Table of contents
MMI On/Off knob with joystick function.. 111
MMI operation...........00--0ee eee 112
MMItOUEH: « + seers 2 » wesem 2 2 mame & ¢ gores 113
Control knob with joystick function..... 116
Letter/number speller................ 117
FReetext Search « xc « x saves © ¢ mom 2 3 ee 119
Menus and symbols............000005 120
Voice recognition system........ is
Generalinformation................. 122
OPerariing x « cencamn a 6 ceeseon © 6 eum x mere aw 123
Command overview information........ 124
GomMands « cages « x sess x x caus a 2 ce 124
Telephone...............-.-2-0055 129
INtrOAUEtION « © sens x = sees + oe ws 2 e eee 129
S@tUP cocess & ascewms vo sucnene wo meus ow nea 129
Using the Audi phone box............. 131
Using the telephone.................. 133
FaVOriteS) wes ss ese oo wie ae emer Ys ener 135
MessageS .....-. 0-00 cece eee eee 135
Listening to voicemail................ 138
Emergency call functions.............. 138
Directory.......... 0.0... eee eee 138
Settings... 140
Safety belt microphone............... 141
TrouDLESHOOLIAG veiw v wcaueee oo useseae ee mininse 141
AUCLCONNECE «isa & cows at ees ees 142
General information................. 142
Audi connect Infotainment............ 142
Using a Wi-Fi hotspot................ 144
Audi connect Infotainment services..... 144
Settings...............0. 00.00 eae 146
Troubleshooting wma « xan 9 = sere 3 2 reR 147
Navigation....................000. 149
Opening navigation.................. 149
Entering adestination................ 150
Home address.............0000 0000 155
FaVOriteS, sax ss cave 3 @ mates & § Bains 3 £ Bares 155
Directory comtactsins: os scores « 3 sme & 6 eases 155
Alternative routes)... cues cecnee renee 156
Additional settings.................. 156
MaPies = « soos = © seems « 2 saews ¥ e saree ¢ & Ras 158
Satellite map............... 02 eeeaee 161
Accessing traffic information.......... 162
Troubleshooting sass ¢ eee « + seme & + eee 164
FREUHLON: ci cvies oo uscwwe oo cawoos wo sean o comane 165
Opening the radio.............-.004- 165
RadiG TUNCEIONS waex 2 woen x 2 wee ae een 166
Radioiment « « sssoes 2 x snwons v a cnowune «0 oman 167
Presets ......... 02. 167
Additional settings................0. 168
Troubleshooting wv. ieee oewa es ood 169
Media.......................000 00 170
Introduction’s s « sus « = mae sv eae & v awe 170
INGEOS 6. cecein «5 crannies evaanna i soetiia @ «seen 170
Media drives.............0.00 000 eee 171
Bluetooth audio player............... 173
Wi-Fi audio player................04. 174
Online media and Internet radio........ 175
Multimedia connections.............. 176
Playing Medial. « s swioss a 2 saxsee a 6 amass «5 ne 178
Additional settings 181
Supported media and file formats ...... 183
Troubleshooting sieves x 2 wer 2 o aoeeve ov ence 185
Audi smartphone interface...... 187
SOtup « svi ¥ « owas 9 mes se rem » women « 187
Operating................0..0.0000. 188
Troubleshooting «ess 2s ec8 se vee ss oes 188
System settings.................. 189
Setting the date andtime............. 189
MMI-SettingS’: + eam ss wean os wom 4 e eon 189
Connection manager...............-- 190
System update.............0.- 0 eee ee 192
Sound S@ttingS wees < = seme s = eewis : eee 193
Volume:settings oie
Restarting the MMI (reset)............ 194
Software license information.......... 194
Maintenance and Care........... 195
Checking and Filling............. 195
FUC bis « sence 2 maim wo ane o 8 owOR & HHT 195
Refueling .......... 2.000 e eee ee eee 196
Emissions control system............. 199
Engine compartment................. 200
Engine oil... . kee eee eee 203
Cooling system. ..........0.--0 ee eee 206
Brak@ fluid as s aan « s aces es wees 3 2 eee 208
Electrical system. ............2.-000. 208
Battery... 00... cee cece 209
Voice recognition system
Applies to: vehicles with voice recognition system
Requirement: you must be in the Media menu. Depending on the vehicle equipment and the ac-
tive media, you can say the following commands:
Function Say:
Selecting a source directly Jukebox* / CD / DVD / SD card 1 / SD card 2 / Audi music inter-
face* / iPhone* / USB* / Bluetooth® / Wi-Fi* / Medium (XY), for
example “John's player”
Selecting audio/video* files in the
Jukebox* Videos
Media favorites / Artists / Albums / Genres / Tracks / Playlists /
Selecting audio files on an iPod
(source: Audi music interface*)
Artists / Albums / Genres / Tracks / Playlists / Composers /
Podcasts / Audio books
Navigating within a folder struc-
Folder up / Line (XY)
Selecting shuffle Shuffle on / Shuffle off
Correcting data input No I meant (XY)
Closing the full-screen command Close
@) Note
Read the information about Audi connect, and
be sure to note the connectivity costs section
=>@© in General information on page 142.
External voice operation
Applies to: vehicles with external speech dialog system
Requirement: The ignition and the MMI must be
switched on. A cell phone must be connected to
the MMI with the Handsfree profile > page 130.
The mobile device being connected must have
voice control that can be controlled externally.
There must be no phone calls in progress and the
parking aid must not be active.
> Switching on: press and hold the || button on
the multifunction steering wheel and say the
desired command after the external speech dia-
log begins.
> Resuming dialog: if necessary, press the |%
button and say a new command, or:
> Select and confirm Resume on the MMI control
> Restarting dialog: the system remains ready to
use for a short time after ending the dialog.
You can start a new dialog during this time.
> Briefly press the |] button, or:
> Select and confirm Restart speech dialog sys-
tem on the MMI control panel.
> Switching off: press and hold the [| button,
> Select and confirm Cancel on the MMI control
Gi) Tips
— There are no voice guidance* prompts when
a dialog is active.
— AUDI AG simply provides access to control
your mobile device with voice operation and
does not assume any responsibility for the
content and commands within the external
voice control.
Audi connect
can be changed. You can obtain more information
from your cell phone service provider.
— APN: the access point depends on the cell
phone service provider and is assigned auto-
— User name: your cell phone service provider as-
signs the user name for your online profile.
— Password: your cell phone service provider as-
signs the password for your online profile.
Always follow the information found in > AV
in General information on page 142.
@) Note
Always follow the information found in >@ in
General information on page 142.
@ Tips
For more information on roaming charges,
contact your cell phone service provider.
Applies to: vehicles with Wi-Fi hotspot
Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
> Select: [MENU] button > Telephone > right con-
trol button > Wi-Fi settings.
Depending on the country and the vehicle equip-
ment, the following functions may be available:
When the function is switched on, the MMI's Wi-
Fi hotspot is active and Wi-Fi devices can be con-
nected to the hotspot.
Network key
The Wi-Fi connection between the MMI and your
Wi-Fi device is encrypted. You can change the fol-
lowing information if needed.
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect Infotainment
The information that follows lists some trouble-
shooting options. They depend on the equip-
— Access point (SSID): name of the Wi-Fi hot-
— Password: a random password was set at the
factory in the MMI. The password can be
changed. The encryption method requires a
password to be at least eight characters long.
Choose a secure password.
— Visible to others: you can switch the visibility
of the Wi-Fi hotspot on or off.
Network search
A list of available Wi-Fi networks in your area is
Connection to personal hotspot
The MMI Wi-Fi hotspot is activated. An MMI In-
ternet connection to a personal Wi-Fi hotspot
(such as a smartphone) can be established. For
additional information, see > page 143.
Always follow the information found in > A\
in General information on page 142.
@) Note
Always follow the information found in >@ in
General information on page 142.
@ Tips
In vehicles without Audi connect Infotain-
ment, the use of the Wi-Fi hotspot is only
possible for the Wi-Fi audio player*. A data
connection to the Internet cannot be estab-
Playing the Jukebox
Requirement: the Jukebox must contain audio/
video files > page 172, Adding files to the
The Jukebox is accessed and operated through
the MMI @) > page 178, fig. 155.
Displaying Jukebox memory capacity
Select: right control button > Jukebox memory
capacity. Information about the Jukebox memory
capacity and the number of stored tracks is dis-
Deleting tracks from the Jukebox)
Requirement: the Jukebox must contain audio/
video files.
— Deleting an entry: select an entry from the
Jukebox media center. Select: right control but-
ton > Delete from jukebox > This entry or En-
tire list.
— The status of the deleting process is shown in
the MMI. Jukebox playback stops during the de-
leting process and starts again automatically
once the deletion is complete.
@) Note
Do not import audio/video files when the en-
gine is turned off because this will drain the
vehicle battery.
@) Tips
— Tracks from audio CDs cannot be imported
to the Jukebox for legal reasons.
— Files that have already been imported are
automatically recognized and cannot be
copied to the Jukebox again.
— It is not possible to play audio/video files
in the CD/DVD* drive while importing them.
— The Jukebox does not provide an export
function due to legal reasons.
— Files or tracks without additional stored in-
formation are listed as Unknown. Audi rec-
ommends adding additional information
(such as ID3 tags) to audio files.
)) Not in the Playback view.
— Reset the Jukebox to the factory default set-
tings when selling your vehicle > page 190.
Bluetooth audio player
Applies to: vehicles with Bluetooth audio player
With the Bluetooth audio player, you can play
music wirelessly from your Bluetooth-capable de-
vice (such as a cell phone) through the MMI.
Requirement: the vehicle must be stationary and
the ignition must be switched on. The Bluetooth
settings will open on your mobile device during
the connection setup. The Bluetooth function and
visibility of the MMI = page 192 and mobile de-
vice must be switched on. The Bluetooth audio
player > page 192 must be switched on in the
— Connecting a Bluetooth player: press the
MEDIA] button. Press the left control button
until the sources overview is displayed. Select
and confirm Bluetooth audio player ©)
=> page 178, fig. 156.
—If necessary, select and confirm, Not connected
> Connect Bluetooth audio player. The Blue-
tooth device search starts. Follow the instruc-
tions in the MMI.
— Select and confirm the desired Bluetooth device
from the list. The MMI generates a PIN for the
— Select and confirm Yes.
— Enter the PIN for connecting on your Bluetooth
device, or if the PIN is already displayed on your
Bluetooth device, confirm it on the Bluetooth
device. The time allowed for entering the PIN is
limited to approximately 30 seconds.
The media is started and operated through the
mobile device or the MMI, depending on the de-
vice being used.
@® Tips
— Check for any connection requests on your
Bluetooth device.
— Multiple Bluetooth audio players can be
connected to the MMI, but only one mobile
device can be active.
— Bluetooth protocols AVRCP (1.0/1.3/1.4)
and A2DP are supported.
— Note the volume setting on your Bluetooth
device. Audi recommends setting your mo-
bile device to the maximum volume when
using it as a Bluetooth audio player.
— The supported media functions (such as
shuffle) depend on the Bluetooth device be-
ing used.
—Aselection of supported Bluetooth devices
can be found in the database for tested mo-
bile devices at www.audi.com/bluetooth.
Wi-Fi audio player
Applies to: vehicles with Wi-Fi audio player
Using the Wi-Fi audio player media source on the
MMI, you can connect and operate your Wi-Fi-ca-
pable media player (such as a smartphone) to
wirelessly play music from your media player li-
brary. The media player is connected through the
vehicle's Wi-Fi hotspot. A UPnP Server app or an
integrated UPnP/DLNA server on your media
player is required to access your media player Li-
Requirement: the Wi-Fi function on your media
player must be switched on. The myAudi app or a
UPnP server app is installed on your media play-
er, or your media player has an integrated UPnP/
DLNA server.
— Connecting a media player: press the [MEDIA
button. Press the left control button until the
sources overview > page 178 is displayed. Se-
lect and confirm Wi-Fi audio player (7)
=> page 178, fig. 156.
— If necessary, select and confirm Wi-Fi turned
off > Turn on Wi-Fi to activate Wi-Fi in the
MMI. Select Wi-Fi settings, if necessary. Select
the same settings on the wireless media player
that are used for the Wi-Fi hotspot.
— Starting the Wi-Fi audio player: Start the
myAudi app or an UPnP server app, or allow
media sharing on your device.
Operating the media player: the media player is
operated through the MMI.
— Press the left control button repeatedly until
the Folders menu item appears. Select and con-
firm Folders.
— Playing music from the media player: select
and confirm Media center.
Web radio: see > page 175.
— As the driver, do not allow usage of the Wi-
Fi hotspot to distract you from driving, as
this could increase the risk of an accident.
—To reduce the risk of an accident, only use
Audi connect services and the Wi-Fi hotspot
only if the traffic situation permits it. Read
and follow the guidelines provided in
=> page 111, Traffic safety information.
— It is only safe to use tablets, laptops, mobile
devices and other similar devices when the
vehicle is stationary because, like all loose
objects, they could be thrown around the in-
side of the vehicle in a crash and cause seri-
ous injuries. Store these types of devices se-
curely while driving. Also read the warnings
in the chapter > page 52.
@) Note
Always follow the information found in 9@ in
General information on page 142.
G) Tips
— The Wi-Fi connection is reconfigured when
inserting or removing the mini SIM card in
the SIM card reader*. There may be a tem-
porary interruption in audio playback, de-
pending on the media player.
— Always read the chapter > page 142, Audi
— Please note that a Wi-Fi connection does
not automatically make it possible to use
the Internet. For additional information,
see > page 142.
—To avoid interruptions during playback, de-
activate the power saving function on the
media player or connect it to a charger.
— The loading times for the audio data depend
on the media player used and the number of
files that it contains.
—A maximum of 2,000 entries per directory
are displayed in the MMI.
— Songs downloaded for offline use using mu-
sic streaming services are stored on your
mobile device (such as a smartphone) and
may be DRM protected. The Wi-Fi audio
player will not play DRM protected files.
— Contact an authorized Audi dealer or au-
thorized Audi Service Facility for additional
information on the Wi-Fi audio player.
Online media and
Internet radio
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect
You can playback and operate various online me-
dia services and Internet radio using the MMI.
> Press the [MEDIA] button. Press the left control
button until the sources overview > page 178,
fig. 156 is displayed.
Applies to: using online media and Internet radio
— The myAudi app must be installed and open on
your mobile device.
— You must be logged in to your myAudi account
in the myAudi app and you must have selected
your vehicle.
— The Wi-Fi function on the mobile device and on
the MMI must be switched on.
—If necessary, check in the connection manager
=> page 190 if the mobile device you connected
is selected under the MMI connect app ().
— The MMI must be connected to the network.
— The symbol for the Online media* source
=> page 178, fig. 156 is shown in the MMI.
Applies to: using online media
Additional requirement:
— A supported online media service must be avail-
able in the country where the vehicle is being
— You must have an account with a supported on-
line media service.
— Depending on the online media service, you
may need to install and open an app on your
mobile device.
Starting Online media
— Press the [MEDIA] button. Press the left control
button until the sources overview > page 178 is
— Select and confirm an online media service.
Starting Internet radio
— Press the [MEDIA] button. Press the left control
button until the sources overview > page 178 is
— Select and confirm Internet radio. The Internet
radio browser or the last station that was play-
ing is shown.
— Selecting the station: if necessary, select and
confirm a category in the Internet radio Brows-
er > a station.
Online media and Internet radio:: additional op-
— Press the right control button.
The following options may be available, depend-
ing on the information shown (such as the sta-
tion/track that is currently playing):
— Sound settings: see > page 193.
— Wi-Fi settings: see > page 147, Wi-Fi settings.
— Connection manager: see > page 190.
— Additional options may be available, depending
on the active online media service or Internet
—To reduce the risk of an accident, only use
Audi connect services and the Wi-Fi hotspot
only if the traffic situation permits it. Read
and follow the guidelines provided in
=> page 111, Traffic safety information.
— It is only safe to use tablets, laptops, mobile
devices and other similar devices when the
vehicle is stationary because, like all loose
objects, they could be thrown around the in-
side of the vehicle in a crash and cause seri-
ous injuries. Store these types of devices se-
curely while driving. Also read the warnings
in the chapter > page 52.
Always follow the information found in >@ in
General information on page 142.
@ Tips
— Depending on the Internet connection and
network traffic, the connection may discon-
nected when online media sources are play-
— Online media and Internet radio usage de-
pends on the service availability of the third
party provider.
— Audi AG simply makes the access to online
media services possible through the MMI
and does not take any responsibility for the
contents of the online media services.
— Always read the chapter > page 142, Audi
— Depending on the mobile device being used,
there may be interruptions during media
playback and when using the myAudi app.
To prevent interruptions when using a mo-
bile device, do not lock the screen on your
mobile device and keep the myAudi app in
the foreground.
— Contact an authorized Audi dealer or au-
thorized Audi Service Facility for additional
information about online media.
Multimedia connections
USB adapter for Audi music interface or
USB charging port
Fig. 153 Audi Genuine Accessories: USB adapter
Depending on the vehicle equipment, you can
connect your mobile devices (such as a smart-
phone or MP3 player) to the Audi music interface
or a USB charging port using a special USB adapt-
@ USB adapter for devices with a micro USB con-
@ USB adapter for devices with an Apple Light-
ning connection
@ USB adapter for devices with USB type C con-
@ USB adapter for devices with an Apple Dock
You can purchase the USB adapter from an au-
thorized Audi dealer or at specialty stores.
@) Note
Handle the USB adapter carefully. Do not al-
low it to be pinched.
ONT ee la
Applies to: vehicles with Audi music interface
Copan >
(! 7
Fig. 154 Storage compartment in the center console: con-
necting mobile devices
Connect your mobile devices to the Audi music in-
terface in order to operate them through the
MMI and charge the battery.
USB Input
— Connecting mobile devices using a USB adapt-
er: connect the applicable USB adapter @) to
the port on the Audi music interface @) and
then connect the adapter to the mobile device
@ (such as an iPod).
— Charging a mobile device using a USB adapter:
when you connect a mobile device to the Audi
music interface @) using the applicable USB
adapter (2), the battery will automatically
— Disconnecting a mobile device from the Audi
music interface: Remove the USB adapter cable
@ from the Audi music interface @).
— Disconnecting mobile devices with an Apple
Dock connector: remove the Apple Dock con-
nector from the Apple device with the release
tabs pressed in @) > page 176, fig. 153.
The media are started and operated through the
mobile device or the MMI, depending on the de-
vice being used > page 178.
Connecting multiple mobile devices: if a mobile
device (such as a smartphone) is connected at the
respective USB port on the Audi music interface,
then all devices can be used as a playback source.
AUX Input
— Connecting a mobile device to the AUX input:
Connect the cable G) to the AUX input © on
the Audi music interface and then connect it to
the mobile device @) (for example, an MP3
player or a smartphone).
— Disconnecting a mobile device from the AUX
input: pull the cable @) out of the Audi music
— Operation: select and confirm the External au-
dio player source ©) > page 178, fig. 155. The
media are started and operated through the
mobile device @).
Driving requires your complete and undivided
attention. As the driver, you have complete re-
sponsibility for safety in traffic. Never operate
mobile devices while driving, because this in-
creases the risk of an accident.
@) Note
— Remove the connector from the Audi music
interface carefully so it is not damaged.
— Use a USB extension cable to connect devi-
ces that have an integrated USB connector
(such as a USB stick) to prevent damage to
your USB device and the Audi music inter-
— Extremely high or low temperatures that
can occur inside vehicles can damage mobile
devices and/or impair their performance.
Never leave mobile devices in the vehicle
extremely high or low temperatures.
G) Tips
—When you switch the ignition off, the USB
ports are still supplied with power until t!
energy management intervenes.
— Do not use an additional adapter or USB ex-
tension cable to connect mobile devices to
the Audi music interface that already hav
cable or that must be connected with a U
adapter (= page 176). Using an additional
adapter or US extension cable may impair
— You can purchase the AUX connector cabl ec
from an authorized Audi dealer or at spe-
cialty stores.
— Audi recommends setting the volume of a
mobile device connected to the AUX input to
approximately 70% of the maximum vol-
— Functionality is not guaranteed for mobil
devices that do not conform to the USB 2
— USB hubs are not supported.
— Some versions of the iPod such as the iPo
shuffle cannot be connected to the USB
adapter for devices with Apple Dock conn
tor. Connect these devices using a AUX con-
nector cable.
— Video playback through the Audi music in-
terface is only supported if the connected
device is recognized as a USB storage dev ice
(for example a USB stick). Apple devices and
MTP devices (such as smartphones) are not
recognized as USB storage devices.
— iPod or iPhone malfunctions also affect the
operation of the MMI. Reset your iPod or
iPhone if this happens.
— For important information on operating
your iPod or iPhone, refer to the user guide
for the device. Audi recommends updatin
the iPod or iPhone software to the latest
— For more information about the Audi music
interface and supported devices, check the
Audi database for mobile devices at www
audi.com/mp3 or contact an authorized