2020 AUDI TT COUPE Owners Manual

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual 8S1012721BB 
Sitting correctly and safely 
The power front  seats can also be adjusted 
when the ignition is switched off. For this  rea- 
son, children should never be left unattend

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual Sitting correctly and safely 
Rear seats 
  la rae 
Applies to: vehicles with rear seats 
Rear seat passengers must meet certain criteria. 
Fig. 54 Correct seated position on the

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual 8S1012721BB 
Sitting correctly and safely 
Safety belts 
Each seat is equipped with a three-point safety 
belt. Safety belts that are worn correctly are the 
most effective way to reduce the risk

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual Sitting correctly and safely 
Fastened safety belts only offer optimal protec- 
tion during an accident and reduce the risk  of se- 
rious injury or death when they are positioned 
correctly. Furth

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual 8S1012721BB 
Sitting correctly and safely 
rica mem eee mt Lila ell} 
Fig. 59 Releasing the belt buckle from the belt latch 
Follow the safety prec

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual Sitting correctly and safely 
@) Tips 
Smoke may be released when pyrotechnic belt 
tensioners deploy. This is not a sign of a vehi- 
cle fire. 
Airbag system 
(eee ieleuri sel) 

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual 8S1012721BB 
Sitting correctly and safely 
Safety systems monitoring 
The Ea indicator light in the instrument cluster 
monitors the safety systems such as the airbags 
(including the control modul

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AUDI TT COUPE 2020  Owners Manual Sitting correctly and safely 
Fig. 61 -Applies to: Roadster- Airbag overview image (enlarged section: deployed airbags)