2 Table of contents Vehicle literature .. .. .. .. .. ... .
About this Owner's Manual . . . 6
Controls and equipment .. ... .
Ins truments and controls .. . .
General illus tration .... ... .. .. ... .
Instruments and warning /
indicator lights ........ .. .. .. . .
Ins truments . .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
War ning/ indi cator lights ... .. ... .. .
Driver information d isplay .. . .
Introduct ion . .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
Trip computer .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
Efficiency program ........ .. .. ... .
Service interval d isp lay .... .. .. .. . .
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD) . . .
Opening and closing .... .. ... .
Power locking system ..... .. .. .. . .
Rear lid .. .. ... .... .... .. .. .. .. . .
P owe r windows ........... ... .. . .
Valet par king . ........ ... .. .. ... .
Power top .............. ... .. . .
Automatic powe r top ....... ..... . .
W ind deflecto r ........... .. .. ... .
P owe r top emergency oper ation
Clear vision .. .......... .. .. .. . .
Li ghts . .. .. ............. ....... .
I n ter ior lights . ......... .. .. .. .. . .
V 1s1on ..... ... .. ..... ... .. .. ... .
W iper an d washer system . ... .. ... .
Dig ita l compass ....... ... .. .. ... .
Seats and storage ... .. .. ... .. .
General recommen dat ions ... .. ... .
Front seats . ............. .. .. .. . .
H ead restraints .......... .. .. ... .
Seat memory . ........ ... .... .. . .
Ashtray .. .. ................ ... . .
C igarette lighte r .... .... .. .. .. .. . .
St orage .. .. ............. .. .. .. . .
L uggage compartmen t ...... .. ... . 8
1 3
4 2
4 6
5 2
5 7
6 1
Warm and cold ... .. ..... .... . .
Climate co ntrols . ... ... ..... ... .. .
On the road ... .. ... ..... ... .. .
Stee ring . ..... .. ... .. ..... .... . .
Ign it io n lock ..... .. .... .... ... .. .
Convenience key .. ... .......... .. .
Driver messages ................. .
E lectromechanical parking brake . .. .
Speed warning sys tem .. .. ... ... .. .
Cru ise cont ro l .. .. ............... .
Transm ission .. ..... ......... . .
mult it ron ic ® , S tronic ®, tiptronic .... .
Audi adaptive cruise control
and braking guard .......... . .
In troduc tion ... .. ... .. .. ... ..... .
Genera l informa tion ......... .. .. .
A udi adaptive cruise cont rol ..... .. .
A udi braking gua rd ..... .... ... .. .
Messages ..... .. .. ... ..... ... .. .
Audi side assist ............ .. .
Lane change ass istant
Audi drive select ........... .. .
D riving set tings .. ... .. ..... .... . .
Park assist ... .. ............... .
Parking sys tem ... .. ... ..... ... .. .
Pa rking system (rea r) . .. ..... ... .. .
Pa rking system (rear, with rear view
camera) .. .... .. .. ........... .. .
Homelink ® .... ... .. ..... .... . .
U niversa l remote contro l ..... ... .. .
Safety fir st .... .. ... ..... ... .. .
Driving Safely .... .. ..... .... . .
Genera l notes .. .. ............. .. .
Proper occupant seating positions .. .
Driver and passenger s ide footwe ll .. .
Pedal a rea ..... .. .. ........ ... .. .
Stow ing luggage .... .. .. ... ..... .
Repo rting Safety Defe cts ...... .. .. .
Active rollove r pro te ction sy st em . .. .
9 4
10 0
1 0 7
11 0
1 2 7
(!) Door handle
Power locking sw it ch
Memory buttons (dr iver's seat)
Button for side ass ist
A ir outlets
Control lever for :
- Turn signal and high beam
0 Multi-function steering wheel
- Horn
- Driver's airbag ........... .
- Audio/video , telephone and
navigation buttons
- Rocker switches for tiptronic
operation .... .... ... .... .
@ ISETI button .... ....... .... .
® Instrument cluster ......... .
@ Reset button for trip odometer
@ Switches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer
- Trip computer ............ .
@ Ignition lock ............ .. .
@ Adjustable steer ing column
~ Control leve r for :
- Cruise contro l .. ... ... .... .
- adaptive cruise contro l ... .. .
@ Instrument lighting .. ... ... .
@ Release lever for the engine
hood .. .. .. ............. .. .
@ Data Link Conne ctor for On
Board Diagnos tic s (OBD II) ... .
@ Light switch ........... .. .. .
@ Adjuster control for outside mir-
rors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
@ Power window switches . . . . . . 39
@ Radio-Displayll or MMI-Display
@ Depending on options:
- Radio system
- CD changer
l) The im age in t he d ispl ay will app ea r either in mu lt ipl e
col ors or in a singl e co lor , de pen din g o n th e vehicl e
e q ui pment. Th e m ulti co lo r im age w ill be use d i n this
O w ner's Manual becau se bo th mult i co lo r and sin gle
col or vers io ns are almost iden tic al.
Instruments and controls 9
@) Emergency flasher ......... .
@ Glove compartment (lockable)
@ Front passenger's airbag .....
@ Depending on options, switches
for :
- drive select .............. .
- Electron ic Stabilization Con -
trol ..... ... .. ..... ..... .
@ Deluxe aut omatic climate con-
tro l ...................... .
@ Selector lever for automatic
transmission ......... ..... .
@ Ashtray with cigarette lighter
@ Depend ing on options:
- MMI cont ro l console or
- drive select ......... ..... .
- Electron ic Stabili zation Con-
trol button .............. .
@ Central power window switch
@ Powe r top switch ........... .
@ Electromechanical parking
brake .. .. .... ... .. ....... .
(D Tips
66 ,66
17 9
-Some of the equipment or features
shown in the general illustration may be
standard equipment on your vehicle or
may be optional eq uipment depending
on your model. Always ask your author
ized Audi dealer if you have a quest ion
about your vehicle.
- Operation of the Multi Media Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manual.
keys. Unguarded access to the keys pro
vides children the opportunity to start
the engine and/or activate veh icle sys
tems such as the power windows etc. Un supervised operation of any vehicle sys
tem by ch ildren can result in serious in
- Do not remove the key from the ignition
lock until the vehicle has come to a com
plete stop. Otherw ise the steering col
umn lock cou ld suddenly engage -caus
ing the risk of an accident.
(D Tips
- The operation of the remote contro l key
can be temporarily disrupted by interfer
ence from transmit ters in the vici nity of
the vehicle working in the same frequen
cy range (e .g . a ce ll phone, radio equip
- Fo r security reasons, replacement keys
are on ly available from Audi dea lers .
- For Decla rat ion of Compliance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada regula
~page 272.
Removing the mechanical key
0 ....
9 r
. ~
Fi g. 18 Remote master key: remov ing the mechanical
.,. Press the release button@r=:>fig. 18.
.,. Pull the mechan ical key ® out of the mas
ter key.
Using the mechan ical key, you can:
- lock and unlock* the glove compartment on
t h e passenger's sider::;,
page 67.
Op enin g an d clos ing 33
- lock and unlock the vehicle manually
r::;, page 36 if this should not be possible
w ith the master key.
- use the ignition key emergency release
r::;, page 34.
Check light and battery in the master
Fig . 1 9 Remote master key: removing the battery hold
Check li ght in the mast er key
The check light @r=:>
fig. 19 in the master key
provides information about different condi
.,. The check light turns on briefly once when a
button is pressed, and during an "inquiry"
by the convenience key system.
.,. If the check light does not come on, the
battery is dead a nd has to be replaced. In
add it ion, when the battery is dead
the m
indicator light appea rs in the instrument
cluste r display as we ll as the message
Please cha nge key batte ry .
Ma ster key battery replacement
.,. Remove the mechanica l key
r::;, page 33 .
.,. Press the release button @ r::;, fig. 19on the
bat tery ho lder and a t the same time pull the
battery ho lder out of the master key in the
direction of the arrow .
.,. Insta ll the new battery CR 2032 with the
" + " sign facing down .
.,. Push the battery holder carefully into the
master key.
.,. Install the mechanical key .
@ Tips
The emergency release lever should never
be used as a handle for closing the lug-
gage compartment lid.
Power windows
The driver can control all power windows .
Fig. 28 Sectio n of the dr ive r's d oor: Control s
Fig. 29 Cente r con sole: cen tral power window sw it c h
All power window switches Q fig. 28 are pro
v id ed with a
two-position function:
Opening the windows
.,. Press the switch to the first stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired pos i
t ion .
.. Press the switch briefly to the
se co nd stop
to automatically open the window.
Closing the windows
.,. Pull the switch to the first stop and hold it
until the window reaches the desired pos i
tion .
.,. Pull the switch brief ly to the
second stop to
automatical ly close the window.
Opening and closing 39
Power window switches
@ Driver's door
® Passenger's door
© Left rear window
@ Right rear window
You can open or close a ll the windows with
the switch
Q fig. 29.
_&. WARNING ..-
- When you leave your vehicle - even if on-
ly briefly -always remove the ignition
key. This applies particularly when chil
dren remain in the vehicle. Otherwise the
children could start the engine or oper
ate electrical equ ipment (e.g . power win
dows). The power w indows are function
al until the driver's door or passenger's
door has been opened.
- Pay close attention when closing the win dows to prevent pinching of hands or
- When locking the vehicle from outside,
the vehicle must be unoccupied since the
windows can no longer be opened in an
{D Tips
- When you open the doors, the windows
automatically lower about
1 0 mm .
- After the ignition has been switched off, the windows can st ill be opened or
closed for about
10 minutes. The win
dow regu lators are not switched until
the driver's or passenger's door is
opened .
40 Opening and clo sing
Convenience opening/closing
The windows can be opened and closed with
the mechanical key or the emergency key.
' ~-~
® '
Fig . 30 Key turns for open ing a nd clos ing
Conv eni ence open ing fe ature
"' 0 0 0
" m
• Use the emergency key or pull the mechani
cal key out of the master key¢
page 33.
• Insert the key into the lock of the drive r's
• Turn the key to position ¢
fig. 30@ until a ll
the windows have reached the desired posi
t ion.
Con venience clo sing f eature
• Use the eme rgency key or pull the mechani
cal key out of the master key¢
page 33 .
• Turn the key in the lock of the driver's door
to the lock position @ until the windows are
closed¢ &.
-Never close the windows inattentive ly
and w ithout checking -there is risk of in
- You must always watch when the win dows are being ra ised so that no one can
be t rapped. If you release the key, the
closing action is immed iate ly canceled.
- Always read and heed WARNING ¢
A in
General description on page
31 .
Correcting window regulator
After disconnecting the vehicle battery, the
one-touch up and down feature must be activated again.
• Pull and ho ld the power window sw itch un
til the w indow is completely closed.
• Release the sw itch and pull the sw itch again
for one second.
Valet parking
Applies to vehicles: with va let parking function
The valet parking feature protects the lug
gage compartment from unauthorized ac
Fi g. 31 Glove compartment: valet parking button
You can switch the "valet parking function" on
when someone else is parking your veh icle .
When the funct io n is switched on, the veh icle
can be d riven, Locked and unlocked using the
master key, but access to the l uggage com
partment is not permitted .
• Take the mechanical key out of the maste r
key ¢
page 33.
• Open the glove compartment¢ page 67.
• Activate ¢
fig. 31 the "valet parking" fea
ture by pressing the
I VALET I butto n. The in
dicator light in the switch illuminates.
• Close the glove compartment and lock it
with the mechanical key .
• Leave the master key with the service per
sonnel for park ing and keep the mechanical
key with you .
The following buttons are deactivated when
the valet parking function is switched on: ..,_
42 Power top
Power top
Automatic power top
General information
The sophisticated design of the fabric power
top allows you to operate it easily and quickly.
You can open and close the power top while
driving as long as the vehicle is traveling be
low 30 mph. When open, the power top is
stored in a special compartment which is
equipped with a cover.
Under normal conditions, the power top is
wind- and waterproof . In rare cases, small
droplets of water may form under extreme
weather conditions such as torrential or pro longed rain. That is normal and no cause for
F ollow the maintenance instructions to main
tain the attractive appearance of the converti ble and to ensure that it does not leak
<=> page 19 7, Power top care. Also observe
the following:
- Only open and close the power top when it is
clean. Sharp-edged particles of dirt can
scratch the rear window when the power top
is folded and can cause abrasion that result
in damage to the power top over time. You
should also remove ice and snow before
opening the power top.
- Never remove snow and ice with sharp
edged objects. You can remove ice from the
rear window w ith a standard ice scraper .
- You should on ly open the power top when it
is completely dry. Opening the power top
and stowing it in the compartment when it
is wet can cause marks on the top that de
tract from its appearance. Mildew can also
form if the power top is stowed for an ex
tended period of time when it is wet.
- Do not leave the power top open for several
weeks at a time. Always close it between
uses to prevent discoloration and creases
from forming. This is especially important if
it was not completely dry when stowed.
- Opening or closing the power top in temper
atures below 32 °F
(0 °() is not recommend- ed because the flexibility of the fabric
creases is sub-zero temperatures .
--When operating the power top, make
sure the function is not affected by wind
or other factors and that it does not in
terfere w ith other dr ivers.
- Never drive when the power top is not
locked correctly. The wind from driving
could cause the power top to open . This
can result in injuries and damage to the
veh icle.
- When opening and closing the power
top, make sure no one will be injured by
the supports and other moving parts.
- Operating the power top reduces the
headroom in the rear of the vehicle.
Make sure there is enough clearance be
tween the rear passenger and the power
top when opening and closing it.
-When operat ing the power top, visibility
to the rear is limited . Avo id operat ing the
top while driving in reverse.
(D Note
-Always make sure there is enough clear
ance above the vehicle so the power top
is not damaged when opening and clos
ing it.
- Do not store any objects in the power top
compartment to avoid damage when
opening the top.
@ Tips
- To prevent the battery from discharg ing,
do not open or close the power top re
peated ly when the engine is switched
-A message in the instrument cluster dis
play will a lert you if a protection function
was activated or if there is a malfunction
<=>page 43.
-The power top can also be operated
manually if there is a malfunction
<=> page 47, Power top emergency op
Have you authorized Audi dealer .,..
46 Power top
Wind deflector
Applies to vehicles: with wind deflector
The wind deflector decreases air movement
inside the vehicle and increases driving com
Fi g. 37 Insert ing the win d deflector (1)
Fig. 38 Inse rt in g the wind deflector (2)
Retaining pins are located on the long ends of
the w ind deflector. They sec ure the deflector
i n the mounts o n the vehicle's rear side tr im .
F or safety reasons, inserting the w ind deflec
tor from the side farthest from traffic.
Inserting and positioning the wind
d eflector
,.. Open the rear side w indow on the side far
thest from traffic.
,.. Read the assembly instructions on the wind
deflector storage bag .
,.. Remove the wind deflector from the stor
age bag and fold it apart
once . The wind de
flector is installed in the correct position
when the longest side is toward the front
and the wind deflector frame is at the top.
,.. Insert both retaining p ins i n the mounts in
the tr im above the rear seat on the driver
s ide
s>fig. 37 (!). ,..
Fold the handle @at the front and center
of the wind deflector upward and lift the de
flector s light ly in the center s>
fig. 38@.
,.. Now guide the wind deflector into the
mounts in the side trim on the passenger
side @and press light ly in the middle ®
until the handle locks in place .
,.. Set the wind deflector up comp letely .
Remo ving the wind deflector
,.. Fold the wind deflector frame back.
,.. Fold the handles>
fig. 3 7@ at the front
and center of the wind deflector upward and
lift the deflector slightly in the center .
,.. Remove the wind def lector from the
mounts in the side tr im on the passenge r
,.. Pull the w ind deflecto r out of the mounts
on the driver side and lift it out .
,.. Fold it together.
,.. Store the wind deflector in the storage bag.
--Do not use the wind deflector to secure
- Be careful when installing so you do not
pinch your f ingers .
- Pay attention to the traff ic when insta l
ling the wind deflector, if necessary.
(D Note
Do not lean aga inst the vehicle when in
stalling the wind deflector. Hard objects
and decorations on clothing such as be lt
buck les can scratch the pa int. Your cloth
i ng could also become dirty.
@ Tips
- The wind deflector works best when all
of the windows are rolled up while driv
- Only store the wind deflector in the stor
age bag when it is dry.
Power top emergency
General information
The power top can be closed by hand if there
is a malfunction .
~ Activate the parki ng b rake.
~ Open the windows
~ Remove the key from the ignit ion.
Only close the powe r top ma nually in an eme r
gency. The best solu tion is to have your au
thor ized Audi dealer co rrect the cause of the
mal func tion.
Powe r top emergency operation consists of
the following steps:
- Unlocking the power top compartment
The cover on the power top compart
ment must be released by hand .
-Closing the power top: The power top must
be l ifted o ut of the tray and close d.
- Locking the power top: The powe r top
latches must be locked with the emergency
key .
- W hen positioning th e power top, avoid
co nta ct wi th th e suppo rts or o ther mov
ing parts. Make su re al l of the windows
are lowered . Otherw ise you cou ld pi nch
yo ur hands.
- N ever dr ive when the power top is not
locked correct ly . The win d from drivin g
cou ld cause t he power to p to open . This
can res ult in injuries and damage to the
vehicle .
@ Tips
Have a second person assist when clos ing
the power top . Posit io ning t he power top
is easier when t here is a second person to
he lp.
Power top 4 7
Step 1: Unlocking the power top
compartment cover
T he release lever for the powe r top compart
ment is lo cated under the trim in the luggage
compartmen t.
Fig. 39 Lugg ag e compart men t: re lease lever
Fig. 40 Lu gg ag e compart ment: s ide trim
~ Open the luggage compa rtment lid. The
emergency release can be used if the l ug
gage compartment lid wi ll not open
c::;,page 38.
~ Reach your f inger into the gap behind the
t rim near the cente r of the vehicle .
~ Pull the release lev er down to release the
power to p compa rtment cover
c::;, fig . 39 .
~ Open the left side trim an d press the yellow
lever in the direction of the arrow ¢
fig. 40.
~ Remove the emergency key from t he com
partment on the left side @.
~ Open the r ight side trim and press the yel
low lever in the direct ion of the arrow .