206 Cleaning and protec tio n
Otherwise, the windshield wiper system
cou ld unintentionally be switched on,
poss ibly causing personal injury from the
moving wiper linkage .
- Never reach into the area around or
touch the radiator fan. The auxiliary fan
is temperature controlled and can switch
on suddenly- even when the ignit ion is
- Do not wash, wax or dry the engine w ith
the engine running . Moving or hot parts
cou ld inju re you .
- Do not clean the underside of the chas
sis, fenders, wheel cove rs, or other hard
to reach parts w ithout protecting your
hands and arms. You may cut yourse lf on
sharp-edged metal parts.
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
other informa tion ~
page 194.
-To reduce the r isk of being burned, never
open the hood if you see or hear steam
or coolant escaping from the engine
compartment . Wait until no steam or
coolant can be seen or heard before ca re
fully opening the hood .
- Keep children away from the engine com
- Never spill flu ids on hot engine compo
nents. They can cause a fire .
- Never touch the radiator fan. The aux ili
ary e lectr ic fan is temperature controlled
and can switch on suddenly .
- Never open the coolant reservoir cap
when the eng ine is still warm . The cool
ant system is pressur ized and hot coo l
ant could spray out.
- Protect your face, hands and arm from
steam or hot eng ine coolant by placing a
thic k rag over the cap when you open the
coolant reservoir.
- Do not remove the engine cover under
any c ircumstances. Th is increases the
risk of bu rns.
- If wo rk on the fuel system or the electri
cal sys tem is ne cessary:
- Always disconnect the battery.
- Never smoke or work near heaters or
open flames . Fluids in the engine com
partment co uld start a fire.
- Keep an approved fire extinguisher im
mediately ava ilable.
- To avoid electrical s hock and persona l in
jury while the engine is running or being
started, never touch:
- Ignition cables
- Other components of the high voltage
electronic ignition system.
- If you must perform a check or repa ir
with the engine running:
- Fir st, fully apply the parking brake,
move se lector lever of a utomatic trans
mission to "P" (Park).
Checkin g and fillin g 213
-Always use extreme caution to prevent
clothing, jewelry, or long hair from get
ting caught in the radiator fan, V-be lts
or other moving parts, or from contact
i ng hot parts . Tie back hair before
starting, and do not wear clothing that
will hang o r droop into the engine.
- Minimize exposure to em ission and
chemical hazards
9 .&, .
Califo rnia Proposition 65 Wa rni ng:
- Engi ne exhaust, some of its const ituents,
and certa in vehicle components contain
or emit chemi cals known to the State of
California to cause cancer and birth de
fects and reproduc tive harm. In addition,
certain fl uids con tained in vehicles and
certain products of component wear con
tain or emit chemica ls known to the
State of California to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
- Battery posts, terminals and related ac
cessories conta in lead and lead com
pounds, c hemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer and reproduc
tive harms. Wash hands afte r handling .
(D Note
When adding flu ids, always make sure that
they are poured into the proper conta iner
or f iller opening, otherwise serious dam
age to vehicle systems w ill occur .
@ For the sake of the environment
To detect leaks in time, inspect the vehicle
floor pan from underneath regularly . If
you see spots from oil or other veh icle flu
i ds, have you r vehicle inspected by an au
thori zed Audi dealer. •
scalding from hot coo lant by following
these steps.
- Turn
off the engi ne and a llow it to cool
- Protect your face, hands and arms from
escapi ng fl uid and steam by cover ing
the cap with a large, thick rag .
- Turn the cap slowly and very ca refully
i n a cou nte r-clockw ise dir ect ion while
a pply ing lig ht, downwa rd p ress ure on
the top of the cap.
- T o avo id being burned, do no t sp ill an
tifree ze o r coolan t on t he exh aust sys
tem or ho t engine parts . Un der certain
conditions, the ethylene glyco l in en
gine coolant can catch fire .
- Antifree ze is poisono us. Always store an
tifreeze in its or iginal co ntainer and we ll
o ut o f the reac h of children.
- If you drain the coolant , it must be
caught and safely stored in a p roper con
tainer clear ly marked "poison".
(D Note
- Coolant po llutes the env ironment and
could ca use a n engine fire . Excess coo l
ant wi ll be forced out through the pres
sure re lief va lve in the cap when the en
gine becomes hot.
- If, in an emergency, only water can be
added , the correct ratio between water
and antifreeze¢
page 219 must be re
stored as soon as possib le .
@ For the sake of the environment
Drained coolant should not be re used . Al
ways dispose of used c oolant while observ
ing all envir onmental regulations .
Radiator fan
The radiator fan switches on automa tically by
T he radiator fan is driven by the engine via the
V-be lt. The viscous clutch regulates the speed
of the fan according to the temperature of the
coolant .
Checkin g and fillin g 221
An auxiliary electric radiato r fan* sw itches on
off depending on coolant temperature
and othe r vehicle ope rat ing con ditions.
After yo u switc h the engi ne off, the aux iliary
f an can con tinue r unning for up to 10 minutes
- even with the ignition off. It can even switch
on again later by itself¢ & , if
- t he temperatu re of the engine coo lant rises
due to the heat b uild -up from the en gine in
the engi ne compartment, or
- the engine compartment heats up be cause
the vehicle is parked in intense sunlight.
- To reduce the risk of personal in jury nev
er touch the radiator fan.
- The a uxiliary electric fan is temperat ure
contro lled and can switch on sud denly
even when the engine is not running.
- The a uxiliary radiator fa n switches on a u
tomatically when the engine coo lant
reaches a certain temperature and will
continue to run until the coo lant temper
ature drops .
Brake fluid
Checking brake fluid level
The brake fluid level can be checked with a
qui ck glance.
Fig. 17 9 En gin e compar tment: Cover o n the brak e flu
i d reservoi r
Before you check anyth ing in the eng ine com
partment ,
always re ad and heed all WARN
INGS c::> ,& in Working in the engine compar t-
ment on page 212 . .,..
256 Fuses a nd bulb s
-No. Consumer
6 Headlight range control sys-
tern/cornering light
7 Headlight (cornering light) Control modules (electro-
mechanical parking brake,
8 shock absorber, quattro sport, trailer hitch), DCDC
9 Adaptive cruise control
10 Shift gate
11 Side assist
1 2 Headlight range control,
parking system
13 Airbag
14 Rear wiper (allroad)
15 Aux
iliary fuse (instrument
1 6 Auxiliary fuse terminal 15
(engine area)
Fu se pa nel@ (brown)
7 Brake light sensor
Fuel pump
Clutch sensor
Left seat heating with/w ith
out seat ventilation
Front left door (window reg-
8 ulator, central locking, mir
ror, switch, lighting)
Two-door models: rear left
w indow regulator, Four-door
11 models: rear left door (win-
dow regulator, central lock-
ing, switch,
12 Rain and light sensor
Fu se p ane l© (red)
3 Lumbar support
4 Dynamic steering
5 Interior lighting (Cabriolet)
No . Consumer
Windshield washer system,
headlight washer system
Vehicle electrical system
control module 1
Vehicle electr ical system
control module
Left rear window regulator
motor (Cabriolet)/sunroof
10 Vehicle e
lectr ical system
control module 1
Right rear window regulator
7,5/20 (Cabriolet)/sun shade motor
12 Anti-theft alarm warning
system 5
Right cockpit fuse assignment
199 Right cockpit: fuse panel wit h plastic cl ip
No . Consume r Amps
F use panel@ (bl ac k)
5 Steering column switch
.. -.. -
Term inal 15 diagnos tic con-
8 Gateway (Databus diagnos-
tic interface) ...