2013 AUDI A5 CABRIOLET four wheel drive

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Page 84 of 290

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2013  Owners Manual 82  On  the road 
Starting  off  with  a trailer 
To prevent  rolling  back  unintentionally  on an 
incline , do the  following: 
.,.  Keep  the  switch@¢ fig.  92 pulled  and  de­
press  the  acce

Page 183 of 290

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2013  Owners Manual always help  to  reduce the  risk of  loss of 
vehicle  control. 
(D T ips 
- ABS and ASR on ly work  correctly  when 
a ll  four  wheels  are eq uipped with  identi ­
ca l tires . Different  tire  s

Page 186 of 290

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2013  Owners Manual 184  Intelligent  technology 
Have  the dynamic steering*  system  mal­
function  repaired  as  soon  as  possible  by an 
authorized  Audi dealer  or  any  qualified 
workshop  -risk  of

Page 232 of 290

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2013  Owners Manual 230  Tires  and  wheels 
Speed rating  (letter  code) 
means the speed at  wh ic h a tir e is  des igned  to 
be d riven for  extended  per io d s of  t ime. The 
ratings  range from  93  mph  (150  k

Page 239 of 290

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2013  Owners Manual and  luggag e load  c apaci ty of 
y our  vehicle. 
.,.  Check the  tire  sidewall 
(c:::> fig . 18 6) to  d etermine  th e 
de sign ated  load  rating  f or a 
s p ecific  tir e. 
Tire service life

Page 243 of 290

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2013  Owners Manual vehicle  handling  and  can  lead  to  a  loss  of control. 
- If  the  spare  tire  is  not  the  same  as  the 
tires  that  are  mounted  on  the  vehicle  -
for  example  with  winter  tires  -onl

Page 248 of 290

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2013  Owners Manual 246  Tires  and wheels 
wheels  on your  vehicle  to  ensure  that the  re­
p lacement  or  a lternate  tires  and wheels  allow 
the  TPMS to  continue  to  function  properly. 
Tire  pressure  indi