Instruments and warning/indicator lights 21
o Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Ind icator Lamp (M IL) is part
of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
The symbol
¢'4 lights up when the ignition is
switched on and wi ll turn off after the engine
has started and has sett led at a constant idle
speed. This ind icates that the MIL is working
properly .
The warning light illuminates when there is a
malfunction in the engine e lectronic system .
Contact your author ized Audi dealer and have
the ma lfunction corrected .
An improperly closed fue l fi ller cap may also
cause the MIL light to illuminate ¢
page 210.
For more informat ion ¢ page 29.
!?) Engine speed limitation
Applies to vehicles: wit h en gin e speed l im it at ion
(II Do not exceed max. engine speed of
XXXX rpm
The Ill symbo l illuminates when there is an
engine control malfunction . Th e~ indicator
light in the instrument cluster also illumi
nates. The engine speed is limited to the
speed displayed in the driver information sys
tem. Keep in mind that the eng ine speed will
not exceed the value displayed in the driver in
formation system, for example when down
Drive to your authorized Aud i dea ler immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected.
~ . Engine oil level
II Add oil, max XXXX l. You may cont. driv.
When the symbo l II and driver message ap
pear, add the amount of o il appearing i n the
d isplay at the next opportunity¢
page 217.
If the symbol illuminates, contact your au
thorized Audi dealer and have the o il sensor inspected.
Until you have this done, check the
oi l level each time you refue l just to be on the
safe sid e¢
page 217 .
Bu Tank system
flm Please refuel
If the indicator light turns on for the first
time and the message appears, there are
about 2.1 -2.4 gallons (7 -9 liters) of fuel left
in the tank . T ime to refuel ¢
page 209.
Ii] Fuel tank system malfunction! Contact
If the indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
tank system.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immed i
ate ly to have the malfunction corrected.
If the symbol illuminates, add w indshie ld
washe r fluid to the washer system and also to
the headlight washer system * ¢
page 226.
~ Windshield wipers
£!I Windshield wiper defective
The re is a malfunction with the windshie ld
wipe rs.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immedi
ately to have the malfunction corrected .
~/ }0 10 $ Defective light bulb warning
If the
l':;:'1 indicator light turns on, a bulb has
failed. The message indicates the location of
the bu lb.
- If the
II indicato r light also turns on, then
a fog light has failed. The position of the in
dicator light corresponds with the location
on the vehicle .
- If the
[tD indicator light also turns on, then
a rear fog* light has failed. The position of ..,_
58 Clear vis ion
Cleanin g the headlights* . The headlight wash
er system* op erates on ly when the headlights
a re on. If you move the lever to pos ition
® ·
the head lights are washed in intervals.
- The ra in sensor is only intended to assist
the driver . The dr iver is still responsible
for manually sw itching the w ipers on ac
co rding to the vis ibility conditions .
- The windshie ld may not be treated w it h
water-repe lling windshie ld coat ing
age nts. Unfavorable conditions, such as
wetness , darkness, low sun, can res ult in
incre ase d gla re. Wiper b lade ch atter is
also possible .
- P roperly fu nctioning windshie ld w iper
blades are required for a clear view and
sa fe dr iving
¢ page 58, Replacing
windshield wiper blades.
(D Note
- In the c ase of fro st, check whether the
winds hield wiper blad es are frozen to
the windshie ld. Switching on the wind
s h ield wipers can damage the wiper
- Prior to using a car wash, the win dshield
wipe r system must be switched
off (lever
i n position @). This helps to prevent un
i ntent ional sw itchi ng on and damage to
t h e windshie ld w iper system .
- The w indshield wipers are switched
when the ignition is turned off . Activate
the windshie ld w ipers afte r the ignit ion
i s sw itched back on by mov ing t he wind
s h ield wiper leve r to any pos it io n.
- Worn or dirty windsh ie ld w iper blades
r esult in streaking . T h is can affect the
r ain senso r* function . Ch eck your wind
s h ield wiper blades regularly.
- The was her fluid nozzles of the wind
s h ield washer system are heated at low
temper atures w hen the ignit ion i s on.
- When stop ping temporarily , (e.g. at a
traff ic light) the se t speed of the wi nd- shield wipers is automatically
reduced by
one s peed.
Replacing windshield wiper blades
Wiper blad es in good condition help k eep th e
windshield clear.
Fi g. 6 4 Re mov ing w indsh ie ld wipe r bl ade
Wiper service posit ion /blade replacement
" Switch the windsh ie ld w ipers off (position
@ ¢fig. 63).
" Select: !CAR ! function b utton> Wind shield
wip ers> Service po sition > on .
" Select:
I CAR I func tion button > Car sy s
tem s*
con tro l but ton > Servicing & checks >
Wiper service po sition > On.T he windsh ield
w ipers move into the service pos ition.
Removing the wiper blade
" Lift t he windsh ie ld w iper a rm up from the
w indshie ld.
" Press the locking knob
(D c::> fig. 64 on the
wiper blade . Ho ld the wipe r blade firmly .
" Remove the wiper b lade in the direction of
the arrow .
Attaching the wiper blade
" In st all the new w ipe r blade in t he reta iner
on t he wiper a rm @ unt il yo u hear i t click in
to p lace on the wiper arm.
" Place the wiper arm back on the winds hield.
" To bring the w ipers back into the origina l
position, press the windshield wiper lever .
" Select :
!CAR ! function button> Windshield
> Service position > off . Or
.. Select : ICARlfunctio n button> Car sys
tems *
control button > Servicing & check s >
Wiper serv ice po sition > Off .
-If the windshield wipers smear the wind
shield, clean the w iper blades with w ind
shield washer fluid .
If the wiper blades
are extremely d irty, you can also clean
them w ith a soft sponge or cloth.
- For your safety, you should replace the
wiper blades once or twice a year . See
yo ur autho riz ed Aud i deale r for replace
ment blades.
(D Note
- The w indshield wiper blades must only
be replaced when in the serv ice position!
Otherwise, yo u ris k damaging the pai nt
on the hood or the windshield wiper mo
tor .
- You sho uld not move yo ur vehicle or
press the w indshie ld w iper lever when
the wiper arms are folded away from the
windshield . The windshield wipers would
move back into the ir origina l position
and could damage the hood and w ind
s h ield.
- To help prevent damage to the wiper sys
tem, always loosen blades which are fro
zen to the windsh ield befo re operat ing
- To help prevent damage to wiper blades,
do not use gasoline, kerosene, pa int
th inner, or othe r solvents on or nea r the
wipe r blades.
- To help prevent damage to the wiper
arms or other compone nts, do not at
tempt to move the w ip ers by hand.
@ Tips
- Commerc ial hot waxes applied by auto
matic car washes affect the how eas ily
the g lass su rface can be cleaned .
- You can also use the service pos ition, for
example, if you want to protect the
windsh ield from ic ing by using a cover .
Clear vision 59
Digital compass
Switching the compass on and off
Applies to vehicles: with digital compass
The compass direction is shown in the rear
view mirror .
Fig. 65 Rearv iew mirro r: Digita l co mpass activated
.. To swi tch the compass on or off, p ress and
hold t he b utton @until the comp ass dis
play in the mirror~
fig. 65 appears or disap
pears .
T he dig ital compass o nly works when the igni
tion is on . The directions are indicated with
N (north), NE (northeast), E
(east), SE (southeast), S (south), SW (so uth
W (west), NW (northwest).
(D Tips
To prevent inaccurate compass readings ,
do not b ring any remote contro ls, electr i
ca l devices or metallic objects near the