Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2
General notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Why safety be lts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Safety belt pretens ioners . . . . . . . . . . 138
Airbag system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Important things to know . . . . . . . . . . 140
Front airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Mon itor ing the Advanced Airbag
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Knee ai rbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 55
Side airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Child Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1
I mpor tant th ings to know . . . . . . . . . . 16 1
C hi ld safety sea ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 7
I ns tall ing a chi ld safety seat . . . . . . . . 171
L A T CH Lower anchorages and tether
for children ... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. 175
Addit ional Information
Vehicle operat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Intelligent technology . . . . . . . . 179
Not ice about data recorded by vehicle
control modules.......... .... .. .. 179
Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC) . 179
Braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
E lect ro-mechanical power assist ,
dynamic stee ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Driving w ith your qu attro ® . . . . . . . . . 184
E nergy management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Driving and environment . . . . . 18 7
The first 1,000 miles (1,500 km) and
afterwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Avoid damaging the vehicle . . . . . . . . . 187
Driving through water on roads . . . . . 187
Catalytic converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Operate your vehicle econom ically and
minim ize pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Trailer towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Driving w ith a trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Trailer towing tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Table of contents 3
Vehicle care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cleaning and protection . . . . . . 194
Genera l information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Care of exterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Care of interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Fuel supply and filling your
fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Checking and filling . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Engine hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Engine compartment .............. 214
E ngine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
En gine cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Br ake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Windshie ld/headlight* washer
container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Tires and wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Tire pressure monitoring system 245
Do-it-yourself service . . . . . . . . . 248
What do I do now? . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 8
Vehicle tool kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Space-saving spare tire (compact
spare tir e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Changi ng a wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Fuses and bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SS
Fuses ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... ...... . 255
Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Emergency situations . . . . . . . . . 259
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Starting by pushing or towing . . . . . . . 259
Star ting with jumpe r cables . . . . . . . . 259
U se of jumpe r cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
E mergency towing with commercia l
tow truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Lifting vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
12 Instrum ents a nd warning /indic ato r li ghts
Se tting th e speed warning
By pressing the I SETI button br iefly, you can
set threshold 1 of the speed warning while
you are driving
¢page 83. By maintaining
pressure on the
ISETI button, you delete the
warn ing threshold.
Digital clock with date display and
Fig. S Instrument cl uster: odo meter
Fig. 6 Instrument cl uster: reset button
Digital cl ock /GPS controll ed cl ock *
Depending on the vehicle equipment level,
you may choose between the quartz clock or
GPS controlled clock* l!'j in the radio or in
the MMI*. You can learn more about this in
the MMI manual or in the radio user's manual.
Odometer /trip odom eter
The display of distance driven is shown in kilo
meters "km" or in miles "mi".
- USA mode ls - Miles
- Canada models -Kilometers
The units of measure (kilometers/miles) can
be changed in the radio or MMI*. You can
learn more about this in the MMI manual or in
the rad io user's manual. T
he odometer @ shows the total number of
kilometers or m iles that have been driven on
the vehicle .
The trip odometer @shows the d istance driv
en since it was last reset. It can be used to
measure short distances. The last digit shows
distances of
100 meters or 1/10 of a mile.
The trip odometer can be reset to zero by
pressing the reset button
1 0.01 ¢ fig. 6.
Ma lfunct ion message
If there is a malfunct ion somewhere in the in
strument cluster,
DEF w ill appea r in the trip
odometer and wil l stay on . Co ntact your au
thorized Aud i dea ler to have the problem cor
Immob ilizer
When the ignition is sw itched on, the data on
the ignit ion key are scanned automat ica lly.
If an unauthor ized key was used,
SAF E is dis
played permanently in the odomete r display
field . The vehicle cannot be operated
¢page 32.
(j) Tips
-When you switch off the ignition or open
the driver door, the t ime, date, odome
t er and temperature are displayed for an
add itiona l
30 seconds.
- You can also call up the display with the
!SET ! button ¢page 11 wh ile the igni
tion is switched off.
Fuel gauge
The fuel gauge works only when the ignition is
on .
When the needle reaches the red area, the
warning light
Ii] in the instrument cluster will
<:!> page 21. Tim e to refuel!
The tota l tank capacity of your vehicle is listed
I::!> page 267. .,.
Instrument s and warnin g/indic ator ligh ts 13
(D Note
Never run the tank completely dry! An ir
reg ular supply of fuel can cause eng ine
m isfiring and fuel could enter into the ex
haust system. The catalyt ic converter
could the n overheat and be damaged .
The indicator lights in the instrument cluster
blink or turn on . They indicate functions or
malfunct ions ¢,&. .
Messages may appear with some indicator
lights. A warning signal will sound at the
same time . The messages disappear again af
ter a short t ime . To display a message again ,
pressthelSE T!button
¢ page 11. If severa l
malfunc tions occu r, each of the indica to r/
warn ing lamps will be d isplayed in succession
for abo ut two seconds at a time .
Some ind icators lights in the disp lay can turn
on in several colors.
- F ailure to heed warning lights and o ther
impor tant vehicle info rmation may result
in serious persona l injury o r vehicle dam
- Whenever sta lled or stopped for repair,
move the vehicle a safe distance off the
road, stop the engine, and turn on the
eme rgency flasher¢
page 54.
-The e ngine compartment of any motor
vehicle is a potentially hazardous area.
Before you check anything in the engine
compartment, stop the engine and let it
cool down. Always exercise extreme cau
t ion when wor king under the hood
¢ page 205, Engine compartment
(D Tips
Ma lfunctions or faults w ill be identified ei
ther with a red symbo l (pr io rity 1 -Dan- ger!) or with a yellow symbol (prio
rit y 2 -
' Overview
Some indicator lights t urn on briefly to check
the function of that system when you switch
the ignit ion on . These systems are marked
with a../ in the fo llow ing tables . If one of
these indicator lights does not tu rn on, there
i s a ma lf u nct ion in that system.
Red indicator lights
Red symbo ls indicate a prior ity ma lfunction -
- Pull off the road .
- Stop the vehicle.
- Tur n off the engi ne.
- Check t he malfunc tioning system. Contac t
your author ized A udi dealer or a q ualified
workshop for assistance.
USA models :
Brake system../
¢page 15
Canada models:
Brake system ../
¢page 15
USA mod els :
Elec tromech anical parki ng br ake
¢ page 16
Canada models:
Electromechanical parking brake
¢page 16
Safety be lts
¢ page 17
Electromechanical steering ../
¢page 183
¢page 17
Engine oil pressure
¢page 17
Eng ine oil level
¢page 17
Instruments and warning/indicator lights 17
E Parking brake!
If the E indicator light turns on and this
message appears, there is a pa rking brake
mal funct ion. Drive to your authorized Aud i
dea ler or qualified workshop immediately to
have the malfunction corrected.
,(,_ Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to
put on your safety belt.
The . warning/ind icator light illuminates
when the ignition is switched on to rem ind
the driver and any front passenger to put on
the safety belt. Additionally, an acoustic warn i ng (gong) will a lso sound .
Fo r more Information
c:> page 132, Safety
belt warning light .
E::::3 Battery
The. warning/indicator light illuminates
when you switch on the ignition and must go
out after the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery is not being
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, there is a malfunction in the
generator or vehicle e lectrica l system.
D rive to you r autho rized Aud i dealer or quali
fied workshop immediately . Because the vehi
cle battery is discharging, turn
off a ll unnec
essary electrical equipment such as the radio .
Seek professional assistance if the battery
charge leve l is too low.
(•) Low battery: Battery will be charged
while driving
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, there may be limited starting
If th is message turns
off after a litt le while,
the battery charged enough wh ile driving. If the
message does not turn
off, have your
authorized Audi dea ler or qualified workshop
correct the ma lfunction.
'l:::7: Engine oil pre ssure
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol
requires immediate service or repair . Driving
with a low-oil-pressure indication is likely to
inflict severe damage to the engine .
• Turn off engine! Oil pressure too low
If the indicator light turns on and the mes
sage appears, the oil pressure is too low.
.,. Pull
off the road.
.,. Stop the vehicle.
.,. Tur n
off the engine .
.,. Check the engine oil level c:> page 217.
.,. If the engine oi l level is too low, add engine
¢ page 217. Make sure that the oil pres
sure warning symbol. appears no longer
in the display before you start dr iv ing again.
.,. If the eng ine oil level is correct and the indi
cator light still turns on, turn the engine
and do not cont inue driv ing. Seek professio
nal assistance .
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is
not an indicator for a low engine oil lev
el. Do not rely on it. Instead, check the
oil level in your engine at regular inter
vals, preferably each time you refuel,
and always before going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
l!I requires oil refill or workshop serv
ice without delay. Do not wait until the
red oil pressure warning. starts to
flash before you respond to the low oil
level warning
Ill. By then, your engine
may already have suffered serious dam
~ -, Engine oil level
• WARNING : Please add oil immediately .,,.
196 Cleaning and protection
-Never use sponges designed to remove
insects, or any kitchen scouring sponges
or similar products. They can damage
your paint finish .
- Never use a dry cloth or sponge to clean
the headlights. Only use wet cloths or
sponges to prevent scratches .
It is best
to use soapy water.
- You should remove debris (such as in
sects) from the headlight lenses on a
regular basis, for example when refuel
ing your vehicle. Never use a dry cloth or
sponge to clean the headlights . Only use
wet cloths or sponges to prevent
It is best to use soapy water.
@ For the sake of the environment
Only wash the vehicle in facilities specially
designed for that purpose. This will reduce
the risk of dirty water contaminated with
oil from entering the sewer system. In
some areas, washing vehicles outside of
these facilities is prohibited.
Washing your vehicle with a power
Cleaning the exterior of your car with a high
pressure power washer is safe as long as you
observe a few simple rules.
.. Before using the power washer, make sure
you have read and understood the WARN
A in General information on
page 194 .
• Always follow the operating instructions for
the power washer .
• Make sure that the jet on the spray hose
produces a "fan shaped spray".
• Do
not hold the spray nozzle too close to
soft materials.
Never use a power washer to clean the power
top itself.
Keep a distance from soft materials such as
rubber hoses or insulating material as well as
sensors and camera lenses. When cleaning the vehicle with a power wash
always follow the operating instructions.
This applies particularly to the operating pres
sure and the spraying distance. Do not point
the spr ay directly at the seals around the side
windows, around the doors, on the rear lid or on the power top . Likewise, do not point it di
rectly at tires, rubber hoses, insulation mate
rial or sensors
¢page 198. Hold the spray
nozzle at least 1.3 ft (0 .4 m) away from the
Do not use a high-pressure power washer to
remove snow and ice .
Do not use a jet which sprays water in a direct
stream or one that has a rotating jet.
Water temperature should not exceed 140 °F
(60 °().
Never wash tires with a jet that sprays wa -
ter in a direct stream . This could cause in
visible damage to the tires and weaken
them, even if the spray is from a relatively
long distance and for a short time. Dam
aged and weakened tires can fail and cause
accidents and personal injury.
(D Note
- Never use a power washer to clean the
power top itself.
- To avoid damaging your vehicle, always
make sure that there is sufficient dis
tance between the spray head and soft
materials like rubber hoses, plastic parts
and sound-deadening materials as well
as sensors and camera lenses. Never aim
the spray head at the same point for a
long time . This also applies to cleaning
headlights and painted bumpers. Re
member: the closer the nozzle is to the
surface of the material , the greater the
stress on the material.
228 Tire s and wheel s
-Never mount used tires on yo ur vehicle if
you are not sure of their "previous histo
ry." Old used tires may have been dam
aged even though the damage cannot be
seen that can lead to sudden t ire failure
and loss of vehicle control.
- If you notice unusual vibration or if the
vehicle pulls to one side when driving, al
ways stop as soon as it is safe to do so
and check the wheels and tires for dam
(D Note
Please note that summer and winter tires
are designed for the cond itions that are
Glossary of tire and loading terminology
Accessory weight
means t he comb ined we ight (in excess of
those sta ndard items which may be rep laced)
of au toma tic tra nsmission, power steer ing,
power brakes, power windows, power seats,
radio, and heater, to the extent that th ese
items are availab le as factory -installed equip
ment (whether installed or not) .
Aspect ratio
means t he ratio of the he ight to the w idth of
the tire in percent . Numbers of 55 or lower in
dicate a low sidewall for improved steering re
sponse and better overall handling on dry pavement .
means the part of the ti re that is made of
steel wires, wrapped or reinforced by ply cords
and that is shaped to fit the rim.
Bead separation
means a b reakdown of the bond between
components in the bead.
means the strands forming the plies in the
tire . typ
ica l in those seasons . Audi recommends
using winter tires during the winter
months . Low temperatures signif icant ly
decrease the e lasticity of summer tires,
which affects tract ion and brak ing ability.
If summer tires are used in very co ld tem
peratures, cracks ca n form on the tread
bars, res ulting in permanent tire damage
that can cause loud driving no ise and un
balan ced t ires. Audi is not responsible for
th is type of damage .
Cold tire inflation pressure
means the tire p ressu re recommended by t he
vehicle manufacturer fo r a tire of a des igna ted
s iz e that has not bee n driven for more than a
coup le of miles (k ilometers) at low speeds in
t h e three hour period before the tire pressure
is measured or adjusted.
Curb weight
mea ns the we ight of a motor ve hicl e w ith
standard equipment including the max imum
capacity of fuel, oil, and coolant, air condi
tioning and additional weight of optiona l
Extra load tire
me ans a t ire design to operate at higher loads
and at h igher inflation pressures than the cor
responding standard tire . Extra load tires may
be identified as "XL", "x l" , "EXTRA LOAD", or
"RF" on the sidewall.
Gross A xle Weight Rating ("GAWR ")
means the lo ad -c a rry ing c apac ity of a s ingle
axle system , measured a t the tire-ground in
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating ("GVWR ")
mea ns the maximum total loaded we ight of
t h e ve hicl e. .,.
th e f unct ion of the tire pressure monitor
ing system*.
- Always inflate tires to the recommended
and correct tire pressure before driving
- Driving with under inflated tires bend
more, letting them get too hot resu lting
in tread separation, sudden t ire failure
and loss of control.
- Excessive speed and/overloading can
cause heat build-up, sudden tire fail ure
and loss of control.
- If the t ire pressure is too low or too high,
the tires w ill wea r prematurely and the
vehicle will not hand le we ll.
- If the t i re is not flat and you do not have
to change a w heel immed iate ly, dr ive at
reduced speed to the nearest serv ice sta
t ion to check the tire pressure and add
air as requi red.
{Q) Note
Dr iving without va lve stem caps ca n cause
damage to the tire va lves . To preve nt this,
always ma ke s ure t hat facto ry installed
va lve stem caps on all wheels a re secu re ly
mounte d on the va lve.
@ For the sake of the environment
Unde rinflat ed tires will a lso inc reas e the
fue l cons umption .
Tires and vehicle load limits
There are l imits to the amo un t of load or
weight that any vehicle and any tire can carry .
A veh icle that is overloaded w ill not handle
w ell and is more difficult to stop. Overload ing
can not only lead to loss of vehicle contro l,
but c an a lso damage import ant parts of the
ve hicle and can lead to sudden tire failure, in
cluding a blowout and sudden deflation that
can cause the ve hicle to crash .
Your safety and that of your passengers a lso
depends on making sure that load limits are n ot exceeded. Vehicle load includes everybody
and everyth ing in and on the vehicle . Th ese
Tire s an d wheel s 235
load lim its are technically referred to as the
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
T he "GVWR" incl udes the weight of the basic
vehicle, a ll factory installed accessories, a f ull
tan k of fuel, oi l, coo lant and other fluids plus
max imum load. The max imum load incl udes
the n umber of passengers t hat the vehicle is
intended to carry ("seat ing capac ity") with an
ass umed we ight of 150 lbs . (68 kg) for eac h
passenger at a designated seating posi tion
and the tota l weight of a ny luggage i n the ve
hicle. If you tow a tra ile r, the we igh t of the
tra iler hi tch and the tongue we igh t of t he
loaded tra iler mus t be included as part of the
vehicle load .
T he
Gro ss Axle Weight Rating (" G AWR ") is
the max imum load th at can be appl ied a t each
of the veh icle's two axles .
T he Gross Vehicle Weight Rat ing and t he
G ross Ax le Weig ht Ra ting are listed on the
sa fe ty comp lian ce sti cke r la bel lo cate d on the
driver's side B-pillar. Audi has
4 seating pos i
tions, 2 in the front an d 2 in the rear fo r total
seating capacity of 4 . Eac h seati ng position
has a seat belt
q page 132, Safety belts.
T he fac t that there is an upper limit to yo ur
vehicle's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating means
that the total weight of whatever is being car ried in the vehicle ( includ ing the weight of a
trailer hitch and the tongue weight of the
loaded tra iler) is lim ited. The more passen
gers in the vehicle or passengers w ho are
heavier than the sta ndard we ights assumed
mea n that less we ight can be ca rried as lug
T he tire pressure label on your Audi also lists
the max imum combined weight of all of the
occupants and l uggage or other cargo that
the ve hicl e can ca rry . Fo r th e lo cat ion of the
la bel
q fig. 182 .
Overloading a vehicle can cause loss o f ve -
h icle cont ro l, a crash or other accide nt, se-
rious pe rsonal in ju ry, and even death. ..,
-Drive carefully on roads with potholes, deep
gullies or ridges. The impact from driving
thro ugh or over such obstacles can damage
your tires. Impact with a curb may also cause damage to your tires.
- After any impact, immediately inspect your
tires or have them inspected by the nearest
authorized Aud i dealer. Replace a damaged
t ire as soon as possible .
- Inspect your t ires every 2,000 miles (3,000
km) for damage and wear . Damage is not al
ways easy to see . Damage can lead to loss of
air and underinflation, wh ich could eventu
ally cause ti re fail ure. If you be lieve that a
t ire may have been damaged , replace the
t ir e as soon as possible.
- These tires may wea r more q uick ly than oth
- Please also remember that, wh ile these t ires
deliver respons ive handling, they may ride
less comfortably and make mo re noise than
othe r choices .
Reduced performance in winter /cold
season condit ions
All t ires are des igned for certa in pu rposes.
The low aspect ratio, ultra high pe rformance
tires originally installed o n your vehicle are in
tended for max imum dry and wet road per
formance and handling . They are not suitable
for cold, snowy or icy weather condit ions. If
you dr ive under those circumstances, you
should equip your veh icle with all-season or
winter t ires, which offer better traction under
those cond itions . We suggest you use the re c
ommended snow or all-season tires specified
for your ve hicl e, or their equ ivalent .
Refer to~
page 242 for more deta iled info r
mat ion regarding win ter t ires.
Tire pressure
monitoring system
U) General notes
Ap plies to vehicles: with tire pressure monitoring system
Each t ire , includ ing the spare (if provided),
should be che cked mo nth ly when cold and in-
Tire s an d wheel s 245
flated to the inflation pressure recommended
by the vehicle man ufact urer on the vehicle
placard or tire inflat ion pressure labe l. (If your
vehicle has tires of a different size than the
s ize indicated o n the vehicle placard or tire in
flat ion pressure labe l, you shou ld determine
the proper t ire inflation pressu re for those
tires) .
As an added safety feature, your veh icle has
been equipped with a tire pressure monitoring
system ( TPMS) that illum inates a low tire
pr essure te lltale when one o r more of you r
tir es is s ignificant ly unde r-inflated. Acco rding
ly, when the low tire pressure tell tale illumi
nates, you shou ld stop and check you r tires as
soon as possib le, and inflate them to the
proper pressure . Driving on a significant ly un
der- inflated t ire causes the tire to overheat
and can lead to tire fa ilure. Under-inflation al
so reduces fuel effic iency and tire tread life,
and may affect the vehicle's hand ling and
stopp ing abil ity .
Please note that the TPMS is not a substit ute
for proper tire ma intenance, and it is the driv
er 's respons ibility to maintain correct tire
pressure, even if under-inflation has not
reached the level to tr igger illuminat ion of the
T PMS low ti re p ressu re tellta le.
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a
T PMS ma lfunction ind icator to ind icate when
the system is not operating p rope rly . T he
T PMS ma lfun ction indicator is comb ined w ith
the low tire pressure te lltale . Whe n the sys
tem detects a malfunc tion, the telltale will
flash for approximate ly one mi nute and then
remain continuously i lluminated. T his se
quence will continue upon subsequent vehicle
start-ups as long as the malfunct ion exists .
When the malfunction indicato r is illum inat
ed, the system may not be ab le to detect or
s ignal low tire pressure as intended. TPMS
malfu nctions may occur for a var iety of rea
sons, including the installation of replace
ment or a lternate tires or wheels on the vehi
cle that p revent the TPMS from functioning
properly. Always check the TPMS malfunction
t e llt ale after rep laci ng one or more tires o r ..,.