2016 AUDI A7 traction control

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Page 109 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" N I.O rl 
Automatic  transmission S  tronic,  tiptronic 
The automat ic transm iss ion  is  controlled  elec­
tronically.  The  transmission  upshifts or down�

Page 190 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Intelligent Technology 
shared,  p le a se see yo ur contract  with  the 
wireless  telecomm unications  provider  and the 
"About  Aud i connect"  tab  in your  vehicles 
! MENUI button> Audi

Page 195 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" N I.O rl 
Offroad vehicle? 
Your Aud i is not  an  off road  vehicle  -there  is not 
enough  ground  clea rance .  For  this  reason,  avo id 
difficu lt  terrain . 

Page 250 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
av ailabl e cargo and luggag e 
l oa d cap aci ty of  your v ehi cle. 
.,.Che ck  th e tire  sidew all 
(¢ p ag e 233, fig. 1 9 5)  to  deter ­
mine the  d esigna ted load ra ting 
for  a sp

Page 252 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
-These tires  may wear  more  quickly than  others . 
- Please  also remember  that,  wh ile these  ti res 
deliver  responsive  handling,  they  may  ride less 
comfortably  and make  more  n