Emergency assistance
.,. Wind the jack up further until the flat tire
comes off the ground
c> ,&. .
Posit ion the veh icle jack only under the designat
ed lifting points on the sill
r::!;> fig. 206. There is ex
one location for each wheel. The jack must
not be positioned at any other location
c> &, c>(!).
An unstable surface under the jack can cause the
vehicle to slip off the jack. Always provide a firm
base for the jack on the ground . If necessary
p lace a sturdy board or similar support under the
jack . On
hard, slippery surfaces (such as tiles)
use a rubber mat or similar to prevent the jack
from slipp ing
c> & .
- You or your passengers could be injured
wh ile chang ing a wheel if you do not follow
these safety precautions:
- Position the vehicle jack only at the desig
nated lifting po ints and align the jack .
Otherwise, the vehicle jack could slip and
cause an injury if it does not have suff i
cient hold on the vehicle.
- A soft or unstable surface under the jack
may cause the vehicle to slip off the jack.
Always provide a firm base for the jack on
the ground.
If necessary, use a sturdy
board under the jack.
- On hard, slippery surface (such as tiles)
use a rubber mat or similar to prevent the
jack from slipping.
- To help prevent injury to yourself and your
- Do not raise the vehicle until yo u are sure
the jack is securely engaged .
- Passengers must not remain in the vehicle
when it is jacked up.
- Make sure that passengers wait in a safe
place away from the vehicle and well away
from the road and traffic.
- Make sure jack position is correct, adjust
as necessary and then continue to raise
the jack.
- Changes in temperature or load can affect
the height of the vehicle.
(D Note
Do not lift the vehicle by the sill. Position the
vehicle jack only at the des ignated lifting
points on the sill. Otherwise, your vehicle will
be damaged.
@ Tips
The vehicle jack mode * switches off automati
cally at speeds above 6 mph (10 km/h).
Removing and installing the sill extension
App lies to vehicles: with sill extension
Fig. 208 S ill: r emoving the cove r
.. Pull the cover down to remove it. c> fig. 208
.,. To install the cover, insert it in the mount and
press it upward until it clicks into place. The
cover must be flush with the surface of the sill
extens ion.
@ Tips
Some models may also have a cover for the
rear vehicle lift point.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Raising the vehicle
lifting with workshop hoist and with floor
The vehicle may only be lift ed at the lifting
poin ts illustra ted.
F ig. 222 Front lift in g po int
F ig. 223 Rear lift in g point
.,. Read and heed WARNING ¢ .&_.
.,. Activate the vehicle jack mode* in the M MI:
I CAR I funct ion button> (Car )* systems control
button >
Servicing & checks > Air susp.: jack
mode > On .
.. Locate lifting points¢ fig. 222 and¢ fig. 223 .
.. Adju st lift ing a rm s of wor ksh op hoist or floor
jack t o match ve hicle lifting poi nts.
.. Inse rt a r ubber pa d between the floor jac k/
workshop hoist and the lifting poi nts.
T he vehicle jac k mode* mus t be activa ted so that
the au tomatic a djust ment of the Adaptive Air
Suspension * does not make it more diffi cult to
ra ise the veh icle with the floor jack.
If you must lift your vehicle with a floor jack to
work underneath , be sure the vehicle is safely
supported on stands intended for this purpose.
Emergency situations
Front lifting point
T he li ftin g po in t is loca ted o n the floo r pan rein
f o rcement about at the same level as the ja ck
mounting point¢
fig. 222 . Do not lift the vehi
cle at the vertical sill reinforcement.
Rear lifting point
T he lifti ng po int is loc ated o n the vert ica l rei n
f o rcement o f the lower s ill for the on- bo ar d ja ck
¢ fig. 223.
lifting with vehicle jack
Refer to¢ page 257 .
- To reduce t he ris k o f ser ious injury and vehi
cle damag e.
- Always lift the vehicle only at the specia l
workshop h oist a nd f loor jack lift poi nts il
lu strat ed¢
fig. 222 and ¢ fig. 223.
- Fail ure to lift the ve hicle at these points
could cause the veh icle to tilt o r fall from
a lift if there is a cha nge in veh icle weight
dis tributi on and balance . T his might hap
p en, fo r example, wh en h eavy compone nts
s uch as th e engine blo ck or trans missi on
are re m ove d.
- Wh en removing heavy comp onents li ke
t he se, an ch or veh icle to h ois t o r ad d corre
spon ding we ights to m aintai n the c enter of
g ravity . Otherwise, the vehicle might tilt or
slip off the hoist , causing ser ious persona l
i nju ry .
(D Note
- B e aw are o f the following poi nts befo re li ft
ing the vehicle:
- The vehicle should never be lifted or
jacked up from underneath the engine oil
pan, the transmission housing, the front
or rear axle or the body side members.
Thi s could lead to serious damage .
- To avoid damage to the underbody or
chassis frame, a rubber pad must be in
serted between the floor ja ck and the lift
point s. .,,.