Intelligent Technology
Improp er operat ion of the rear spoiler can
cause crushing injuries.
- Always make sure that nobody, espec ially
children , is in the way when the rea r spo ile r
i s deployed or retracted.
@ Note
- Neve r push on the vehicle on the rear spoi l
er. Th is co uld cause damage .
- To prevent damage to the rear spoiler do
not lean or p lace anyth ing on it.
- Only ope rate the rear spoi ler manually when
the luggage compartment lid is close and
the rear spo iler moving parts are not
blocked . Ot herwise, damage could occur.
(D Tips
Clean the rear spoiler compartment every 2 to
3 mont hs. To function correct ly, the rear
sp oiler must be free of ice, sn ow and leav es.
Energy management
The starting ability is optimized
The energy management system manages the
ele ctrical energy distribu tion and op timi zes the
availability of elec trical energy for starting the
engine .
Whe n a ve hicle wit h a co nven tional e nergy sys
tem is not dr iven for a long time, the ba tte ry is
d rained by equipmen t (fo r example the immobil
izer). In certa in circ umstances, there cou ld may
not be eno ugh energy to start the engine .
Your veh icle i s equ ipped w ith an intellige nt ener
gy managemen t system for distr ibuting electr ic i
ty . Th is significantly improves the starti ng ability
a nd increases the battery life .
T he energy m anagemen t sys tem Is made up of
battery diagno sis, idling current management
and dynamic energy management.
Battery diagnosis
T he batte ry diagnos is determines the ba tte ry
ch arge leve l. The sen sors de te ct the ba tte ry, the
batte ry current, an d the batte ry tempera ture.
The c urrent charge leve l and the perfo rmance of
t h e battery are determined based on th is.
Idling current management
The idling cur ren t management decr eases the
energy used wh ile pa rke d. Wi th the eng ine
switched off, it manages the energy dis trib ution
to t he d ifferent e lectr ica l components . Date from
battery diagnos is is ta ken into acco unt for this .
Depend ing on the batte ry charge leve l, elec trical
equipmen t is switched off one item afte r th e o th
e r, to prevent the battery from dra ining and to
r etain the starting ability.
Dynamic energy management
While driv ing , d ynam ic ene rgy man agement dis
t ribu tes the ap propri ate amount of energy to the
e lectrica l equ ipment. It controls the battery
c h arge level so t hat more ene rgy is not use d then
i s be ing generated in order to maintain an opti
mal battery charge level.
(D Tips
- Energy management can not overcome the
laws of p hys ics. Note that the charge level
and length of the battery life a re limited.
- W he n the sta rting ability is endange red, the
(•j indicator light t urns on¢ page 16 .
What you should know
Maintaining the starting ability is the highest
priority .
A lot of st ress is placed on the ba ttery when dr iv
i ng sho rt distances, in t raff ic, and at cold t imes
of the year . A lot of ene rgy is used but little is
generated .
It is also critical when the engine is
not ru nning but e lectr ica l equipment is sw itched
o n. In th is case, energy is used but none is gener
In sit uat ions like this, energy ma nagement w ill
active ly regu lated the distribution of energy.
Long periods without use
If you do not drive yo ur vehicle for several days or
weeks, e lectr ica l equipment is grad ually scaled ..,.
check the wheel alignment if
there is unusual wear.
- Have the wheels rebalanced if an
imbalance is causing noticeable
vibration in the steering wheel. If you do not, the tires and other
vehicle components could wear more quickly.
Treadwear indicator
The original tires on your vehicle have 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) high
"wear indicators" ~fig.
196 run
ning across the tread . Marks on
the tire sidewall (for example
"TWI" or other symbols) indicate
the positions of the tread wear in
The t ires have reached the mini
mum tread depth
l) when they
have worn down to the treadwear
indicators. Replace the tires with
new ones ¢&..
Wheel rotation
Rotating the wheels regularly is
recommended to ensure the tires
wear evenly. To rotate wheels, in
stall the wheels from the rear
axle on the front axle and vice ver
sa. This will allow the tires to
1> Obey any applicable regulatio ns in you r
country .
have approximately the same
length of service life.
For unidirectional tires, make sure
the tires are installed according to
the running direction indicated on
the tire sidewall¢
page 259.
Hidden damage
Damage to tires and rims can of
ten occur in locations that are hid
den . Unusual vibrations in the ve
hicle or pulling to one side may
indicate that there is tire damage.
Reduce your speed immediately .
Check the tires for damage. If no
damage is visible from the out
side, drive slowly and carefully to
the nearest authorized Audi deal
er or authorized repair facility to have the vehicle inspected.
Tread that has worn too low or
different tread depths on the
tires can reduce driving safety.
This can especially have a nega
tive effect on handling, on the risk aquaplaning when driving
through water, when driving
Technical data
Gross Axle Weight Rating
The Gross Axle Weight Rating is the maximum
load that can be applied at each axle of the vehi
cle ¢& .
Vehicle capacity weight
The vehicle capacity we ight (max. load) is listed
eithe r on the driver's side B-pillar or inside the
fue l filler f lap.
- The actual Gross Axle Weight Rating at the
front and rear axles should not exceed the
permissible weights, and their combination
must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating .
Length i
n (mm)
Width in
Width (across mirrors) in (mm)
Height (unloaded)al in
(mm) -
Exceeding permissible weight ratings can
result in veh icle damage, acc idents and per
sonal injury.
(D Note
-The vehicle capacity weight figures apply
when the load is distributed evenly in the
vehicle (passengers and luggage). When
transporting a heavy load in the luggage
compartment, carry the load as near to the
rear axle as possible so that the vehicle's
hand ling is not impaired.
- Do not exceed the maximum permissible
axle loads or the maximum gross veh icle
we ight. Always remember that the vehicle's
hand ling will be affected by the extra load.
T herefore, adjust your speed accordingly.
- Always observe local regulations.
A7 S7
196.2 (4984) 196 .3 (4985)
75.2 (1911) 75 .2 (1911)
84.2 (2139) 84.2 (2139)
55.9 (1420) 55 .0 (1398)
al Th e he igh t of th e vehicl e de pe nd s on th e tires a nd the su sp ension .
When driving up steep ramps, on rough roads,
over curbs, etc. it is important to remember that
some parts of your vehicle, such as spo ilers or ex-
Fuel tank: tota l capacity
- gasoline engine
- diesel engine
Windsh ield f lu id container
Windshield and headlight washer fluid container*
haust system components, may be close to the
ground. Be careful not to damage them.
gal (liters) approx. 19.8 (75.0)
gal (liters) approx. 19.3 (73.0)
quarts (liters) approx. 3.7 (3.5)
quarts (liters) approx. 5.2 (4.9)