2016 AUDI A7 winter tires

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Page 84 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Driving 
Switching  the  Start-Stop-System  on/off 
Applies  to veh icles: with  Sta rt-Stop-System 
If you  do not  wish to  use  the  system,  you  can 
switch  it off  manually. 
F ig . 8

Page 194 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Intelligent Technology 
steering,  dynamic 
The electromechanical  steering  supports  the 
drivers  steering  movements . 
Powe r stee ring  adapts electroni cally based

Page 235 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
Wheels  and  Tires 
General  information 
.,.Che ck your  tires  regularly for 
damage  (punctures,  cuts, cracks 
and  bulges).  Remove  foreign  ob­
jects  from  the  tire  tread. 
.,.  If

Page 236 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
(D Tires for  passenger  vehicles 
(if  applicable) 
P indicates  a tire  for  a passenger 
vehicle.  T indicates  a tire  desig­
nated  for  temporary  use. 
@ Nominal  width 
Nominal  width

Page 237 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual ® Mud  and  snow capability 
"M/S"  or "M+S" indicates  the  tire 
has characte ris tics that  make  it 
suitable  for  driving  on  mud  and  snow . 
& indica tes a winter  tire. 
@ Composition  of

Page 240 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
"XL"  "xl" "EXTRA LOAD" or  "RF" I I  I 
on  the  sidewal l. 
means  a  metal  support  for  a  tire 
or  a tire  and  tube  assembly  upon 
which  the  tire  beads  are  seated . 
Rim di

Page 242 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
Occupant  loading  and distri­
bution  for  veh icle normal  load 
for  various designated  seat ing 
capacit ies 
Refer  to  the  tire  inflation  pressure 
c:> page  243,  fig . 198

Page 250 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
av ailabl e cargo and luggag e 
l oa d cap aci ty of  your v ehi cle. 
.,.Che ck  th e tire  sidew all 
(¢ p ag e 233, fig. 1 9 5)  to  deter ­
mine the  d esigna ted load ra ting 
for  a sp
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