Table of contents
Front passenger s ide cockpit f use
assig nment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
L uggage compartment fuse assignment . 263
Emergency situations . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Starting by push ing or towing . . . . . . . . . . 265
Starting with jumper cables . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Use of jumper cab les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Tow ing with a tow truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Ra is ing the ve hicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1
Vehicle ident ificat io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1
Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1
D imensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2
Capac ities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Gasoline engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Diese l engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Consumer information . . . . . . . . . . 274
Warranty coverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Operating yo ur vehicle outside the U.S.A.
or Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Aud i Service Repair Manua ls and
Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Ma intenance .................. ... .. . 274
Acc esso ries and technical changes . . . . . . 276
D eclaration of Compl ian ce,
Te lecommunica tion and Electronic
Sys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Index ... .. .. ............... .. .. .. . 27 8
Checking and Fill in g
Battery charging
Starting the engine requires a well charged bat
tery .
Fig. 193 Engine co mpartment : conn ectors for a charger
and jump start cable s
Always read and heed all WARN ING S below
<=:> &. and
<=:>&. in Working on the battery on
page 229 .
.,. Switch off the ignition and all electrical con
sumers .
.,. Make sure the area is well vent ilated when yo u
charge the battery .
.,. Open the engine hood
¢ page 218.
.,. Open the red cove r on the posit ive po le
¢ fig. 193.
.,. Connect the charger connectors according to
the instructions to the
j ump sta rt bolts . (Bolts
under the red cover = "positive", Bo lts with hex
head= "negative") .
.,. Only now plug the mains lead for the charg ing
equipment into the wall outlet and turn it on
¢ &_ .
.,. Ma ke s ure the charging rat e is n ot ov er
3 0 amp s/14 .8 Volt .
.,. When the batte ry is fully charged: Turn the
charging equ ipment off and remove the mains
lead from t he wall outlet .
.,. Now remove the clamps for the charging equip-
ment .
.,. Close the red cover on the positive pole.
.,. Close the hood
c::> page 219 .
A discharged battery can freeze at temperatures
of only 32 F
0 (0 °C) . Allow a frozen battery to
thaw completely before attempting to charge it
c:> &. . However, we recommend not using a
thawed battery again because the batte ry casing
can be cracked due to ice formation and can leak
battery acid.
Battery charging (Maximum charging rate of
30 amps /14.8 Volt )
When charging at low voltages (e.g. with a trickle
charge r),
the battery cab les do not have to be
disconnected f irst. The battery caps should
be opened when charging a battery.
It is not necessa ry to remove the battery from
the luggage compartment, and it is a lso not nec
essary to d isconnect the cab les.
Fast ch arging th e battery (cha rgin g ra te
above 14 .8 V olts)
For technical reasons do not use a battery charg
er that uses vo ltage greater than 14.8 Vo lts to
charge your vehicle's battery.
Charging a battery can be dangerous.
- Always follow the operating instructions
provided by the battery charger manufactur
er when charging your battery .
- Never charge a frozen battery. It may ex
plode because of gas trapped in the ice . Al
low a frozen battery to thaw out f irst .
- Do not reuse batteries wh ich were frozen.
The battery housing may have cracked and
weakened when the battery froze.
- Charge the battery in a well ventilated area.
Keep away from open flame or electrical
spark. Do not smoke. Hydrogen gas generat
ed by the batte ry is explosive.
- To reduce the danger of explosion, never
connect or d isconnect charger cab les wh ile
the charger is operating.
- Fast cha rging a battery is dangerous and
should only be attempted by a competent
technician w ith the proper eq uipment .
- Batte ry acid that may spill during charging
should b e washed off with a solut ion of
warm wa ter and baking soda to neu tralize
t he acid.
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Emergency situations
This chapter is intended for trained emergency
crews and working personnel who have the nec
essary tools and equipment to perform the se
Starting by pushing or
(D Note
Vehicles w ith an automatic transmission can
not be started by push ing o r tow ing.
Starting with jumper
If necessary, the engine can be started by con
necting it to the battery of another vehicle .
If the engine should fail to start because o f a dis
charged or weak battery, the battery can be con
nected to the battery of
another vehicle, us ing a
pair of jumper cables to start the engine .
Jumper cables
Use only jumper cables of sufficiently large cros s
to carry the starter current safe ly. Refer
to the manufacturer's specifications.
Use only jumper cables with
insulated term inal
clamps which are distinctly marked:
plus(+) cable in most cases co lored red
minus (-) cable
in most cases colored black .
Batteries contain electricity, acid, and gas .
Any of these can cause very ser ious or fatal in
jury . Fo llow the instructions be low for safe
handling of your vehicle's battery.
- Always shield your eyes and avoid leaning
over the battery whenever possible.
- A discharged battery can freeze at tempera
tures just below 32 °F (0 °C) . Before con
necting a jumper cable, you must thaw the
Emergency situations
frozen battery completely, otherwise it
could explode .
- Do not allow battery acid to contact eyes or
skin. Flush any contacted area with water immediately.
- Improper use of a booster battery to start a
veh icle may cause an explosion.
- Vehicle batteries generate explosive gases .
Keep sparks, flame and lighted cigarettes
away from batteries.
- Do not try to jump start any vehicle with a
low acid level in the battery.
- The voltage of the booster battery must al
so have a 12-volt rating. The capacity (Ah) of
the booster battery should not be lower
than that of the discharged battery. Use of batteries of different voltage or substantial
ly different" Ah" rating may cause an explo
sion and personal injury.
- Never charge a frozen battery . Gas trapped
in the ice may cause an explosion .
- Never charge or use a battery that has been
frozen . The battery case may have be weak
ened ,
- Use of batter ies of different voltage or sub
stantially different capacity (Ah) rating may
cause an exp losion and injury. Th e capacity
(Ah) of the booste r battery should not be
lower than that of the discharged battery.
- Before you check anything in the engine
compartment, always read and heed a ll
q page 218 .
(D Note
-Applying a h igher voltage booster battery
w ill cause expensive damage to sensitive
electronic components, such as control
units, relays, radio, etc.
- Th ere must be no ele ct rical contact between
the vehicles as otherwise current could al
ready start to flow as soon as the positive
(+) termina ls are connected.
(D Tips
The discharged battery must be properly con-
nected to the vehicle's e lectrical system. .,..
Emergency situation s
When jump sta rting or charging the battery,
never connect the negative ground cable to
the batte ry negat ive post because the battery
manager system must be able to detect the
battery's state of c harge. Always connect the
negat ive grou nd cab le to the negative ground
post of the batte ry manager control unit .
Use of jumper cables
Make sure to connect the jumper cable clamps in
ex actly the order described below!
F ig . 215 Eng ine co m pa rt m ent: con nec tors for ju mp star t
cab les a nd cha rge r
® .--l @
Fig . 2 16 Jum p start ing w it h t he bat te ry of a not her ve hicl e:
@-boos te r ba ttery , @ -disc harg ed v eh icle batt ery
The procedure described be low for con necting
jumper cables is intended to p rovide a jump start
for your ve hicle.
Vehicle with discharged battery: •T urnoff lig ht s and accesso ries , move lever of
automat ic transmiss ion to N (Ne utra l) or P
(Park) and set parking brake.
Connect POSITIVE(+) to POSITIVE(+) (red)
• Open the red cove r o n t he po sit ive termin al
~fig . 2 15.
1. Connect one end o f the red positive ca ble on
jump start bolt ~ fig. 216 /J) (bolt under
the red cover = "positive") of the vehicle to be
started @.
2. Connect the other end to the positive termi-
nal@ of the booster battery @.
Connect NEGATIVE (-) to NEGATIVE (-)
(black )
3. Co nnect one end of the black negative cable
to the negative term inal ® of the booste r
batte ry @ .
4 . Connect th e other end to the
jump start pin
@ (bolts w it h hex head bolt = "negative") of
the veh icle to be s tarte d@ .
Starting the engine • Sta rt the engine of the veh icle with the booster
bat tery @. Run the eng ine at a moderate
• Sta rt engine w it h discha rged vehicle ba ttery @
i n t he usual man ner.
• If the engine fails to start, do not keep the
starter cra nking for lo nger than 10 seco nds .
Wait for about 30 seconds and then try again .
• With engine running , remove jumper cab les
from both vehicles in the exact
reverse order .
• Close the red cover on the positive term inal.
The batt ery is vented to the o utside to prevent
gases from enter ing the vehicle inter ior. Make
su re that t he jumper clamps are well connected
with their metal parts in full contact w ith the
batte ry terminals.
To avoid se rious personal injury and damage
to the veh icle, heed all war nings and inst ruc
tion s of the jumper cable m anufa cture r.
If in
d oubt, cal l for ro ad service.
- Ju mpe r cabl es must be lo ng enoug h so tha t
t he vehicles do no t tou ch.
- When conne cting jumper cables, make sure
th at they c an not get c aug ht in any moving
p art s in the engine com partmen t.
- B efore you check any thing in the e ngine
comp artment, alw ays re ad an d hee d all
~ page 218.
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(D Note
Improper hook-up of jumper cables can ruin
the generator.
- Always connect POSITIVE( +) to POSITIVE
( + ), and NEGATIVE( -) to NEGATIVE(-)
ground post of the battery manager control
- Check that all screw plugs on the battery
cells are screwed in firmly. If not, tighten
plugs prior to connecting clamp on negative
battery terminal.
- Please note that the procedure for connect
ing a jumper cable as described
above ap
plies specifically to the case of your vehicle
being jump started. When you are giving a
jump sta rt to another vehicle, do
not con
nect the negative(-) cab le to the negative
( - ) terminal on the discharged battery @
r:::;, fig. 216. Instead, secure ly connect the
negative(-) cab le to either a solid metal
component that is firm ly bolted to the en
gine block or to the engine block itself. If
the battery that is being charged does not
vent to the outs ide, escap ing battery gas
could ignite and explode!
Towing with a tow truck
General hints
Your Audi requires special handling for towing.
The follow ing information is to be used by com
mercial tow truck operators who know how to op
erate their eq uipment safe ly.
- Never t ow your Audi. To wing will cau se da m
age to the engine and tran smi ssion .
- Neve r wrap th e safety cha in s or win ch cab le s
around the brake line s.
- To pre vent unnecess ary dama ge, your A udi
mu st b e trans port ed w ith a fl at b ed t ru ck .
- To lo ad the vehicle on to th e flat bed, us e the
towing l oop found in th e vehicle tool s and at
tach to th e fr ont or re a r anc hora ge
¢ page 267 and ¢page 268.
Emergen cy situati ons
-A veh icle being towed is not safe for passen-
gers. Neve r all ow anyone to ride in a vehicle
being towed, for any reason .
Front towing loop
Fig. 217 Fro nt bumper: cover
Fig . 2 18 Fro nt bumper : insta lling the tow ing loop
The threaded opening for the towing loop is lo
cated behind a
cover on the right side of the front
bumper .
.,. Remove the towing loop from the vehicle tool
page 253.
.,. Press the lower area of the cap inward with
quick, strong pressure
r::;, fig . 217 . The cap w ill
loosen from the bumper .
.,. Tighten the towing loop in the threaded open
ing until it stops
¢ fig. 218 and then tighten it
w ith a wheel wrench .
.,. After using, p lace the towing loop back in the
vehicle tool k it.
If the towing loop is not tightened until it
stops when installing, the threads may be