol
lij;(l)~i4 (US model) 1B (Canadian model) are
shown in the display
r:::;, fig. 95. The display
may vary, depending on the type of display in
your veh icle.
The speed is kept constant by modifying en
gine power or through an active brake inter
- Always pay attention to the traffic
around you when the cruise control is in
operation. You are always responsible for
your speed and the distance between
your vehicle and other vehicles. -
For reasons of safety , cruise control
should not be used in the city, in stop
and-go traffic, on twisting roads and
when road conditions are poor (such as ice, fog, gravel, heavy rain and hydro
plan ing) - risk of accident.
- Turn off the cruise control temporarily
when enter ing turn lanes, highway exit
lanes or in constr uction zones .
- Please note that inadve rtently "resting"
your foot on the accelerator pedal causes
the cruise control not to brake. This is
because the cruise control is overridden
by the drive r's acceleration.
- If a brake system malfunction such as
overheating occurs when the cruise con
trol system is switched on, the braking
function in the system may be switched
off . The other cruise control functions re
main active as long as the indicator light
[ff;(l)~i4 (US models) ;B (Canadian mod
els) is on.
(D Tips
The brake lights illuminate as soon as th e
brakes app ly automatically.
Changing speed
"' To incre ase/decrease the speed in incre
ments, tap the lever in the
010 direction
r:::;, fig . 94 .
"' To increase/decrease the speed quic kly,
hold the lever in the
010 direction until
the desired speed is displayed.
You can also press the accelerator pedal down
to increase your speed, e .g. if you want to
pass someone. The speed you saved earlier
will res ume as soon as you let off of the acce l
erator pedal.
If, however, you exceed your saved speed by
6 mph (10 km/h) for longer than 5 minutes,
the cruise control wil l be turned off tempora
rily. The green symbol in the disp lay turns
white. The saved speed remains the same.
N -Neutral
The transmission is in neutra l in this position .
Shift to this posit ion for standing with the
brakes applied
~ &. in Driving the automatic
transmission on page 89.
When the veh icle is stationary or at speeds
below 1 mph (2 km/h) , you must always apply
the footbrake before and while moving the lever out of N.
DIS -Normal position for driving forward
In the D/S position, the transmission can be
operated e ither in the normal mode Dor in
the sport mode S . To select the sport mode S,
pu ll the se lector lever back briefly. Pulling the
lever back again will select the normal mode
D. The instrument cluster display shows the
selected driving mode .
In the
normal mode D, the transmission auto
matica lly selects the suitable gear ratio. It de
pends on engine load, vehicle speed and driv
ing style .
Select the
sport mode S for sporty driving .
The vehicle makes full use of the engine's
power . Shifting may become noticeable when
When the vehicle is stationary or at speeds be low 1 mph (2 km/h), you must always apply
the foot brake before and while moving the lever to D/S out of N .
Read and follow all WARNINGS 9 &. in
Driving the automatic transmission on
page 89.
(D Note
Coasting downhill with the transmission in
N and the engine not running will result in
damage to the automatic transmission
and possibly the catalytic converter .
(D Tips
-On vehicles with drive select*, you can
adjust the sporty shift characteristics in
Dynamic driving mode .Swill appear
Transmission 87
in the instrument cluster display instead
- If you accidentally select N whi le driving,
take your foot
off the accelerator pedal
immediately and wait for the engine to
slow down to idle before selecting D/S.
- If there is a power failure, the selector
lever will not move out of the P position .
The emergency release can be used if
this happens
9 page 92.
Automatic Shift Lock (ASL)
Applies to vehicles: with multitro nic/S tronic/t iptronic
The Automatic Shift Lock safeguards you
against accidentally shifting into a forward or the reverse gear and causing the vehicle to
move unintentionally.
Fig. 97 Shift gate: selecto r lever lock posit ions and re
lease b utto n highlighted
The selector lever lock is released as follows:
.,. Turn the ignition on.
.,. Step on the brake pedal.
At the same time
press and hold the re lease button on the
side of the gear selector knob
9 fig . 97 with
your thumb until you have moved the selec
tor lever to the desired position .
Automatic selector lever lock
The selector lever is locked in the P and N po
sitions when the ignition is turned on. You
must press the brake pedal and the release
button to select another position . As a re
minder to the driver, the following warning
appears in the instrument cluster display
when the selector is in P and N:
When stationary apply brake pedal while se-
lecting gear .,,_
temporarily to the manual shift program in or
der to adjust the gears to the driving condi
tions by hand
¢ page 90.
On slopes, activate the parking brake first and
then move the selector lever to the P position.
This prevents too much stress from being placed on the locking mechanism.
Vehicles with multitronic transmission : Your
vehicle is equipped with
hill hold assist allow
ing you to start while on an incline. The sys
tem is activated when the brake pedal is
pressed down and held
for a few seconds. The
brake p ressure will hold for a moment after
the brake pedal loosens to prevent the vehicle
from rolling backwards while starting up.
-The vehicle can also roll when the engine
is stopped.
- Unintended vehicle movement can cause
serious injury.
- Never leave your vehicle with the engine
running while in gear. If you must leave
your vehicle when the engine is running,
activate the parking brake and move the
selector lever to P.
- Power is still transmitted to the wheels
when the engine is running at idle. To
prevent the vehicle from "creeping", you
must keep your foot on the brake when
the engine is running and the selector
lever is in D/S or R or "tiptronic" mode is
- Do not press the accelerator pedal when
changing the selector lever position
while the vehicle is stationary and the
engine is running .
- Never shift into R or P while driving.
- Before driving down a steep slope, re-
duce your speed and shift into a lower
gear with "tiptronic".
- Do not ride the brakes or press the brake
pedal too often or too long when driving
down a hill. Constant braking causes the
brakes to overheat and substantially re
duces braking performance, increases
Transmission 89
braking distance or causes complete fail
ure of the brake system.
- To prevent the vehicle from rolling back
when stopping on inclines, always hold it
in place with the brake pedal or parking
- Never hold the vehicle on an incline with a slipping clutch. The clutch opens auto
matically when it becomes too hot from
the overload . An indicator lamo
[O] illu
minates and a driver message appears
¢ page 92 when the clutch is overload
- If the engine must remain running, never
have any driving position engaged when
checking under the hood . Make sure the
selector lever has securely engaged and
is locked in P with the parking brake set
¢ page 205, Engine compartment. Oth
erwise, any increase in engine speed may
set the vehicle in motion, even with the parking brake applied.
(D Note
- S tronic ®- and tiptronic transmission:
When stopping on an incline, do not try
to hold the vehicle in place by pressing
the accelerator pedal while a driving gear
is selected. This can cause the transmis
sion to overheat and can damage it. Acti
vate the parking brake or press the brake
pedal to prevent the vehicle from rolling .
- S tronic ®- and tiptronic transmission: Al
lowing the vehicle to roll when the en
gine is stopped and the selector lever is
in N will damage the transmission be
cause it is not lubricated under those cir
(D Tips
For safety reasons, the parking brake is re
leased automatically only when the driv
er's safety belt is engaged in the buckle.