104 Audi side assist
General information
App lies to vehicles: with Audi side assist
Fig. 116 Driving sit u at ions
F ig . 11 7 Rea r of th e ve hicle: positio n of t he se nso rs
Side assis t fu nctions at speeds above app rox i
ma tely 19 mph (30 km/h).
(D V ehicles that are approaching
In certain cases, a vehicle will be classified as
cr itical for a lane change
even if it is still
somewhat far away. The fas ter a vehicle ap
p ro aches, the sooner the disp lay in the exteri
or m irror will t urn on.
@ Vehicles traveling with you
Vehicles traveling w ith you are indicated in the
exterior m irror if they are classified as cr it ical
for a lane change. All vehicles detec ted by
side assis t are in dicated by the time they en
ter your "blind spot", at the latest.
@ Vehicles left behind
If you s low ly pass a ve hicl e tha t sid e ass ist has
dete cted (t he difference in s peed between the
vehicle and you r vehicle is less than 9 mph
(15 km/h), the display in the exter ior mirror
turns on as soon as the vehicle enters your
blind spot.
The display wi ll not t urn on if you quickly pass
a vehicle that s ide assist has detected (the dif
ference in speed between the ve hicle and your
vehicle is greater than 9 mph (15 km/h).
Functional lim itations
T he radar senso rs are designed to detect the
left and right adjacent lanes whe n the road
l anes a re the normal width. In certain situa
t ions, the d isp lay in the exterior mirror may
turn on
even though there is no ve hicle locat
ed in the area that is cr itical for a la ne cha nge.
Fo r example:
- if the lanes are narrow or if your are driving
on th e edge of your lane. If this is the case,
the system may have detected the vehicle in
another la ne that is
not adjacent to you r
cur rent lane .
- if you a re driving throug h a c urve . Side assist
may react to a vehicle that is one lane ove r
from the ad jacent lane .
- if side assist reacts to other objects (such as
high or d isp laced gua rd rails) .
- In poor weather conditions. The side assist
fu nctions are limited .
Do not
cover the radar sensors c::> fig. 117 with
stickers, depos its, bicycle wheels or other ob
jects, because this will affect the funct ion. Do
not use s ide ass ist when towing a trailer . For
i nforma tion on cleaning, refe r to
c::> page 198 .
-Always pay a ttention t o traffic and to th e
ar ea arou nd your vehi cle. Side a ssist c an
no t repl ace a driver 's atte ntion. The driv
er a lone is always res ponsible fo r lane
cha nges a nd similar driving maneuvers.
Automatic car wash
The vehicle can be washed in almost any
modern automatic car wash .
The vehicle paint is so durable that the vehicle
can normally be washed without problems in
an automatic car wash. However, the effect on
the paint depends to a large extent on the de
sig n of the fac ility, the filtering of the wash
water, the type of wash and care mater ial , etc.
If the paint has a dull appearance afte r go ing
through the car wash or is scratched, bring
this to the attention of the operator immedi
ately. If necessary, use a different car wash.
The power top does not require special pre
cautions be fore passing through a car wash.
Howe ver, the c ar mu st not be tre ated with
hot w ax after th e was h cy cle !
The wax could
adversely affect the power top and
even dam
age the fabric
over a period of time.
The power top does not have to be washed
ery time you use a car wash. The power top
can be spared if the car wash facility is equip
ped with manually adjustable roof brushes or
rollers .
Before going through a car wash, be sure to
take the usual precaut ions such as clos ing the
windows . Remove antenna if applicable .
If yo u have installed additional accessories on
the vehicle -such as spoilers, etc. -it is best to
ask the car wash operator if these should be
removed .
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
other information
Q page 194.
(D Note
- Before washing the vehicle in an auto
matic car wash, please make sure to re
tract t he exterior m irrors to prevent
them from being damaged.
- Compare the width of your vehicle with
the width of the tunnel at the fac ility.
Cleaning and protec tion 195
Washing the vehicle by hand
A lot of water is needed when washing a vehi
cle by hand .
.,. Before you start washing, make sure you
have read and understood the WARNINGS
Q & ,
.,. First soak all dried d irt unt il it is soft, then
r inse it off.
.,. As you clean your vehicle , start w it h the
roof and work your way down to the bottom,
using a sponge, a sponge g love or a clean
.,. Rinse the sponge or the sponge g love often,
flushing it clean each time.
.,. Use specia l car shampoo only for
very per
sistent d irt .
.,. Rinse the car thoroughly w ith water .
.,. Use a chamo is leather to gently w ipe the ex-
ter ior d ry.
Use a separate sponge for cleaning the
wheels, door sills and other regions exposed
to road dirt . In this way, you will not scratch
the pa int with coarse particles imbedded in
the sponge the next time you wash the ca r.
- Wash your vehicle only when the ignition
is switched off to red uce the risk of a
-A lways read and heed a ll WARNINGS and
other information
Q page 194.
{(D Note
-Never try to remove dirt, mud or dust if
the surface of the veh icle is dry. Never
use a dry cloth or sponge, since this
cou ld scratch your vehicle's paint or win
- Never wash your car in bright s unlight .
Drops of water act as magnifying lenses
and may damage yo ur paint .
- When you wash your car in the winter: if
you rinse yo ur vehicle with a hose, be
careful not to aim the stream of water
directly at locks, or at door or hatch
openings -they can freeze shut . •
means the space between two adjacent tread
Load rating (code)
means the maximum load that a tire is rated
to carry for a given inflation pressure. You
may not find this information on all tires be
cause it is no t req uired by law.
Maximum load rating
means the load rating for a t ire at the max i
mum permissible inflation pressure for that
Maximum loaded vehicle weight
means the sum of:
(a) Curb weight
(b) Accessory weight
(c) Vehicle capacity weight, and
(d) Production options weight
Maximum (permissible) inflation pressure
means the maximum cold inflation pressure
to which a tire may be inflated. Also called "maximum inflation pressure."
Normal occupant weight
means 150 lbs. (68 kilograms) times the
number of occupants seated in the vehicle up
to the total seating capacity of your vehicle.
Occupant distribution
means distribution of occupants in a vehicle.
Outer diameter
means the overa ll diamete r of an inflated new
Overall width
means the linear distance between the exteri
ors of the sidewalls of an inflated tire, includ
in g elevations due to labeling, decorations, or
protective bands or ribs.
means a layer of rubber-coated parallel cords.
Tires and wheels 229
Production options weight
means the combined weight of those installed
regular production options we ighing over 5
lbs. (2.3 kg) in excess of those standard items
which they replace, not previously considered
in curb weight or accessory weight, including
heavy duty brakes, ride levelers, heavy duty
battery, and special trim.
Radial ply tire
means a pneumatic tire in wh ich the ply cords
that extend to the beads are laid at substan
tia lly 90 degrees to the center line of the
tread .
Recommended inflation pressure
see¢ page 228, Cold tire inflation pressure.
Reinforced tire
means a t ire design to operate at higher loads
and at h igher inflation pressures than the cor
re sp onding standard tire. Reinforced tires
may be identified as "XL", "xl", "EXTRA LOAD",
or "RF" on the sidewa ll.
means a metal support for a tire or a tire and
tube assembly upon which the tire beads are
Rim diameter
means nom inal d iameter of the bead seat. If
you change your wheel s ize, you will have to
purchase new tires to match the new rim di
Rim size designation
means r im diameter and width .
Rim width
means nominal distance between rim flanges .
means that portion of a tire between the
tread and bead.
238 Tires and w hee ls
wheel alignment checked by an authorized
Audi dealer or qualified workshop.
All wheel dri ve
Vehicles w ith quattro ® must always have tires
of the same size, construction and tread type. F or detai ls see
¢ page 184 .
Sudden tire failure can lead to loss of con
trol, a crash and serious personal injury!
- Never drive a veh icle when the tread on
any tire is worn down to the wear indica
- Worn tires are a safety hazard, they do not grip well on wet roads and increase
your risk of "hydrop lan ing" and loss of
- Always keep chemicals that can cause
tire damage, such as grease, oil, gasoline
and brake fluid away from tires.
- Tires age even if they are not being used
and can fail suddenly, especially at high
speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years
old can only be used in an emergency
and then with special care and at lower
- Never mount used tires on your vehicle if
you are not sure of their "previous histo
ry." Old used tires may have been dam
aged even though the damage cannot be
seen that can lead to s udden tire failure
and loss of vehicle control.
New tires and replacing tires and wheels
New tires and wheels have to be broken in .
Fig. 186 Tir e specificat ion c odes on t he s idewall o f a
t ire
N o. Descri ption
(!) Passenger car tire (where applicable)
@ Nom inal width of tire in millimeters
@ Ratio of height to width (aspect ratio)
© Radial
® Rim diameter code
@ L oad index and speed rating
(J) U.S. DOT tire identification number
@ Audi Orig inal tire
@ Sever snow conditions
@ Tire ply compos ition and mate rials
Maximum load rating
Treadwear, traction and temperature
Maximum permissible inflation pres
T he t ires and rims are essential parts of the
vehicle 's design . The tires and rims approved
by Audi are spec ially matched to the charac
teristics of the vehicle and can make a major .,..
vehicle handling and can lead to a loss of control.
- If the spare tire is not the same as the
tires that are mounted on the vehicle -
for example with winter tires -only use
the spare tire for a short period of time and drive with extra care . Refit the nor
mal road wheel as soon as safely possi
ble .
- Never drive faster than the maximum speed for which the tires on your vehicle are rated because tires that are driven
faster than their rated speed can fail
- Overloading tires cause heat build-up,
sudden tire failure, including a blowout
and sudden deflation and loss of control.
- Temperature grades apply to tires that
are properly inflated and not over or un
- For technical reasons it is not always
possible to use wheels from other
vehicles -in some cases not even wheels
from the same vehicle model.
- If you install wheel trim discs on the ve
hicle wheels, make sure that the air flow
to the brakes is not blocked. Reduced air
flow to the brakes can them to overheat, increasing stopping distances and caus
ing a collision .
- Run flat tires may only be used on
vehicles that were equipped with them
at the factory. The vehicle must have a
chassis designed for run flat tires and a
factory-installed tire pressure monitor
ing system* that indicates a loss of tire
pressure. Incorrect use of run flat tires
can lead to vehicle damage or accidents.
Check with an authorized Audi dealer or
tire specialist to see if your vehicle can be
equipped with run flat tires . If run flat
tires are used, they must be installed on
all four wheels. Mixing tire types is not
permitted .
0 Note
-For technical reasons, it is not generally
possible to use the wheel rims from oth-
Tires and wheels 241
er vehicles. This can hold true for wheels
of the same vehicle type.
- If the spare tire is different from the
tires that you have mounted on your ve
hicle (for example winter tires or wide
profile tires), then use the spare tire for a
short period of time only and drive with
extra care. Replace the flat tire with the
tire matching the others on your vehicle as soon as possible .
- Never drive without the valve stem cap .
The valves could get damaged .
(® For the sake of the environment
Dispose of old tires in accordance with the
local requirements.
Uniform tire quality grading
-Tread wear
- Traction AA A B C
- Temperature AB C
Quality grades can be found where applicable
on the tire side wall between tread shoulder
and maximum section width 9 fig. 186.
For example: Tread wear 200, Traction AA,
Temperature A.
All passenger car tires must conform to Feder
al Safety Requirements in addition to these
Tread wear
The tread wear grade is a comparative rating
based on the wear rate of the tire when tested
under controlled conditions on a specified
government test course.
For example, a tire graded ISO would wear
one and one half (11/2) times as well on the government course as a tire graded 100.
The relative performance of tires depends upon the actual conditions of their use, how
ever, and may depart significantly from the norm due to variations in driving habits, serv
ice practices and differences in road character-
istics and climate.
24 4 T ire s and wheel s
Wheel bolts
Wheel bolts must always be tightened to the
correct torque .
The design of wheel bolts is matched to the
factory installed rims. If differen t rims are fit
ted, the correct wheel bolts with the r ight
length and correctly shaped bolt heads must
be used. This ensures that wheels are fitted
secure ly and that the brake system funct ions
correctly .
In ce rtain circumstances, you may not use
wheel bolts from a different vehicle -even if it
i s the same model~
page 2 71.
Improperly tig htened o r maintained whee l
bolts can become loose ca using loss of
contro l, a co llision and serious persona l in
- Always keep the wheel bolts and the
threads in the wheel hubs clean so the
wheel bolts can turn easily and be prop
erly t ightened.
- Never grease or oil the wheel bo lts and
the threads in the wheel hubs. They can
become loose while driving if greased or
oiled, even if tightened to the specif ied
torque .
- Only use wheel bolts that belong to the
rim being installed .
- Never use different wheels bolts on your
vehicle .
-Always maintain the correct tighten ing
torque for the wheel bo lts to reduce the
risk of a wheel loss. If the tightening tor
que of the wheel bolts is too low, they
can loosen and com e out when the veh i
cl e is moving. If the tightening torque is
too high, the whee l bolts and threads
can be damaged and the wheel can be
come loose.
@ Note
The spec ified torq ue fo r the wheel bo lts is
90 ft lbs. (120 Nm) wi th a toler ance of
± 7,4 ft lbs. (± 10 Nm). Torque wheel bo lts diagonally. After changing a wheel, the
torque m
ust be checked as soon as possi
ble with a torque wrench -preferably by an
a uthori zed Audi dea ler or q ua lified work
shop .
Low aspect ratio tires
Your Audi is factory -equ ipped w ith low aspect
ratio tires . T hese tires have been thoroughly
tested and been se lected specifically fo r your
model for their superb perfo rmance, road fee l
and hand ling under a variety o f driv ing condi
t ions . As k your authorized A udi dealer for
more details .
T he low aspect ratio of these tires is ind icated
by a numera l of
55 or l ess in the tire's s ize
designation. The numeral represents the ratio
of the tire's sidewa ll height in relation to its
tread width exp ressed in percentage . Conven
tiona l tires have a he ight/w idth ratio of 60 or
more .
The performance of low-a spect-r atio tire s is
pa rt icul arly s ens itive to imp ro per i nfl ation
pressure. It is therefore import ant that low
aspect ratio tires are inflated to the specified pre ssure and that the inflation pressure is
r e gularly checked and maintained . Tire pres
sur es should be checked at l east once a
month and always before a long trip
~ page 233, Checking tire pressure.
What you can do to avoid tire and rim
Low aspect ratio tires can be damaged mo re
easily by impact w it h potholes, c urbs, g ull ies
o r ridges on the road, pa rticul arly if the tire is
u nderinfla ted .
In orde r to minimize the occurrence of impact
damage to t he tires of your vehi cle, we recom
mend tha t you observe the following preca u
- Always ma inta in recommended inflation
pressu res. Check your tire pressure eve ry
2 ,000 miles (3,000 km) and add air if neces -
sary. ..,.
211 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. engine
Engine data
211 @4300-6000
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
No. of cylinders
Displacement hp@rpm
lb-ft@ rpm
Compression ratio CID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm)
__ .. ,
258@ 1500-4200
121 (1984)
3 .65 (92.8)
3.25 (82 .5)
9 .6: 1
Fuel Premium unleaded (91 AKI) Recommended for maxi
mum engine performance. Further details¢ page 207,
Bio-Ethanol (E85) Vehicles with flexible fuel engines may
be operated with bio-ethanol fuels (E85) or with premium
unleaded gasoline (91
AKI) . Further details¢ page 208,
E thanol fuel (Bio-ethanol).
Dimensions (approx .)
Length (with licence plate bracket) in (mm)
Width (with outside mirrors folded) in (mm) He ight (unloaded) in (mm)
T urning circle diameter (curb to curb) ft (m)
Capacities (approx.)
Fuel tank
- Total capacity
- Reserve (of total capacity)
--.. ,
--.. ,
Windshield and headlight* washer fluid container Engine oil
with filter change 182
.1 (4626)
73.0 ( 1854)
54.4 (1383)
37 . 4 (1 1.4)
gal (liters)
gal (liters)
quarts (liters)
quarts (liters) 1.8-2.4
4 .9 (4 .6)
268 Data
333 hp, 3.0 liter 6-cyl. engine
Engine data
Maximum output SAE net
Maximum torque SAE net
N o. of cylinders
Strok e
C ompressio n ratio
Dimensions (approx .)
Leng th (wit h licence pl ate bra ck et)
Width (with outside mirrors folded) He igh t (unloaded) in (mm)
in (mm)
in (mm)
T urning circle diamet er (curb to curb) ft (m)
Capacities (appro x.)
Fuel tank
- Total capacity
- Reserve (o f to tal capacity) h
L b-ft@ rpm
C ID (cm
in (mm)
i n (mm)
333 @ 5500-6500
@ 2900-5300
182.8 (2995)
3.50 (89)
3 .33 (84 .5)
1 0.3 : 1
Premium unleaded (91 AKI) Recomme nded for
m aximum engine performance . Further details
¢ pag e 207, Gasoline
18 2 . 7 ( 464 0)
73.0 (1854)
5 4. 3 ( 138 0)
37 .4 (11.4)
gal (liters) 1 6 .1 (61.0)
g al (li ters) 1.8-2 .4
(7 -9)
Windshield and headlight* washer fluid container quarts (li ters) 4.8 (4 .5)
Engine oil with filter change qu
arts ( lite rs) 7. 2 (6 .8)