Checking and Filling
The correct fuel type for your vehicle can be
found ona label located on the inside of the fuel
filler door. For additional information on fuel, see
=>page 195.
For the tank capacity in your vehicle, refer to the
Technical Data > page 263.
If the central locking system malfunctions, there
is a fuel filler door emergency release
=> page 199.
[i Tank system: malfunction! Please contact
If the indicator light turns on and this message
appears, there is a malfunction in the tank sys-
tem. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or au-
thorized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the malfunction corrected.
Improper fueling procedures and improper
handling of fuel can lead to explosions, fires,
severe burns, and other injuries.
— Do not smoke. Keep away from open flames.
— The ignition must be switched off when re-
— Mobile devices, radio devices, and other ra-
dio equipment should always be switched
off when refueling. Electromagnetic rays
could cause sparks and start a fire.
— If you do not insert the fuel pump nozzle all
the way into the filler tube, then fuel can
leak out. Spilled fuel can ignite and start a
— Never get into the vehicle when refueling. If
there is an exceptional situation where you
must enter the vehicle, close the door and
touch a metal surface before touching the
fuel pump nozzle again. This will reduce the
risk of electrostatic discharge that can cause
flying sparks. Sparks can start a fire when
the container and ignite, especially during an
accident. This can cause explosions, fires, and
— If you must transport fuel in a fuel contain-
er, note the following:
— Always place the fuel container on the
ground before filling. Never fill the fuel
container with fuel while it is inside or on
the vehicle. Electrostatic discharge can oc-
cur while refueling and the fuel vapors
could ignite.
— When using fuel containers made of met-
al, the fuel pump nozzle must always re-
main in contact with the container to re-
duce the risk of static charge.
— Insert the fuel pump nozzle as far as pos-
sible into the filler opening while refuel-
— Follow the applicable legal regulations in
the country where you are driving when
using, storing and transporting fuel con-
— Make sure that the fuel container meets
the industry standards, for example ANSI
or ASTM F852-86.
Transporting fuel containers inside the vehicle
is not recommended. Fuel could leak out of
C) Note
— Remove fuel that has overflowed onto any
components immediately to reduce
the risk of damage to the vehicle.
— Never drive until the fuel tank is completely
empty. The irregular supply of fuel that re-
sults from that can cause engine misfires.
Uncombusted fuel may enter the exhaust
system and increase the risk of damage to
the catalytic converter.
(@) For the sake of the environment
— Do not overfill the fuel tank, or fuel could
leak out when the vehicle is warming up.
— Fuel should never enter the sewer system or
come into contact with the ground.
Checking and Filling
Fuel filler door emergency release
If the fuel filler door lock is faulty, the fuel filler
door can be unlocked manually.
Fig. 166 Luggage compartment: cover in the right side
trim panel
> Open the luggage compartment lid.
> Lift the cargo floor.
> To unlock the fuel filler door, loosen the loop
from the retainer and then pull on the loop
carefully > fig. 166 >@).
> Press on the left side of the fuel filler door to
open it > page 196, fig. 162.
@® Note
Only pull on the loop until you feel resistance.
You will not hear it release. If you continue to
pull, you could damage the emergency re-
lease mechanism.
Emissions control
General information
The temperature of the exhaust system is
high, both when driving and after stopping
the engine.
— Never touch the exhaust tail pipes once they
have become hot. This could result in burns.
— Do not park your vehicle over flammable
materials such as grass or leaves because
the high temperature of the emissions sys-
tem could start a fire.
— Do not apply underbody protectant in the
exhaust system area, because this increases
the risk of fire.
(el e-] Nad (mcl akg
Follow the safety precautions > page 199, Gener-
al information.
The vehicle may only be driven with unleaded
gasoline, or the catalytic converter will be de-
Never drive until the tank is completely empty.
The irregular supply of fuel that results from that
can cause engine misfires. Uncombusted fuel
could enter the exhaust system, which could
cause overheating and damage to the catalytic
On Board Diagnostic System (OBD)
The On Board Diagnostic System monitors the
engine and transmission components that influ-
ence emissions.
2 z 6
Fig. 167 Footwell on left side of the vehicle: connection
port for the On Board Diagnostic System (OBD)
On Board Diagnostic System
Engine data can be read out at the On Board Di-
agnostic System connection port using a special
testing device > fig. 167.
Indicator light
If the S indicator light blinks or turns on, there
is a malfunction that is causing poor emissions
quality and that could damage the catalytic con-
verter. Drive slowly to an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facility to have the
malfunction corrected.
refer to Electronic Differential Lock...... 105
Event Data Recorder.... 2.0.0. ccceua es 255
Electrical systeM .. 6... cee eee 208
Electromechanical parking brake.......... 77
Electronic Differential Lock.............. 105
Electronic immobilizer................... 19
Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC) ...... 105
Indicator light... 2... eee ee eee eee 17
Sporttnode sexx ss wees cv een y s oR os Be 106
Emergency assistance.................. 241
Emergency braking function.............. 77
Emergency flashers..............--00 eee 38
Emergency fueling...............000005 198
Emergency operation
DOOrs .. 0... eee eee 23
Fuel fillerdoOr's = s sees =e aeme + naewe 3 oe 199
Luggage compartment lid........... 25,26
Power top... ... ee eee eee eee eee 33
Emergency release
SGlECtOr leVEluis ¢ < seme 7c Hees 3D Ree YB 86
Emissions control system ...........000- 199
Energy consumers.........---0-s eee eeee 15
Energy management.............-..05- 110
Breaking in.......... 0c cece cece eee 74
CoOlafitiwcy: sy wows s ¥ sews Gy new ee Ree FE 206
JUMP SEALING « cise + cence so wave ve meren s 247
Starting and stopping.................. 76
Engine compartment
Opening and closing the hood.......... 201
Overview... .. cece eee ee eee
Safety precautions...
Engine control (indicator light)............ 17
Engine data
refer to Sport displays.................. 15
Engine oil
AQGING coon ¢ cows s news 2 y ews be ews 97 203
Changing......... cee eee eee eee 205
Checking oillevel...............00002. 203
Consumption s ¢ sce s + eeme s+ eee 5 ones 203
Indicator light..............00-.000 ee 203
Replacement interval...............0. 212
Temperature display.............-...0- 15
Enhanced VieW sae < » seme 2 2 gee = yaees < Be 13
Entering characters/numbers (speller) ..... 117
letters (speller)................ 117
Unleaded gasoline.................00. 195
refer to Electronic Stabilization
Control: (ESC)’s s » cas ¢ s yom « uses x ree 105
refer to Electronic Stabilization
ComtroOCES Qs. « «enzo 0 ssemane « 0 muagons « oxen 105
Event Data Recorder (EDR).............. 255
Exteriomlighting’s os cssai se enum s wenn © ¥ isan 36
Exterior mirrors
Adjusting... 0.0... . cece eee eee eee 40
Dimming ......... 00 cece cece eee 40
Folding:settingS cis + ¢ sea ss sees ee eee e ee 23
FCAT & census 2 © ceanesn 2 om renme © uncon wo eee 40
External voice operation................ 128
Factory default settings (MMI)........... 190
Fader (SOUND) cw + aaron o 2 yoo & & meee 8c eo 193
Fast forwarding and rewinding (audio/video
FIO) sciooe 2 x seevae wo exeavce os eunnens vv eonuene ve sete 178
Fast forwarding (audio/video file)......... 178
FaStHOUtE + sees x = cere x 2 see 4 2 awa 9 8 eS 156
Medias: « 3 scien « o nae 2 & aonene so omar 2 2 aves 180
Navigation... ..... 0... cece e eee eee 151
Telephone es < = sees ¢ = wen ee ees eg eee 135
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) . 260
File formats (media drives) .............. 183
Fog lights/rear fog light(s)............... 36
Folding the rearseats........ 0.00. e eee 66
Footwell lightingjess + sass © snare is w sense a x a 39
For the sake of the environment
Disposing of engine oil................ 205
FUCLINGl: = = wavs: ¢ ¢ same xv cee os eee sx 196
ES) eee ee 201
Free text'search casi se cas + were « + emo x 119
Media... 2... eee 180
Navigation ..... 0.00... 0c eee eee eee 150
RadiO:wsss = ¢ pews = ¢ eee + © ees pc eee zee 166
TELE PROM ccesie cosaves wo eneuwue © comes © @ cose 139
Freeze protection
Coolant... 0.6... cee eee eee eee 206
Frequency bande. «2 sews 6s eomeos vo eee 165, 167
also refer to Frequency band........... 165
Fuel... eee eee eee 195
ACGITIVES= 5 sas 3 ogan & & Gaiee G o He aE 196
Current fuel consumption............... 15
Fueldisplay......... ccc cece eee ee eens 10
Fuel gauge............. eee eee eee eee 12
Fuel tank capacity’. « csc0. s cees ss roses 263
GaSOLIMe. « esowwse « smemns = 9 soswer ¢ onemeeere «ser 195
Reducing fuel consumption............. 74
Saving fuel saws x ¢ ewe + o eew + oe cae > yee 96
Fuel filler door emergency release....... 199
Fuel gauge......... eee cece ee eee eee 12
Fuel tank capacity................00-5 263
Opening the fuel filler door............ 196
With reserve canister (emergency fueling) . 198
Assignment... ..... 0.0 e cece neces 253
Replacing « cass < sews « < een 6 x eee 8 t mew 252
refer to Speed dependent volume control. 193
Garage door opener... 1.2... see e eee eee 28
Garment hooks swears « ¢ saws a 2 eee 2 o new ¥ ea 64
GaSOliNGeu: + ¢ sews & e eee Fo Rw Ee OS ee 195
TACGIRIVES eo ceive = caves oe wastes 8 ermeoon wae 196
Gasoline mixture. ..............000005 195
refer to Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) . 263
Global commands (voice recognition sys-
TON) s ewe & 5 eee ¢ Homen Boe Heme gy dem go oe 124
Glossary of tire and loading terminology... 216
Glove compartment..............-00000- 64
G meter
referito Sport displaySius « s news « » eeu ges 15
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR)........ 263
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)...... 263
refer to Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR) « essise << assess wo astm ¥ a ave 263
Hand streets s snscn « + sassems xo amueces ov omen + 8 ose 130
Hands'Free Profiles. s «swe «case as news oe 130
Headlight range control system........... 36
Headlights ss swes ¢ saves 2 0 rene 2 arenes owe 37
Cleaning.......... 02. c eee eee eee 236
Headlight range control system.......... 36
Washer system...........-.00 02 eee 41
Exterior MiMnOnsis » essa 2 5 sicawus sx osnaee 5 exe 40
Rear window............ 0c eee eee ee 71
SOatSiex x x ners x ¥ poueE +e SRUOS FE EF 71
Washer nozZles « csisrs s ocsuri s waniee a 6 sassere 41
Hexisockets wsiia ce neve a mie ao eawen © oa 241
refer to Hands Free Profile............. 129
Hill.descent control... = cscs ss comers ve econ ve 83
Hill:hold:assists. scciia s weea as row a meee ae 78
also refer to Hill hold assist............. 78
Home address...........0.0000005 151,155
refer to Garage door opener............. 28
HOM... eee 6
refer to Wi-Fi.............-.000- 147,174
Ignition (indicator light)................- 16
Imbalance (wheels) ..........-.000 eee ae 222
refer to Electronic immobilizer........... 19
Importing and exporting (contacts)....... 139
Tndicator liGhts:. . .raceca a soesnae o 4 oxonese 6 6 ounce 0 a 7
Using the MMI touch.................. 113
Using the:spellet cows + 5 yewig sy seme & 3 ee 117
level. (media) wis « ¢ wees ss opus 5 2 ee 181
Inspection interval..............022-00- 212
Instrument cluster...............-.000-5 10
GleaniG ies + + same x x wees x HEEE EE ROR GES 238
Failure isc se sonics ao accnena ae asuies 2 a ctewera wa one 10
MessageS... 0.6... cece eee ee eee eee 16
OPGhAtiniGis « s wows se wows se wows ge eee ae 12
Service interval display................ 212
Switching tabs.......... 0... e eee eee 12
Adjusting the lighting.................. 39
Interior lighting.................000 eee 39
Interior monitoring.............-.0-005- 24