Instrument cluster
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected.
S&S Engine start system: malfunction! Please
contact Service
There is a malfunction in the engine start system.
Drive immediately to an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facility to have the
malfunction repaired.
\ Engine stop while driving
If the S indicator light turns on, there may bea
malfunction in the engine or fuel supply.
More force is needed to steer and brake the mov-
ing vehicle when the engine is stopped. If the ve-
hicle is rolling, try to bring it to a stop off to the
side from moving traffic. See an authorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as-
If the engine stops while driving, you will
need to use more force to brake the vehicle.
This increases the risk of an accident. There
will still be power steering if the ignition is
switched on while the vehicle is rolling and
is sufficient battery charge. Otherwise,
you must use greater force when steering.
53/2 Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC)
If the B indicator light blinks while driving, the
ESC or ASR (Anti-Slip Regulation) is actively regu-
If the BB indicator light turns on, the system has
switched the ESC off. In this case, you can switch
the ignition off and then on to switch the ESC on
again. The indicator light turns off when the sys-
tem is fully functional.
If the B indicator light turns on, ESC was
switched off using the |2] button > page 106.
Stabilization control (ESC/ABS): malfunction!
See owner's manual
If the I indicator lamp and the fs / &) ABS in-
dicator lamp turn on and the driver message ap-
pears, the ABS or electronic differential lock is
malfunctioning. This also causes the ESC to mal-
function. The brakes still function with their nor-
mal power, but ABS is not active.
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected.
@ Tips
For additional information on ESC and ABS,
see > page 105.
<5 Engine control
If the BS indicator light turns on if there is a mal-
function in the engine control. Drive slowly to an
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
Facility to have the engine checked.
9 Suspension control
Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
If the | ¢ | indicator light turns on, then there is a
malfunction in the suspension control. Drive im-
mediately to an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility to have the malfunction
Intelligent Technology
Intelligent Technology
Electronic Stabilization
Control (ESC)
Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC) supports
driver safety. It reduces the risk of slipping and
improves driving stability. ESC detects critical sit-
uations such as the vehicle oversteering and un-
dersteering or the wheels are spinning. The
brakes are applied or the engine torque is re-
duced in order to stabilize the vehicle. When the
ESC engages, the B indicator light blinks in the
instrument cluster.
The following systems are integrated in the ESC:
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
ABS prevents the wheels from locking when brak-
ing. The vehicle can still be steered even during
hard braking. Apply steady pressure to the brake
pedal. Do not pump the pedal. A pulsing in the
brake pedal indicates that the system is acting to
stabilize the vehicle.
Brake assist system
The brake assist system can decrease braking dis-
tance. It increases braking power when the driver
presses the brake pedal quickly in emergency sit-
uations. You must press and hold the brake pedal
until the dangerous situation is over.
Anti-Slip Regulation (ASR)
ASR reduces drive power when the wheels begin
spinning and adapts the power to the road condi-
tions. This will increase the driving stability.
Electronic Differential Lock (EDL)
The EDL applies the brakes to wheels that are
slipping and transfers the drive power to the oth-
er wheels. This function is not available at higher
In extreme cases, EDL automatically switches off
to keep the brake on the braked wheel from over-
heating. The vehicle is still functioning correctly.
EDL will switch on again automatically when con-
ditions have returned to normal.
Power steering
The ESC can also support vehicle stability
through steering.
Selective wheel torque control
Selective wheel torque control is used when driv-
ing on curves. Braking is targeted toward the
wheels on the inside of the curve as needed. This
allows more precise driving in curves.
Automatic post-collision braking system
The automatic post-collision braking system can
help to reduce the risk of sliding and of addition-
al collisions after an accident. If the airbag con-
trol module detects a collision above a certain ve-
hicle speed, the vehicle is braked by the ESC.
The vehicle does not brake automatically if one of
the following occurs:
— The driver presses the accelerator pedal
— The braking force generated by the pressed
brake pedal is greater than the braking force
that would be initiated by the system
— The ESC, the brake system, or the vehicle elec-
trical system is not functioning
—The ESC and its integrated systems cannot
overcome the limits imposed by natural
physical laws. This is especially important on
slippery or wet roads. If the systems begin
acting to stabilize your vehicle, you should
immediately alter your speed to match the
road and traffic conditions. Do not let the in-
creased safety provided tempt you into tak-
ing risks. This could increase your risk of a
— Please note the risk of a collision increases
when driving fast, especially through curves
and on slippery or wet roads, and when driv-
ing too close to objects ahead. There is still
a risk of accidents because the ESC and its
integrated systems cannot always prevent
— Accelerate carefully when driving on
smooth, slippery surfaces such as ice and
snow. The drive wheels can spin even when
these control systems are installed and this
refer to Electronic Differential Lock...... 105
Event Data Recorder.... 2.0.0. ccceua es 255
Electrical systeM .. 6... cee eee 208
Electromechanical parking brake.......... 77
Electronic Differential Lock.............. 105
Electronic immobilizer................... 19
Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC) ...... 105
Indicator light... 2... eee ee eee eee 17
Sporttnode sexx ss wees cv een y s oR os Be 106
Emergency assistance.................. 241
Emergency braking function.............. 77
Emergency flashers..............--00 eee 38
Emergency fueling...............000005 198
Emergency operation
DOOrs .. 0... eee eee 23
Fuel fillerdoOr's = s sees =e aeme + naewe 3 oe 199
Luggage compartment lid........... 25,26
Power top... ... ee eee eee eee eee 33
Emergency release
SGlECtOr leVEluis ¢ < seme 7c Hees 3D Ree YB 86
Emissions control system ...........000- 199
Energy consumers.........---0-s eee eeee 15
Energy management.............-..05- 110
Breaking in.......... 0c cece cece eee 74
CoOlafitiwcy: sy wows s ¥ sews Gy new ee Ree FE 206
JUMP SEALING « cise + cence so wave ve meren s 247
Starting and stopping.................. 76
Engine compartment
Opening and closing the hood.......... 201
Overview... .. cece eee ee eee
Safety precautions...
Engine control (indicator light)............ 17
Engine data
refer to Sport displays.................. 15
Engine oil
AQGING coon ¢ cows s news 2 y ews be ews 97 203
Changing......... cee eee eee eee 205
Checking oillevel...............00002. 203
Consumption s ¢ sce s + eeme s+ eee 5 ones 203
Indicator light..............00-.000 ee 203
Replacement interval...............0. 212
Temperature display.............-...0- 15
Enhanced VieW sae < » seme 2 2 gee = yaees < Be 13
Entering characters/numbers (speller) ..... 117
letters (speller)................ 117
Unleaded gasoline.................00. 195
refer to Electronic Stabilization
Control: (ESC)’s s » cas ¢ s yom « uses x ree 105
refer to Electronic Stabilization
ComtroOCES Qs. « «enzo 0 ssemane « 0 muagons « oxen 105
Event Data Recorder (EDR).............. 255
Exteriomlighting’s os cssai se enum s wenn © ¥ isan 36
Exterior mirrors
Adjusting... 0.0... . cece eee eee eee 40
Dimming ......... 00 cece cece eee 40
Folding:settingS cis + ¢ sea ss sees ee eee e ee 23
FCAT & census 2 © ceanesn 2 om renme © uncon wo eee 40
External voice operation................ 128
Factory default settings (MMI)........... 190
Fader (SOUND) cw + aaron o 2 yoo & & meee 8c eo 193
Fast forwarding and rewinding (audio/video
FIO) sciooe 2 x seevae wo exeavce os eunnens vv eonuene ve sete 178
Fast forwarding (audio/video file)......... 178
FaStHOUtE + sees x = cere x 2 see 4 2 awa 9 8 eS 156
Medias: « 3 scien « o nae 2 & aonene so omar 2 2 aves 180
Navigation... ..... 0... cece e eee eee 151
Telephone es < = sees ¢ = wen ee ees eg eee 135
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) . 260
File formats (media drives) .............. 183
Fog lights/rear fog light(s)............... 36
Folding the rearseats........ 0.00. e eee 66
Footwell lightingjess + sass © snare is w sense a x a 39
For the sake of the environment
Disposing of engine oil................ 205
FUCLINGl: = = wavs: ¢ ¢ same xv cee os eee sx 196
ES) eee ee 201
Free text'search casi se cas + were « + emo x 119
Media... 2... eee 180
Navigation ..... 0.00... 0c eee eee eee 150
RadiO:wsss = ¢ pews = ¢ eee + © ees pc eee zee 166
TELE PROM ccesie cosaves wo eneuwue © comes © @ cose 139
Freeze protection
Coolant... 0.6... cee eee eee eee 206