M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
-Inspection or oil change reminder: After a cer
tain distance driven, a message appears in the
instrument cluster display each time the igni
tion is switched on or off
c> fig. 13. The remain
ing distance or time is displayed briefly .
-Inspection or oil change due : If your vehicle is
due for an inspection or oil change or both, a
message appears br iefly in the instrument clus
ter display when switching the ignition on or
Inspection due! or Oil change due! or Oil
change and inspection due! .
Checking service intervals
You can check the remaining distance or time un
til the next oil change or next inspection n the
Car menu. To do th is, select: the ICAR !function
> (Car) * Systems control button > Service
& control
> Servi ce intervals .
Resetting the indicator
Your authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility will reset the service interval dis
play after performing service .
If you have changed the oil yourself, you must re
set the oil change interval.
To reset the indicator, select: the ICARI fu nct ion
> (Car)* System control button > Service
& control > Service intervals. Turn the control
knob downward to
Reset oil change interval and
press the control knob.
(D Note
- Only reset the oil change indicator if the o il
was changed.
- Fo llowing the service intervals is critical to
maintain ing the service life and value of
your vehicle, especially the engine. Even if
the mileage on the vehicle is low, do not ex
ceed the time for the next service.
- Calculating the time to the next oil change
i s interrupted when the vehicle battery is
disconnected. If the vehicle is not driven for
a long period of time, check the mainte
nance schedule so that you can follow the
maintenance interva ls.
Instruments and indicator lights
Head-up display
Applies to vehicles: wit h Head-up disp lay
Fig. 14 Examp le : Indicato rs i n th e Head -up dis play
Fig . 15 Instrument panel: head-up display knob
The Head-up display projects certain warnings or
selected information from the assistance sys
tems* or navigation* on the windsh ield . T he dis
play appears w ith in the dr iver's field of vision.
Switching on/off
... To switch the head-up d isplay on or off, press
the knob~
c> fig. 15.
Adjusting the height
The height of the display can be adjusted to the
individual driver.
... Make sur e you are seated correctly
r=!)page 127 .
... Tur n the knob~ to adjust the disp lay .
Settings in the Infotainment system
... Sele ct: the I CARI function button > (Car)* Sys
control button > Driver assistance > Head
up display > Head-up display contents or Dis-
play brightness. ..,
Instruments and indicato r Lights
Display content
In the Infotainment system, yo u can specify
which information should be displayed : For ex
ample , this can include navigation information*,
Adapt ive cruise control * or night vision assist *.
The display of certain information and some of
the red indicator lights cannot be hidden in the
Infotainment system.
Display brightness
You can adjust the display brightness in the Info
tainment system. The display brightness decreas
es automatically as th e amount of light decreas
es. The basic level of brightness is adjusted with
the instrument illum ination ¢
page 47.
(D Note
To prevent scratches on the gla ss covering the
Head-up display, do not place any objects in
the projection opening.
@ Tips
-Sunglasses with polar izat ion filters and un
favorable lighting conditions can affect the
- An optimum display depends on the seat
position and the height adjustment of the
head-up display.
- A specia l windshield is needed for the head
up display function.
- For informat ion on cleaning, refer to
Q ta
ble on page
On Board Diagnostic
System (OBD}
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) ¢..ifl in the
instrument cluster is part of the On-Board Diag
nostic (OBD II) system.
The warning/indicator light illuminates when the
ignit ion is switched on and goes out after the en
gine starts and the idle has stabilized. This indi
cates that the MIL is working properly.
If the light does not go out after the engine is
started, or illuminates while you are dr iving, a
malfunction may exist in the engine system. If
the light illum inates , the catalytic converter
could be damaged.
Continue driving
with reduced power (avoiding
sustained high speeds and/or rapid accelerations)
and have the condition corrected. Contact your
authorized Aud i dea ler.
If the ligh t illuminates, the electronic speed lim
iter may also be ma lfunctioning . For more infor
mation ¢
page 29, Electronic speed limiter.
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also
cause the MIL light to illuminate
Q page 212.
On-Board Diagnostics
Fig. 16 Locat io n of Data Link Co nnector (DLC)
On-Board Diagnostics monitors the components
of your emission control system. Each monitored
component in your engine system has been as
signed a code . In case o f a malfunct ion, the com
ponent will be identified and the fault stored as a
code in the control module memory .
The MIL light may also ill uminate if there is a
leak in the on-board f uel vapor recove ry system.
If the light illuminates after a refuelling, stop the
vehicle and make sure the fuel filler cap is prop
erly closed
c:> page 212.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the stor
ed data can only be displayed using special diag
nostic equipment (generic scan tool for 080).
In order to connect the specia l diagnostic equip
ment, push the plug into the Data Link Connector
(DLC). The DLC is located to the right of the hood
release ¢
fig. 16. ..,.
Night visio n ass is t
Night vision assist
Night vision assist with
pedestrian and wild
animal highlighting
A pp lies to veh icles : w ith night v isio n ass ist
The night vision assist can detect, highlight and,
if necessary, warn about pedestrians and large
wild animals.
Night vision assistant with pedestr ian and wild
animal detection assists you in darkness by using
an infrared camera to monitor the area in front of
your vehicle, within the limits of the system.
can display objects up to approximately
1000 feet (300 meters) away. The heat image de
tected by the camera is shown in the instrument
cluster display. Warm areas appear lighter and
cold areas appear darker.
Highlighting detected pedestrians and wild
A pplies to veh icles: w ith night v isio n ass ist
F ig. 110 Instrument cluster: Yellow pedestr ian highl ight
i ng
Fig. 111 I n st rument cluster: symbol when infrared image
i s not visib le
Within the limits o f the system, night vision as
sistant can detect pedestrians and wild animals
that are within the detect ion range between ap
proximately 32 feet (10 meters) and 295 feet
(90 meters) in front of the vehicle. When it is
dark outside and the headlights are switched on,
detected pedestrians and w ild an imals are
marked in yellow ¢
fig. 110 within the limits of
the system ¢
page 105 . Wild animal detection is
not act ive in bu ilt-up areas . The system only de
tects large wild anima ls such as deer.
@ Tips
I f another display such as navigation rep laces
the image from the night v is ion assist the~ .. ,
symbol appears in a tab
r::!>fig . 111. You can
access night vision assist using the buttons in
the m ultifunction steering wheel¢
page 24 .
Pedestrian and wild animal warning
Applies to vehicles: wit h night vision assist
Fig . 112 Instrument cl uster: @Pedest rian warn ing ,®
w ild animal warning
Fig. 113 Instrument cl uste r: @ Pedestr ian warn ing/ @
wild an ima l warn ing , when the image from th e n ight vis ion
assist is not selected in t he instrument cluster display
Airbag syste m
Objects between you and the a irbag w ill in
crease the risk of injury in a crash by interfer
ing with the way the airba g unfo lds and/or by
being pus hed into you as the airbag inflates.
- Always make sure nothing is in the front air-
bag depl oyment zone that could be struck
by the airbag when it inflates.
- Objects in the zone of a deploying a irbag
can become project iles when the airbag de
ploys and cause serious personal injury.
- Never hold things in your hands or on your
lap when the vehicle is in use .
- Never place accessor ies or other objects
(such as cup holders, telephone brackets,
note pads, navigation systems, or things
that are large, heavy, or bulky) on the doors; never attach then to the doors or the wind
shield; never place them over or near or at
tach them to the area marked ,.AIRBAG" on
the steering wheel, instrument pane l or the
seat backrests; never place them between
these a reas and you or any other person in
the vehicle .
- Never attach objects to the windshield
above the passenger front airbag, such as
accessory GPS navigation units or music players. Such objects co uld cause serious in
jury in a collision, especially when the a ir
bags inflate.
- Never recline the front passenger seat to transport objects. Items can also move into
the deployment area of the side airbags or
the front airbag dur ing breaking or in a sud
den maneuver . Objects near the a irbags can
fly dangerously th rough the passenger com
partment and ca use i njur y, partic ularly
when the seat is reclined and the airbags in
flate .
A person on the front passenge r seat, espe
cially infants and small children, wi ll receive
serious injuries and can even be killed by be
ing too close to the airbag when it inflates.
- Although the Advanced Airbag System in
your vehicle is designed to turn off the front
passenger airbag if an infant or a small child
is on the front passenger seat, nobody can
absolutely guarantee that dep loyment un
de r these specia l condit ions is impossible in
all conceivable situations that may happen
during the useful life of yo ur vehicle.
- The Advanced Airbag System can dep loy in
accordance with the ,,low risk" option for 3-
and 6-year-o ld children under the U.S. Fed
era l Standard if a c hild with e lectr ica l capac
itance greater than the combined capaci
tance of a typical one -yea r old infant re
strained in one of the forward facing or rear
ward-facing child seats with which your ve
hicle was certif ied is on the front passenger
seat and the other conditions for airbag de
ployment are met.
- Accident statistics have shown that children
are generally safer in the rear seat area than
in the front seating position .
- For their own safety, all ch ildren, especially
12 yea rs and younger, should a lways ride in
the back properly restrained for their age
and size .
Advanced front airbag system
Your veh icle is equipped with a front Advanced
A irbag System in compliance w ith United States
Federa l Mo tor Ve hicl e Safety Standa rd 208 asap
plicable at the time your vehicle was manufac
The front Advanced Airbag System supp lements
the safety be lts to p rov ide additional protec tion
f or the driver 's and front passenger 's heads and
u pper bodies in frontal crashes . The airbags in
flate only in fronta l impacts when the ve hicle de
ce lerat ion is high enough.
The front Advanced Airbag System for the front seat occ upants is not a s ubstitute for yo ur safety
belts. Rather , it is part of the overall occupant re
stra int system in your vehicle. A lways remember
that the airbag system can only he lp to protect
you, if you are sitting upr ight, wear ing your safe-
ty belt and wear ing it properly . Th is is why you